Labels:book | plant | reckoner | sky | tree | windowpane OCR: STATES AND --INDIAN TERRTTORY. alrendy alhded to, and the multitudes af singular mounds scatterod arer the face not only of Indinna but most of the Western Statea supposed by many have been ancient Indian for tificatione, by othery coni iectured to placcs ot sconlture and by gome ti be tumuli produced solely by natural cRuses INDIAN TERRITORY. INDIAN TERRITORY {PROPER] isa largn am] fertile region, lying grographically in the centre of the North Aerican republic. midway between : the Atlantic and Pacific Occans allotted, pur han icen at different times enlarged, by the government of I the Unitax States, for the purpose of affording places of permanent residenco for*those Indian tribes who might emigrato from the stater east of the Mississippi River These emigrants are protected the enjoy- ...