Labels:book | cabinet | daily | earth | rotogravure | sky | skyscraper OCR: ning Bearer and entera the bF thio River the Retcte ttue part Mu. This stream risas in amall Shenango. PE The main rire lake ir the of Leetanan , makes ne:t the town of Dea ver aboui 0 miles long atd it sources wiles curve HT into part o Maniatee Lcelauau CO.. then into fows Lake throurh Michigan. the The Pennsylvaia ani Ohio Canal passes along Mn. This targe bay the valley of thit river Bir Bay Naquet. Heaver Dam Creek Beaufort district extonding into the N part f the peninsnia emall branch the Savantah River. Mi. les little from Groen and Bay cominunicates It recci ves with Lake Michi gevetal Dam Lake Tunica froen tio Mississippi River with which Big Bat Cnee's, This stream flowa connectrd outlet draining Johnson and Fope counties, and empties Bever Bmol AOO tribatery Into the Kentucky i ...