Usenet 1994 January
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Path: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu!bloom-beacon.mit.edu!spool.mu.edu!sgiblab!darwin.sura.net!nntp.st.usm.edu!whale.st.usm.edu!not-for-mail
From: bgoffe@whale.st.usm.edu
Newsgroups: sci.econ.research,sci.econ,sci.answers,news.answers
Subject: Economists' Resources on the Internet
Followup-To: poster
Date: 14 Dec 1993 20:28:26 -0600
Organization: University of Southern Mississippi
Lines: 1467
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
Expires: Mon, 31 January 1993 00:00:00 GMT
Message-ID: <2elsoa$1d8c@whale.st.usm.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: whale.st.usm.edu
Summary: This documents contains a list of resources of interest
to economists. It should be of interest to anyone looking
for economic data and many types of related information.
Xref: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu sci.econ.research:408 sci.econ:21090 sci.answers:732 news.answers:15844
Archive-name: econ-resources-faq
Sci-econ-research-archive-name: econ-resources-faq
Last-modified 1993/12/14
Version: 4
Bill Goffe
Dept. of Economics and International Business
University of Southern Mississippi
Hattiesburg, MS 39406
(601) 266-4484 (office)
(601) 266-4920 (fax)
December 14, 1993
A. Economic Bulletin Board (EBB)
B. EconData
* C. New England Electronic Economic Data Center (NEEEDc)
A. Luxembourg Income Study (LIS)
B. National Archives Center for Electronic Records
C. Social Security Administration (OSS-IS)
* D. FedWorld
E. Public Domain Financial Data
F. Census
+ H. Vienna Stock Market
+ I. Productivity Analysis Research Network (PARN)
* A. NetEc (BibEc & WoPEc)
* B. Working Paper Archive (Wash. Univ., St. Louis)
C. Feminist Economists Discussion Group Archive
A. Economics Gopher at Sam Houston State University
B. Computational Economics Gopher
C. ClioNet (Cliometric Society)
D. National Bureau of Economic Research Gopher
E. Academe This Week (Chronicle of Higher Education)
F. Washington Univ. at St. Louis Econ. Dept.
G. RiceInfo
H. University of Michigan Economics Department
I. Communications for a Sustainable Future
+ K. RISKNet
+ L. Florida State College of Business
* A. Research Libraries in General
B. Library of Congress
* A. Netlib
B. Statlib
C. Univ. of Illinois at Chicago Statistical Library
A. Iowa Electronic Markets
+ A. Graduate Programs
+ A. TeX References
+ B. TeX Macros for Economics and TeX Sources
* A. Books
+ B. On-Line Guide
C. Software
D. Resources
A. Introduction
B. Federal Reserve Bank Bulletin Boards
C. Electronic JEL Index
+ D. On-Line Refereed Economics Journal
This document, and its successors, can be found in
several places. They include, via ftp,
rtfm.mit.edu:/pub/usenet/sci.econ.research and, via gopher,
at the Economics Working Paper Archive at Washington
University at St. Louis and the Economics Gopher at Sam
Houston State University. Finally, I'd be happy to send it
out via email to all who request it.
This is my fourth stab at this document. I am very interested
in any corrections, suggestions, omissions, and hints anyone
might have. Hopefully, a refined version will be appearing in
The Journal of Economic Perspectives along with a description of
the Internet and the tools used to access it. Thus, any
suggestions you might have may reach a large audience.
While relatively few economists use the Internet, there is a
surprising amount of very useful information on it. For instance,
there are two very extensive sets of macro data, a bibliography
* of some 35,000 working papers in economics, household surveys
from 21 countries, three interactive electronic markets, 34 mailing
lists and two Usenet newsgroups. Next year, it should include the
SEC EDGAR database.
I apologize for any crosslistings. However, it appears that
economists use many different lists, so to reach the broadest
audience, crosspostings are unavoidable.
Some of the information is not as complete as I would wish.
Further, some of the resources I have not investigated
thoroughly and I cannot vouch for them. While I catalog many
mailing lists, I have little information about the volume and
types of discussions.
Most of the resources I was able to find deal with the United
States. Leads on information on other countries would be
I would like to acknowledge many people who have commented and
made suggestions on previous versions of this document. Without
their help, there would be fewer resources listed and the existing
descriptions would be more difficult to read.
- Items in " " are typed directly as commands.
- Unless otherwise stated, FTP means anonymous FTP.
- I give directions for gopher in what I call direct and
indirect methods. Some gopher client software allows you
to "point" at a gopher site (the direct method), while other
software does not, so you have to navigate through
gopherspace (the indirect method). With the indirect
method, you must first find the gopher directory devoted
to what is usually titled "Other Gophers" (generally in the
top or next to top menu).
- Many of the gophers devoted to economics are interconnected;
no mention is made of this below since it would take a lot
of space to say who is connected to whom. The gophers at Sam
Houston State University, the Economics Department at
Washington University in St. Louis and RiceInfo seem to have
the greatest number of interconnections.
- For both gophers and anonymous FTP sites, the location is
given as host:directory. Thus, in the directions for EconData,
you'll see the FTP site given as info.umd.edu:/info/EconData.
This means that you do an anonymous ftp to info.umd.edu and
change to the /info/EconData directory (be sure to preserve
case when typing).
- Information about compressed files, converting binary files
to text so they can be emailed and converted back to binary,
and locations on gopher software can be found in the section
New resources in this draft are denoted with a + in the first
column, while changes to resources mentioned previously are denoted
with a * in the first column.
A. Economic Bulletin Board (EBB)
This service is an outgrowth of a dial-up bulletin board
offered by the U.S. Department of Commerce. It contains
more than 2,000 files from the Departments of Commerce,
Labor and Treasury, the Federal Reserve and other agencies.
The EBB is currently offered on the Internet in two places.
