Labels:book | reckoner | sky | tree | windowpane OCR: PREFACE in regard to the facility of surh casual references work of this kind chiefly intended supply breaking Of its materiais into several distinct scetions, indicatod matural prin- ciple of distribution am arraugement. The genera} descriptions the atates and territories the grand physical featucs of the country the great body inhabited piaces whether denomiuated citiex boroughs, towns nr villages : chief kcalities fashionable at7c} cutioua interest t.he traveller : fhe smaller post villages, whic:h ATE oniy of consrquence such the population, collegea, banks, various sta- tistical tables, TTE severally placed nder distitiet atd appropriate titles, instead beine cmhodicd, has been more cormonly wse. promiscuous undisti nguishable scries. the person consulting this Gazettecr will be saved ...