Usenet 1994 January
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Newsgroups: rec.music.indian.classical,rec.music.info,rec.answers,news.answers
Path: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu!bloom-beacon.mit.edu!nic.hookup.net!europa.eng.gtefsd.com!howland.reston.ans.net!cs.utexas.edu!asuvax!ennews!homecheese.eas.asu.edu!sridhar
From: mursha@alumni.caltech.edu (Murali Sharma)
Subject: FAQ: rec.music.indian.classical
Message-ID: <1993Dec10.011325.28937@ennews.eas.asu.edu>
Followup-To: poster
Originator: sridhar@homecheese.eas.asu.edu
Sender: news@ennews.eas.asu.edu (USENET News System)
Organization: Caltech, Pasadena, CA USA
Date: Fri, 10 Dec 1993 01:13:25 GMT
Approved: trusted-submitter@cp.tn.tudelft.nl, news-answers-request@mit.edu
Expires: Thu, 30 Dec 1993 01:22:09 GMT
X-Note1: This FAQ is posted automatically by sridhar@asuvax.eas.asu.edu on the
X-Note2: 1st of every month. All FAQ comments to mursha@alumni.caltech.edu.
Lines: 211
Xref: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu rec.music.indian.classical:6060 rec.music.info:2717 rec.answers:3309 news.answers:15632
Archive-Name: music/indian-classical
Frequently asked questions on rec.music.indian.classical:
(posted on the 1st of every month - unfortunately delayed due to local
news problems)
The Newsgroup, Faq, and Archives:
1. The FAQ: Access and Contents
2. Index to the archives
3. How to access the archives
4. About this newsgroup
4a. Areas of discussion
4b. Guidelines for posting
1. The FAQ: Access and Contents
The FAQ will be posted periodically, and whenever significant
revisions are made. An easier way to access it is from the archives.
Simply follow the procedure in section 3. and get the file rmic-FAQ.
The FAQ comprises several posts, each of which has a brief introduction
to its contents. I have grouped the posts roughly into similar
I. 1. Carnatic Primer
2. Hindustani Primer
3. Percussion Primer
These three primers introduce the basic ideas and jargon of
Indian music. The two systems are close enough that all three
are requisite reading whatever one's interests are.
II. 1. Listening Suggestions, Hindustani
2. Listening Suggestions, Carnatic
3. Bibliography
The first two are annotated CD lists meant to give a broad introduction
to the two sytems to a novice listener. The third is an annotated
Bibliography of Indian music, containing both tutorial and reference
III.1. Sources
2. Performers
3. Schools
4. Organizations
The first is a list of sources from which one can get books, music
or musical instruments. The second has some basic information
about performers who often tour the U.S. The third is a list of
schools where one can learn or study Indian music. Finally, there
is a list of organizations that arrange concerts, to help you find
one locally.
IV. 1. Carnatic Ragas
2. Hindustani Ragas
3. Great Performances, Hindustani
4. Great Performances, Carnatic
The first two lists contain some technical details about ragas, and
could serve as reference material. The Great Performances list is
meant to induce critical listening and appreciation by listing what
experienced listeners consider to be a great performance.
V. 1. Great Masters
2. Pot Pourri
The first is a file in the RMIC directory that contains
biographical posts of performers. The second is a subdirectory
that has a few assorted posts that I felt would provide interesting
reading material for a newcomer. These deal with the problem of
notating Indian music, a project to keep track of ragas created by
modern musicians, a list of Thyagaraja kritis, etc.
NOTE: All the topical FAQs mentioned above are available as a file
rmic-FAQ by anonymous ftp (Instructions in part 3) from
ftp.stolaf.edu /pub/indian-music/rmic-FAQ
ftp.funet.fi /pub/culture/music/indian/rmic-FAQ.gz
(also available by mailserver)
2. Index to the Archives:
The archives are simply a collection of files, stored on a hard disk,
that contain posts made to rmic. The posts are stored chronologically.
The files are fairly long. To help you locate specific posts, an index
to the archives is being maintained by Sridhar Venkataraman. The
index simply extracts from each post the From, Subject, Date, and
Keywords headers, and associates these with the name of the file
in the archives in which this post is stored. The index and help
on using it is available by e-mail from sridhar@asuvax.eas.asu.edu.
