Usenet 1994 January
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From: kogoma@triton.unm.edu (Taki Kogoma)
Newsgroups: alt.fan.pern,news.answers,alt.answers
Subject: Welcome to alt.fan.pern (Semi-monthly posting) (Part 1 of 2)
Followup-To: alt.fan.pern
Date: 15 Dec 1993 14:02:53 -0700
Organization: Nit-Pickers for a Better Tomorow Afternoon
Lines: 374
Sender: kogoma@unm.edu
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
Distribution: world
Expires: 01/03/94
Message-ID: <pern-intro-1-755989368@triton.unm.edu>
Reply-To: kogoma@triton.unm.edu (Taki Kogoma)
NNTP-Posting-Host: vesta.unm.edu
Summary: Introductory material for the alt.fan.pern newsgroup
Keywords: Pern FAQ Intro
Xref: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu alt.fan.pern:5705 news.answers:15855 alt.answers:1432
Posted-By: auto-faq 2.4
Archive-name: pern-intro/part1
Last-Modified: 14 Dec 93
Version: 2.1
1. Introductory Material
1a. What is this group?
1b. Introduction to Pern
1c. Appropriate subject matter
1d. Common abbreviations
1e. Fan Fiction
2. Pern in Print
2a. Book List (McCaffrey-written)
2b. Suggested reading order
2c. Chronological order of books/stories
2d. 'References'
3. Frequently Asked Questions about Pern
3a. Pronunciation of various words/names
3b. Rider behaviour during Mating flights
3c. Queen dragons and firestone
3d. Where to dragons/firelizards deficate?
4. On-line Simluations of Pern
4a. Accessing Pern-type MU*s
4b. List of Pern-type MU*s
5. "Real Life" Fan Organizations
Note: Starting 1 November 1992, these articles are being cross-posted
to the news.answers and alt.answers newsgroups for extended expire times
and archival on rtfm.mit.edu:/pub/usenet/alt.fan.pern
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or /pub/usenet/news.answers/pern-intro
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%ftp rtfm.mit.edu
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331 Guest login ok, send ident as password.
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230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.
ftp> [cd pub/usenet/alt.fan.pern
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250 CWD command successful.
ftp> [get Welcome_to_alt.fan.pern_(Semi-monthly_posting)_(Part_<X>_of_2).Z]
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200 PORT command successful.
[Some stuff]
ftp> (get any other parts you may want)
ftp> quit
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1. Introductory Material
1a. About this newsgroup.
This newsgroup is dedicated to discussion of the fictional world of
Pern as described in the various novels and short stories by Anne
McCaffrey. Related topics include Ms. McCaffrey's other works, and
several of the on-line 'virtual realities' depicting Pern (see below).
1b. Introduction to Pern
Pern is the third planet of the Rukbat system in the Sagittarius
sector. It is a Colony world which has lost contact with 'Mother
Earth' due to periodic attacks from an organism called 'thread' which
devours all organic material it comes into contact with. To counter
Thread, the Pernese - back when they still had the skills - modified
an indigenous life-form to create Dragons - so named for the mythical
beasts they resemble.
'Modern day' Pern has lost many of the skills originally brought
with the colonists and can probably be best described as a 'pre-
industrial' society. Toward the end of the series, some of the
original colonists' technology is rediscovered.
Alternatively, Pern is the home of Dragons, their riders, and
various other people as depicted in Anne McCaffrey's _Dragonriders of
Pern_ series and related books.
1c. Appropriate subject matter
As stated above, this group is primarily for the discussion of the
world of Pern. A major component of this discussion revolves around
the various multi-user programs that have been set up attempting to
simulate Pern. The most often-discussed is 'PernMUSH', although there
are several others in existance. Articles about PernMUSH or the other
Pern-related simulations should have 'PernMUSH' or 'MUSH' or something
similar in the subject line so that those who are not interested can filter
them out via KILLfile.
Note, however, that questions pertaining to the mechanics of MU*s
(seeking clients, code questions, etc.) are better asked in the
rec.games.mud.* heirarchy rather than here.
At times, the traffic about PernMUSH seems to dominate this
newsgroup. Generally, complaining about it is counterproductive and a
good way to spark a flame-war. If you, the reader, wish to discuss
something that is not presently being addressed in the group, by all
means start the discussion yourself.
1d. Common abbreviations
For those of you new to the net, there are quite a few
abbreviations in use here on Usenet that may be unfamiliar. Here is a
short list of the more frequently seen.
IMO "In My Opinion"
IMHO "In My Humble/Honest Opinion"
BTW "By The Way"
OTOH "On The Other Hand"
<g> A grin
;-), :-), :), etc. A 'smiley' face - look at it sideways. Used to
indicate humor and/or sarcasm.
