Labels:book | daily | reckoner | sky | tree | windowpane OCR: STATES AND TERRITORIES. QHIO. 119 is composed of members, for one year. A1 these elections are by the people. The state eecretary, treasurer and auditor are chosen the legislature, in joint ballot for three veara The sessions af the enera] Agsembly conence annually on the firet Monday in December Columbas, the capit] t.he state White males, years pt age, residents for one year i the state tax-pay are evtitled the right suffrage. The constitui- tton haa been recently revised and molifted but ibs new features seem to be esaential improvements r principle upon its former pravisions, Judiciary The judges of the Supreme the Common Plear Courts, and of the city cour's, are appointed concurrent vote of the two houses "the levislaturc for aeven The oldest Supreme Court judge commission officiates ...