The first is a telnet interface to the EBB at the Department
of Commerce, and the second is at a library gopher at the
University of Michigan.
EBB at the Commerce Department
This resource began charging for their services on Oct. 1.
Charges for Internet telnet access follow.
Timed Charges:
Annual subscription fee $45
Credit for connect charges $20
8AM - noon (Eastern) $24/hour
noon - 6PM $18/hour
6PM - 8AM (& holidays, $6/hour
Flat Fees
Up to 1 hour/day $250/year
Up to 4 hours/day $400/year
The current telent interface is basically that used for the dial-
up bulletin board. Thus, one must capture on the information
from the screen or use a bulletin board type download (such
as Kermit). I have not tried the later and can offer no advice.
To capture all screen data on a Unix system, one can do
"telnet ebb.stat-usa.gov | tee ebb.data"
where tee takes the screen data and places it in the file
FTP and gopher access may be available at this time; plans
were to charge by the amount transferred.
Limited guest accounts are available, use "guest" as the
password. You are limited to 20 minutes of connection time
and not all files are available.
Most information is in four areas: the bulletin system (which
describes how to use the system), the file system (which
contains files), the trade promotion system,and the utilities
system (which sets passwords, terminal types, etc.) Basic
information on the system can be found in the bulletin system
(entered by typing "B") under "3", while a listing of files can
be found in the file listing system (entered by typing "L")
under 17.
Data comes in several formats. Some comes in DOS self
extracting files, some in .PRN (so it can be used in
spreadsheets or software that can import spreadsheet data),
and some in a specialized format.
TELNET: ebb.stat-usa.gov
EBB at the University of Michigan Library Gopher
The University manually downloads files daily from the dial-
up EBB. It is said to contain 700 files; I have no information
on the different numbers of files contained by the two
versions of the EBB. Information on file formats and the
system in general can be found under the heading "Current
Business Statistics" and "EBB and Agency Information and
misc. files." As with the Commerce Department location,
data comes in several different forms. A convenient listing of
all directories for the EBB can be found in a file called
"Contents of the Ulibrary Gopher" at the "University of
Michigan Libraries" (described below).
One good educational use of this gopher is recent press
releases concerning economic statistics. I frequently use
it just before class to check the most recent numbers.
The directory directly above EBB at the University of Michigan
contains a variety of useful information.
TELNET: una.hh.lib.umich.edu (login as "gopher" and move
to /Social Science Resources/Economics)
GOPHER (direct): una.hh.lib.umich.edu /socsci/Economics
GOPHER (indirect): USA/Michigan/University of Michigan
Libraries/Social Science Resources/Economics
B. EconData
This database, collected by INFORUM, a project building an
inter-industry model of the U.S. economy, processes a wide
variety of macro data and places it in a common format. Data
includes the National Income and Product Accounts, balance
of payments, flow of funds, CPI, PPI, the Penn World Trade
Tables (permission needed), International Financial Statistics
(if your organization is a member of the Inter-University
Consortium for Political and Social Research), blue pages
from the Survey of Current Business, and state and local data
including employment, earnings, GSP and state personal
The data is accessed by programs (only for Pcs) provided by
this project and it can easily be output to ASCII or into a
spreadsheet format. The data is also compressed with pkzip,
and they provide this and similar programs as well.
For introductory information, see "Instruction/contents.doc"
and "Instructions/guide.doc".
The program that retrieves data (PDG) is relatively
straightforward, but let me add my own experiences. First,
you may need to change the path to the help files in the
g.cfg file. Assuming that you're in a directory with one
of the unzipped data files, start the program by typing
"pdg". Then, a return will allow you to start normally.
The command "look" allows one to survey the data in that
file (additional commands are found on the bottom of the
screen that allow you to print the data to the screen or
graph it). One leaves the look command with an escape. To
print the data to an external file in columns, use the
"matty" command. After typing "matty" and the full file
name you choose, you'll be prompted for the series names
that can be obtained with "look". Don't separate series
names with commas and be sure to end the command with a
semicolon. The output of matty lists dates in the first
column, but you'll need to modify the fractions used to
denote months and quarters. Finally, you can easily plot
data to the screen to get an approximate idea of what it
looks like.
TELNET: info.umd.edu (login as "gopher" and move to
/Educational Resources/Economic Data)
GOPHER (direct): info.umd.edu:/Educational
Resources/Economic Data
GOPHER (indirect): USA/Maryland/University of Maryland
/Resources/Economic Data
FTP: info.umd.edu:/info/EconData
C. New England Electronic Economic Data Center (NEEEDc)
* This database, the bulletin board of the Federal Reserve
* Bank of Boston, specializes in data on the New England
economy. It carries all historical data published in the
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston's New England Economic
Indicators (some 90 variables from 1969 for all states and
some metropolitan areas) and GSP data for the New England
area from the Bureau of Economic Analysis. The data is in
.PRN format, so it can be read directly by Lotus or
FTP: neeedc.umesbs.maine.edu
INFORMATION: Jim Breece (breece@maine.maine.edu)
A. Luxembourg Income Study (LIS)
This project brings together 66 household surveys from 21
countries into a common database to make studies of
international economic comparisons easier. For instance,
it includes Current Population Surveys from the U.S.,
French Surveys of Income, and a Hungarian Income Study.
The average survey has approximately 9,000 households with
more than 20,000 members. To maintain confidentiality and
restrictions on use, the data remains on the host computer
in Luxembourg and researchers run jobs remotely on that
system through electronic mail. Users must first register
to use the database.
