Usenet 1994 January
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Newsgroups: alt.religion.eckankar,alt.answers,news.answers
Path: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu!bloom-beacon.mit.edu!news.kei.com!sol.ctr.columbia.edu!spool.mu.edu!olivea!apple.com!amd!netcomsv!netcom.com!deane
From: deane@netcom.com (Dean Edwards)
Subject: Welcome to alt.religion.eckankar
Message-ID: <deaneCF7r06.5E6@netcom.com>
Followup-To: poster
Summary: This is a regular posting that contains basic information
about Eckankar and the alt.religion.eckankar newsgroup.
Reply-To: deane@netcom.com (Dean Edwards)
Organization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 241-9760 guest)
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1993 20:45:40 GMT
Approved: news-answers-request@mit.edu
Expires: Fri, 10 Dec 1993 23:59:59 GMT
Lines: 201
Xref: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu alt.religion.eckankar:144 alt.answers:1084 news.answers:13748
Archive-name: eckankar-welcome
Last-modified: 26 August 1993
Version: 1.0
Welcome to alt.religion.eckankar
This is a regular posting that is maintained by deane@netcom.com
(Dean Edwards)
1. Charter of alt.religion.eckankar
2. What is Eckankar?
Since Eckankar was founded as a modern teaching in 1965
by Sri Paul Twitchell, hundreds of thousands have
become familiar with the light and sound of spirit through
his writings. Today, the spiritual path has developed into
"The Religion of the Sound and Light of God." Initiates of
this path live in countries around the world. As is true of
any new religion or spiritual path, Eckankar has generated
considerable controversy. 'alt.religion.eckankar'
will provide an open forum for exploring just what really
are the teachings of the Sound and Light as taught by the
writings and lectures of Sri Paul Twitchell and the current
spiritual leader of Eckankar Sri Harold Klemp. It will also
provide an opportunity for people who are familiar with it
to discuss their experience with the teachings.
The discussion is intended for members of Eckankar as well
as those with a more general interest. The primary purpose
of 'alt.religion.eckankar' is to provide an opportunity to
exchange ideas, information, experience,opinions and
evaluations of the teachings of Eckankar in an informal
Everyone is welcome to participate.
For those who would like to know something about what Eckankar is,
the following (from an Eckankar brochure which is posted
here with the permission of Eckankar:
Religion of the Light and Sound of God
Eckankar can bring you direct personal experience with the Light
and Sound of God--with this comes greater spiritual awareness. And with
greater awareness you can be closer to God and live a happier, more
satisfying life.
What is the Light and Sound of God?
Often called the Holy Spirit, the Light and Sound are twin aspects
of God. Known in Eckankar as the ECK, It sustains all life.
The Light of God has appeared to many saints and mystics. Saul of
Tarsus had a dramatic encounter with the Light of God on the road to
Damascus. Moses saw It in the burning bush.
Eckankar teaches how to recognize the Light of God. Sometimes It
comes as an inner Light of God. Sometimes It comes as an inner scene or
vision. It can be a flash of blue or white light. It appears in many
The Sound of God was the rushing wind that visited the disciples
during Pentecost. Some hear It inwardly. It can be heard as rushing
water; the single note of a flute; the music of violins, woodwinds, or
bagpipes; or even the buzzing of bees.
What does ECKANKAR teach?
Eckankar teaches simple spiritual exercises to experience the Light
and Sound of God. These exercises also help us Soul Travel, to move
into greater states of consciousness. A spiritual exercise can be as
simple as relaxing and singing the word HU, an ancient name for God. As
we practice these spiritual exercises, we learn to recognize the
presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives. We learn that each of us is
Soul, a spark of God sent to this world to gain spiritual experience.
And as we unfold spiritually, we learn to express the love of God
through service to others.
Karma and reincarnation are primary beliefs in Eckankar. We build
up karma as a result of the spiritual law of cause and effect. The ECK
(Holy Spirit) helps us purify ourselves of karma (sin), making it
possible for us to accept the full love of God in this lifetime. We
gain wisdom, charity, and freedom.
Of all religions on earth today, Eckankar offers the most direct
teachings on the Light and Sound of God. For people who experience
these twin pillars of God, life becomes fresh and new again.
