Usenet 1994 January
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Path: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu!bloom-beacon.mit.edu!pad-thai.aktis.com!pad-thai.aktis.com!not-for-mail
From: gwp@cs.purdue.edu (Geoffrey William Peters)
Newsgroups: bit.listserv.pagemakr,alt.aldus.pagemaker,alt.answers,news.answers
Subject: Pagemaker Frequently Asked Questions, part 2/2
Supersedes: <pagemaker-faq/part2_752130024@GZA.COM>
Followup-To: poster
Date: 13 Dec 1993 00:00:53 -0500
Organization: none
Lines: 671
Sender: faqserv@security.ov.com
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
Expires: 7 Feb 1994 05:00:11 GMT
Message-ID: <pagemaker-faq/part2_755758811@GZA.COM>
References: <pagemaker-faq/part1_755758811@GZA.COM>
NNTP-Posting-Host: pad-thai.aktis.com
Summary: This posting contains a list of Frequently Asked questions for
the Pagemaker listserv (bit.listserv.pagemakr). It should be
read before anyone posts to this group. Also, please note that
there are additional FAQs for this group, see question #8 in
part one or FTP to the site listed in the header below.
X-Last-Updated: 1993/10/26
Xref: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu bit.listserv.pagemakr:1819 alt.aldus.pagemaker:1251 alt.answers:1405 news.answers:15694
Archive-name: pagemaker-faq/part2
Last-modified: 1993/10/26
Version: 28
This is part two of the Frequently Asked Questions listing for the Pagemaker
Bitnet Listserv. This file can be retrieved in its entirity along with other
Pagemaker related documents via anonymous FTP at Wuarchive.Wustl.Edu in the
doc/misc/pagemakr directory. Please see part one of the FAQ for more
--> 16. Tell me about Aldus Additions. What Additions already exist?
Aldus has a new policy where they allow outside software vendors to
sell add-on features for PageMaker. They are called Aldus Additions
and are similar to Quark Extensions.
One vendor is Equilibrium, who sells Rotate This! and Import That!.
The former will allow the rotation of bitmapped graphics in Pagemaker,
the latter will allow the importation of the following file formats:
bob, bmp, dr. halo cut, gif, iff/lbm, img (gem), lotus pic, msp type 1,
pcp, pcx, pcc, pixare, qdv, raw RGB, rle, tga, and WPG (PC 5.1).
The address is: Equilibrium
914 Mission Ave. 2nd floor
San Rafael, CA 94901
1-800-524-8651 Dept. EC2 (ordering number)
1-415-332-4343 (support/questions)
Another Additions is the PM Pro Kit by EDCO Services. It features type
distortion, kerning capabilities, rotate and merge, a pica gauge, and
assistance in setting up column guides. They also have a product called
PM Tracker.
EDCO Address is: EDCO Services, INC.
12410 North Dale Mabry Highway
Tampa, FL 33618
* Aldus also has a whole list of additions that are available for PM 5.0.
* Check the original documents that came with PM 5.0.
If you are a programmer and would like to create your own Aldus addition,
please contact Lisa Wise, Developer Technology Manager, at (206) 343-7692.
--> 17. How do I set gradient fills on letters?
In Pagemaker it is easy to create a text box that is filled with an 80%
shade of black. It is not so obvious, though, to have letters that are
of a percent shade of black. Here is how to do it: Use the define colors
in Pagemaker, pick the CMYK model and set all settings to zero except for
the black. Move the black to the desired percent setting and then give
the color definition a name. Change the text to the desired shade by using
the color palette.
--> 18. How do I export the text of several (or all) unconnected stories?
If you want to join together a several unconnected stories together
into one main story, there is a rather ingenious way to do it. This
technique is especially useful if you wish to export a Pagemaker file
to an ASCII file. First open up a *new* Pagemaker file and issue the
place command. Specify as a file your previous Pagemaker file (make
sure your Pagemaker import filter is installed). A list of the stories
will appear and then select the ones you want to join together. Keep
in mind that you can in turn import the new story into the old file.
