Usenet 1994 January
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Newsgroups: alt.philosophy.objectivism,sci.answers,sci.philosophy.meta,sci.philosophy.tech,alt.answers,news.answers
Path: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu!bloom-beacon.mit.edu!gatech!swrinde!cs.utexas.edu!lgc.com!cww
From: cww@zycor.lgc.com (Chris Walker)
Subject: ORG: Objectivism Resource Guide
Message-ID: <1993Dec20.033425.25537@lgc.com>
Sender: cwalker@zycor.lgc.com (Chris Walker)
Nntp-Posting-Host: scholz.zycor.lgc.com
Organization: Landmark/Zycor Austin, Texas
Date: Mon, 20 Dec 1993 03:34:25 GMT
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
Lines: 888
Xref: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu alt.philosophy.objectivism:8895 sci.answers:740 sci.philosophy.meta:10022 sci.philosophy.tech:13346 alt.answers:1456 news.answers:15992
Archive-name: objectivism/org
Last-modified: 1993/12/19
Date: Sun, 19 Dec 1993 19:58:42 -0400 (EDT)
------------------OBJECTIVISM RESOURCE GUIDE (ORG)------------------
Version 1.1
Updated on 11/14/93
created by JAY ALLEN (ALLENJCS@delphi.com)
Copyright (C) 1993, Jay Andrew Allen, all rights reserved.
(1.1) What This List Is, Why It Was Created
(2.1) Disclaimers
(2.2) Copyrights, Distribution, and Versions
(2.3) List Sources
(3.1) Learning Objectivism
(3.2) The Works of Ayn Rand
(3.3) Books related to Objectivism
(3.4) Magazines and Newsletters Related to Objectivism
(3.5) Businesses Providing Services And Products For Objectivists
(3.6) Objectivism Conferences And Events
(3.7) Organizations Spreading Objectivism Through the Culture
(3.8) Objectivism Campus Clubs
This list is a compendium of books, organizations, clubs, and businesses
which promote and champion Ayn Rand's philosophy of Objectivism. It
conscientiously distinguishes between actual Objectivist organizations and
those which merely claim to promote Rand's philosophy, but actually break
from it in fundamental principles. Its purpose is to expose those interested
in Objectivism to a rich source of Objectivist ideas and products that will
further their intellectual growth and enjoyment. Good premises, All!
--Jay Andrew Allen, Troy, NY 10/20/93
****(2.1) DISCLAIMERS****
This list is in no way endorsed by The Ayn Rand Institute or the Estate of
Ayn Rand, although its author supports both organizations.
That an organization appears on this list is no guarantee that it is endorsed
by The Ayn Rand Institute or the Estate of Ayn Rand, although everyone on
this list supports both organizations.
That an organization appears on this list is no guarantee that it approves of
its inclusion or of the description given to it. If the leaders/owners of any
organization disagree with either, please contact Jay Allen at
ALLENJCS@delphi.com. If it is a problem with description, a
new description can be worked up; if it is a problem with inclusion, the
organization has a right to request that it be removed.
This list is available for free distribution across the world-wide computer
net, and may be distributed in print--but ONLY if it is reproduced IN FULL,
and WITHOUT ANY ALTERATION. This list is copyright by me, and is my
property. Lists containing additions, subtractions, etc. are violations of
copyright law and will not be tolerated.
Occasionally, I will update this list and repost it to the "core" locations.
These are:
usenet group alt.answers
all usenet groups related to philosophy (please note that this list's
appearance on these groups is in no way meant to indicate support; I
support only those groups which appear in the list itself)
Bob Stubblefield's Objectivism Study Group
Mark Gardner's VORTEX mailing list
Once a new version has been reposted, the old version is no longer valid, and
should be discarded.
If you ever find altered versions of this list, please contact Jay Allen, so
that the appropriate action can be taken.
****(2.3) SOURCES AND THANKS****
The list is a compilation of organizations, etc. gathered by myself over a
two-year period. Information about more than a few organizations had to be
obtained from other sources, something I note next to each such entry.
Descriptions are mine, unless otherwise indicated.
