Labels:book | bulletin board | cabinet | daily | earth | frisbee | reckoner | sky | tree | windowpane OCR: UNITE STATES GAZETTEER Their dwellinga are gencrally comfortable, their lands well tilled, and roSt of their natural facilitica and alvanta properly npplied nnil improved. Large numbers Of horses and cattle are atned among thein : mereantile, nnch hanical, and manufacturing pursuits carried on to cons iderablo extent ospocially by the Chtrokes popolal tion and one OF more steamboata the property ol some 1f the fntier, ply bet ween thieir district and New Orleans. The tinitenl Statrs support acvera military posts within the territory which are all kept gar- risonod Miss sjourivs the Toligions organizationg JH the stater, established stationg many nojuts, who Inbor not only for the morai improvement but for the Jiterary and physical adyaneement. the people. the Shavtnec station, under contro ...