--> 19. Does Pagemaker offer a site license for a network installation?
PageMaker 4.x, as are all Aldus products, is network aware, but are not
networkable. That is to say that the license prohibits you from loading
the application onto a network server
However, there is a network license that will allow you to load the
software onto the server (it's free), but you will still have to have one
copy of the software loaded for every node that plans to run PageMaker
in order to legally comply with the license (in other words, ugggh).
Please note that there are indeed ways to load a single copy onto a
server, resource files onto the local node drive, and use products to
monitor usage and licenses (such as Brightwork's Sitelock). However,
since this technically violates the letter of the license agreement no
one can, in good faith, recommend this practice. (I have heard of other
companies, though, approving of such a setup.)
* Does anyone know the policy for version 5.0?
--> 20. I am experiencing printing woes. Suggestions?
How can I get my crop marks to work in PageMaker 5.0?
The standard fills are not working correctly in PageMaker 5.0?
How can I get WinFax to work with PageMaker 5.0?
+ Just about every application has at least a few bugs in it. It appears
+ as though Pagemaker 5.0's bugs are numerous in the printings areas.
+ Numerous people on both Mac and PC platforms have reported printing
+ problems, ranging from total inoperability to extreme slowness. The
+ quickest suggestion I can make is to attempt smaller jobs -- send
+ only 2 or 3 pages and see how it does.
+ Next, call Aldus. First, this keeps them aware of their problems.
+ Secondly, they *should* be the first to know when fixes are available.
+ If you do find out something new, please post to the group so that
+ we can all be up-to-date.
+ The first thing to check if you are a PC user with a PostScript or HP
+ printer is to verify that you are using Pagemaker's new printer drivers
+ instead of your Windows 3.x drivers. When you get an "old printer
+ driver" warning, this is often the cause. Go to the Control Printer,
+ double click "Printers", choose "Add" and then "Install". Plop the
+ last Pagemaker installation disk in and choose the correct printer.
+ If you are still experiencing troubles even after you have installed
+ Pagemaker's drivers, you may need to modify your PPD directly.
+ One typical problem occurs with PostScript emulating or PostScript
+ generic printers that use Apple Laserwriter series (or some other
+ standard) printer drivers. Typically, the PPD associated with the
+ Laserwriter is highly tuned to that printer and thus may have
+ differences with your actual printer's setup. Most often, there is
+ a disagreement on the amount of virtual memory your printer has --
+ which can make a great difference in printing speeds and sizes. If
+ you would like more information on how to check/modify this, post
+ to the list or call Aldus.
+ For Macintosh users, please be aware that the PPDs for PageMaker 5.0
+ are different the for previous versions. Specifically PM 5.0 uses
+ PS Level 2 PPDs. If you get a "Bad Printer Definition File" while
+ printing from PageMaker 4.x and PageMaker 5.0 is also installed
+ on your system, this is likely the problem.
+ One known bug in PageMaker 5.0 is in the crop marks. The image area
+ for crops must equal .875" in addition to selected page size in each
+ dimension. If necessary, create a custom page size and and ignore the
+ error messages.
+ Another bug is with the standard Postscript fills with certain video
+ drivers and non-Postscript printers. The current work around for this
+ known bug is to define a new Tint color of the correct % black you
+ desire. Use this defined color instead of the standard fill. Also
+ experiment with the "Allow PCL Halftoning" selection in the "Colors"
+ submenu for best results.
+ Also, if you are using a FAX program (such as WinFax), be sure that
+ the software (WinFax Administrator) before printing to the FAX modem.
+ Also, FAXes will have a better range of grayscales if the "Allow PCL
+ Halftoning" box in the print menu is not checked. (Thank you Tony
+ Thomas for the bug reports.)
+ We will try to keep every one abreast of the situation. Also check
+ later in this FAQ for system-specific printing suggestions (#53,
+ #54, #61).
