Labels:book | daily | reckoner | sky | windowpane OCR: miles, passing the towns I of Chillico rangement Black canal canal ha. the and Circlaville, I+ then, leaving the Soi. heen proposed by the canal commisgionera ota, pursues coutse little of to from the Higa Faila of Black rivel Roma Coshocton, passing the towns of Hebron and 36 ma. witE the improvement nt naviga Newark and the summit level between the tion the river from thone falls Carthaga valleye 01 Sciota #nd M luskingum Fram and nuvigable feeder or 9 fro11 Boon Coshocton, the canal follow: the vllsy of ville he whole amounting to 76 me Tusnarawas aut 100 miles to the summit eacima ter expense $602.544 the level betwe the Ohio valley and basir of roposed to tako from Black river Auf Eria T enc finaliy tapidly 31 miles: fala canal, Buffaio in Erie Ca. twe to the ofla Ke Erie Cleaveland T ...