Labels:bulletin board | reckoner | sky | windowpane OCR: 704 COLLEGES THE UNITED STATES. aents: president Af library, the 1203 trustoo votumes Commencement about the of Augnat. F. F Chambers WASHINGTON COLLEGE VA This sometimes Gameral coltege producor aahington, is et Lexington annm Tith 100 income Rockbridge shares of of about co. the 500 stock mile north-we t James of incorporated River Richmond. in 1812 Company whica fands endow andl the course of instruetion thorough has instrnctors Ta 1850 had studenti and about 600 alumnt IT the hibrary abrut 5000 Cornmencement the thirl Thusday June George Jankiu #4 pretident WASHINGTON UOLLEGE I This college is in Washington CO. founded T 1794 jnstructors students in 1a50, 4 tinmni 110 fibrary 1000 volumer The prosidcnt iF Rey Bard WATERYILLE COLLEGE, Thia coflegs is situated in Watervillte, the westarr ...