DefEdit lets you set a default editor for document files with
extensions that haven't been associated with a particular program.
To install DefEdit, copy the files DEFEDIT.EXE and DEDLL.DLL to
a directory on your hard disk, run DEFEDIT.EXE, and click on DefEdit's
Install button. DefEdit will offer to restart Windows to complete the
install process. If you don't want DefEdit to restart Windows, the
install process can be completed manually by performing these steps:
1. Run DefEdit and click on the Install Button.2. When DefEdit asks if it is okay to restart Windows, click Cancel.3. Exit Windows so that you are at the DOS prompt.4. Change to the directory containing DefEdit.5. Run the batch file DEINST6. Restart Windows.
If you do not specify an editor, DefEdit uses WindowsÆ Write
accessory as the default editor. To change the default editor, run
DefEdit and click on the Select Editor button. The editor string must
consist of at least the name of the editor. If this is all you enter,
the name of the file you open will be appended to the end of the editor
Special parameters tell DefEdit to treat the filename in special ways:^ filename including path without extension^f filename only^e extension only^p path only, without filename or extensionFor example, the editor stringNOTEPAD ^.^e tells DefEdit to append the file name, a period, and then the