Labels:book | cabinet | daily | earth | rotogravure | sky | windowpane OCR: DY mifes from Boston See Newton Ms. Lans Island on the hy the harbor and uo Nertton Upper Falls Ms. Middlesex the the Nerth River, which aeparates the side Char riei River miles from from New Jersey Its length, from the Battery Sex Neuton, the soathern point, King shridge the mogt Neotoon Ct. Fairfield This town TAL ROrtherT limit, is thirteen aud one third miiet : its tncor ported in 1708. watered b Pe average hraadth one mila and three Afelia Tte tatuck River, -the Indian name of the place. The wideat part on the line of Eightr-Eighth Strect surface the town 1. hilly : mauy the emi where the distance from tonveris about two nences extensive and contintous the BoiI thiles and third. The whole contents of the priucipally velly loam generally fertile and isiand about Equare roiles 14,010 ac ...