Labels:bulletin board | car | daily | earth | gazette | grass | plaything | reckoner | sky | tree | tribute album | windowpane OCR: 118 UNITED STATES GAZETTEER unwholesome in the tummer autumn, ard conequently fevers, agues, other diseages incident aueh localities, frequently prevail, Rotio rton The most nuncroug religions denouin tions are the Methodists anl Baptists These generally reside in the low country the west there Presbyterians The Episcopalinns and Lutherans have congregations verious parts of the state: and there also soveral bodies Itomar Catholics Moravians, and Quakers nit WTH OHIO. This atata has haretofore heen ciassed amon? the North-weat States of the Ameri- can Union; but the vnat accumulation territory lying still farther west and morth has left Ohio more properly tuong the Middle States. or the Atlantic aide of the cuntinent indeed, her rolative position, considered regard the present north- posse ...