Labels:book | daily | gazette | reckoner | sky | tree | windowpane OCR: HREFACE. nothing furtter than to have employed his best exertions, under some peculiar advant tages tor the successful accomplishmeut object. The rmost competcnt and able assistance bas been freely employed, 1t] the preparation and revision of the materials cmbodied 11 the work. Many JO the papers particular subjects: such those o1 the higher cducational institutions, banks the currency population, SC. have been prepared gentiemen distinguished for their acguaintance with the several depariments learning 'vhich they periain : ard large number of the nost elaborate artidlx the descriptive portions were written persons faniliar with the S3)T:[C] am the scencs described. these and other individuals have iecn stcadily cmployed upon the undertaking, for longer storter time, the author happy ack ...