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From: cww@zycor.lgc.com (Chris Walker)
Subject: FAQ: Ayn Rand's Philosophy of Objectivism
Message-ID: <1993Dec20.033326.25465@lgc.com>
Sender: cwalker@zycor.lgc.com (Chris Walker)
Nntp-Posting-Host: scholz.zycor.lgc.com
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Date: Mon, 20 Dec 1993 03:33:26 GMT
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Xref: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu alt.philosophy.objectivism:8894 sci.answers:739 sci.philosophy.meta:10021 sci.philosophy.tech:13345 alt.answers:1455 news.answers:15991
Archive-name: objectivism/faq
Last-modified: 1993/12/19
Here is the current FAQ file on Ayn Rand's ideas that I have compiled.
Please sent suggestions and corrections to cwalker@zycor.lgc.com
Chris Walker
-------------------- CUT HERE ---------------------------------------
Frequently Asked Questions
Objectivism: The philosophy of Ayn Rand
Author: Chris Walker
Date: December 19, 1993
Questions Answered
I. What is Objectivism?
II. Who is Ayn Rand?
III. Ayn Rand's Debt to Aristotle
IV. Ayn Rand on Aristotle
V. Was Ayn Rand a Conservative or a Libertarian?
VI. Where can one find out more about Ayn Rand's ideas?
VII. What about other electronic forums where her ideas are discussed?
VIII. What about audio and video recordings of Ayn Rand and others?
IX. What about campus clubs? Where can I find out how to start my own?
X. Bibliography of Published Articles in Academic Journals
XI. Reading List on Objectivism
XII. Major Objectivist Events
XIII. Local Events and Groups
XIV. Suggestions and Corrections
Based on suggestions from several users of alt.philosophy.objectivism
either posted publically or sent to me privately.
My thanks to Austin Moseley, Brian Yoder, Magnus Kempe, Jay Allen and many
others for their assistance in compiling this file. It was originally
composed in March 1993.
(12/19/93) Revised bibliography and expanded references to Jay Allen's
ORG file.
References for Quotes
"The Ayn Rand Lexicon", edited by Harry Binswanger.
Copyright 1986 by Harry Binswanger. Publisher, New American Library
ARI (Ayn Rand Institute) biography of Ayn Rand
Purpose of this FAQ
Since the formation of alt.philosophy.objectivism, there has been a need to
get a few basic questions answered about Ayn Rand and her philosophy.
This FAQ is different from most FAQ's on the internet in that there are
better sources of information already in print on Rand's ideas than can be
presented in a FAQ. I have decided to tantalize the reader with a
little bit of Ayn Rand and then indicate where to find out more about her.
Extensive information on Objectivist organizations and publications may be
found in Jay Allen's "Objectivist Resource Guide" posted on the same
newsgroups as this FAQ.
Copyright 1993 (C) by Chris Walker except where specified.
This is not an official presentation of Ayn Rand's philosophy. The author
supports the activities of the Ayn Rand Institute and associated organizations
but does not represent the organization in any way. In my judgement, only
those individuals listed in the reading list as Objectivists have
demonstrated that they are qualified to present Ayn Rand's ideas accurately
with professional quality.
There is no guarantee that Ayn Rand's ideas will be accurately represented
on alt.philosophy.objectivism group or any other electronic forum. With
the exceptions that I list in this FAQ, the best source for Ayn Rand's
ideas is Ayn Rand herself. This must be overstated because Rand is
frequently misinterpreted, misattributed, and misunderstood.
This list may be distributed anywhere provided that it is distributed in
full and that all of the header information is retained. The bibliography
and reading list may be distributed in full or in part separately provided
that appropriate credit is given. Otherwise, no deletions may be made.
Quotes from copyrighted works. Any new version posted on USENET by me
supersedes any previous version.
As with Jay Allen's list, if any altered versions of this file are
being distributed, please notify me at cwalker@zycor.lgc.com or
Please send suggestions and updates to cwalker@zycor.lgc.com
I. What is Objectivism?
Objectivism is the philosophy of Ayn Rand. It is her discovery.
Though there are others schools of thought which might use this name as
might be noted in dictionaries of philosophy or psychology, nearly
every discussion of Objectivism in today's context is of Ayn Rand's ideas.