ROTFL "Rolling On The Floor, Laughing". (There are
several variants on this.)
And now some specific to alt.fan.pern:
MU* Indicative of any of the family of MUD/MUSH/etc.
NC PernMUSH (Which covers the Northern Continent
during the 10th pass)
SC SouConMUSH (Which contains the complementary
Southern Continent for the same time period
as NC)
IC MU*-speak for 'In Character' - meaning behavior
that the MU* characters would engage in.
OOC MU*-speak for 'Out of Character' - Usually
applying to information/behavior that the
*player* of a MU* character knows/performs
that the character would not, logically, be
able to take advantage of.
DLG _The Dragonlover's Guide to Pern_ See 'Pern in
Print' below.)
D1, D2, D3 The three books comprising the _Dragonriders of
Pern_ trilogy. (_Dragonflight_, _Dragonquest_,
and _The White Dragons_ respectively)
H1, H2, H3 The three books comprising the _Harper Hall of
Pern_ trilogy. (_Dragonsong_, _Dragonsinger_,
and _Dragondrums_ respectively)
[The above two sets are my personal shorthand, but I'm not the
only one using them ;-) -Quirk]
AtWoP, ATWOP, etc. _All the Weyrs of Pern_
CoP _The Chroncicles of Pern: First Fall_
1e. Fan fiction
NOTE: The following applies to fan fiction posted to the net. I do
not have (nor do I desire) the authority to prevent any quasi/illegal
acts on this newsgroup. The following is presented for informational
purposes. You may heed or ignore as you wish, but I deny all
responsibility for any legal problems you may encounter.
(Also note that PernMUSH, SouConMUSH, and DragonsFire MOO have
McCaffrey's blessing to exist. I am uncertain about the status of the
other MU*s.)
[Thanks to "Chris Croughton" <chris@keris.demon.co.uk> for getting the
08-Oct-92 11:39 BST
Sb: InterNet Pern rules
Fm: Anne McCaffrey [CIS number deleted]
The rules are that my characters may be referred to but not used. BUT
there can be no adventure/stories set on Pern at all!!!!! That's
infringing on my copyright and can bear heavy penalities - particularly
right now when there's a film deal (yet another) which has bought and paid
for the right to use the material - which, I fear, e-mail users have not.
On CIS, I have asked people to limit Pern material to a discussion of
their persona and dragons, fire-lizards, etc., in a diarist form.
Fanzines have slightly more latitude as the zine is usually mailed only to
members so that's limited publication, and a due copyright notice is
included. As there is no such protection on electronic mail, we authors
have to be insistent on these safeguards.
I know this can be confusing since Paramount and Star Trek are handled
differently, but that's the point: they are, and have been. Individual
themes and characters of s-f/fantasy novels are not. And such
indiscriminate usage of our characters, worlds, and concepts on a *public*
media like electronic mail constitute copyright infringement AND, which
many fans disregard, is ACTIONABLE! Both the e-mail company AND the
person. My publishers are most insistent on that point! So it's to
safeguard the interested e-mail user that I make these very strong, and
perhaps unpalatable points.
[Chris' commentary:]
To repeat - it's *not* Anne who forbids this: it's her publishers - and
they are NOT required to tell her of any such actions which they may be
undertaking. The first she will probably know of it is when someone
tells her, having heard over the net...
[End commentary.]
2. Pern in Print
Since Pern is a fictional world, a complete listing of all related
books would probably be a good idea.
2a. Book list (written by McCaffrey)
[Date of 1st printing in parentheses. ISBNs are from the editions in my
personal library or obtained from copies in local bookstores. Publisher
is Del Rey Books unless otherwise noted.]
The _Dragonriders of Pern_ trilogy (Also available in a single
hardcover volume through the SF book club, and trade paperback in a few
_Dragonflight_ (July 1968. ISBN: 0-345-33546-5)
_Dragonquest_ (May 1971. ISBN: 0-345-33508-2)
_The White Dragon_ (June 1978. ISBN: 0-345-31336-4)
_The Dragonriders of Pern_ (Trade Paperback - ISBN: 0-345-34024-8)
The _Harper Hall of Pern_ trilogy (Available as a single hardbound
copy through the SF book club).
_Dragonsong_ (March 1976. Bantam Books - ISBN: 0-553-12044-1)
_Dragonsinger_ (February 1977. Bantam Books - ISBN: 0-533-11835-8)
_Dragondrums_ (March 1979. Bantam Books - ISBN: 0-553-20722-9)
_Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern_ (November 1983. ISBN: 0-345-29873-X)
_Nerilka's Story_ (March 1986. ISBN: 0-345-33949-5)
_Dragonsdawn_ (November 1988. ISBN: 0-345-36286-1)
_The Renegades of Pern_ (November 1990. ISBN: 0-345-36933-5)
_All the Weyrs of Pern_ (December 1991. ISBN: 0-345-36893-2)
_Rescue Run_ [1] (Science Fiction Book Club Hardcover)
_The Chronicles of Pern:
First Fall_ [2] (October 1993. *ISBN: 0-345-36898-3)
_The Dolphins' Bell_ [4] (Science Fiction Book Club Hardcover)
[* ISBN is for Hardcover edition.]