They also have an annual database of 100 macro indicators
available on floppy disks to put the household surveys in
context. This database also contains rules on taxes and
transfers in each country to make international comparison
The datasets are well documented, and workshops and
newsletters help the researcher to use this complex
INFORMATION: Tim Smeeding (smeeding@suvm.bitnet)
Caroline de Tombeur (eplisjr@luxcep11.bitnet)
B. National Archives Center for Electronic Records
The National Archives has a branch devoted to the storage
of electronic records from many federal entities. Of
interest to economists are records from the Bureaus of the
Census, Economic Analysis, and Labor Statistics, the Civil
Aeronautics Board, Department of Transportation, IRS, SEC,
and Social Security Administration. While the records are
not available over the Internet (at least not yet),
detailed information about them, including a listing of
"data files" and ordering information for the data files
(generally available only on 9-track tape reels or 3480
tape cartridges) are available. Currently, some 6,200 data
files out of more than 14,000 available are listed in a
rapidly growing list. Some of the data files are old,
while some are relatively recent. Some entities have only
a small selection of data, while for others, the listings
are more complete. Unfortunately, the tapes are
relatively expensive at either $80.75 or $90.00 (depending
upon the medium) with additional tapes at $24.50. One can
hope that a less expensive on-line database is not too far
in the future. Since a comprehensive list of files here is
impossible, the interested researcher should examine
them. Much more information about this service can be
found in the directory listed below.
FTP: ftp.cu.nih.gov:/NARA_ELECTRONIC
Directions: anonymous FTP, but press
the return key for the password
C. Social Security Administration (OSS-IS)
The Social Security Administration Office Support System
Information Server (OSS-IS) recently has placed their
internal system on the Internet as an experiment. Data
includes monthly benefits, current operating statistics,
history of benefits paid and income data on the aged. Key
files are "index" which describes the files available,
and "orsindex_txt," which describes files from the SSA's
Office of Research and Statistics, which are likely to be
of the most interest for economists. Using these files,
one can fairly quickly locate the desired data.
The e-mail interface comes from Netlib, so an introduction
can be obtained by sending e-mail to the address listed
below with "send index" in the body of the message. For
FTP, the files "index" and "orsindex_txt" are available in
the "pub" directory.
E-MAIL: info@ssa.gov
FTP: soaf1.ssa.gov:/pub
INFORMATION: info@ssa.gov
D. FedWorld
This site provides an entry-way from the Internet to many
U.S. Government Bulletin Board Systems (BBS) that one
* usually contacts via a phone and modem at (703) 321-8020.
While there is relatively little material directly related to
economics that cannot be obtained more directly, it is a useful
connection to many databases. Access is only through telnet.
TELNET: fedworld.gov (new address; the old one is fedworld.doc.gov)
E. Public Domain Financial Data
This site allows those with financial data they would like
to share to place it at a common site. Thus, some caution
might be advised since the data may not be "official."
Details about this site can be found in the README file
and a list of the extensive set of files at this site can
be found in the file named "ls-lR".
FTP: dg-rtp.dg.com:/pub/misc.invest
F. Census
A common site for U.S. and some Canadian Census
information is located at this gopher. This gopher
provides links to other gophers that actually contain the
data. The material is not coordinated, so some searching
may be in order. I was particularly impressed with the
collection at the University of Missouri - they have data
for all U.S. counties and cities.
GOPHER (direct): riceinfo.rice.edu:/Information
by Subject Area/Census
GOPHER (indirect): USA/Texas/RiceInfo
This database, an expanding one, covers fillings by U.S.
public companies made to the SEC. It covers such things as
10K, 10Q, annual, and quarterly reports. In all, the SEC
receives 10 million pages a year of such data. Plans are
for 3,000 companies to file electronically into this
database by the end of this year, with all 15,000 companies
required to file with the SEC eventually required to file
into EDGAR.
Currently, this database is available through Mead Data in
either inconvenient locations or at very considerable
* expense. Early in 1994, it will be available at no cost
over the Internet. This service will be provided and funded
by the NSF, the NYU Stern School of Business, and Internet
Multicasting Service, run by Carl Malamud, an economist at
the Board of Governors.
While not yet available, such a resource stands to be an
extremely valuable resource for some economists. As more
information becomes available, I'll report it here.
* To subscribe to a mailing list on announcements about EDGAR,
* send email to: edgar-interest-request@town.hall.org
+ H. Vienna Stock Market
+ Data from the Vienna Stock market is available via telnet.
+ I understand that it includes same day prices and volumes
+ and retains this data for a couple of months. The language
+ is German.
+ TELNET: fiivs01.tu-graz.ac.at (login as "BOURSE")
+ I. Productivity Analysis Research Network (PARN)
This organization is composed of researchers doing work in
the area of productivity analysis. Data is maintained at
two sites: BYU University and European Concise site in the
U.K. The former offers a standard ftp site, and the latter
uses a nonstandard interface accessed through telnet and
one through email. Both sites contain information on the
organization, a membership list, guides, and a newsletter.
TELNET: concise.level-7.co.uk (login as "concise", use
the password "concise", and move to "networks",
then "parn" by using the numbers of the left
side of the panel)
FTP: ipm.byu.edu:/parn
EMAIL: concise@concise.level-7.co.uk
send following for automatic information:
goto networks/parn/conc-guide
INFORMATION: Mona Andersen (moa@busieco.ou.dk)
A. NetEc
This gopher site has two parts: BibEc, a bibliography of
working papers in economics, and WoPEc, an electronic
* collection of working paper. BibEc includes some 35,000
entries from about 250 different working papers series.
These series include those major of major universities and
* research institutions, including the Fed in Print database of
* the U.S. Federal Reserve System. Coverage dates from 1988, with
the exception of NBER working papers (all are covered), UCSD
from 1981, and the Centre for Economic Policy Research in
* London from 1983. Searches can be made by keywords. This is
one of the most valuable resources for economists on the
* Internet. Fethy Mili <mili@ere.umontreal.ca>, a librarian at
the Universite de Montreal, maintains an extensive collection of
working paper series. He is to be commended for entering the
* data. The data is made available at the Manchester Computing
* Centre. Other institutions provided further contributions. NetEc
* welcomes the participation of all working paper producers.