See note at end of this section regarding what is an Objectivist.
The essentials of Ayn Rand's philosophy are:
1. Metaphysics: Objective Reality
2. Epistemology: Reason
3. Ethics: Self Interest
4. Politics: Laissez-faire capitalism
5. Aesthetics: Romantic Realism
[point 5 was not included in her "standing on one foot" presentation of
Objectivism ]
Ayn Rand summarized her philosophy in "The Objectivist Newsletter" in 1962 as
1. Reality exists as an objective absolute--facts are facts, independent
of man's feelings, wishes, hopes or fears.
2. Reason (the faculty which identifies and integrates the material
provided by man's senses) is man's only means of perceiving reality, his
only source of knowledge, his only guide to action, and his basic means
of survival.
3. Man--every man--is an end in himself, not the means to the ends of
others. He must exist for his own sake, neither sacrificing himself to
others nor sacrificing others to himself. The pursuit of his own rational
self-interest and of his own happiness is the highest moral purpose of
his life.
4. The ideal political-economic system is laissez-faire capitalism.
It is a system where men deal with one another, not as victims and
executioners, nor as masters and slaves, but as traders, by free,
voluntary exchange to mutual benefit. It is a system where no man may
obtain any values from others by resorting to physical force, and no
man may initiate the use of physical force against others. The
government acts only as a policeman that protects man's rights; it uses
physical force only in retaliation and only against those who
initiate its use, such as criminals and foreign invaders. In a system
of full capitalism, there should be (but historically has not yet been)
a complete separation of state and economics, in the same way and for
the same reasons as the separate of state and church."
The Ayn Rand Lexicon (HC) p344 quoted from "Introducing Objectivism,"
TON, Aug. 1962, 35.
Chris Walker's comments:
1. In short, Objectivism is the philosophy of rational, free men
of good character who believe in heroes and the possibility of happiness
here on earth. Objectivism sanctions those men and women who live
by means of reason and do it well, holding that this-worldly success
is good and that man is deserving of happiness and that there is no
evil in rationally chosen pleasures. Objectivism is a philosophy that
CAN be practiced and which rewards men of integrity who do so.
It does not punish integrity, unlike other philosophies or religious
beliefs which claim applicability to this world. Neither altruism nor
Christian morality can be practiced consistently, as in the first case,
one becomes a slave and in the second, it would be necessary to join
a monastery (or a convent).
An Objectivist is an individual who takes Ayn Rand's philosophy seriously
and practices it to the extent of his knowledge in accordance with his
rational values. Properly, this requires taking the facts of reality
as the ultimate arbiter of one's conclusions and hierarchy of values
and chosen purposes as the basis of one's actions. This has
the corollary of taking the terminology and methodology of Ayn Rand's
philosophy as the standard in the resolution of basic issues of life
including one's work and relationships all of which are the concern of
philosophy. This includes not knowingly advocating ideas, advocates of
ideas, or men of poor character which repudiate this standard.
Thus to label oneself an Objectivist is to take on a great challenge, a
challenge to explicitly apply philosophical ideas to the art of living,
and the responsibility of living up to that challenge. Just has Objectivism
had to be discovered, so each person must discover the methods appropriate
to his chosen purposes and profession and is ultimately responsible
for the success or failure of his actions in pursuing them. Objectivism
provides a prerequisite of success--it is a starting point--but it is
the individual, you, who must learn to take advantage of knowledge
available in our fantastic civilization to succeed, to discover, to
create and achieve happiness as a result.
2. The mark of an Objectivist according to Leonard Peikoff in "Fact and Value"
is one's approach to values including fundamentally a passionate search
for truth and evaluation of every fact. This is done with regard to
its relevance to one's life, with the acceptance of all metaphysical
facts as they are and the ability to rationally evaluate "man-made"
facts such as political institutions and movements. This applies
especially to a man's character as man is a "being a self-made soul."
As you judge the character of others, so you must do so for your own,
including your ideas, the methods of thinking that you use, and the
effort expended to improve these aspects of yourself. Don't look upon a
weakness as an affront but an opportunity as self-improvement and let
Objectivism be your guide to finding the answers.