[1] Originally published in _Analog_ (Aug. 1991)
[2] Contains short stories: "Survey: P.E.R.N."[3], "The Dolphins' Bell",
"The Ford of Red Hanrahan", "The Second Weyr", and "Rescue Run" (ibid
[1] above).
[3] Previously published as "The P.E.R.N. Survey" in _Amazing Stories_
(Sep. 1993).
[4] Included in [2] ibid.
Additionally, there is a short story and a limited-release novella.
"The Smallest Dragonboy" (Pub 1973, found in _Get off the Unicorn_)
_The Girl Who Heard Dragons_ (1985 - 100 signed copies published.)
Rumors are that _The Girl Who Heard Dragons_ will be republished
sometime in 1994, perhaps in combination with new fiction.
Finally, the _Dragonlover's Guide to Pern_ (see below) contains a
short story, "The Impression" depcting F'lessan's impression of
Golanth from a first-person POV.
It should also be noted that this all started with the Hugo-winning
novella: "Weyr Search" published in October 1967 in _Analog_. This
story now forms the first quarter of _Dragonflight_.
2b. Suggested reading order for newcommers.
Ms. McCaffrey suggests that the books be read in order of publication
(i.e. start with _Dragonflight_ and go in published order).
Alternatively, she suggests starting with _Dragonsong_ as a 'gentler'
introduction, completing the Harper Hall trilogy, and then going back
to _Dragonflight_, _Dragonquest_, et. al.
2c. Chronological order of books/stories
This is kinda tricky, as some books depict the same events from
different points of view. Here's what the concensus seems to be:
[Thanks to jsbell@acs.ucalgary.ca (Joshua Sean Bell) for concocting
the original version of the following. Additions by the editor.]
+-------------------+ Backwards
| "Survey: P.E.R.N. | ^
+-------------------+ |
+--------------+ Time
| Dragonsdawn +----------------------+ |
+--------------+ "The Dolphins' Bell" | v
+----------------------+ Forwards
| "The Ford of Red Hanrahan" |
| "The Second Weyr" |
| "Rescue Run" |
| Moreta | Nerilka's Story |
+--------------+ | |
| Dragonflight | | | +---------------+
+--------------+ | | | "The Smallest |
| | +--------------+ | | | Dragonboy" |
| Dragonquest | | Dragonsong | | | +---------------+
| | | Dragonsinger | | Renegades | +----------------+
+--------------+ +--------------+ | of | | "The Girl Who |
+--------------+ | Pern | | Heard Dragons" |
| Dragondrums | | | +----------------+
+--------------+ | |
+------------------+ | |
| The White Dragon | | |
+------------------+ | |
| |
| All the Weyrs of Pern |
| |
2d. References.
Several Pern-related "Reference Books" have been published. The most
frequently mentioned on this newsgroup are:
_The Atlas of Pern_ by Karen Fonstead
(Out of print, but still available if you look around for it. The
Science Fiction Book Club apparently still has copies in stock.)
_The People of Pern_ with sketches/paintings by Robin Wood,
text by McCaffrey.
[1988, Donning Publishing. ISBN: 0-89865-635-4 hardcover
0-89865-751-2 softcover
Recently reported to be out of print. Copies available from
The Science Fiction Book Club.]
(Actually, more of a 'photo album' for the major characters.)
[Additional note from: "Stephanie M. Clarkson-Aines"
Robin also sells beautiful prints of many of the pictures in the book (I have
Menolly and Sebell in my bedroom :), for $30 US. Prints are signed by Robin
and run in editions of 250.
Robin's address is: Robin Wood
15529 Longmeadow
Dearborn, MI 48120
(313) 441-3704
_The Dragonlover's Guide to Pern*_ by Jody Lyn Nye with Anne McCaffrey
[November 1989. ISBN: 0-345-35424-9 (Hardcover)]
(Considered by many to be *the* reference work on Pern...aside from the
books themselves.)
[* Frequently abbreviated as 'DLG'.]
Capt. Gym Z. Quirk | "I'll get a life when someone
(Known to some as Taki Kogoma) | demonstrates that it would be
kogoma@unm.edu | superior to what I have now."
Veteran of the '91 sf-lovers re-org. | -- Gym Quirk