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TGE 1.31 Quick Reference
Copyright (c) 1994 by Matthew Hildebrand
Initialization routines:
loadGraphDriver Load a graphics driver.
int loadGraphDriver(char *filename);
initGraphics Initialize graphics mode.
void initGraphics(void);
deInitGraphics Initialize 80x25 colour text mode.
void deInitGraphics(void);
Graphics primitives:
putPixel Place a single pixel on-screen.
void putPixel(int x, int y, unsigned colour);
getPixel Get a single pixel from the screen.
unsigned getPixel(int x, int y);
line Draw a line joining two points.
void line(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
unsigned colour);
horizLine Draw a horizontal line joining two points.
void horizLine(int y, int x1, int x2,
unsigned colour);
vertLine Draw a vertical line joining two points.
void vertLine(int x, int y1, ing y2, unsigned
drawRect Draw a regtangle outline.
void drawRect(int ulx, int uly, int lrx, int
lry, unsigned colour);
filledRect Draw a filled rectangle.
void filledRect(int ulx, int uly, int lrx,
int lry, unsigned colour);
ellipse Draw an ellipse outline.
void ellipse(int x, int y, int wide, int
deep, unsigned colour);
filledEllipse Draw a filled ellipse.
void filledEllipse(int x, int y, int wide,
int deep, unsigned colour);
circle Draw a circle outline.
void circle(int x, int y, int radius,
unsigned colour);
filledCircle Draw a filled circle.
void filledCircle(int x, int y, int radius,
unsigned colour);
clearGraphics Clear the entire screen.
void clearGraphics(unsigned colour);
fillRegion Floodfill a region of the screen with the
specified colour.
void fillRegion(int x, int y, unsigned
Image-related functions:
putImage Put an image on-screen.
void putImage(int x, int y, void *image);
putImageInv Put an image on-screen, treating zero pixels
as transparent.
void putImageInv(int x, int y, void *image);
getImage Get an image from the screen.
void getImage(int ulx, int uly, int lrx, int
lry, void *image);
imageSize Determine the amount of memory required to
store an image.
unsigned long imageSize(int ulx, int uly, int
lrx, int lry);
imageSizeDim Determine the amount of memory required to
store an image.
unsigned long imageSizeDim(unsigned wide,
unsigned deep);
putLine Place one horizontal line of image data
void putLine(int y, int xOff, int lineLen,
void *buf);
putLineInv Place one horizontal line of image data
on-screen, treating zero pixels as
void putLineInv(int y, int xOff, int lineLen,
void *buf);
getLine Get one horizontal line of image data from
the screen.
void getLine(int y, int xOff, int lineLen,
void *buf);
scaleBitmap Scale a bitmap.
void *scaleBitmap(void *srcImage, unsigned
newWide, unsigned newDeep, void
imageWidth Return the width of an image.
unsigned imageWidth(void *image);
imageHeight Return the height of an image.
unsigned imageHeight(void *image);
Palette-related routines:
setPaletteReg Set a single palette register.
void setPaletteReg(unsigned palReg, unsigned
char red, unsigned char green, unsigned
char blue);
getPaletteReg Get a single palette register.
void getPaletteReg(unsigned palReg, unsigned
char *red, unsigned char *green, unsigned
char *blue);
setBlockPalette Set a block of palette registers.
void setBlockPalette(unsigned firstReg,
unsigned lastReg, void *data);
getBlockPalette Get a block of palette registers.
void getBlockPalette(unsigned firstReg,
unsigned lastReg, void *data);
colourCloseTo Find a colour which closely matches the
specified 24-bit colour.
unsigned colourCloseTo(unsigned char red,
unsigned char green, unsigned char blue);
colourCloseToX Find a colour which closely matches the
specified 24-bit colour, excluding one
colour from the search.
unsigned colourCloseToX(unsigned char red,
unsigned char green, unsigned char blue,
unsigned colourExclude);
fadePalette Fade one palette into another.
int fadePalette(unsigned step, void *inPal,
void *outPal, void *targetPal);
greyPalette Produce a greyscale version of a palette.
void greyPalette(void *inPal, void *outPal);
rotatePalette Rotate a palette.
void rotatePalette(int howMuch, void *inPal,
void *outPal);
Viewports and clipping:
setInputViewport Set the defining coordinates of the input
void setInputViewport(int ulx, int uly, int
lrx, int lry);
setOutputViewport Set the defining coordinates of the output
void setOutputViewport(int ulx, int uly, int
lrx, int lry);
setViewports Set the defining coordinate of the input and
the output viewports.
void setViewports(int ulx, int uly, int lrx,
int lry);
getInputViewport Get the defining coordinates of the input
void getInputViewport(int *ulx, int *uly, int
*lrx, int *lry);
getOutputViewport Get the defining coordinates of the output
void getOutputViewport(int *ulx, int *uly,
int *lrx, int *lry);
clipRect Clip a rectangle to within the current output
int clipRect(int *x1, int *y1, int *x2, int
clipLine Clip a line to within the current output
int clipLine(int *x1, int *y1, int *x1, int
clipInputPoint Return a flag indicating whether or not the
specified coordinates lie within the
current input viewport.