If you find that in your sincere efforts, Objectivism clashes with the world,
check your premises and the methods by which you think. Applying principles
apart from reality (rationalism) or thinking without principles
(Empiricism) are endemic in modern culture. Treating Objectivism as
a substitute for the Bible or as a series of memorized slogans will fail.
Peikoff addresses these false thinking methodologies in his course,
"Understanding Objectivism."
3. With regard to the time not to call oneself an Objectivist, if you find
that you disagree with any fundamental idea of Rand's philosophy, you
should not do so. A fundamental idea in Rand's philosophy as I take it
is any idea if omitted or altered would repudiate or undercut Rand's
philosophy. If your disagreement is rational, you will eventually
find that your conclusions will be similar or identical to Objectivism
in the long run. Until then, the proper action is to say that you find
value in Rand's ideas, but disagree with her. To call yourself an
Objectivist in such a case is an act of deception.
There are those who do persist in calling themselves Objectivists
despite strong disagreement on the relationship of facts and values, a
fundamental aspect of Rand's philosophy. This is the issue of the
relevance of facts of reality to one's life, especially man-made facts.
The consequence of holding the view as advocated by Kelley and others
is not being willing to evaluate a man's character on the basis of the
ideas that he advocates until he demonstrates willful irrationality.
Metaphysical facts have value significance and are evaluated as relevant,
ie. good or bad, in the appropriate context. That is why we normally
don't worry about sharks when we're not swimming in the ocean or
concerned about the number of leaves on a tree, but each fact could become
relevant in some context. With regard to man-made facts, ie. a man's ideas,
these must be judged as being not only true or false, but good or evil.
A man's ideas are a window to his soul, both in what he thinks and
how he thinks. Ignoring these in an individual is bad enough but with
regard to an association of individuals, such as a political movement, is
even worse. Judgement of another person takes considerable effort in
most cases, especially if that person has values to offer. However,
once the principle of that person's actions is identified, or the actions
and beliefs of a collection of individuals, you cannot suddenly make
exceptions because you feel like it, which is precisely what I have
observed in such people.
4. In response to a certain amount of confusion from some people with whom
I have spoken about Objectivism, Objectivists are not so-called
"Secular Humanists." Though there appear to be agreements in the advocacy
of reason and science in books written by Adler, LaMont and Kurtz,
Objectivism is a philosophy of rational egoism which secular humanists
II. Who is Ayn Rand?
Ayn Rand (1905-1982) was a Russian-born American writer. She grew up in
St. Petersburg during the Russian Revolution and graduated from the
University of Petrograd in 1924. As a child at the age of nine, she had
decided that she would become a writer. Being directly exposed to the
Soviet system, she rebelled even as a child against the doctrines and
practices of that oppressive culture. In 1926, at the age of 21,
she went to the United States to become a Hollywood screen writer
and married in 1931.
She went on to write not only several screen plays but eventually several
novels including the "We the Living" (1936), the best-selling
"The Fountainhead (1943)" and "Atlas Shrugged (1957)". Ayn Rand
considered her novels to belong to the school of art known as
Romanticism as opposed to Naturalism. Additional works include a
novelette called "Anthem" and several plays including "Night of January
>From the ARI biography:
"'The Fountainhead', the story of an intransigent creator who refuses to
surrender his integrity or his intellectual independence to a world of
second-handers was published in 1943--after having been rejected by twelve
publishers. It brought Ayn Rand international fame. With the publication
of 'Atlas Shrugged' in 1957, Ayn Rand's position in history -- both
as novelist and philosopher -- was established. 'Atlas Shrugged' tells
the story of what happens to the world when its most intelligent and
productive members, the men of the mind, go on strike against the creed
of self-immolation. This novel challenges at the root the altruist and
philosophical ideas of the 2000-year-old Judeo-Christian tradition."
Subsequent to "Atlas Shrugged", she published several newsletters
including "The Objectivist Newsletter (1962-1965)", "The Objectivist
(1966-1971)", and "The Ayn Rand Letter (1971-1976)" All of these
newsletters are still available in print.