+ Finally, Bruce Patterson has created a lengthy Printing Help File
+ that can be found in the archives mentioned in #7 earlier. This file
+ is very helpful in tracking down printing problems.
--> 30. What is PostScript? What different types of file formats exist?
This question delves into the pros and cons of .EPS, .PCX, .TIF file
formats, among others. The two main formats are bitmapped images and
PostScript. Bitmapped images are based on pixels while the PostScript
images are based on bezier curves. Thus, bitmapped images have poor
qualities when expanded to higher resolution than their original size,
while PostScript images maintain their definitions when their size
is increased. There are many utilities available that will convert
between the many different file formats.
Regarding PostScript, it is important to remember that PostScript is
fundamentally a programming *language* that is used mainly in graphical
environments. It also tends to be oriented towards printer/plotter
type devices, although Display PostScript allows direct video inter-
pretation of a PostScript file. Also, PostScript files are ASCII,
allowing them to be transported via email (in most cases).
PostScript files are stored in either .EPS or .PS formats. The .PS
format is simply a file containing straight PostScript commands.
Unless you have Display PostScript (i.e. NeXT), you will not be able
to directly display a straight .PS file without a program to interpret
it. One such program is GhostScript (which also allows PostScript files
* to be printed on non-PostScript devices). To compute .PS bounding boxes,
* see the next question.
The Encapsulated PostScript File (.EPS) has the following requirements:
I) Specifies that it is an EPS file in the header
II) Avoids certain PostScript commands that may cause problems
if the file were imported into a graphics application and may
add a few additional ones as well to assist in importing
III) Include a "BoundingBox" comment to specify its size
IV) *May* include a low-resolution bitmapped preview image
It is often assumed that an EPS file must have a bitmapped preview
image, but occasionally this is seen to be otherwise. This image
allows you to see a preview of the PostScript file on machines that
cannot directly display a PostScript image. In theory, the bitmap image
is used only for display, but a few rare programs actually use the
bitmapped image to print the image and not the PostScript commands. UGH!
In summary for PostScript, the .PS files tend to be multi-page files
intended for direct download to a PostScript output device. The .PS
files are often created when you direct your printer output to a
file. The .EPS files tend to be one page or smaller images that are
meant to be imported as graphic images into an application. The
best example of an .EPS file is clipart from a professional company.
In terms of Pagemaker, it could care less which type of PostScript
file it imports. If it is a .EPS image it will display the bitmap
image (if present) to assist in positioning. If the image is not
present but the BoundingBox command still is, then it should display
a gray box the size of the image. If the file is a straight .PS file,
PageMaker will display a gray box the size of the page. Note that
this .PS file could be several pages long, although only taking up
one page in PageMaker (one roundabout way to download a PostScript
file to a printer).
As for the bitmapped arena, many of the list's subscribers have
expressed a preference for the TIFF format over PCX. Scanned
images stored as bitmaps generally take less room than a Postscript
version. Compressed TIFF images are even smaller, naturally.
Another file type commonly used is the GIF format. This format
was created by Compuserve and is used mainly for display purposes.
The GIF format is compressed so that the image will take a minimal
amount of space. JPG or JPEG files are further compressions of
GIF files that are commonly found; JPEGs tend to lose a minimal
amount of image definition.
If you would like some more information on graphic formats, please
consult the SCANTIPS.FAQ and SCANTIP2.FAQ files in the archives.
--> 31. When I import a graphic I just get a gray box.
How can I compute a PostScript bounding box?
+ As mentioned in the previous question, PostScript graphic files may
+ or may not contain a bitmapped "preview" image. When the PostScript
+ file does not contain a preview image, then Pagemaker will display
+ a gray box of the size given in the Bounding Box comment within the
+ PostScript file. If PM fails to find the Bounding Box line as well,
+ it will likely display a box the size of an entire page.