WoPEc contains a collection of working papers, which can be
retrieved electronically. All are Unix compressed PostScript
Finally, the FTP site has the Backus and Kohoe data from
* the AER, '92 (see the pub/NetEc/DatEc directory). More data
* could be kept here; if you have any suggestions, please email
* netec@uts.mcc.ac.uk.
TELNET netec.mcc.ac.uk (login as "netec" and change to
GOPHER (direct): uts.mcc.ac.uk:/Economics
GOPHER (indirect): Europe/United Kingdom/University of
FTP: netec.mcc.ac.uk
INFORMATION: netec@uts.mcc.ac.uk
B. Working Paper Archive (econ-wp)
This electronic archive of working papers in economics is
set up by the Economics Department of Washington University
in St. Louis. It uses software developed at Los Alamos
National Laboratory, where literally thousands of working
papers in physics are stored. This archive is best accessed
through gopher, although email and FTP access is possible as
well. Papers are grouped in 21 subject areas with abstracts
and different methods of searching for papers are available.
Papers may be submitted in any format via e-mail and binary
files can be submitted via FTP. Currently, there are relatively
few papers in the archive, but its ease of use should encourage
* more entries. If you have a properly configured WWW client (such
* as Mosaic), some of the papers can be viewed online with complete
* formatting.
The parent gopher, the gopher of the Economics Department of
Washington University at St. Louis, contains a wealth of
interesting material. It is the next to last entry on econ-wp's
TELNET: econwpa.wustl.edu (login as "gopher")
GOPHER (direct): econwpa.wustl.edu
GOPHER (indirect): USA/Missouri/Washington University -
St. Louis/Washington University in
St. Louis Departmental Gopher Servers
/Economics Department/Economics
Working Paper Archive
EMAIL: econ-wp@econwpa.wustl.edu
Directions: in the subject of the letter,
"help" will obtain introductory information
C. Feminist Economists Discussion Group Archive
The mailing list of this group, described below, has an
archive of working papers, bibliographies and old
discussions. It is reached only via email. For an index of
material, send email to the listed site with "index
femecon-l" in the body of the letter, while "get femecon-l
guide", sent the same way, will list the services
available. Finally, "help" will cause a general guide to
using listserv to be sent to you.
EMAIL: listserv@bucknell.edu
A. Economics Gopher at Sam Houston State University
This gopher contains a variety of material that might be
useful for teaching, such as summaries of the 1990 Census,
the proposed U.S. budget for 1994, and the CIA World
Factbook. Further, it contains an extensive of connections to
data sources and in particular to all other known economics
gophers. As a result, it is THE gopher one should search first.
It also includes a list of economists and their email addresses.
Finally, it has a very extensive collection of TeX information.
GOPHER (direct): niord.shsu.edu:/Economics
GOPHER (indirect): USA/Texas/Sam Houston State
B. Computational Economics Gopher
This gopher is affiliated with the journal Computational
Economics. It contains connections to other economics
gophers, information on a few books and some working
papers. It also contains information on submitting papers
electronically to the journal.
GOPHER (direct): gopher.sara.nl:/Computational Economics
GOPHER (indirect): Europe/Netherlands/SARA/
Computational Economics
C. ClioNet
Sponsored by the Cliometric Society, this gopher contains
information of interest to economic historians. It features an
electronic directory of the memberships of a variety of business
and economic history organizations. It also contains a
collection of more than 50 course syllabi from economic history
courses, abstracts from Cliometric sessions at ASSA meetings, a
list of papers presented at Cliometrics Conferences (1961-1993),
and a growing set of historical data series. Early in 1993, the
Society plans to create an expanded server with multiple topical
listservs, "real time" conferences and expanded data sets. This
server will offer special concentration on issues related to the
historical economic impact on global change. (Sam Williamson,
who runs ClioNet, kindly provided this description.)
TELNET: clionet.cas.muohio.edu (login as "gopher")
GOPHER (direct): clionet.cas.muohio.edu
INFORMATION: Sam Williamson
D. National Bureau of Economic Research Gopher
Currently, this gopher contains several things of
interest: the Penn World Trade Tables (versions 5 and
5.5), the Survey of Consumer Finance (which will fit on
three floppies), trade and immigration data from Abowd and
Freeman, and a list of NBER working papers and reprints
(which must first be uudecoded then uncompressed; the
ultimate size is some 2.5 megabytes). The later is also
* available at BibEc. Note that not all data is available
* with both the ftp and gopher methods.
One can only hope that someday NBER working papers will be
available here or at another working paper archive.
TELNET: nber.harvard.edu (login as "gopher")
GOPHER (direct): nber.harvard.edu
FTP: nber.harvard.edu:/pub/nber
E. Academe This Week
This electronic version of the Chronicle of Higher
Education is available via gopher. Perhaps the most useful
item is the full listings of all job advertisements from
the Chronicle, but it also summarizes the articles in the
print version, and contains various miscellaneous items.
GOPHER (direct): chronicle.merit.edu
GOPHER (indirect): USA/General (also directly on more
than 60 university gophers)
F. Washington Univ. at St. Louis Econ. Dept.
This gopher is closely tied to the Working Paper Archive
at Washington Univ. It contains a number of links to other
useful gophers, both economic and of interest to economists,
such as the Federal Register, archives of mailing lists on
SAS and statistics, access to the UIC Stat archives (described
below) and many Internet resources.