In the last 20 years of her life, she published several non-fiction works
including "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal (1966)", "Introduction to
Objectivist Epistemology (1979)", "The Virtue of Selfishness (1964)",
"For the New Intellectual (1961)", "The Romantic Manifesto (1969)",
and "The New Left: The Anti-Industrial Revolution (1971)" In addition,
she appeared on radio and television talk shows, wrote editorials in such
newspapers as the "LA Times", spoke to enthusiastic audiences at
events sponsored by such institutions as "The Ford Hall Forum" in Boston,
and taught and helped teach courses on her philosophy and romantic
After her death, the seminal "Philosophy: Who Needs It? (1982)",
"The Early Ayn Rand", and "The Ayn Rand Column" were published by her
intellectual heir, executor, and closest associate Dr. Leonard Peikoff.
Ayn Rand is buried in a cemetery near Valhalla, New York.
There is some biographical information in the now out-of-print
"Who is Ayn Rand" from the early sixties. I do not recommend any other
biographical works from the authors of this book as they were written
subsequent to Ayn Rand's death so she couldn't answer their contents,
the authors are openly hostile to Rand, and make allegations of fact that
cannot be verified independently.
III. Ayn Rand's Debt to Aristotle
"The only philosophical debt I can acknowledge is to Aristotle. I most
emphatically disagree with a great many parts of his philosophy--but his
definition of the laws of logic and of the means of human knowledge is
so great an achievement that his errors are irrelevant by comparison."
"About the Author," Appendix to "Atlas Shrugged" quoted from
"The Ayn Rand Lexicon", p344
IV. Ayn Rand on Aristotle
"Aristotle's philosophy was the intellect's Declaration of Independence.
Aristotle, the father of logic, should be given the title of the world's
first intellectual, in the purest and noblest sense of that word. No
matter what remnants of Platonism did exist in Aristotle's system, his
incomparable achievement lay in the fact that he defined the basic
principles of a rational view of existence and of man's consciousness:
that there is only one reality, the one which man perceives--that it
exists as an objective absolute (which means: independently of the
consciousness, the wishes or the feelings of any perceiver)--that the
task of man's consciousness is to perceive, not to create, reality--that
abstractions are man's method of integrating his sensory material--that
man's mind is his only tool of knowledge--that A is A.
If we consider the fact that to this day everything that makes us
civilized beings, every rational value that we possess -- including the
birth of science, the industrial revolution, the creation of the
United States, even of the structure of our language -- is the result
of Aristotle's influence, of the degree to which, explicitly or
implicitly, men accepted his epistemological principles, we would
have to say: never have so many owed so much to one man."
Quoted from "For the New Intellectual, HC(20),pb(22)" from "The Ayn Rand
Lexicon", p35
V. Was Ayn Rand a Conservative or a Libertarian?
"The "libertarians"...plagiarize Ayn Rand's principle that no man may
initiate the use of physical force, and treat it as a mystically revealed,
out-of-context absolute....
In the philosophical battle for a free society, the one crucial
connection to be upheld is that between capitalism and reason. The
religious conservatives are seeking to tie capitalism to mysticism;
the "libertarians" are tying capitalism to the whim-worshipping
subjectivism and chaos of anarchy. To cooperate with either group is to
betray capitalism, reason, and one's own future."
Binswanger, "The Ayn Rand Lexicon", p254 from "Q & A Department: -
Anarchism," "The Objectivist Forum", Aug. 1981, 12.
Though some thinkers discussed the relationship of force and rights,
it does not change the fact that Rand made the evil of the initation
of force and its relationship to man's means of survival--reason--
clear and explicit.
The definitive answer to this question if provided by the article,
"Libertarianism: The Perversion of Liberty" by Peter Schwartz. This
tract and a revised version which appears in "The Voice of Reason:
Essays on Objectivist Thought" are available at Second Renaissance
Books. (address below)
A note:
Common cause for freedom cannot be made with Conservative or Libertarian
groups. Conservatives observe and complain about the rampant moral
relativism taking over the world, but offer in its place a return to
Judeo-Christian values and "The Bible." Libertarians make many statements
which appear to be pro-freedom, but the arguments that they have to
offer for justification amount to "do your own thing."
In my opinion, based on my personal investigations of such groups,
many of the individuals participating in these movements
are sincere. The fundamental failing of such people in the United
States is that most do not understand the concept of proof and often
intersperse true and often brilliant insights with other claims that
fail to withstand even casual criticism. Moreover, many cases made by
Conservatives are interspersed with statements that are so fantastic
as to be unbelievable, even if they were true, yet are not given
the extraordinary proof that they require.
