Usenet 1994 January
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From: kogoma@triton.unm.edu (Taki Kogoma)
Newsgroups: alt.fan.pern,news.answers,alt.answers
Subject: Welcome to alt.fan.pern (Semi-monthly posting) (Part 2 of 2)
Followup-To: alt.fan.pern
Date: 15 Dec 1993 14:03:20 -0700
Organization: Nit-Pickers for a Better Tomorow Afternoon
Lines: 443
Sender: kogoma@unm.edu
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
Distribution: world
Expires: 01/03/94
Message-ID: <pern-intro-2-755989368@triton.unm.edu>
References: <pern-intro-1-755989368@triton.unm.edu>
Reply-To: kogoma@triton.unm.edu (Taki Kogoma)
NNTP-Posting-Host: vesta.unm.edu
Summary: Introductory material for the alt.fan.pern newsgroup
Keywords: Pern FAQ Intro
Xref: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu alt.fan.pern:5706 news.answers:15856 alt.answers:1433
Posted-By: auto-faq 2.4
Archive-name: pern-intro/part2
Last-Modified: 14 Dec 93
Version: 2.1
1. Introductory Material
1a. What is this group?
1b. Introduction to Pern
1c. Appropriate subject matter
1d. Common abbreviations
1e. Fan Fiction
2. Pern in Print
2a. Book List (McCaffrey-written)
2b. Suggested reading order
2c. Chronological order of books/stories
2d. 'References'
3. Frequently Asked Questions about Pern
3a. Pronunciation of various words/names
3b. Rider behavior during Mating flights
3c. Queen dragons and firestone
3d. Where do dragons/firelizards deficate?
4. On-line Simluations of Pern
4a. Accessing Pern-type MU*s
4b. List of Pern-type MU*s
5. "Real Life" Fan Organizations
Note: Starting 1 November 1992, these articles are being cross-posted
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250 CWD command successful.
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200 PORT command successful.
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3. Frequently Asked Questions about Pern
From time to time, the same questions come up as new people
discover this newsgroup and pose the questions that have cropped up
during their reading of the series. [I expect this section to grow
considerably as time passes. Suggestions - and more importantly,
documented answers - are welcome. -Quirk]
3a. Pronunciation of various words/names.
[ This pronunciation guide is based on the audiotape of Anne McCaffrey
reading an abridged version of _All the Weyrs of Pern_ and the
editor's hearing/pronuncation prejudices. ;-) ]
First off, let's get the big one out of the way: ;-)
weyr - WEER [This is hinted at in _Dragonflight_ where it
is implied that 'Weyr' rhymes with 'adhere'.]
Others of mild interest
wher - (A cross between 'where' and 'whir')
Piemur - PIEmur [Yes, first syllable is pronounced like that
filled pastry thing.]
Sebell - SEEbell
Groghe - GROWgee [hard (e.g. Golf) g's in both cases.]
F'lar - FLAHR [No glottal stop that I could detect.]
Ruth - ROOTH [Y'know...like the 20's baseball player? ;-) ]
[There are, of course, more names on that tape, I'll add more names
on request.]
3b. Rider behavior during Mating Flights.
The behavior of the riders of mating dragons (and to a lesser
extent firelizard 'owners') has generated considerable controversy in
this newsgroup in the past. During one particularly vehment flamewar
sparked by the topic, someone queried the Dragonlady, Anne McCaffrey,
---[begin included text]---
From: slf@netcom.com (Sharon Fisher)
Date: Wed, 23 Sep 92 18:26:59 GMT
Presumably this will settle the issue?
Date: 23-Sep-92 02:07 PDT
From: Anne McCaffrey
Subj: Pern question
Well, now, it's like this...when the dragons mate, their riders are so
consumed with their dragons' passions, that there's really only one way to
vent it: enjoying the sexual act themselves. The double whammy is
something incredible. Since most green riders are male, and most blue,
brown and bronze riders are also male, the obvious need not be stated.
However, it is permissible within the Weyrs for the less-enthusiastic
about this pairing having an alternate of the opposite sex available. The
green rider will also have someone of his preference available so that the
double charge is not lost...if you don't mind me being a tad bawdy.
Actually, many of the Candidates are weyrbred and accustomed to such
demands and think little of it. It's the main bone of contention between
the hidebound Halls and Holds and the the Weyrs for the Halls and HOlds
don't really `like' such innovations. Still, the rider is always
compelled by concern for his dragon and THAT consideration makes the
difference in such a sexual situation. And it is ALSO an incredible
experience, one to be treasured.