GOPHER (direct): wuecon.wustl.edu port 671
GOPHER (indirect): USA/Missouri/Washington University -
St. Louis/Washington University in
St. Louis Departmental Gopher Servers
/Economics Department/Economics
G. RiceInfo
This gopher is part of a project to link together gopher materials
in a number of subject areas. One area of interest to economists
is a section titled "Economics and Business". While many other
economic gophers list roughly the same information, this may be
of interest. Note that this same gopher has substantial Census
information listed in another area (and described above).
GOPHER (direct): riceinfo.rice.edu:/Information
by Subject Area/Economics and Business
GOPHER (indirect): USA/Texas/RiceInfo
H. University of Michigan Economics Department
This gopher is run by Hal Varian and Jeff MacKie-Mason and
it contains a variety of information, such as addresses of
economists (including email ones), some bibliographies,
data (particularly Dow-Jones and the U.S. Dept. of
Agriculture), errata to some Varian books and working
papers on the economics of the Internet.
GOPHER (direct): gopher.econ.lsa.umich.edu
GOPHER (indirect): USA/Michigan/University of Michigan
Libraries/Other Gophers/University
of Michigan/Economics Department
I. Communications for a Sustainable Future
This gopher contains two directories that might be of
interest: Post-Keynesian Thought and Economic Forum.
The former contains material of interest to researchers
in that field and the later is more general, but in the
general theme of this gopher. It contains a directory
titled "Dollars-and-Sense", but it is currently empty.
GOPHER (direct): csf.colorado.edu
GOPHER (indirect): USA/Colorado/Communications for a
Sustainable Future
This site (sponsored in part by Sun Microsystems) contains
current government documents that might be useful for policy
analysis. Examples include information on NAFTA, the
Administration's health care plan, White House Press Releases,
reinventing government, and the proposed federal budget. Most
of this material will be found in "Sunsite Archives" and others
in "US and World Politics", which is in "Sunsite Archives".
GOPHER (direct): sunsite.oit.unc.edu
GOPHER (indirect): USA/North Carolina/University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill (Ogphre/SUNsite
TELNET: sunsite.oit.unc.edu (login as "gopher"; you may need
to supply your terminal type)
+ K. RISKNet
+ This gopher is associated with the RISKNet mailing list, described
+ below. They cover risk and insurance issues. This gopher has
+ calls for papers, databases, teaching resources, and teaching
+ material for these fields. There is also an FTP site with a more
+ limited amount of information.
+ GOPHER (direct): gopherhost.cc.utexas.edu port 3004
+ /Department Information/Finance/RISKNet
+ FTP: jimbob.bus.utexas.edu
+ L. Florida State College of Business
+ This gopher contains a wealth of information on their programs.
+ It is a nice example of what a college can do with a gopher.
+ GOPHER(direct): cob.fsu.edu port 4070
+ GOPHER(indirect): USA/Florida/Florida State University/Other
+ Information Systems at Florida State University/
+ College of Business
A. Research Libraries in General
* The most current list of research libraries accessible over the
Internet is maintained by Billy Barron (who started it),
Marie-Christine Mahe, Lou Rosenfeld and Barry Bouwsma. It lists
* roughly 680 such libraries.
Note that many libraries can also be reached via gopher (typically
under a title like "Libraries"). The following files describe how
the libraries can be reached via telnet and the type of indexing
software they use.
* Via the gopher listed below, one can directly connect to the
* libraries listed in the FTP files.
* FTP: ftp.utdallas.edu:/pub/staff/billy/libguide (there are many
* files of interest in this directory)
GOPHER (direct): gopher.utdallas.edu:/Library On-Line Catalogs
GOPHER (indirect): USA/Texas/University of Texas - Dallas
B. Library of Congress
The Library of Congress has set up a gopher that includes
a wealth of information, which includes their card
catalog. They also offer an extensive set of links to
other resources (the economics oriented ones are generally
described elsewhere here) and substantial information on
the U.S. Government, including Congress. It _appears_ one
can use their photocopy service long distance.
GOPHER (direct): marvel.loc.gov
GOPHER (indirect): USA/Washington DC/Library of Congress
TELNET: marvel.loc.gov (login as "gopher")
A. Netlib
Netlib is a numerical software library with approximately 50
megabytes of code. The routines, mostly in Fortran, are
generally of high quality (many were developed at U.S.
national labs or by professional numerical analysts). Packages
include Linpack, Eispack, and their new successor, Lapack.
Netlib is available via e-mail and FTP and even on some
economics gophers. For introductory material on Netlib,
use the e-mail method by writing "send index" in the body
of your message addressed to one of the sites listed
below. You will receive an introduction to Netlib and its
libraries and how to obtain routines from them.
* At least the netlib2 sites contain some uncompressed files.
GOPHER: wuecon.wustl.edu (described above)
niord.shsu.edu:/ftp Gateways to Economics Information
(described above)
* netlib2.cs.utk.edu
netlib2.cs.utk.edu (U.S.)
* netlib.att.com:/netlib (U.S.)
unix.hensa.ac.uk:/pub/netlib (Europe)
draci.cs.uow.edu.au:/netlib (Pacific)
netlib@ornl.gov (U.S.)
netlib@research.att.com (U.S.)
netlib@unix.hensa.ac.uk (Europe)
netlib@nac.no (Europe)
netlib@draci.cs.uow.edu.au (Pacific)
B. Statlib
Statlib is a system similar to Netlib (in fact, it uses
roughly the same software) for statistical software. Major
holding include algorithms from Applied Statistics,
numerous classic datasets (although few are economic),
software for Minitab and S, and a variety of other
software under a heading labeled "general."
For the email interface, send the phrase "send index" in
the body of your message.
E-MAIL: statlib@lib.stat.cmu.edu
GOPHER (direct): lib.stat.cmu.edu
GOPHER (indirect): USA/Pennsylvania/Statlib (also listed
directly on some gophers)
FTP: lib.stat.cmu.edu
C. University of Illinois at Chicago Statistical Library
This statistics library contains a variety of software
(much of it in SAS), but it lacks an up to date index,
making searching it a bit difficult. However, an index
can be reached at the Washington Univ. Economics Gopher
(described above) under the heading "UIC Stat Archive"
and files can be transferred from there as well.