Hence, to use any such materials in building your case for freedom must
be done with caution. Rand herself addressed this very same issue
in the article "What Can One Do?" I suggest that you read this article
which is published in her non-fiction.
Clearly then, on avowedly religious mailing lists, libertarian lists,
or conspiracy lists, I would suggest that it would undercut your case
for Objectivism to engage in philosophical debates there. I have found
some valuable information on some of these groups, but the risk of sanction
makes participation undesirable at best. To debate Objectivism on
these lists trivializes your position and only teaches such people techniques
to use against other rational individuals in the future.
Posting on other lists including alt.philosophy.objectivism or other
philosophy lists requires caution. Before plunging in a debate, make sure
that the people involved are truly seeking answers or are instead engaged
in word games that will consume the time that you do not have.
VI. Where can one find out more about Ayn Rand's ideas?
Ayn Rand's books and the most important works of the advocates of her
philosophy, especially "Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand" by
Leonard Peikoff and "The Ayn Rand Lexicon" by Harry Binswanger
can be found in most metropolitan bookstores or can be ordered from
the publisher or from Second Renaissance Books.
The most complete collection of the works of major interpreters of
Objectivism and of works which support the values of reason, individual
achievement, and individual rights and capitalism may be found at:
Second Renaissance Books
P.O. Box 4625
Oceanside, CA 92052
For information, call 619-757-6149, or fax 619-757-1723.
For free information on Ayn Rand's ideas including the following
"Playboy's Interview with Ayn Rand"
"Philosophy of Objectivism: A Brief Summary" by Leonard Peikoff
"Man's Rights and the Nature of Government" by Ayn Rand
"Philosophy: Who Needs It?" by Ayn Rand before West Point
and many more, please contact:
The Ayn Rand Institute
4640 Admiralty Way, Suite 715
Marina del Rey, CA 90292
Additional sources of information about Objectivism:
The Jefferson School (TJS) (Offers weekend and two week summer seminars)
P.O. Box 2934
Laguna Hills, CA 92654
Conceptual Conferences
P.O. Box 339
New York, NY 10040
The Intellectual Activist (Publication of articles, reviews, current events)
P.O. Box 262
Lincroft, NJ 07738
Second Renaissance Conferences
130 Federal Road, Suite 56
Danbury, CT 06811
VII. What about other electronic forums where her ideas are discussed?
There are several private e-mail discussion groups on which Ayn Rand's
ideas are discussed.
I can endorse the activities of one moderated group called
OSG (Objectivist Study Group). It is intended for serious
students of Objectivism and it costs money to subscribe to it.
To find out more, please send mail to "info@osg.com" to receive a
standard packet of information and a contract.
For information on other moderated E-MAIL groups, please post your
request on alt.philosophy.objectivism.
Other public discussions on Ayn Rand's ideas occur on sci.philosophy.meta,
talk.philosophy.misc, sci.philosophy.tech and more. Since most
of these groups are unmoderated, it is up to the reader to decide
if a posting which is critical of Rand's ideas is basing this criticism
on fact or is based on an irrational premise or hasty generalization.
[see disclaimer]
VIII. What about audio and video recordings of Ayn Rand and others?
Ayn Rand appeared on several TV shows including the Tonight Show, Donahue,
and others. She spoke before West Point, before businessmen and the
aforementioned Ford Hall Forum. The majority of her extant recordings are
available at Second Renaissance Books. This includes other prominent
IX. What about campus clubs? Where can I find out how to start my own?
An extensive list of campus clubs can be found in Jay Allen's Objectivist
Resource Guide.
The Ayn Rand Institute now supports more than 60 campus clubs throughout
the United States and Canada.
Please contact the ARI at the following address:
The Ayn Rand Institute
4640 Admiralty Way, Suite 715
Marina del Rey, CA 90292
X. Bibliography of Published Articles in Academic Journals
This is bibliography of works by individuals of whom I am certain
are in agreement with the fundamental principles of Ayn Rand's
philosophy. This bibliography contains works in academic
journals, magazines or collections of articles.
Other Objectivist works are referred to in the "Reading List on
This is combines an edited version of the bibliography distributed
by Thomas Gramstad from an anonymous source and a bibliography recently
posted on OSG by Jerry Nilson (12/11/93).