And yes, there could be more female riders of green dragons to relieve
that dilemma but after the early Plagues, women were needed more as
mothers to increase the population (something men still haven't been able
to do on their own <G>) and flying constantly between is how to abort on
Pern. (Queen dragons are not always as horny as the greens and as they
are low-level Thread fighters, their pregnant riders could generally
manage without constantly going *between* in the performance of their
duties.) Anyway, I thought homos deserved a place in the elite social
structure on Pern.
Does that answer the question completely? Or do you need <g> diagrams?
---[end included text]---
Some people feel that Ms. McCaffrey wimped out in this
declaration, but still, this is the best answer we have.
3c) Firestone and Queen Dragons
It is stated about 1/3rd through _Dragonflight_ that Queen dragons do
not chew firestone because it would render them sterile. (To support
this contention, the example of the overly amorous green dragons and
their lack of egg-laying activity was brought up.) This idea is
reinforced throughout the later books - Except for _Dragonsdawn_ where
it is implied that queen dragons had been designed by Kitti Ping Yung
to be incapable of chewing stone. This could also lead one to
conclude that green dragons had been engineered to be infertile.
A popular theory (although certainly not the majority opinion) is
that the 'firestone -> sterility' theory had formed over the turns to
explain green infertility. Since no goldrider in her right mind woulD
risk her queen to test this theory, it is self-consistent.
3d) Where do dragons/firelizards deficate?
In a mostly joking respose to this question at a convention in the
distant past, Ms. McCaffrey stated that 'Dragons go *between*.' (i.e.
take care of bodily functions while transiting *between*.) Although
this has been perpetuated throughout fandom and has even found its way
into the _Dragonlovers Guide to Pern_, it is still regarded by many as
just a joke, since it blatantly violates the laws of Conservation of
Mass/Energy. (Of course, much in the Pern universe doesn't hold up to
scientific scrutiny. ;-)
4. On-line Simulations of Pern
Some people have gone to the extent of attempting to duplicate Pern
with a multi-user program designed to allow people to assume the roles
of dragonriders, harpers, holders, etc. While the most frequently discussed
is PernMUSH (See the 'What is PernMUSH?' Mimi-FAQ' for more details),
it is by no means the only one.
Just about all of the on-line Pern simulations are based on
derivatives of a program called 'TinyMUD'. These programs (TinyMUSH,
TinyMUSE, etc.) are collectively referred to as MU*s.
[Note to readers in Australia: My understanding is that the authorities
there have banned overseas MU*ing for the forseeable future.]
4a. Accessing Pern-type MU*s
The quick way of doing it is to use the 'telnet' program to connect
to the appropriate machine specifying the port listed - e.g. 'telnet
<machine> <port>' for most Unix systems. If the name doesn't work,
try the numeric address. For more info, look at the rec.games.mud.*
newsgroups. (rec.games.mud.tiny and rec.games.mud.misc primarily.)
4b. List of Pern-type MU*s
NOTE: This information is accurate so far as the author is aware. If
there is a change, it won't be reflected here unless I'm informed of
Pern-themed MUSHs:
PernMUSH (cesium.clock.org or port 4201
SouConMUSH (In limbo pending location of a new site)
[These two are set during start of the 10th pass and are
considered in parallel.]
DragonsDawnMUSH (elof.iit.edu or port 2508
[Set during the start of the second pass.]
ShardsMUSH (vesta.unm.edu or port 7777
[Set prior to the 7th pass.]
MUSHs with Pern areas:
TinyTIM (wiretap.spies.com or port 5440
TinyCWRU (caisr2.caisr.cwru.edu or port 4201
MUSE with Pern area:
TimeMUSE (murren.ai.mit.edu or port 4201
Pern-themed MOO
Harper's Tale (salmon.csb.ki.se or port 8888
[Reportedly set just prior to the 10th pass.]
DragonsFireMOO (eskinews.eskimo.com or port 7777
[Set before the 11th pass.]
5. "Real Life" Fan Organizations
There is an email list for discussion of Pernese craft issues.
To subscribe to this mail list, send email to
perncrft-request@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu. Just include your email
address in
the body.
[ Note: I am not a member of any of the below, so I have no idea as to
activities/policy/quality. The information has been rendered
verbatum from individuals submitting it. No attempt has been made to
verify any of it. ]
[ Also, many thanks to jsbell@acs.ucalgary.ca (Joshua Sean Bell) for
sending me the following. In addition, thanks to chris@keris.demon.co.uk
(Chris Croughton) for providing the the CompuServe addresses listed.]