I would like to thank the following people for their assistance:
Chris Walker, whose Objectivism FAQ contains many other valuable
resources not included in this list; Mark J. Gardner, for information
concerning the electronic medium, and for editorial assistance; Tony
Donadio, for placing this list on Compuserve; Bob Stubblefield, for providing
many helpful suggestions, and for letting me submit this list to the
membership of the electronic Objectivism Study Group for critical
examination; and Kevin Watson, Mark A. Hurt, and others for providing
important information.
The Ayn Rand Institute (see below, 3.5) distributes a "Recommended Reading
List" of key Objectivist literature. It consists mainly of books and essays by
Ayn Rand, arranged in a recommended order for beginning students of
Chris Walker's FAQ contains a short summary of Objectivism, as well as
biographical information on Ayn Rand. It also contains a list of Objectivist
literature, both by Rand and her intellectual followers, including magazines
and journals in which articles by Objectivists have appeared. I will let the
FAQ stand as the reference in this area.
The most I will do is emphasize that the full, systematic statement of Ayn
Rand's philosophy is to be found in Leonard Peikoff's book
_Objectivism:_The_Philosophy_of_Ayn_Rand_ (colloquially called OPAR),
Dutton Books, 1991. Dr. Peikoff is Rand's material and intellectual heir; his
taped lecture series on the Philosophy of Objectivism was the only such
presentation to which Rand gave an unqualified endorsement. However, as Dr.
Peikoff himself points out in the book's introduction, the definitive source
for information about Objectivism is still the works of Ayn Rand, its sole
originator and spokesman.
(A) The Atlantean Press Review
The Atlantean Press Review is a magazine devoted to printing the latest in
Romantic Realism the school of art which depicts men "as they might be and
ought to be.". As one of its own fliers reports, the Review's discriminating
selection of art works from various fields "brings readers a rare experience
in today's culture: the vision of man as a hero, and life as a breathtaking
Formerly an annual compendium, the Review is now a quarterly magazine.
Subscription is $17 for one year and $30 for two years. Back issues are also
available. For more information, contact:
The Atlantean Press
P.O. Box 361116
Milpitas, CA 95036
(If you are placing an order, make sure you address it to the "Order
The Atlantean Press also publishes rare, hard-to-find works in the field of
Romantic literature. Recent endeavors include _The_Man_Who_Laughs_ and
_The_Toilers_of_The_Sea_, two novels by Victor Hugo formerly out of
print. Future projects include a play by Edmond Rostand, author of
_Cyrano_de_Bergerac_. Write The Atlantean Press for more information.
(B) Atlantis: An Objectivist Symposium
Described as "a medium of exchange of rational ideas." For more
information, write:
Axiomatic Productions, Attn: Editors,
P.O. Box 94332
Seattle, Washington 98124-6632
(C) Cantique Connection
"Cantie" is an Old English word meaning "cheerful, connoting able; cheerfully
strong." According to a promotional flyer, "Cantique Connection is like a
'local paper,' documenting the Objectivist community's achievements. It
shows and tells exactly _what_ cantie people are doing and _why_ they're
doing it." Cantique distributes a newsletter containing (among other things)
information about Objectivist activities, clubs, lectures, businesses, etc.,
along with articles on the application of Objectivism to daily life. It also
publishes an annual directory of members, allowing members with similar
interests to contact one another.
Subscriptions are $25 US for eleven issues and the directory. Write to:
Cantique Connection
Department 263
P.O. Box 6700
Lawrence, MA 01842
(508) 568-0694 FAX (508) 562-4387
NOTICE: As of the last update, Cantique has temporarily halted production.
Although the publisher, Anne Ladd, promises to have it up-and-running
in the future, no definite date for re-activation has been set.
(D) The Intellectual Activist
The Intellectual Activist began at the tail end of the 70's as a magazine
dealing with contemporary political, economic, and social issues from an
Objectivist standpoint. In the past few years, it has included essays on
philosophy and philosophy-related topics, such as Leonard Peikoff's "Why
Should One Act on Principle," Dr. Gary Hull's speech on the state of
contemporary philosophy, and an article By Tore Boeckmann on motivation in
Romantic and Naturalist literature.
Subscriptions are $24 for one year ($30 for Canadian and Mexican residents,
$39 for overseas residents). Full-time students need pay only $17 if they
include a copy of a valid student ID. Write to:
TIA Publications, Inc.
