Labels:book | daily | reckoner | sky | tree | windowpane OCR: STATES AND TERRITORIES YMOI Gouernment. The executive TKIWeT resies ia governor ard lieutenant gorernor, chosen popular vote for DA1 yeara the Jatter 1 president of the Senate. The legislature com prises Senate and Honse af Representutives, the former chosen for forr yeara, one half biennially. and tn namber not lers than one third nor morc than one half that of the other branch. The constitut tion pmyides that the House of Representatives shall not Consist of leag thin 20 more than 31 mernbers, until the white population shul] auount to 125,000 when the mininim shall be 36. and the All free white malc American citizens, after residence of sit months, vofers Judiciary. The Supreuo Court 19 camposcd of : chiet justice and two associates, cither two fonn quorur. are electod by foirt vote of ...