An excellent source for other Objectivist works is to consult
the book catalog from Second Renaissance Books.
Author: Harry Binswanger
Title: Volition as Cognitive Self-Regulation
Journal: Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes
1991, 50, 154-178
Author: Harry Binswanger
Title: Life-based Teleology and the Foundations of Ethics
Journal: The Monist, 1992,
Author: Allan Gotthelf
Title: Aristotle's Conception of Final Causality
Journal: The Review of Metaphysics, 1977, 30, 226-254
Author: George Reisman
Title: Getting Parallels Straight
Journal: Reason, June 1983
Author: John Ridpath
Title: Ayn Rand's Novels: Art or Tracts
Journal: The American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 1976, 35,
Leonard Peikoff: 'Platonism's Inference from Logic to God', in 'International
Studies in Philosophy', Vol. 16, p. 25-34, 1984.
Leonard Peikoff: 'Aristotle's Intuitive Induction', in 'The New Scholasticism',
Vol. 59, p. 30-53, 1985.
Edwin Locke: 'The Contradiction of Epiphenomenalism', in 'British Journal of
Psychology', Vol. 57, p. 203-204, 1966.
Robert Mayhew: 'Aristotle on Property', in 'Review of Metaphysics', Vol. 46, p.
803-831, 1993.
Allan Gotthelf: 'The Place of the Good in Aristotle's Natural Teleology', in
'The Proceedings of the Boston Colloquium on Ancient Philosophy', Vol. 4,
p. 113-139, 1988.
Tara Smith: 'Why a Teleological Defense of Rights Needn't Yield Welfare
Rights', in 'The Journal of Social Philosophy', Vol. 23 (3), p. 35-50, 1992.
Tara Smith: 'Rights, Friends, and Egoism', in 'The Journal of Philosophy', Vol.
90 (3), p. 144-148, 1993.
Tara Smith: 'On Deriving Rights to Goods from Rights to Freedom', in 'Law and
Philosophy', Vol. 11 (3), p. 217-234, 1992.
Tara Smith: 'Why Do I Love Thee? - A Response to Nozick's Account of
Romantic Love', in 'Southwest Philosophy Review', p. 47-57, 1991.
Tara Smith: 'Moral Realism: Blackburn's Response to the Frege Objection', in
'The Southern Journal of Philosophy', Vol. 25, p. 221-228, 1987.
Author: Leonard Peikoff
Title: Atlas Shrieked
Journal: Esquire, October, 1962
Author: Michael S. Berliner
Title: Capitalism and Selfishness
Journal: Commentary, March 1987
Author: Cynthia Peikoff
Title: Capitalism and Selfishness
Journal: Commentary, March 1987
Authors: Arthur Mode, Mike Berliner
Title: Ayn Rand (Replies to Herbert)
Journal: Book World
Ayn Rand: 'A Screen Guide For Americans', Plain Talk, Nov. 1947.
Ayn Rand: 'JFK- High Class Beatnik?', Human Events, Sept. 1960.
Ayn Rand: 'The New Left Represents an Intellectual Vacuum', New York Times
Magazine, 17th of May 1970.
Edwin Locke: 'The Virtue of Selfishness', American Psychologist, Vol. 43 (6),
p. 481, 1988.
Michael Berliner: 'Capitalism and Selfishness', Commentary, March 1987.
John Ridpath: 'Ayn Rand's Novels: Art or Tracts', The American Journal of
Economics and Sociology, Vol. 35, p. 211-217, 1976.
Jerry Kirkpatrick, 'Ayn Rand's Objectivist Ethics as the Foundation of Business
Ethics', p. 67-88, in 'Business Ethics and Common Sense', ed. Robert W. McGee,
Quorum Books, 1992.
Author: George Reisman
Title: Classical Economocs Versus The Exploitation Theory
Book: Essays in Honor of F. A. Hayek, 1984
Author: George Reisman
Title: Freedom of Opportunity, Not Equality of Opportunity
Book: Essays in Honor of Hans Sennholz, 1992
Author: George Reisman
Title: The Toxicity of Environmentalism
Book: Rational Readings on Environmental Concerns, Edited by Jay Lehr
Author: Richard Sanford
Title: Being verified
Book: Rational Readings on Environmental Concerns, Edited by Jay Lehr
XI. Reading List on Objectivism
This is my reading list for learning Objectivism. All works listed
are by Ayn Rand unless specified otherwise. In addition, I list some
other works recommended in the past by Objectivists to broaden
your study. Credit goes to Austin Moseley for his suggestions and
thanks to everyone else for their corrections and assistance.