PO Box 262
Lincroft, NJ 07738-0262
Or send e-mail to: tia@osg.com
(E) The Objectivist Forum (Defunct)
The Objectivist Forum was a magazine edited by Dr. Harry Binswanger, with
Ayn Rand as philosophic consultant. It discussed modern culture from an
Objectivist standpoint and ran many philosophical articles and essays, such
as excerpts from Leonard Peikoff's then-unreleased _Ominous_Parallels_. It
contains articles by and interviews with Rand and Peikoff that are
unavailable elsewhere.
The magazine ceased publication in 1987, but is now available in a bound
volume for $48 (American rate) from: TOF Publications, PO Box 1895, Murray
Hill Station, New York NY 10156
(F) The Objectivist Newsletter; The Objectivist; The Ayn Rand Letter
(All Defunct)
These were the magazines owned and edited by Ayn Rand. They are all
available in bound format from Second Renaissance Books (see below,
section 3. )
--THE OBJECTIVIST NEWSLETTER (1962-1965): Many of the articles have
been reprinted in Ayn Rand's books, particularly in
_Capitalism:_The_Unknown_Ideal_ and _The_Virtue_Of_Selfishness_. It
does contain, however, many book reviews and interesting answers to
reader's questions that have never been published elsewhere.
--THE OBJECTIVIST (1966-1971): This 1,120-page book is perhaps the
richest of the three in content. Included: Ayn Rand's essays on epistemology,
reprinted as _Introduction_To_Objectivist_Epistemology_; "Metaphysics in
Marble" by Mary Ann Sures, an essay applying Objectivist esthetics to the
art of sculpture; "To Whom It May Concern," Ayn Rand's explanation of why
she broke all intellectual ties with Nathaniel Branden. The bound volume
comes with a six page essay, "The Rational Faculty," which is Ayn Rand's
"thinking out loud" about the philosophical link between individualism and
--THE AYN RAND LETTER (1971-76): This volume is best known for applying
philosophical principles to international issues of the day.
(A) American Renaissance for the Twenty-First Century (ART)
ART, founded by art critic and exhibit curator Alexandra York, describes its
purpose as follows: "To promote and _advance_ established western art
forms; realism in painting and sculpture; melody and harmony in music;
grace in dance; structure, coherence, and meaning in theatre, poetry, and
literature--and the expression of Beauty in all." It is a staunch advocate of
Romantic Realism in the arts.
One of its best products to date is a catalog highlighting pieces from an
exhibition called "ROMANTIC REALISM: Visions of Values," given to anyone
who makes a $10 contribution to ART.
To find out more about ART, contact:
F.D.R. Station
P.O. Box 8379
New York, NY 10150-1919
(B) Objectivism Study Group
The purpose of this e-mail discussion group is to provide a forum for
individuals to discuss Objectivism with others who are also seriously
interested in ideas. The owner of this service, Bob Stubblefield, expects list
members to adhere strictly to its charter. Although members need not be
Objectivists, pseudo-Objectivists are excluded. The charter should be read,
accepted, and *understood* before subscribing.
To get a copy of the charter, send a message to info-osg@osg.com. You will
also receive a membership form; if you qualify and want to join, fill out the
form and e-mail it back to the appropriate address. Membership will begin
soon afterwards. The first month is free; afterwards, the cost is $48 for
one year ($24 for full-time students).
(Write-up by Jay Allen, with editing by Bob Stubblefield)
(C) Peikoff Lectures (Out of Business)
Peikoff Lectures rented Dr. Peikoff's taped lecture courses. Lectures
included "Introduction To Logic," "Ancient Philosophy: Thales To Hume,"
"Modern Philosophy: Kant to the Present," and the perennial "Understanding
Objectivism," a great course for those trying to overcome bad methods of
thinking that stand in the way of understanding Objectivist ideas. It also
rented Ayn Rand's Lectures on Fiction Writing, given by her in her apartment
in the early 60's.
Though Peikoff Lectures is now out of business, the lectures are steadily
being made available for sale through Second Renaissance Books (see below).
Contact them for more information.
(D) RIC Trading Company
"RIC Trading Company offers products that support and encourage
rational conversation about the principles of Objectivism. The
RIC Symbol (the company's trademarked logo) is a unique, visual
reminder of an objective view of mankind and his relationship to
the universe, including his relationship to himself and others."