+ Since the preview image is simply for display purposes, the document
+ will still print just fine. The printer will know what to do with the
+ PostScript image. Having the image or at least a proper bounding box,
+ however, can be very useful in placing the image correctly on the
+ page.
+ If you are importing graphics from another application, check to see
+ if there is an option for including a preview image in the PostScript
+ file. If so, this should solve the problem. If not, then if your
| PostScript image has a bounding box specifier, then you can position
v your image according to the gray box. The box should be the smallest
rectangle that will completely encompass your image.
If by chance the bounding box comment is not included, you can compute
it manually fairly easily. This is often a case when importing a
PostScript image that was printed to a PostScript file. If you get a
gray box the size of an entire page (and you know the image is not
that large), here is what you can do: (and *many* thanks goes to Chris
Dorsey in New Zealand for this explanation!)
1. Print the PostScript file to your printer
2. On the output, draw the smallest box that encloses the image on
the page.
3. Using a ruler, measure the (X,Y) coordinates of the bottom left and
upper right corners of the box, relative to the bottom left corner
of the page. Convert the measurements to points (72 points per inch).
You now have LLx (lower left X), LLy (lower left Y), URx (upper
right X) and URy (upper right Y) coordinates.
| |
|<------URx------> |
| +--------+ ^ |
| | | | |
| | IMAGE | | |
| | GOES | | |
| | HERE | URy |
| | | | |
|<-LLx->+--------+ | |
| ^ | |
| LLy | |
| v v |
4. Edit the PostScript file with a text editor. The file should begin with
"%!PS-Adobe-x.x". If the file contains a screen "preview" image, this
string will be preceded by 32 "gibberish" characters.
Warning: take great care editing a PostScript file with a screen
"preview" image (make a backup copy). The first 32 bytes specify
(among other things) the offset and length of the screen image
and PostScript script within the file; so the file must remain
the same length! Plus, if it has a proper screen image, chances
are likely that you do not need to do this procedure.
Insert the following line
at the start of the file, if an identical line is not already present.
Note that case and whitespace are significant, but the version number
is not important.
Look near the beginning of the file for a line like
%%BoundingBox: 0 0 595 842
Add it if it is not there already. Note that case is significant and
there must not be any spaces before the ":". The numbers are LLx, LLy,
URx, URy. Change them to match the values you measured off the output,
%%BoundingBox: 72 72 189 350
5. Save the file. You can now import it into Pagemaker.
--> 32. How do I convert from one graphic format to another?
Taking the view as presented in the previous question, there are two
realms of graphic formats: PostScript and bitmapped. In the bitmapped
realm, there are many public domain programs that convert between
the multitudes of bitmapped based graphics (Checkout wuarchives). As
for going between encapsulated PostScript and straight PostScript,
there is not a great deal of hope (the good 'old "getting the E back
into the EPS" problem.)
To convert from a bitmapped image to a EPS file you can use a tracing
program such as Corel TRACE! or Freehand. To go the opposite way (EPS
to a bitmapped) there are such programs as GoScript, FreeScript, and
Freedom of Press.
--> 33. How do I import Wordperfect Equations?
* Has anyone tried the new 5.0 import filter?
At this point, we know of no easy way to import a Wordperfect Equation.
One possibility is to print the equation to a PostScript file and then
import this file into Pagemaker. Unfortunately, however, a bitmapped
* image is not included, thus you will have to manually compute the
* bounding boxes mentioned in question #31.
--> 34. How do I import PageMaker 3.0 documents into PageMaker 5.0?
+ For the PC, there is a file on CompuServe called PM3PM4.ZIP that will
+ do the conversion. It is, however, almost 2 megabytes compressed. If
+ you do happen to download it, you will get many cheers from fellow
+ list members if you would upload it to an ftp site. Judging by the
+ size, however, it might be viable just to leave a barebones copy
+ of Pagemaker 4.0 on your system for conversions. No word on a Mac
+ version yet -- if you hear about it, please let us know.
--> 40. What are the different types of fonts available?