FTP: uicvm.cc.uic.edu:/uicvm
Directions: must do a "cd" to uicmv
before a directory listing is shown
GOPHER: via Washington Univ. at St. Louis Econ. Dept.
(described above)
INFORMATION: Barry Grau (u42054@uicvm.cc.uic.edu)
A. Iowa Electronic Markets
This service is run by the Accounting and Economics
Departments of the University of Iowa. It currently
consists of three electronic exchanges: the Iowa Earnings
Market (which trades contracts on the EPS of five
corporations), the Iowa Economic Indicators Market (which
trades contracts on the CPI and the US$/Mexican peso
exchange rate). In the past, these departments ran the well
known 1992 Iowa Political Stock Market, which traded contracts
based on the outcome of the 1992 Presidential Election. The
liquidation value of all contracts is determined by the
value of the underlying fundamental on a set date.
This excellent teaching tool is open only to university
and college staff, faculty and students. While the
purpose is education and research, trades require actual
money (from $5 to $500 may be invested). The developers
feel that by using real money for trades, there is an
increased motivation to learn about the underlying
fundamentals. There are no commissions or fees and
trading is continuous.
FTP: umaxc.weeg.uiowa.edu:/pub/iem/trman.txt (Trader's Manual)
" " /q&a.txt (Short Introduction)
EMAIL: iem@scout-po.biz.uiowa.edu
Directions: mail addressed here will
send the Trader's Manual to you.
Usenet is a decentralized discussion system running on
tens of thousands of cooperating computers around the world
(much of the traffic runs over the Internet). It covers
almost 2,000 subjects in areas called newsgroups. The
estimated number of readers ranges in the low millions and
traffic each day is approaching 50 megabytes. Some mailing
lists "mirror" Usenet newsgroups and vice-versa.
In many ways, Usenet has it own culture and the new user is
wise to read carefully before posting messages. The
newsgroups news.announce.newusers and
news.newusers.questions are for those new to Usenet. Since
it runs on a variety of systems, consult your local site for
information on how to access it.
Newsgroup Topic
comp.soft-sys.spss SPSS
comp.soft-sys.shazam Shazam
comp.soft-sys.sas SAS
sci.stat.edu Statistics and Education
sci.stat.math Statistics and Math
sci.stat.consult Statistics and Consulting
sci.math.stat Statistics Discussion
sci.op-research Operations Research
sci.econ.research Research in Economics (Moderated)
* All past discussions are indexed and
* organized into topic areas by the moderator,
* Forrest Smith. They are archived at (FTP)
* sunsite.unc.edu:/pub/academic/economics/
* sci.econ.research
sci.econ Discussions in Economics
(often dominated by current
political economy questions;
a good place for economic
education if you're patient)
Mailing lists work as follows. Software on a computer run by
the organizer (or moderator) of the list sends mail to all
members of the list when it receives mail. For obvious
reasons, the term mail exploder is sometimes used for such
software. On some lists, the moderator will approve mail to
be sent to all list members. Thus, to send mail to all
members, you need only write to one address: the list
When using a mailing list, please follow "netiquette:"
- Use a meaningful subject line. A subject of "help",
particularly when received by those on more than one
list, is not likely to elicit much of a response.
- If you're responding to a previous post, quote accordingly,
but judiciously. This helps put your comments in context,
yet avoids messages that are too long.
- Enclose a short note (or "signature") at the bottom with at
least your email address. Some mailing systems mangle the
information in the header with your address.
- If you have a response, consider responding directly via
email if you think no one on the list will be interested.
- Watch your temper. Email sometimes makes tempers flare. If
you think you should wait or tone down your note, you most
likely should.
* - Don't type in all capital letters.
While not part of netiquette, the value of mailing lists
should be approached like other many other sources of
information, such as a newspaper or a journal. Much of the
material may not be of interest, but occasionally something
very useful may cross your path.
# Note that in ALL cases, you subscribe and unsubscribe from a #
# list NOT by sending e-mail to the list itself (which means it #
# goes to ALL the members of the list), but to some special #
# address that deals with subscriptions. Sending mail to the #
# list itself marks you as a novice who hasn't taken time to #
# carefully read directions. It also irritates list members #
# (numbering into the hundreds) who receive useless mail. One #
# hint: when subscribing to a list, you'll receive information #
# on how to unsubscribe. Keep it and use it. #
The following is a list of e-mail discussion groups. I have
organized the following mailing lists around the type of
software (listserv, majordomo, mailserv, mailbase and
Internet-style) used to run them so that directions can be
put in one place.
In general, I know little about these lists other than the
fact that they exist (in fact, this list is basically an
edited version of the e-mail I received in acknowledgment
when I subscribed to the lists). Traffic varies; in fact,
on some, it is very close to zero and on others, it varies
substantially. Where I do know something more, I've added
it beneath the name of the list and its address.
To subscribe to a list run by listserv, send an e-mail
message to LISTSERV@wherever, _NOT_ to the list itself. If
you send mail to the list itself, it will be sent in turn to
all members of the list. This, obviously, should be reserved
for messages you want all members of the list to read and
potentially respond to.
For example, to subscribe to the list CARECON, you'd send
In the body of your e-mail message, you should write the one
line message:
subscribe CARECON your name
Note that your name is typically your first and last name.
To cancel a subscription, use signoff list where list is the
name of the list. Again, e-mail should be sent to listserv
at the site that houses the list. Finally, help on these and
other commands can be obtained by sending a one line message
with "help" in it.
