Labels:book | daily | reckoner | sky | tree | windowpane OCR: STATES AND TERRITORIES. TENESSEE 137 Finances The receipt: and disbursements of the state, for t few years past have nearly bal anced each From the returrs for the biennial term ending October, 1849, the penditures hud amounted to some 800,000 to meet which the revennes had fallen short less than $12,000 The state holds productive property valued at near $1,00,000. and dabt 500,000. Itg ordinary annaal expenditure: independently the schoni appropriations and interest on the public debt sonewhat lees than $000,000. Srarface, Soi, The state usually considered being divided into three nomiuul sectio severally kown Test, Middle, and East Tennestee The former situzted bo tween the Mississippi and Tennessee Rivers, presents a1 undulating strface gencralls thoug.! T iome parts nearly level, with ...