From: Bob Snyder, rsnyder@atl.dnet.ge.com
Pern Fandom Organizations
This is a listing of all known Pern fandom groups which publish
newsletters or fanzines, current as of July 1991. Weyrs are listed
first; alphebetically and in order of when they are in Pern's
timeline. Since dues are subject to change, I did not include the cost
of membership. Location on Pern and contact person's persona are in
parenthesis. Please include a SASE (Self Addressed Stamped Envelope)
with any inquiry.
[Updates & aditions courtesy of:
Greg McElhatton <STU_GLMCELHA@vax1.acs.jmu.edu>
Shirley Hagstrom <jazmyn@netcom.com> ]
Fandom Weyrs
Early Ninth Pass
Rocky Weyr (Southern Continent)
Liz Patton
12801 Roydon #703
Houston, TX 77034
Publication: The Rocky Review
Late Ninth Pass
Cambray Weyr (Southern) Fort Weyr (Northern)
Weyrwoman Randella, gold Corinth Weyrwoman Jana, gold Kanarith
Steve Herrick (Wingsecond T'ran) Andi Bennett-Banks (Drgnhealer Deleyan)
6681 Highland Greens Dr. #203-F P.O. Box 850717
West Chester, OH 45069 Westland, MI 48185-0717
Publication: Harper Beat
High Reaches (Northern) Ista Weyr (Northern)
Weyrwoman Gessika, gold Elyseth Weyrwoman Merelan, gold Lyrath
Laurie McCurry (Weyrwoman Gessika) Marilyn Alm (Weyrwoman Merelan)
2903 N. Perkins Rd. C-108 2911 Eton Street
Stillwater, OK 74045 New Orleans, LA 70131-3805
Publication: Seven Spindles CIS: Marilyn Alm [73200,3004]
[ I have received a note from Judith Tabron (tabron@binah.cc.brandeis.edu)
about a fanzine generated by the 9th pass Ista Weyr organization: _Weyr Words_
For more information, snail-mail:
Judith Tabron / Holly Hutchison
4 Walnut St. 3-R
Waltham, MA 02154
(Subscriptions, questions, requests for more info)
or e-mail the above address.
Prices listed were U$15.00 for 4 issues (1 year), or U$3.75 for a
trial issue.
Also mentioned was the fact that they were looking for submissions of
fan fiction and/or artwork.
The compiler of this article has no connection to the above, and
includes this information by request.]
Segel Weyr (Far Eastern Continent)
Weyrwoman Kendori
Chantal Whittington
4810 O'Meara
Houston, TX 77035
No Lessa 9 Timeline
Southern 9 (Southern Continent)
Weyrwoman Dansela, gold Trilleath
Tamlyn Scott (Weyrwoman 2nd Casi)
P.O. Box 29429
Los Angeles, CA 90029-0429
Publication: Southern Comfort
GEnie: TAMLYN (Tamlyn Scott / Weyrwoman 2nd Casi)
Tenth Pass
Argon of Cantee (Cantee) Crescent Weyr (Southern Continent)
Weyrwoman Shelana, silver Tellath Weyrwoman Alianora, gold Teleuteth
Pat Munson-Siter (Weyrwoman Shelana) Greg McElhatton (Weyrwoman Alianora)