int clipInputPoint(int x, int y);
clipOutputPoint Return a flag indicating whether or not the
specified coordinates lie within the
current output viewport.
int clipOutputPoint(int x, int y);
pointOnScreen Return a flag indicating whether or not the
specified coordinates lie on-screen.
int pointOnScreen(int x, int y);
Virtual screens:
makeVirtScreen Allocate memory for a virtual screen; can
also be used to allocate memory for an
void *makeVirtScreen(unsigned wide, unsigned
setGraphicsAddr Set the location upon which graphics input
and output will both be performed. Use
NULL for the screen, or a pointer to the
virtual screen to use.
void setGraphicsAddr(void *addr);
setGraphicsInputAddr Set the location upon which graphics input
will be performed. Use NULL for the
screen, or a pointer to the virtual screen
to use.
void setGraphicsInputAddr(void *addr);
setGraphicsOutputAddr Set the location upon which graphics output
will be performed. Use NULL for the
screen, or a pointer to the virtual screen
to use.
void setGraphicsOutputAddr(void *addr);
getGraphicsInputAddr Get the location upon which graphics input
will be performed. Returns NULL for the
screen, or a pointer to the virtual screen
being used.
void *getGraphicsInputAddr(void);
getGraphicsOutputAddr Get the location upon which graphics output
will be performed. Returns NULL for the
screen, or a pointer to the virtual screen
being used.
void *getGraphicsOutputAddr(void);
Output modes:
setGraphicsOutputMode Select the output mode to use: TGE_COPY_PUT,
void setGraphicsOutputMode(int mode);
Graphics files:
loadPalFile Load a palette data file.
void *loadPalFile(char *filename, void
loadRawFile Load a RAW image file into memory.
void *loadRawFile(char *filename);
displayRawFile Display a RAW image file.
int displayRawFile(int x, int y, char
loadPcxFilePal Load the palette from a PCX image file.
void *loadPcxFilePal(char *filename, void
loadPcxFile Load a PCX image file, and its palette if
requested, into memory.
void *loadPcxFile(char *filename, char
displayPcxFile Display a PCX image file.
int displayPcxFile(int x, int y, char
Variable-size fonts:
VariableFont::load Load a font from disk.
int VariableFont::load(char *filename);
VariableFont::put Put a string or character on-screen.
void VariableFont::put(int x, int y, char
void VariableFont::put(int x, int y, char
VariableFont::width Find the width of a string or character.
unsigned VariableFont::width(char *string);
unsigned VariableFont::width(char ch);
VariableFont::height Find the height of a string or character.
unsigned VariableFont::height(char *string);
unsigned VariableFont::height(char ch);
VariableFont::maxWIdth Return the width of the widest character.
unsigned VariableFont::maxWidth(void);
VariableFont::maxHeight Return the height of the tallest character.
unsigned VariableFont::maxHeight(void);
VariableFont::matchColours Match font colours to current palette.
void VariableFont::matchColours(void);
VariableFont::palette Get or set the entire font palette, or a
portion of it.
void VariableFont::palette(void *data);
void *VariableFont::palette(void);
void VariableFont::palette(unsigned char
palReg, unsigned char red, unsigned char
green, unsigned char blue);
void VariableFont::palette(unsigned char
palReg, unsigned char *red, unsigned char
*green, unsigned char *blue);
VariableFont::spacing Get or set the current spacing value.
unsigned VariableFont::spacing(void);
void VariableFont::spacing(unsigned
Fixed-size fonts:
FixedFont::FixedFont Load a font from disk.
FixedFont::FixedFont(char *filename, unsigned
char foreground=1, unsigned char
FixedFont::status Return non-zero if the font loading was
FixedFont::width Find the width of a string or character.
unsigned FixedFont::width(char *string);
unsigned FixedFont::width(char ch);
FixedFont::maxWidth Return the width of the widest character.
unsigned FixedFont::maxWidth(void);
FixedFont::height Find the height of a string or character.
unsigned FixedFont::height(char *string);
unsigned FixedFont::height(char ch);
FixedFont::maxHeight Return the height of the tallest character.
unsigned FixedFont::maxHeight(void);
FixedFont::put Put a string or character on-screen.
void FixedFont::put(int x, int y, char ch);
void FixedFont::put(int x, int y, char *ch);
FixedFont::foreground Get or set the foreground colour.
unsigned FixedFont::foreground(void);
void FixedFont::foreground(unsigned colour);
FixedFont::background Get or set the background colour.
unsigned FixedFont::background(void);
void FixedFont::background(unsigned colour);
Mouse-related functions:
initNewMouse Initialize the new mouse handler.
void initNewMouse(void);
deInitNewMouse Deactivate the new mouse handler.
