Labels:clock | daily | earth | gazette | rotogravure | sky | tree OCR: 138 UNITED STATES GAZETTEER: that period, the population has been fonnd, at every decennial oengus, to haye incrensed prodi- giotraly haB renched aggregate 1,002,625 which -nearly fourth part LP slaves Ctinate Tenoessce BT favored with very mild and generally atlubriou: climate. the eastern part particularly ard not surpassed in the' deairable attributes 11 geniai temperature, other of North Amarica. COOrAe varied in Boine measure, throughout the atate Bat from it geographical poaition inay be pronounced healthy arery section and almost entirely erempt from those destructive epidemics which some the neighboring gtates are frequently aflicted. Relis Methodist. ptfo Baptists the larger portion of the religions denomina- tions ithin thia atato. There ire likewiae large bodied of Presbytorians ...