Labels:book | reckoner | sky | tree | windowpane OCR: UNITPD STATES GAZETTEER. the gold region, expecially, they asert no title They are, for the most pirt, 1 roaming. divided into hordes, subsinting on wild frvits. berries, and too indolont to hunt ame it legitimate A but not too much pursue ins steal the cattla and horsef of the whitte, whith they use for food There proba ably bodies Indians in the Urited Stnter who AT6 more dishonest perfidious, and cruel Kue that are ot Buper jor moral and intellectual character Pomuation. So rapidly has tho population California accumulated siace the first dig covery gold placer in FebrunJy 1848 and 80 constantly does the stream at immigration fow on and tint the ratio of increnge, a definite periods, cannot be ascertained with any grent iegrce of acctracy comparison f the nuinber of residents i1 certain ...