Labels:book | daily | newspaper | rotogravure | sky | windowpane OCR: sinca the gurvoy 1821 This are not raed arB from Tj WBI tr JurrBy occupied about yean apan Street bt streets rinning the afrection of Gouverneur Morris De Cio river The atreets 1T thia direction are with oumberel the ton and otheri commissioner: appointed the First Second Third commencing leginlature for the arodind was itended Hxt street Houaton of the city 080 Hundred Fift-Foarth Streot milc: New the lower $rd yat there LTe from the imposaibie Battery notix rathor of deficient impori in tance public the grounds Battery Thich the Broalway south- streets iT this Lordon Anerica Broad eastern point of the island, froa these grounds the neat promenzdo of the city ne begins the moat rriceable beautiful to the citizens End randest troat. in the woria elerantl and the most ser mAU hotels and cha ...