For those who have little or no familiarity with philosophy, the
best introduction to Objectivism is through Ayn Rand's fiction.
Ayn Rand was primarily a novelist. In order to write the novels
about the kind of men worth writing about who could and should exist
in the world, she developed Objectivism to support it. This philosophy
of hero worship captures the spirit of youth and its concomitant love
of life.
A note on selection. I have freely borrowed from the reading list
in the Second Renaissance Books catalog and from other sources.
My general criterion is to point people to works whose writers
provide models of rational discourse and will enable readers to
find the same spirit in whatever works they encounter on their own.
Ayn Rand's Novels
"We The Living" -- Ayn Rand considered this novel to be the ideal Romantic
novel. This novel is about the destruction of the human
spirit under dictatorships. The specifics are the
Soviet dictatorship, but it addresses all such societies.
It was made into a movie in Fascist Italy without
permission and when the authorities finally realized
its anti-authoritarian message, the movie was banned.
"The Fountainhead" -- The leitmotif of this novel is independence, of
the worship of man as heroic creator of values
through means of the use of his own mind. Howard
Roark is the hero who remains true to himself in the
entire novel, never allowing his work to be compromised
no matter the temptation. He wins.
"Atlas Shrugged" --This is Ayn Rand's 'magnum opus', a great novel beyond
ordinary greatness. It is a novel of the role of man's
mind in civilization, of its enslavement to the
looters who refuse to use their own mind to produce
the values they need to live. The plot is in answer to
the question, "What if the men of the mind were to
go on strike?" Read it and find out.
"Anthem" -- This is a novel of the rediscovery of the most
important word in all of human life, without which,
true human existence is impossible.
Introductory Philosophical Works by Ayn Rand
These works present basic aspects of Objectivism and discuss the
value of philosophy. They also address the most important issues
of philosophy for everyday life.
"Philosophy: Who Needs It?", edited by Leonard Peikoff
"For the New Intellectual"
Basic Philosophical Essays by Ayn Rand
"The Virtue of Selfishness: A New Concept of Egoism"
"Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal"
"The New Left: The Anti-Industrial Revolution"
"The Romantic Manifesto"
Introductory and Intermediate Objectivist Works
These works are intended for those who already know the basic
principles of Ayn Rand's ideas and are ready to flesh out their
"The Ayn Rand Lexicon" by Harry Binswanger
"Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology" by Ayn Rand
"Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand" by Leonard Peikoff
"The Ominous Parallels" by Leonard Peikoff
"The Voice of Reason: Essays in Objectivist Thought" by Leonard Peikoff
Study Aids
"A Study Guide to Leonard Peikoff's Objectivism:
The Philosophy of Ayn Rand" by Gary Hull (Highly Recommended)
Recommended Courses/Lectures by Leonard Peikoff
These courses and taped lectures are currently for sale from
Second Renaissance Books. Having heard the majority of these courses,
they are of superior quality.
Objectivism courses:
"The Philosophy of Objectivism" -- 12 lecture introductory course presented
in 1976 with Ayn Rand in the Q&A
"Understanding Objectivism" -- 12 Lecture course. This is his
best course to my knowledge.
"Objectivism: The State of the Art" -- 6 lecture course
"Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand" -- 15 lecture advanced course
1-6 (1990), 7-15 (1991)
"Certainty and Happiness"--achieving success in thought and action
Grammar, Rhetoric and Logic: (This is the trivium of classical heritage)
"The Philosophy of Education" -- 5 lecture course
"Introduction to Logic" -- 10 lecture course
"Principles of Grammar" -- 8 lecture course
"Objective Communication" -- 10 lecture course (Principles of Communication,
Writing, Speaking, Arguing) Ayn Rand in
Q&A on lecture 1
Polemical Presentations:
"The American School: Why Johnny Can't Think"
"Medicine: The Death of a Profession"
"Assault from the Ivory Tower"
"Religion vs. America"
"The Ominous Parallels"
"Some Notes about Tomorrow"
"Philosophy and the Real World Out There"
"My Thirty Years with Ayn Rand: An Intellectual Memoir"
Important Polemnical Essays
"Libertarianism: The Perversion of Liberty" by Peter Schwartz
"The Toxicity of Environmentalism" by George Reisman
"Education and the Racist Road to Barbarism" by George Reisman
These works have been recommended in the past by Objectivists
or I have found them valuable in my own personal studies.