Messages to the list itself should be sent to
CARECON@YORKVM1.BITNET, for example. Any such message will
be sent to all members of the list.
List of the Society of Computational Economics
Has a number of announcements of meetings and some
calls for papers.
List of the Faculty of Economics, University of Amsterdam, NL.
Caribbean Economy
Research in Economic Education
A discussion of teaching and research in economic history
Discussao sobre economia brasileira
The Electronic Journal of Finance
Economic Nonlinear Dynamics List
Workshop on Information Systems Economics
Eastern Europe Business Network
Post-Keynesian Thought
International Trade
Community and Rural Economic Development Interests
Economic Problems in Less Developed Countries
Political Economy
Pol-Econ@SHSU.BITNET (or @SHSU.edu)
* Postings from Usenet's moderated newsgroup sci.econ.research
* are "gatewayed" to this group, and postings from Pol-Econ are
* sent to the sci.econ.research moderator for possible inclusion
* in that group. Discussions range over all of economics. Since the
* traffic is fairly heavy, you can choose to have all messages sent
* in one message once a day in a digest. Rather than subscribing to
* Pol-Econ, subscribe to Pol-Econ-Digest. If you'd like to switch
* from Pol-Econ to Pol-Econ-Digest, first use the command to unsubscribe
* from Pol-Econ:
* signoff Pol-Econ
Labor Economics
Gophers devoted on Economics
Egopher@SHSU.BITNET (or@SHSU.edu)
Business Libraries Discussion List
Traffic is said to be heavy.
Regional Science Information Exchange
Feminist Economics Discussion List
SAS Discussion
A high volume list that would appear
to be quite useful to SAS users.
SAS Public Access Consortium (deals with Census data)
PEN-L (Progressive Economists Network)
MEMSNET (Mineral Economics and Mgmt Society)
While not related to economics, this list is a good
description to what is happening on the Internet. I
came across some items on this list here.
Majordomo is another program that organizes mailing lists.
Commands for subscribing and unsubscribing are similar to
those used with a listserv except that the name is not given
at the end of the subscription line. Further, rather than sending
e-mail to listserv at the site that houses the list, it
should be sent to majordomo@csn.org.
Local Economic Development
A rather philosophical list with fairly heavy traffic.
Texts prepared by the Brazilian Institute of Social
and Economic Analyses
RISKNet - Discussion of Risk and Insurance issues.
When using a mailserv, requests for a subscription or canceling a
subscription should be sent to mailserv@wherever. To subscribe, write
subscribe list
in the body of your note where list is the name of the list
you wish to subscribe to. To cancel a subscription, use
unsubscribe list
International Political Economy
When using a mailbase, send your e-mail to mailbase@wherever and use
join list your name
in the body of the text to join a list, and use
leave list
to cancel a subscription.
CTI Centre for Computing in Economics list for academic economists
Economic History E-mail Conference
* This list publishes the interesting Economic History Newsletter
* that covers a variety of topics.
Experimental Economics
With Internet style lists, one sends requests to sign up and
leave a list to the list maintainer. Simply add the suffix
"-request" to the list name and e-mail it.
Teaching of Economics (not research in economic education)
Communications Privatization
This list discusses issues concerning the privatization of
the Internet. This is an area in which economists might have
a substantial impact.
+ A. Graduate Programs
+ Forrest Smith, the moderator of the Usenet newsgroup
+ sci.econ.research, has compiled information on some
+ graduate programs in economics. The archive site for this
+ group is mentioned below, and this information can be
+ found in the "FAQ" directory with the names
+ "grad.programs.descriptive" and "grad.progs.contents".
+ FTP: sunsite.unc.edu:/pub/academic/economics/sci.econ.research
+ A. TeX References
+ Since I am not knowledgeable about TeX, let me cite the
+ two references given in the TeX FAQ:
+ The TeXbook, Donald Knuth, Addison Wesley, 1984,
+ ISBN 0-201-13447-0, paperback 0-201-13448-9
+ LaTeX, a Document Preparation System, Leslie Lamport,
+ Addison Wesley, 1986, ISBN 0-201-15790-X
+ B. TeX Macros for Economics and TeX Sources
+ Since I am not a TeX user, let me defer to George Greenwade
+ <bed_gdg@SHSU.edu>, who is. In fact, he is an expert. This
+ section was written by George and I simply copied it from his
+ posting to the Usenet newsgroup sci.econ.research as archived
+ by Forrest Smith.
+ The TeX macros written by Professor Varian, known as
+ "VerTeX" (for Visualize Economic Reports in TeX; release
+ 1.0 of August, 1987) are available for ftp retrieval from
+ the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network (CTAN) hosts:
+ hostname directory
+ --------------------------------------------------------------
+ ftp.SHSU.edu /tex-archive/macros/plain/contrib/vertex/
+ ftp.TeX.ac.UK /tex-archive/macros/plain/contrib/vertex/
+ ftp.Uni-Stuttgart.DE /tex-archive/macros/plain/contrib/vertex/
+ The first two sites also support Gopher access. SHSU's
+ CTAN is also linked into Niord's Gopher in its Economics
+ area, as well as the economics or TeX areas on a number of
+ other gophers worldwide.
+ Finally, the command:
+ in the body of a mail message to FILESERV@SHSU.edu will
+ retrieve the set of 19 files via e-mail.
+ I have to stress that these are NOT LaTeX styles; they are
+ TeX macros. VerTeX's syntax differs somewhat from the more
+ standard LaTeX-type commands; however, the syntax used in
+ VerTeX is consistent throughout VerTeX (and, as an
+ occasional user, I fell comfortable in saying they are
+ relatively easy to follow, understand, and use). The file
+ set is pretty well documented and demonstrated. Varian has
+ very roughly hinted that he might have an interest at some
+ later date in rewriting these to use LaTeX and BibTeX
+ (probably after the release of LaTeX3 -- since I am quite
+ involved in that project, I feel safe in telling you not to
+ hold your breath on LaTeX3; I'll be surprised if it's out
+ before 1996).
