Labels:book | daily | earth | rotogravure | sky | skyscraper | windowpane OCR: it fork con liex nearl -perallet with nearly ititates 200 Stane the milca. Lrke bonndary This r long OLTI for miet Black River width, about which and Tilea. enter long from mere od the from uofstudxe. to TI ont of Big The choet wnter: water of lyiog Nintsota frotn Poter' Biver Tery let. River after flowing r: miles enter: Oswegatchie througt Bact Piver This river 17.1049 B:7 SN J Lowades iows ponds near the Canada line and fows into and anter the Atabams Rire Jonton St.John's River Tubeay rites in the part Black River the for- Henry fow. ud euter: the South mer pur fow: into the John Frnd. janction atr RivOY Black Wind. or 0. rises F and Whippoorwitt enrptie: into Lagon branch Cumber fow Plynouth WenthersLeld iowa affording throuth will Cavendish, eites, and Red Pa Bi Riyer Preek This gtre ...