There are many different types of fonts available, some of the more
common are PostScript and True Type (see question #35). The former has
a large base of public domain fonts, while the second is gaining
popularity with the support from Windows 3.1 and System 7.
--> 41. How can I obtain public domain fonts?
There are many places offering public domain fonts. The ones listed
under question 6 are a few. If you are looking for a specific font,
try using archie. There is also a dedicated USENET group just for fonts.
One note, however: many places are beginning to frown upon public
domain fonts due to the large number of illegally copied typefaces
out there (how do you tell the difference between the two?).
--> 42. How do I use the more bizarre characters?
On the PC, you can use the Character Map that comes with Windows 3.1.
After finding the desired symbol, look at which number you need. Then
hold down the ALT key and punch the four/three digit number on your
__numeric__ keypad and then let up on the ALT key. If you are using
Windows 3.0, look at the character table that came with your font
package for the ANSI or ASCII number. Please note that many public
domain fonts do not support the extended characters.
On the Mac, simply use the Key Caps desk accessory under the Apple
Menu to find the desired key combination. Peter Moller also suggests
a shareware program called "PopChar". It can be found on the anon.
A chart enumerating the complete set of extended characters and the
keystrokes required to access them can be found in the "CHARSET.PT4"
template in the \PM4\TEMPLATES directory (Pagemaker 4.x).
--> 43. How do I prevent hyphenation on one particular word?
One trick is to put a soft hyphenation at the beginning of the word
you do not wish to be hyphenated. This can be done by holding down
the CTRL key while typing a hyphen. See your manual for other ideas.
--> 44. How do I keep control of all of these fonts?
The best answer is not to have "all of these fonts". One of the
greatest mistakes a beginning DTPer makes is to use 20 different
fonts on one small publication. The best thing to do is keep to a
smaller number of fonts that serve your needs best. Plus, Pagemaker's
performance decreases *dramatically* with respect to the number of
fonts installed in your system.
Most publications look best when you use only two or so typefaces.
Simpler is usually better when it comes to typefaces. But you really
*want* to have all those extra fonts. For the Macintoshers, it helps
out a great deal to sort your fonts into different sets of "suitcases".
This way you can use only the fonts you need when working on a
publication -- this will cut down on the resources you are using and
make everything run faster. You can also then include the suitcase
you are using when transferring the document to someone else in-house.
For the PC, there is no handy inherent solution. I have made multiple
copies of certain .INI files and then used a batch file to select
between them. *** Keep in mind: the more fonts you have included,
the slower your system becomes. For a commercial solution, there
is Ares Software's FontMinder. It allows for "packs" similar to the
Macintosh suitcase. Their number is 1-800-783-2737.
There is one last suggestion for PC users that comes originally from
a guy name Bill Gaston (modified for us DTPers):
1. Separate your Win 3.1 fonts categorically by the jobs performed.
For example: one for newsletters; one for letters; one for
books, etc.
2. Edit the [Ports] section of WIN.INI and add a line that looks
like this:
3. The extension LET would be for assigning fonts for letters and
so on. Any abbreviation can be used, and as many multiple lines
of the same kind (such as the three examples).
4. From the Control Panel, Printer menu, (a printer should have
already been selected and listed as connected to LPT1) use the
add button to install the same printer again. Use the Connect
menu to assign the newly added printer to LPT1.LET. Now edit
WIN.INI again, where you'll find a heading [<printer>,LPT1.LET].
Go to the heading [<printer>,LPT1], copy only the lines that
list the fonts you want to use with your new printer entry, and
paste them under the [<printer>,LPT1.LET] entry.
5. Renumber them, starting with 1. Add a new line that reads
"Softfonts=#" where # is the number of fonts that were copied.
When you restart Windows, make the LPT1.LET your default printer,
and only the soft fonts you have chosen for it will appear in your
font menu.
--> 45. What is the difference between Truetype and PostScript fonts?
Which is better for working in Pagemaker and why?