+ The present Visualize Economic Reports in TeX styles include:
+ jpe.sty --- Journal of Polemical Economy
+ jep.sty --- Journal of Economic Perspectives
+ jet.sty --- Journal of Economic Theorems
+ aer.sty --- Armenian Economic Review
+ ecnmet.sty --- Economagica
+ restud.sty --- Review for Economic Students
+ qje.sty --- Quartered Journal of Economics
+ I'll assume that you can figure out which of these look
+ like what "real" journals. When you use one of these
+ styles, VerTeX will automatically adjust the style of the
+ document and the style of the references to be more-or-less
+ consistent with the journal style. Some fine tuning may be
+ needed, but the output generally looks pretty good.
+ As the US coordinator of the CTAN (a collection now in
+ excess of a gigabyte), if you have any TeX-related files
+ which you would like to have included, please contact me.
A. Books
* I have taken a fairly careful look at the 10 different
* books I've seen on the Internet at national bookstores.
* Let me recommend:
* Ed Krol. The Whole Internet User's Guide and Catalog.
* O'Reilly and Associates, Sebastopol, California. 1992.
* ISBN 1-56592-025-2.
* Paul Gilster. The Internet Navigator.
* John Wiley and Sons, New York. 1993.
* ISBN 0-471-59782-1.
* Harley Hahn and Rick Stout. The Internet Complete Reference.
* Osborne McGraw-Hill, New York. 1994.
* ISBN 0-07-881980-6.
* Daniel P. Dern. The Internet Guide for New Users.
* McGraw Hill, New York. 1994.
* ISBN 0-07-016511-4.
+ B. On-Line Guide
+ For a comprehensive on-line guide, the Electronic Frontier
+ Foundation's "Big Dummy's Guide to the Internet," written
+ by Adam Gaffin, is excellent. While not as detailed as the
+ above books, it is a very useful guide to the Internet. Plus,
+ it is free. The listing below identifies an ASCII (or text)
+ version; many other formats are available. Some are in the
+ same directory, while others are in the texi directory, which
+ is located in the directory mentioned below.
+ FTP: ftp.eff.org:/pub/EFF/papers/big-dummys-guide.txt
C. Software
Gopher client software
Gopher is a very popular tool on the Internet and is much
more efficient than accessing gopher sites with telnet.
Further, file transfer is much easier with client software.
Packages for many different hosts can be found here.
FTP: boombox.micro.umn.edu:/pub/gopher.
This pair of programs are very useful when used in conjunction
with email. Uuencode takes a binary file (such as a word
processing file or a program) and converts it to text so that
it can be emailed. Uudecode than converts it back to binary.
Using this pair of programs, researchers can collaborate by
emailing binary data or word processing files. If one host
is an IBM mainframe, be sure to use the -x option.
FTP: ftp.shsu.edu:/tex-archives/archive-tools/uue
GOPHER: Sam Houston State Economics (described above):
/Network Archive Tools/uue
This new program can uncompress many files (note that this
is typically denoted by a .Z suffix) found on the Internet.
More information on this topic can be found below in the
document by David Lemson.
FTP: ftp.shsu.edu:/tex-archive/tools/info-zip
GOPHER: Sam Houston State Economics (described above):
/Network Archive Tools/gzip
D. Resources
Scott Yanoff's "Internet Services List"
Scott Yanoff produces a list of interesting resources on
the Internet. While few of them are economics (and those
that are covered above) many are quite interesting
and useful. One I find particularly interesting is the
University of Illinois weather gopher -- you can find
weather forecasts for any part of the country. Another
interesting resource is books.com, a bookstore on the
Internet. For those that live in rather small towns like
me, this is a very valuable service.
Yanoff's list is well worth looking at for those new
to the Internet.
FTP: csd4.csd.uwm.edu:/pub/inet.services.txt
John December's "Information Sources: the Internet
and Computer-Mediated Communication"
This document has a broader concept than Yanoff's;
rather than listing just resources, December lists a
number of documents as well, such as electronic guides
to the Internet, and software sites. The breadth is quite
remarkable. Like Yanoff's list, those new to the Internet
will find it quite useful.
FTP: ftp.rpi.edu:/pub/communications/internet-cmc.txt
File Compression, Archiving, and Text<->Binary Formats:
This document, by David Lemson (lemson@uiuc.edu) details
the numerous methods of file compression used on the
Internet and elsewhere.
FTP: ftp.cso.uiuc.edu:/doc/pcnet/compression.
A. Introduction
While this document is primarily about resources on the Internet
of interest to economists, there are several resources not on the
Internet that might be of interest. I hasten to add that I have
not tried any of these and am only reporting what I have read
B. Federal Reserve Bank Bulletin Boards
Dallas (214) 220-5169
Minneapolis (612) 340-2489
St. Louis (314) 621-1824
I understand that the St. Louis Fed has a wealth of historical
data (including money data, obviously), while the Minneapolis
Fed has FOMC minutes, and speeches and testimony of Fed officials.
C. Electronic JEL Index
I understand that though CompuServe's Knowledge Index and
IQuest (they offer a number of sometimes overlapping databases),
the Economic Literature Index is available after hours. It is
available during working hours through Dialog, but it is
quite expensive. One hopes that someday membership in the AEA
will have its privileges and members won't have to pay for access
to this database.
+ D. On-Line Refereed Economics Journal
+ I understand that a bulletin board run by Steven W. Dickey of
+ Eastern Kentucky University "publishes" refereed articles. He
+ can be contacted at (606) 622-4987, and the bulletin board is
+ at (601) 624-3934, UARTS 2400, 8-N-1.
End of Document