void deInitNewMouse(void);
enableNewMouse Re-enable the new mouse handler following a
call to disableNewMouse().
void enableNewMouse(void);
disableNewMouse Temporarily deactive the new mouse handler,
to be reactivated later by a call to
void disableNewMouse(void);
setupMousePointer Select a mouse pointer bitmap. This function
requires that the new mouse handler be
void setupMousePointer(int pointerNum);
setPointerColours Update the colours used to compose the mouse
void setPointerColours(void);
resetMouse Reset the mouse driver and hardware. Returns
non-zero if a mouse driver is available.
int resetMouse(void);
getButtonsMouse Return the number of buttons on the mouse.
int getButtonsMouse(void);
showMouse Show the mouse pointer.
void showMouse(void);
hideMouse Hide the mouse pointer.
void hideMouse(void);
getPosMouse Get the current mouse pointer position.
void getPosMouse(int *x, int *y);
setPosMouse Set the mouse pointer position.
void setPosMouse(unsigned x, unsigned y);
leftButtonMouse Return non-zero if the left button is down.
int leftButtonMouse(void);
rightButtonMouse Return non-zero if the right button is down.
int rightButtonMouse(void);
centerButtonMouse Return non-zero if the center button is down.
int centerButtonMouse(void);
buttonPressMouse Return the number of times the specified
button has been pressed since the last call
to this function (with the same button
parameter), and store the coordinates of
the last press.
unsigned buttonPressMouse(unsigned button,
int *x, int *y);
buttonReleaseMouse Return the number of times the specified
button has been released since the last
call to this function (with the same button
parameter), and store the coordinates of
the last release.
unsigned buttonPressMouse(unsigned button,
int *x, int *y);
setHorizLimitsMouse Set the maximum and minimum horizontal limits
for the mouse pointer.
void setHorizLimitsMouse(unsigned min,
unsigned max);
setVertLimitsMouse Set the maximum and minimum vertical limits
for the mouse pointer.
void setVertLimitsMouse(unsigned min,
unsigned max);
setPointerMouse Set the shape of the mouse pointer. This
function can only select 256-colour bitmaps
when the new mouse handler is installed.
void setPointerMouse(int xOff, int yOff, void
getSaveSizeMouse Return the size of the buffer necessary to
store the state of the mouse driver.
unsigned getSaveSizeMouse(void);
saveStateMouse Save the current state of the mouse pointer.
void saveStateMouse(void *buf);
restoreStateMouse Restore a previously saved state of the mouse
void restoreStateMouse(void *buf);
setRatioMouse Set the mouse sensitivity, in units of
mickeys per 8 pixels of pointer movement.
void setRatioMouse(unsigned horiz, unsigned
getSensitivityMouse Get the mouse sensitivity, in units of
mickeys per 8 pixels of pointer movement.
The mouse double speed threshold (the
minimum number of mickeys per second of
motion before pointer movement is doubled)
is retrieved as well.
softResetMouse Reset the mouse driver, but not the mouse
void softResetMouse(void);
waitReleaseMouse If the specified button is not already up,
wait until it is released, then return.
void waitReleaseMouse(int button);
Virtual coordinate system:
VirtualCoord::VirtualCoord Create an instance of the virtual coordinate
system object.
VirtualCoord::VirtualCoord(unsigned virtMaxX,
unsigned virtMaxY, unsigned realMaxX,
unsigned realMaxY);
VirtualCoord::virtParams Set or get the maximum virtual x- and
void VirtualCoord::virtParams(unsigned
virtMaxX, unsigned virtMaxY);
void VirtualCoord::virtParams(unsigned
*virtMaxX, unsigned *virtMaxY);
VirtualCoord::realParams Set or get the maximum real x- and
void VirtualCoord::realParams(unsigned
realMaxX, unsigned realMaxY);
void VirtualCoord::realParams(unsigned
*realMaxX, unsigned *realMaxY);
VirtualCoord::realCoords Calculate the real (x,y) coordinates given
the virtual coordinates.
void VirtualCoord::realCoords(unsigned virtX,
unsigned virtY, unsigned *realX, unsigned
VirtualCoord::realX Calculate the real x-coordinate given the
virtual x-coordinate.
unsigned VirtualCoord::realX(unsigned virtX);
VirtualCoord::realY Calculate the real y-coordinate given the
virtual y-coordinate.
unsigned VirtualCoord::realY(unsigned virtY);
VirtualCoord::virtCoords Calculate the virtual (x,y) coordinates given
the real coordinates.
void VirtualCoord::virtCoords(unsigned realX,
unsigned realY, unsigned *virtX, unsigned
VirtualCoord::virtX Calculate the virtual x-coordinate given the
real x-coordinate.
unsigned VirtualCoord::virtX(unsigned realX);
VirtualCoord::virtY Calculate the virtual y-coordinate given the
real y-coordinate.
unsigned VirtualCoord::virtY(unsigned realY);