Send a message with the subject "request index". It is about
600 K in size.
If you are looking for a specific post, an automated search facility
for the index is also available. (Unix cognoscenti might recognize the
egrep feature). Send sridhar@asuvax.eas.asu.edu an e-mail message with
a subject line in the format:
<space or tab>search<space or tab>rmic<space or tab><any egrep pattern>
The subject line is case insensitive. Thus, to search for all posts
by Murali, you could use either of the following subject lines
Search RMIC murali
sEarCh rmIc mursha@alumni.caltech.edu
Similarly, to search for all articles on the topic of tabla tuning, use
search rmic tabla.*tuning
The third word is the search keyword; .* (dot and asterix) may be used
for space or tab or any character. Check your system's manual pages on
grep or egrep for further help.
You will get back a reply with the information you seek, as well as
a help message. Please use the service wisely! The whole index is
around 600 K and you will end up with everything if you use a
trivial pattern!
3. How to Access the Archives
The newsgroups posts are stored chronologically and are available
by anonymous ftp as ftp.funet.fi. They are in the directory
/pub/culture/music/indian/rec.music.indian.classical/ .
Please consult your system administrator if you need help on
using anonymous ftp. The archive maintainer is Juhana Kouhia
<jk87377@cc.tut.fi>. It is good etiquette to use your e-mail
address as password, so that the archive site has a record of
access. The files have names of the type c1993.07.14.Z (i.e,
year, month, and a date of the week) and will have to be
decompressed after retrieval (the command uncompress might work).
If you don't have access to ftp, then send e-mail to
mailserver@ftp.funet.fi with 'help' as the body of the message
(subject is not needed). Follow the instructions you receive.
An alternative address is ftpmail@decwrl.dec.com.
The following sample session illustrates how you could
get the file rmic-FAQ from the archives.
SAMPLE SESSION for use of archives:
ftp ftp.funet.fi (or ftp
username (or login): anonymous
password: <type your e-mail address here>
ftp>cd pub/culture/music/indian/
ftp>binary (sets mode to binary)
ftp>prompt off
ftp>dir (checks the contents)
ftp>mget rmic-FAQ
#ftp transfers files in ASCII mode;
reset the mode with binary command.
#'get filename' transfers only one file.
#'mget <files>' transfers many files, but for each file,
it asks if you wish to transfer the file; 'prompt off' will
set the system so that you can transfer all files without
these questions.
4. About this Newsgroup
This newsgroup was started by Mohan Krishnamoorthy and
Sridhar Venkataraman. To quote from the charter written by Mohan:
rec.music.indian.classical is an unmoderated group created for the
discussion, promotion and exchange of ideas on all aspects of Indian
classical music. THE DISCUSSIONS WILL BE LIMITED TO those involving,
in the main, the Hindustani and Carnatic schools of Indian classical
4a. Areas of discussion
Appropriate topics for rec.music.indian.classical will include:
* Discussions of `ragas' and `talas'
* Discussions of composers, their styles, their preferences and
their patronage
* Discussions of the lyrics, significance and meaning of compositions,
where appropriate
* Analyses of different singing/playing styles of various Indian
classical music artistes.
* Announcements of and information concerning Indian classical music
concerts of major interest, taking place anywhere in the world.
* Critical analysis and reviews of these concerts.
* Critical reviews of Indian classical music records, CDs and tapes.
* Issues relating to the Indian classical music records, CDs and
tapes -- including, perhaps, availability, bootlegs, sale, rentals,
dealers, pricing, etc...
* and, in general, any other discussion directly related to
Indian classical music.
* Please note that any discussion not directly related to classical
music should be followed up to rec.music.indian.misc (if it is
4b. Some guidelines for posting
The archives are indexed by Subject header, as well as Keywords.
To make it easy for others to read and locate your posts,
# please make sure that the Subject header is pertinent to the content
# use the Keywords header
# if you intend to restrict the discussion to a
specific newsgroup, use the Followup-To header (and please mention it).
# Please browse through news.announce.newusers for information
about Usenet.
# The signal to noise ratio on this group is fairly high; keep it
that way. Avoid flames.
Murali Sharma <mursha@alumni.caltech.edu>