Who is the spiritual leader of ECKANKAR?
Harold Klemp is the spiritual leader of Eckankar today. He was
raised on a Wisconsin farm and spent years at a divinity school. In the
1960s, he found the teachings of Eckankar. In 1981, after years of
spiritual training, Harold Klemp became the Mahanta, the Living ECK
Master. The Mahanta is the inner, or spiritual, form of the Living ECK
Master. The Mahanta gives inner guidance through dreams, Soul Travel,
and the Spiritual Exercises of ECK.
Eckankar always has a living Master, who is given respect but not
worship. Like a master craftsman, he helps spiritual apprentices gain
experience in the Light and Sound. This leads to spiritual self-
confidence and freedom.
Harold Klemp speaks to thousands of seekers at ECK seminars around
the world each year. Some forty videocassettes and fifty audiocassettes
of his public talks are available. Author of more than twenty books, he
continues to write, including many articles and spiritual-study
discourses. Harold Klemp's inspiring and practical approach to
spirituality helps thousands of people find greater freedom, wisdom, and
love. His teachings uplift and help them recognize their own
experiences with the Light and Sound of God.
Where did ECKANKAR come from?
Saints, mystics, and religious aspirants have long spoken of the
Light and Sound of God. These teachings can be traced throughout the
spiritual history of the world. The ECK teachings of the Light and
Sound have been passed on to spiritual seekers by ECK Masters since
before recorded history.
Although the ECK teachings have ancient roots, Eckankar was
introduced as a modern-day religion in 1965 by Paul Twitchell. Paul was
born in Kentucky in the early part of this century. He served in the
U.S. Navy during World War II.
A seeker from an early age, he was introduced to a group of
spiritual masters who would change the course of his life. These were
the Vairagi ECK Masters. While they trained Paul to become the Living
ECK Master, he explored a wide range of spiritual traditions under
different teachers. The high teachings of ECK had been scattered to the
four corners of the world. Paul gathered these golden teachings of
Light and Sound and made them readily available to us. By 1965, Paul
was offering Soul Travel workshops to the public. He wrote many books
on Eckankar and the Light and Sound of God. Perhaps the best known is
"ECKANKAR--The Key to Secret Worlds."
Today, Eckankar is a nonprofit religious organization and church
which has members in over one hundred countries. The spiritual home of
Eckankar is the Temple of ECK in Chanhassen, Minnesota.
Who can be an ECKist?
ECKists come from all walks of life. ECKists are homemakers,
business people, and retirees. They are professionals, educators,
scientists, and farmers. They come from all age-groups, all races and
nationalities, and all religious backgrounds.
Like most people, ECKists have families, careers, and daily
struggles. They live a life of joyful participation in the mainstream
of society.
ECKists know they're responsible for their own experiences in life.
They know tomorrow is the result of today's thoughts, feelings, and
actions. They also know that giving love and service to their family
and community is one way to increase their understanding of God's love.
How do I become a member?
You can request membership information by writing to the following
PO Box 27300
Minneapolis, MN 55427 U.S.A.
Spiritual training and experience come in many ways with Eckankar
membership, including study of the monthly ECK discourses. Written by
the spiritual leader of Eckankar, these sacred letters have a language
and rhythm that awaken Soul to the possibilities for spiritual growth.
Within each discourse are spiritual exercises that bring deeper insights
into your life.
Members work toward higher states of awareness through the Eckankar
initiations. The ECK initiations link Soul directly to the ECK, Divine
Spirit, for spiritual liberation in this lifetime. ECKists take at
least two years to explore the ECK teachings to prove to themselves what
Eckankar has to offer. After two years a person may decide to make a
deeper commitment to their spiritual awakening through initiation in
ECK. Initiation brings ever-increasing knowledge and love for God, and
meaning to daily life.
With each year of membership, you will receive monthly lessons for
your personal study. You can also join an ECK Satsang class studying
any discourse series you have received. ECK classes offer a comfortable
setting in which class members can share experiences, insights, and
Copyright c 1993 ECKANKAR. All rights reserved. The terms ECKANKAR,
ECK, EK, MAHANTA, SOUL TRAVEL, and VAIRAGI, among others, are trademarks
For additional information.see alt.religion.eckankar.