Labels:book | daily | reckoner | sky | tree | windowpane OCR: STATES AND TERRITORIES VIRGINIA 155 tory around them gave JiBO to Bholatne memorable deeds of heroisa maghanim- well ler: mumber wct: of ctet oppression and Banguinary atrcity the one hand although pilisge, assassination every apecies OE outrage signalized the Bavage, the conduct 10 the civilized aettlers thenrzelves towarie thir neighhors always the mast just, hunane, or politic. After few years perseverance and eniurance, however, the latter succeeded in eatablishing themgelves permanent community through the al ot several fortnnate circumstances which occurred the lifetine ot Powhatan, the celebrated and powerful Indian chief. To hip singularly acgaired friendship, the .colony one time tainly indebted for exemption from total cxtermination. His daughter Pocahontas, after her generon: re ...