With the upgrade to Windows 3.1, Microsoft provides a Type Manager
known as Truetype to compete with Adobe Type Manager (ATM) and other
font managers. ATM has the advantage of a secure base and a large
amount of compatible public domain PostScript fonts. TrueType is
marketed by Microsoft to be faster than ATM, but this is *very*
debatable. TrueType fonts also breakdown at higher resolutions
(making them the bane of printing bureaus). ATM is likely your best
bet, if Adobe keeps it act up.
* Some people have claimed to experience problems using ATM and TrueType
* simultaneously. The problems range from system crashes to incorrect
* print-outs. It is not clear how many are actually attributed to
* having both managers active at once, and how many of those are
* actually resolvable. My suggestion is to try it out if you need
* both of them, but just be wary when a problem does arise. If you
* *do* trace something down to ATM and TT being active at the same
* time, let us know!
--> 50. How do I get rid of Unrecoverable Application Errors? (UAEs)
As Monte would say -- "Get a Mac!". See question #3 for more :0 :)
There are many other, less expensive ways to cut down on Pagemaker
crashes, first of which is to purchase Windows 3.1. Windows 3.1 does
claim to have ceased UAE's when in actuality they are just "System
Errors" now. (When the computer locks up, its all the same to me!)
But you will notice less of a frequency. Other suggestions include:
I) Cut down the number of fonts in your system. Particularly
the number of public domain fonts. Many PC DTPer's woes
derive from faulty public domain fonts.
II) Try increasing your FILES= number in your config.sys.
Microsoft suggests the value of 30. Microsoft also suggests
That stacks be set to 9,256 for Dos 3.3 and above.
III) If you are using QEMM, spend the time to read the manual.
QEMM assumes many things. Also, be wary of Stealth.
IV) Set up a permanent swap file. If you have plenty of RAM,
then create a very tiny swap file (force it to use the
hundreds of dollars you invested.)
Other items to be aware of are public domain screen savers, public
domain (and commercial!) disk caches and other various apps that
run in the background. You can use Dr. Watson also to help you find
the offenders (it comes with Windows 3.1). Finally, run your
diagnostics program to check your system, as well as execute
CHKDSK /F every now and then to clean out lost allocations.
--> 51. How can I have a default directory for my Pagemaker data files?
Under Windows 3.1 it is quite easy: simply select the Pagemaker icon
and then choose the "Properties" menu under the File Menu. Enter the
directory under the Data Directories slot.
For Windows 3.0, though, you will need to do some tricking. Again,
choose the Properties option. Change the default path to be the
desired directory + PM4.EXE. For example: C:\MYFILES\PM4.EXE. After
you press "OK", Windows will notify you that it cannot find the
executable -- that's ok. If you lose the icon, choose Properties
again and specify the real Pagemaker path in the icon menu. Lastly,
you will need to verify that Pagemaker's directory is located on your
Dos search PATH, which is usually set in your CONFIG.SYS or
--> 52. I can only see 27 fonts on my font listing. How can I see more?
You are limited to seeing 27 fonts on the PC due to the screen
resolution. Many of the better video drivers will solve this problem
when you up to 800x600 or higher resolutions. For the rest of you,
though, your only option is to use the Type Specs menu (Control T).
--> 53. I am having trouble printing to my PostScript printer.
In Windows 3.1 there is an option to download an error handler. If
you click this option you can find out where the file is going
Here is a neat trick donated by Jeff Bone. Under Windows 3.0, if you
choose the Option button while configuring your printer _and_ hold
down the Alternate key and the "E" key, you can create a PostScript
Error Handler that you can download to your printer. For those of you
who have made the change to 3.1, there is an option you can check in
the PostScript printer setup, but I can't guarantee that it is the same
as the hint for 3.0.
Please be sure to read Question 20 as well.
--> 54. My EPS graphics are printing upside down!