(Written by Kevin Watson, President, and Mark A. Hurt, CEO, RIC
Trading Co.)
RIC (which stands for: Reason, Individual Rights, Capitalism) sells shirts,
pins, and other products bearing a unique logo: two human figures, side by
side, holding a dollar sign in mutual comradery. For information on available
products, contact:
RIC Trading Company
P.O. Box 270743
Nashville, TN 37227-0743
Phone: 615-781-0080
Fax: 615-781-0083
E-mail: ric@attmail.com
(NOTE from Kevin Watson and Mark Hurt: The RIC logo is not the official logo
of the philosophy of Objectivism.)
(E) Second Renaissance Books--Ideas For the Rational Mind
Second Renaissance, an Objectivist book service, sports the largest
selection of Ayn Rand's writings and taped lectures available anywhere, and
carries an extensive selection of books which, in the words of editor-
publisher Peter Schwartz, "present...the efficacy and value of reason--the
benefits of free scientific inquiry and technological progress--the virtues
of individual achievement and its guarantor: individual rights--the
practicality of freedom and capitalism."**
For the latest copy of their quarterly catalog, contact:
Second Renaissance Books
110 Copperwood Way
P.O. Box 4625
Oceanside, CA 92052
Customer information phone #: (619) 757-6149
**Taken from "Our Editorial Standards," printed in every edition of the SRB
(F) Values Mind Products
Founded in Israel by Ohad Kamin, Values is "an international organization
dedicated to the spreading of esthetic values and applications of
Objectivism to various fields." **
In addition to proselytizing activities, Values sells prints of works of
Romantic art. For a catalog and more information on Values, contact:
Yaron Brook
Values U.S. Representative
5829 Recife Way
San Jose, CA 95120
(408) 268-6854
**From a description in *Atlantean Press Review 1992*
VORTEX is the Voice of Reason Textual Electronic eXchange. It is a free
electronic mailing list administrated by college student and Objectivist
Mark J. Gardner. A relatively new service, its members tend to be new to
Objectivism, and the level of discussion is more informal than that of OSG.
VORTEX is currently off-line due to the fact that Mark has lost his email
account at Drexel University. Information on reactivation should be
available by the next update.
The major Objectivism conferences are The Jefferson School, Conceptual
Conferences, and Second Renaissance Conferences.
THE JEFFERSON SCHOOL (TJS) is held for two weeks every second odd year in
California. (1993's conference was held in San Francisco, at the Clarion
Hotel.) Tuition price (between $1300-1800 for the two weeks) buys
admission to all open lectures, room, and board. Lecturers range from
established Objectivists to up-and-coming students and professors, and
have in the past included Leonard Peikoff, Harry Binswanger, and Edith
Packer and George Reisman (who both own and run the conference).
TJS also holds talks in New York and California during non-conference
For information, write:
The Jefferson School
P.O. Box 2934
Laguna Hills, CA 92654
CONCEPTUAL CONFERENCES (ConCon), run by M. Northrup Beuchner, was
TJS's East coast equivalent, its conferences being held every second even
year. However, 1994's conference has been cancelled, prompting Sandra
Schwartz to establish:
SECOND RENAISSANCE CONFERENCES (a corporate entity distinct from
Second Renaissance Books), which will take ConCon's place. 1994's lecturers
will include Leonard Peikoff on Reading and Writing, Harry Binswanger on
understanding Ayn Rand's ideas, and (for the first time at an Objectivist
conference) an introductory course in Objectivism for new students, given
by Bob Stubblefield.
The 1994 SR Conference will be held in Secaucus, New Jersey, at the
Meadowlands Hilton. For more information, write:
SR Conferences
130 Federal Rd., Suite 56
Danbury, CT 06811
Other regional conferences and events include:
(A) Pacific Northwest Objectivist Conference
"PNWOC is designed to be an intensive weekend, offering the conferee a
selection of courses and lectures that provide not only a better
understanding of the world around us from an Objectivist viewpoint, but a
chance to learn directly from three excellent and well-known Objectivist
"PNWOC is an affordable, educational weekend, offering each attendee over
17 hours of courses, lectures and extended question and answer sessions
over three days."