15 S. 5th St. 9810 Vale Rd.
Del Haven, NJ 08251-3404 Vienna, VA 22181
Publication: DragonWings Publication: Crescendo
GEnie: R.STUKEY (Randall Stukey e-mail: stu_glmcelha@vax1.acs.jmu.edu
/Wingleader S'lon) GEnie: DRIZZAN (Greg McElhatton
/Weyrwoman Alianora)
Crystal Weyr (Southern) ForTen (Northern; Fort Weyr)
Weyrwoman Kirylyn, gold Kith Weyrwoman Liarra, gold Glowenth
Kirylyn Dreamer (Weyrwoman Kirylyn) Kris Spooner (Weyrwoman 2nd Lysera)
1160 N.E. 176th St. 412 Summit Ave. #20
North Miami Beach, FL 33162 Arlington, TX 76013
Publication: Dragon Gems Publication: Fort Drums
CIS: Kirylyn Dreamer [73507,2562] GEnie: LYSERA (Kris Spooner
GEnie: K.DREAMER (Kirylyn Dreamer /Weyrwoman 2nd Lysera)
/Weyrwoman Kirylyn)
Haven Weyr (Southern) High Reaches 10 (Northern)
Weyrwoman Celina, gold Candith Weyrwoman Niniane, gold Danuth
Debbie Bryan (Weyrwoman Celina) Heather Moore (Weyrwoman Niniane)
1619 Eufaula Hgts. 3428 Lariat Lane, Apt. 56
Longview, WA 98632 Orlando, FL 32826
Publication: Haven Only Knows Publication: Northern Lights
GEnie: R.GORDON33 (Ted Gordon GEnie: NINIANE (Heather Moore
/Weyrleader G'rick) /Weyrwoman Niniane)>
Ista-Ten (Northern) Janus Weyr (Southern)
Weyrwoman Nimaleah, gold Cameleont Weyrleader L'dan, bronze Cirth
Dale Staley (Weyrleader L'dan) Tinker Strother (Wingsecond Gemma)
712 Bancroft Road #17 Rt. 3, Box 190
Walnut Creek, CA 94598 Fairfield, TX 75840-9800
Publication: Ista Impressions Publication: Ni Var Chronicles
CIS: Dale Staley [71600,1263] CIS: Tashana [76506,2450]
Northwind Weyr (Far Eastern Continent) Sable Weyr (Southern)
Weyrwoman Elyssa, gold Edaygith Weyrwoman Navira, gold Lirinith
Jennifer Gower (Weyrwoman Elyssa) Sandra Swindle Cook (Weyrleader K'tarr)
205-A Richards 602 Morgan Road
College Station, TX 77840 Trussville, AL 35173
Publication: Where the NorthWind Blows Publication: Flights of Fancy
GEnie: ELYSSA (Jennifer Gower GEnie: S.COOK11 (Sandra Swindle Cook
/Weyrwoman Elyssa) /Weyrleader K'tarr)
Southern Weyr (Southern) StarRise Weyr (Eastern Ring Islands)
Weyrwoman Lerai, gold Zanolith Weyrwoman Ashleen, gold Lynneth
Dina Grozev (Weyrwoman Lerai) W. David Mackenzie
144 S. Linden P.O. Box 1741
Palatine, IL 60067 Norfolk, VA 23501
Publication: The Weyrhold Publication: Out of the Blue
GEnie: SF-2000 (April Masters
/Weyrleader J'ren)
Talkon Weyr (Far Eastern Continent) Visia Weyr (Far Eastern Continent)
Weyrwoman Ynora, gold Novath Weyrwoman Maeve, gold Dargenth
James Smith Robin Watson Moon (Weyrwoman Maeve)
603 S. Blackburn 502 SW Parkway #608
Brady, TX 76825-5606 College Station, TX 77840
Publication: The Forge Pulication: Visia Vision
Telgar Timeline
Telgar 10 (Northern Continent)
Weyrwoman Devera, gold Asfaloth
Deborah Fredericks (Weyrwoman Deveera)
4403 N. Monroe
Spokane, WA 99205-1263
Publication: The Telgar Times
AIVAS-10 Timeline
Fort A10 (Northern Continent) Western Weyr (Far West/Northern Islands)
Weyrwoman Kanithia, gold Cynth Weyrwoman Jazmyn, gold Crystath
Randall Stukey (Weyrleader D'var) Jazmyn (Weyrwoman Jazmyn)
4122 Tallulah 13412 Gilbert St.
San Antonio, TX 78218-3452 Garden Grove, CA 92644
GEnie: R.STUKEY (Randall Stukey email: jazmyn@netcom.com
/Weyrleader D'var)
Other Pern Clubs
Caravan Fatis (10th Pass-Northern) Gar Hold/Darriel Council (Northern)
High Reaches and Fort Territories 9th Pass Ista Territory/Darkover
Heather Moore (Wagonsmaster Jason Fatis) Victoria A. Smith
3428 Lariat Lane, Apt. #56 12627 Harbor Drive
Orlando, FL 32826 Woodbridge, VA 22192
Healercraft Hall 9 & 10 (Northern & Southern) Pern Jockey Club (10th Pass)
Healermaster Jillian For Runnerbeast Racing Fans
Scotty Matthews (Master Jillian) Debbie Bryan
310 Barnett Shoals Rd. #20 1619 Eufaula Hgts.
Athens, GA 30605 Longview, WA 98632
[Reportedly GEnie only]
Capt. Gym Z. Quirk | "I'll get a life when someone
(Known to some as Taki Kogoma) | demonstrates that it would be
kogoma@unm.edu | superior to what I have now."
Veteran of the '91 sf-lovers re-org. | -- Gym Quirk