Labels:book | bulletin board | daily | poster | reckoner | sky | tree | windowpane OCR: STATES AND TERRITORIES. NEW HAMPSHIRE. with the history of different settlement:, hare tended tq produce diverities of character habits, and ernployments. To thesg siderat tion: be added the different: views pursnits of the originn! settlers, the ob] ect of settlement being by no the game in sll the coloniea. Now it is not pretended that the frst Eurot peans whe colonized within the toonda of New Hampshire were, like those at Plymouth, sceking asylum from persecation for their religion We kno'w that expeditiona for 'fishing along the coast nnd the trade in furs, occnpied the attention of the earlieat visitors, and cozsidlerable time elapaed, after the discavery and partial colonizing of the shores, before regular goverTinent P[00] be forried whereas, the settlement Plymouth, the principles ...