Pamela L. Benson
P.O. Box 4315
South Colby, WA 98384-0315
voice: (206) 876-6012
fax: (206) 876-2902
e-mail: clasnetske@attmail.com
(Taken from an OSG message from Clifford Lasnetske on 9/23/93)
(B) Texas Objectivist Societies Conference
This yearly conference, held in the fall season, is famous for hosting works
by up-and-coming students of Objectivism. Offerings for 1993 include talks
on the philosophy and economics of the division of labor, and objective
musical esthetics. For information, contact:
Hill Country Objectivist Association
501 Kingfisher Creek Drive
Austin, Texas 78748
(C) Ford Hall Forum
Every year, Ayn Rand would give a speech at the Ford Hall Forum in Boston.
Since her death, Dr. Leonard Peikoff has carried on the tradition.(All of his
speeches up until 1991 are reprinted in _The_Voice_of_Reason_:
Essays_In_Objectivist_Thought_, which also contains many of Ayn Rand's old
Ford Hall speeches.) Dr. Peikoff's latest speech, held on November 7 1993,
was "Modernism and Madness," which discussed the close link between
modern art and schizophrenia.
For more information, call the Ford Hall Forum at (617)-437-5800.
NOTE: Ford Hall is not an "Objectivist organization," but an independent
organization dedicated to protecting free speech.
(A) The Ayn Rand Institute: The Center for the Advancement of Objectivism
A non-profit organization, ARI is the premier organization devoted to
spreading Ayn Rand's ideas throughout the culture. Its many activities
--The operation of a Campus Club Bureau, which keeps all Objectivist
college clubs stocked with Objectivist literature and lends taped lectures
for public broadcasting;
--The operation of a Campus Speakers Bureau: past speakers have included
Harry Binswanger on "Why 'Buy American' is _Un_-American," George
Reisman on "Education and the Racist Road to Barbarism," and Peter
Schwartz, Richard Salsman, and Richard Sanford on "The Case Against
Environmentalism: Moral, Economic, and Scientific."
--The sponsoring of auctions and banquets, such as The Fountainhead 50th
Anniversary Banquet being held in Boston this November;
--Two contests: A _Fountainhead_ Essay contest open to 11th and 12th
graders, and an _Anthem_ essay contest for 9th and 10th graders.
ARI's financial support comes solely from private donations. Donors receive
ARI's quarterly newsletter, containing updates on events in the Objectivist
community. For more information, contact:
The Ayn Rand Institute
4640 Admiralty Way
Suite 715
Marina del Rey, CA 90292
(B) The Association For Objective Law (TAFOL)
An organization of Objectivist lawyers. Past events and projects include a
class on the link between press freedom and defamation law, and donation
of services to help fight mandatory _pro_bono_ in Texas and mandatory
"community service" in Pennsylvania.
For more information, write:
P.O. Box 1225
Purcellville, VA 22132-1225
(C) The Association of Objectivist Businessmen (AOB)
Association of Objectivist Businessmen
P.O. Box 579
Morreston, NJ 08057-0579
Rational newsletter about business issues from an objective point
of view.
(Information supplied by Mark A. Hurt)
(D) Objectivist Health Care Professionals Network (OHCPN)
OHCPN seeks to inform health-care professionals about the dangers of
government force in the medical industry, and give them the philosophical
weapons needed to fight it. It distributes pamphlets, fliers, and essays,
including a "Health Care Professional's Self-Defense Kit," and has an email
mailing list open to professionals and anyone else interested in fighting the
growth of government-controlled medicine.
To subscribe to the OHCPN Newsletter, contact:
OHCPN Newsletter
P.O. Box 4315
South Colby, WA 98384-0315
(206) 876-5868
To get the Health care Professional Survival kit, send $7 to:
500 Metropolitan Avenue, Suite 453
Brooklyn, NY 11211
(make checks payable to Salvatore J. Durante)
OHCPN also runs an e-mail list through the services of Bob Stubblefield.
According to Mark A. Hurt, "The discussion should be primarily philosophical,
i.e. on the five branches of philosophy. However, applications of
Objectivism to specific scientific problems are also welcome. In addition,
medical meeting news, discussion of legislation impacting on the health
professions (perhaps for political action on specific issues), open questions,
and a robust exchange of ideas are encouraged."