"The Basic Works of Aristotle" by Richard McKeon
"Aristotle" by John Hermann Randall, Jr.
"A History of Western Philosophy" by W.T. Jones (in 5 volumes)
"Philosophical Issues in Aristotle's Biology" edited by Allan Gotthelf
and James G. Lennox.
"Religion vs Man" by John Ridpath (2 lecture course)
"A History of Philosophy", Wilhelm Windelband, 2 vols., New York: Harper
Torchbooks. (This book is out of print but it sometimes reappears in
used book stores)
"The Government Against the Economy" by George Reisman
"Economics in One Lesson" by Henry Hazlitt
"Socialism" by Ludwig von Mises
"Human Action" by Ludwig von Mises
"Introduction to Pro-Capitalist 'Macroeconomics'" -- 6 lecture course
"Economic Sophisms" by Frederic Bastiat
"Economic Harmonies" by Frederic Bastiat
"Planning for Freedom" by Ludwig von Mises
"Modern Times" by Paul Johnson
"History of Christianity" by Paul Johnson
"Birth of the Modern" by Paul Johnson
"The Discoverers" by Daniel Boorstin
"The Creators" by Daniel Boorstin
"The Story of Civilization" by Will and Ariel Durant
"How the West Grew Rich" by Nathan Rosenberg and L.E. Birdzell
"John Locke's Political Philosophy" by Harry Binswanger -- 3 lecture course
"The Beginnings of Western Science" David C. Lindberg
"Flim-Flam" by James Randi
"Rational Readings on Environmental Concerns" edited by Jay H. Lehr
"Trashing the Planet" by Dixie Lee Ray
"Environmental Overkill" by Dixie Lee Ray
"Toxic Terror" by Elizabeth Whelan
"Panic in The Pantry" by Elizabeth Whelan and Fredrick J. Stare
"The Law" by Frederic Bastiat
"Second Treatise on Civil Government" by John Locke
XII. Major Objectivist Events
-The Ford Hall Forum frequently hosts Leonard Peikoff as a guest speaker.
They did so on November 7, 1993 on the topic "Modernism and Madness"
which drew the "astonishing similarity between modern art and
schizophrenia." Ford Hall Forum can be reached at (617)-373-5800 for
schedules and for information on how to make donations.
-Second Renaissance Conferences will hold a two week summer conference
in July 1994. It will take place in Secaucus, NJ. The title of the
conference is "Ideas for the Rational Mind." Leonard Peikoff will be
the principal lecturer on the topic of "Reading and Writing" with
six other lectures included with the conference package. There are over
sixteen optional lecture courses additionally. For more information,
write to
Second Renaissance Conferences
130 Federal Road, Suite 56
Danbury, CT 06811
XIII. Local Events and Groups
The most complete list of local groups may be found on Jay Allen's list.
-The next Texas Objectivist conference will be held in Houston in 1994.
The Hill Country Objectivist Conference held October 30-31, 1993
was a big success. The papers and presentations were of high quality.
I anticipate the same when the Houston Objectivist Society hosts it in 1994.
-The Austin Objectivist Society (TAOS) holds monthly meetings on the third
Sunday night of each month. "The purpose of The Austin Objectivist Society"
is to promote the understanding and increased awareness of the Objectivist
philosophy through educational activities in the Austin metropolitan
It publishes the "GoodPremises" newsletter, not to be confused with a
newsletter of a similar name out of Chicago, on a monthly basis.
For membership information, please write to:
The Austin Objectivist Society
12300 Painted Bunting
Austin, TX 78726
[There are membership restrictions--Chris Walker]
XIV. Suggestions and Corrections
Please direct your suggestions, complaints, praise, and updates for this
FAQ to Chris Walker, cwalker@zycor.lgc.com
Chris Walker
Chris Walker