If you are trying to print .EPS files from Windows 3.1, and they
appear fine on the screen but are upside down when printed out, Jeff
Bone has this answer:
There is a bug in the Windows 3.1 PostScript printer driver (versions
3.5 through 3.52) that causes this. Aldus published a fix for this in
their Tech Notes, simply open your WIN.INI file and locate the
section pertaining to your printer (i.e.- [ Apple Laserwriter, LPT1])
and add the following line:
Make sure you add this to the printer section with the printer name
and not the section that merely states "PostScript, LPT1" Best way
to tell the difference is the fact that the named section will not
have any font definitions. Also, be careful when you re-assign ports
on your printer or assign the printer to FILE:, you will have to
re-edit your WIN.INI to add the above line to the new section.
As you can guess, this is not really correcting the problem, it is
merely inverting the page so that everything else will rotate and your
EPS graphic will stay in the proper place.
The new PostScript driver (3.5.3) is available via anonymous FTP from
ftp.cica.indiana.edu as the file /pub/pc/win3/drivers/printer/pscrip.exe.
This solves the problem for American paper sizes (but regrettably not
for the Imperial sizes.) It also adds some more printer descriptions
and speeds the printing of compressed bitmaps slightly.
--> 55. When I switch back to PM 4.0 my background turns brown or gray.
What is happening here, thanks to Kirk Membry, is that Pagemaker is
not remapping the windows palette, causing the background to go to
some (usually bland) color. One method in returning to normal colors
is to pull up the color modification window and then canceling. This
forces windows to remap the palette. You can do this easily by control
clicking one of the items in the color palette window.
--> 60. How can I import Word 5 documents? WriteNow 3.0?
There is an import filter for Word 5 documents available via
anonymous FTP. The location is sumex-aim.stanford.edu and the
file location is /info-mac/app/pagemaker-filter-update.hqx. The
filter is also available with the upgrade to 4.2a. See question #7
for more information on updates.
Also, thanks to Rev, the WriteNow 3.0 filters are at sumex to. They
are in the same directory as the Word 5 filters, except with the
name "pagemaker-writenow-filters.hqx".
--> 61. I am having lots of trouble printing under System 7.
The first thing to check is the version of your printer drivers.
The current version is *at least* System 7.0.1 and TuneUp 1.1.1.
If you are using an older TuneUp, be sure to upgrade. (Thanks David!)
Another thing you should check is your screen saver. Certain screen
savers, if they come on during your printing, will cause the printer
to forget the rest of your printout. To prevent this, either put the
mouse in the "No-Blank" corner or set the screen save interrupt
high enough so that it will not interrupt the printout.
--> 62. How can I speed up this dang Mac?
In all fairness to Monte and question #40 -- Get a 486!
Seriously, a couple of suggestions include:
1. Get rid of those unnecessary fonts! Also, up your Font Cache if you
are using ATM and have the memory.
2. Up your Ram Cache in the Memory Control Panel. A good rule of thumb,
if you have the memory, is to set the Ram Cache to the size of your
System file, otherwise, get as close as you can to half of its size.
Do this only after you have removed all of the Fonts and Sounds from
the System and put them in their own suitcases, using something like
Suitcase or Master Juggler. Doing this, your Mac will not have to
read the System information from the disk as often, and will
experience a noticeable improvement in speed.
3. If you don't need to work with color in Pagemaker, set your Mac to
Black and White or, at a minimum, 4 or 16 colors in the Monitors
control panel. The more colors you use (without a separate video
board) the slower you Mac works because the CPU spends all that
much more time processing information.
4. Rebuilding your desktop file occasionally will help too. It tells
how to do this in your Mac manual.
--> 63. I am trying to install PM 4.x, but it keeps asking for Disk 1.
There is a bug with certain System 7's when you are attempting to
install Pagemaker 4.x. If it continuously asks for Disk 1 (even when
you do put it in the disk drive), simply press <Command> - . (That
is, the Command key with the period key.) [Thanks Ken Weiss!]
The End-------------------------------------------------------------
If you have any suggestions / questions you would like to see added to
this FAQ, please contact me!