To join, send a message to info@osg.com (the same address for Bob
Stubblefield's Objectivism Study Group). For further information, contact:
Mark A. Hurt, MD
36 Four Seasons Ctr., Suite 334
Chesterfield, MO 63017-3103
(314) 434-4878 (voice mail)
(314) 434-3890 (FAX)
mhurt@attmail.com (e-mail address)
(E) The Society for Objective Science (SOS)
President: Rick Sanford
Newsletter: SOS Alert
Membership dues: $35/yr.
For information, contact:
Society for Objective Science
P.O. Box 579
Morreston, NJ 08057-0579
(609) 234-0330
(3.8.1) General Clubs
This is a list of private clubs that discuss and/or promote Objectivism in
their area.
As of 10/12/93, this is a rather incomplete list. Many of the listings are
just a name and a phone number; these were taken from an issue of the now-
defunct magazine REALITY. Several members of Bob Stubblefield's OSG have
assisted me by supplying information on their local clubs. If you have more
information concerning these clubs, or if the information listed has
changed, please contact me.
If you know of other private clubs which you want included on this list,
please send me contact information, as well as information about the club's
purpose and activities, and I will include them in the next update. (NOTE:
Clubs MUST be Objectivist in nature; organizations which "admire some of
Ayn Rand's ideas," but depart fundamentally from her philosophy, will not be
Meets biweekly.
Newsletter: Alabama Objectivist
No contact information currently available.
"The Austin Objectivist Society (TAOS) holds monthly meetings on the third
Sunday night of each month. 'The purpose of The Austin Objectivist Society"
is to promote the understanding and increased awareness of the Objectivist
philosophy through educational activities in the Austin metropolitan
"It publishes the 'GoodPremises' newsletter, not to be confused with a
newsletter of a similar name out of Chicago, on a monthly basis.
"For membership information, please write to:
"The Austin Objectivist Society
12300 Painted Bunting
Austin, TX 78726"
[Above passage taken from Chris Walker's Objectivism FAQ]
Meets monthly.
Call Harris Kenner at (401) 647-5387
Meets monthly.
Call David Baucom at (704) 365-9884
"COS was organized in September, 1992, for the purpose of bringing
Objectivists together for study, friendship, and promotion of the
philosophy of Ayn Rand.
"We hold monthly meetings (usually on Saturday evenings), featuring live
presentations by members of the group with discussion following, or
discussion of essays or lectures by Ayn Rand, Leonard Peikoff, or other
"Membership is open to anyone who desires to understand and apply the
ideas of Ayn Rand. Prospective members are given a full statement of
purpose and principles, and are asked to complete a membership form, which
gives us information about the backgrounds of the members. (We use the
information to plan programs that will interest people, not as a membership
"test.") Annual dues of $10 are required to remain on our mailing list
after a three-month (free) trial period....
"Our newsletter, _Good_Premises_, is mailed monthly to all members. It
features news of COS activities, appearances by Objectivist speakers at
area colleges, and original articles by our members."
Contact Thomas Shoebotham or Cathy Cretsinger 708-665-6073. (leave
message), or send e-mail to: cretsinger@fnald0.fnal.gov
(Write-up by Cathy Cretsinger, with minor deletions by Jay Allen)
Began as an organization devoted to listening to lecture courses from
Peikoff Lectures, until the latter went out of business. According to
Director William Breihan, "We are currently having classes, with Dr.
Peikoff's permission, on UNDERSTANDING OBJECTIVISM [Peikoff's course on
how to properly and fully understand Objectivist ideas]. We are dedicated to
learning Objectivism as a non-contradictory, integrated system. We
welcome participation from anyone interested in Miss Rand's ideas, but will
not permit any any activities that compromise the integrity of Objectivism."
William R. Breihan, Director
1550 Northwest Highway, Suite 108G
Park Ridge, IL 60068
(708) 297-1616
Meets every 3rd Wednesday.
Call Paul Gruchala at (313) 563-9104
Meets biweekly.
Newsletter: The Bulletin
Call Albert Jakira at (718) 624-3388
Meets bimonthly.
Newsletter: HOS Newsletter
Call Dwayne Hicks at (713) 879-0444
Meets bimonthly.
Call Rinda Montgomery at (503) 623-4000
Meets monthly.
PACIFIC NORTHWEST OBJECTIVISTS: A blanket name for the following
Meets every 4th Sunday.
