Labels:book | earth | reckoner | sky | windowpane OCR: COLLEGES THE UNITED STATES 705 WILLIAMS COLLEGE Thi. institation, situated at Berkehire incorporated in 1793. It. found- beqnest of ColoneI Ephraim Williams, whe commanded for some time 07 small forte the banks of the HOOSRC dams and Williamstown amr who killed in battle with the Frenca and Indians. September 1755 The buildines congis tof brick edifices for the accommo- dation students brick chapel 93 by Icet. containing lecture rooms library building and with RT those astronomical the societies abeervatory the the fir students, orected in the nauhrs Unitsd noarly Sta ites. 14,000 The rolumes. collego The jibrary faculty together con ists the profeasors ard tutor. The college has abou $70.00 of productive funds The philosophical and chemica opparatns has recentl bect cniargel by the alumni ...