Labels:book | daily | reckoner | sky | tree | windowpane OCR: 18 UNITED STATES. tife of which in this day we can form OT adequnte conception, there wero required the virtnea self -command, candor, and devotion the public Withont these must De clear that frredom from claca of evil: might have been effected only Ti incur new troubles ani dificulties from another The perils anarchy of cisil war and of the recklegs personal ambition of daring chieftairs, were dreaded With these perits the provincer of South America an Mexico were necessitated to contend when they burgt away SICHII recently from the doninion Spain nor have the and Derils ceased with them eren yet But happily for and the World it: Sovereign Ruler had provided for ener geney raising + distinguished indiyidnal "hom witaovt unduly exalting We rmay adrinit, with truth that he +fir Tat peace an ...