Call Pamela Benson at (206) 876-6012
Meets every 2nd Saturday
Call Shrikant Ragnikar at (206) 649-9101
Meets every 1st and 3rd Sunday.
Call Arrow Pride at (206) 742-5023
Meets monthly.
Call Amy Skaar at (206) 842-7806
All four groups are covered by the newsletter Passion for Reason.
Meets Monthly
Newsletter: The Egoist
Contact: Sacramento Objectivist Society, 949 University Avenue, #210
Sacramento, California 95825
Swiss Society for the Study of Ayn Rand's Philosophy: Objectivism
(French, German and Italian translation available upon request :-)
"We meet fortnightly, on Saturday, rotating among various cities: Basel,
Biel, Neuchatel. Current activities: studying OPAR, individual
presentations, listening to taped lectures, watching good movies,
eating good food.
"Contact: Magnus Kempe, Croset 8, CH--1024 ECUBLENS, SWITZERLAND
ph: +41 21 691 36 79"
(Write-up by Magnus Kempe)
"SCOA has a quarterly newsletter, a PhoneNet which announces fast-
breaking (usually local) news, many ongoing activist projects,
activities at The Jefferson School, annual Picnics, Christmas Parties,
and Beach Parties, and chances to meet Objectivist intellectuals and
discuss important ideas at our meetings.
"We are beginning our seventh year and we have almost 300 members and a
mailing list of over 600.
"To get a copy of our newsletter and membership information, write:
P.O. Box 9941
Canoga Park, CA 91309"
(Write-up by SCOA President Betsy Speicher)
Meets bimonthly.
Call Howard Jeck at (407) 482-6912
Meets every 3rd Sunday.
Call Karyn Voss at (404) 432-9468
Meets monthly.
Newsletter: Tampa Bay Objectivists
Call Stuart Daw at (813) 573-0101
Call David Bowland at (416) 601-0322
Newsletter: WAOC Newsletter
Call Jack Crawford at (301) 946-3984
(3.8.2) Campus Clubs
Below is a list of Objectivist campus clubs registered with The Ayn Rand
Institute. If you need information on how to contact a specific club, call ARI
at (310) 306-9232 and ask for Ginger Clark.
Unless noted otherwise, all clubs are in the United States.
Amsterdam Business School (Netherlands)
Arizona State University
Boston University
California State University--Fullerton
California State Polytechnic University
Carnegie-Mellon University
Clear Lake High School
Copenhagen University (Denmark)
Cornell University
Delft University of Technology (Netherlands)
Drake University Students of Objectivism
Drexel University
Duke University
Eckerd College
Emerson College
Florida State University
George Washington University
Goshen College (listed as inactive)
Grand Valley State College
Greater Boston Objectivist Student Council
Harvard University
Koblenz School of Corporate Management (Germany)
Lehigh University
Miami-Dade Community College
Michigan State University
New York University
Northwestern University
Oklahoma State University
Oregon State University
Osgoode Hall Law School (York University, Ontario)
Pennsylvania State University
Purdue University
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Ryerson Polytechnic Institute (Canada)
Siena College
St. Petersburg Junior College
Stanford University
SUNY--Stony Brook (listed as inactive)
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (Switzerland)
Tel Aviv University (Israel)
Texas A & M University
University of Western Ontario (Canada)
University of Arizona
University of British Columbia (Canada)
University of California--Berkeley
University of California--Davis
University of California--Irvine
University of California--Los Angeles
University of California--San Diego
University of California--Santa Barbara (listed as inactive)
University of Chicago
University of Chicago Law School
University of Cincinnati
University of Florida
University of Georgia
University of Gothenburg (Sweden)
University of Houston
University of Illinois
University of Louisville
University of Melbourne (Australia)
University of Miami
University of Michigan
University of Minnesota
University of New Hampshire
University of New Mexico
University of Northern Colorado
University of Oklahoma
University of Oregon
University of Oslo (Norway)
University of Southern California
University of Stockholm (Sweden)
University of Tennessee
University of Texas
University of Toronto (Canada)
University of Utah
University of Waterloo (Canada)
University of Wisconson-Madison
Washington University
Wayne State University
Williams College
----------------------------END OF ORG------------------------------
Chris Walker