Labels:book | daily | reckoner | sky | tree | windowpane OCR: INTRODUCTION. Farmily cliques dre cultivated, exclusiveness in the terocl#ons J0 intiracy is cherished wealthy matches coveted and sought out, and effected even among near relatives, secure riches and infiuence but sti]] the general process , leveling character, after The runba division estites in farilies, and the rapid growth families themselves t and, in yery many inetinces, the anb itiots hope of rearing and establishing aristocratic distinctions frustrated and destroyed. 1 such consuramation ought rot, perhaps, so far individual improvement 1 concerned, and the format ion Of character virtuous distinction and influence rejoice reverthelers, the probiem to De wrought out im America appear- to be wider concernment to the human race than he aggrandi zement t family relationship. the Pl0 ...