Labels:book | daily | reckoner | sky | tree | windowpane OCR: UNITED STATES GAZETTERR. settlenenta in their vicinity to the I quaog Exeter being first joined, by the authority of the conrt Ferex pra after. rardi, with the others, forming, for time, the county of Norfolk their history being blended, for the next forty years with that of their neighbors. Hampton hadl, the menn time, been settied from asrachusettg. and thereforo, .C counted natarally belonging that goverinent, although within the present bormds . Ner Ham pahire.t Thia latter 4.I: I assumod t6 eurly 1629 when, after Gorges and Mason had beel for several year: united in the posspssion patent from the Plymouth council embracing' all the lends between the Rivers Merri imac and Sagadshock" before cited, and extending hack to the great lakes and River of Canada and called Lxconia, and under w ...