Labels:bulletin board | clock | daily | earth | gazette | reckoner | sky OCR: STATES AND TERRITORIES. CONNECTICUT. CONNECTICUT is one of the originnl thirteen United States, and the most southern of that division of country known as the New England States The territory OTY cone tituting this etate Ti: granted to the EarI of Warwick in 1030. by the Plymouth Company i. England, and by him, in 1631. was agsigned to reqmrtt of active Puritans. who wers 01 the parlia- mentary side the quarrel Charles shortly afterwards settied, 1 part peraons from various towns Mnssachusotts. rew of the Dntch people of New established one ar tvo Mimall settleurents, with the intention pt apprepriating the whole terri- tory themaeles. This occasioned disputes, which continued until 1637, when the Pequot Indians made war upon all MON England an event that united the peoplo fot their comnta ...