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- Path: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu!bloom-beacon.mit.edu!gatech!concert!corpgate!nmerh207!bmerha64.bnr.ca!bcarh2d8!mwisdom
- From: mwisdom@bnr.ca (Mark Wisdom)
- Newsgroups: rec.food.veg,rec.answers,news.answers
- Subject: rec.food.veg World Guide to Vegetarianism - Canada1
- Followup-To: rec.food.veg
- Date: 14 Nov 1993 22:23:17 GMT
- Organization: Bell-Northern Research
- Lines: 1043
- Sender: mwisdom@bcarh2d8 (Mark Wisdom)
- Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
- Expires: 14 Dec 1993 12:00:00 GMT
- Message-ID: <2c6b4l$p36@bmerha64.bnr.ca>
- Reply-To: mwisdom@ccs.carleton.ca (Mark Wisdom)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: bcarh2d8.bnr.ca
- Summary: Guide to vegetarian restaurants, shops, organizations, etc.
- Xref: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu rec.food.veg:36586 rec.answers:2985 news.answers:14656
- Archive-name: vegetarian/guide/canada1
- Last-modified: 14 Nov 1993
- ______________________________________________________________________
- rec.food.veg World Guide to Vegetarianism
- Canada1
- ______________________________________________________________________
- The 9 parts of this guide contain a world list of vegetarian
- restaurants, vegetarian-friendly restaurants, natural food stores,
- vegetarian organizations, etc. Each part is posted on an independant
- schedule. Instructions on how to obtain all the latest posted parts
- of the guide are appended to the end of this posting.
- ** Please send us any new listings or corrections, but be sure to **
- ** format them in the same format as is used in this guide. Keep **
- ** comments and reviews short, simple, and straight to the point. **
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Canada part 1
- ______________________________________________________________________
- | This section has listings for the following:
- |
- | Restaurant Chains Mail-Order Companies
- | National Organiazations
- |
- | New Brunswick Nova Scotia Ontario Quebec
- |
- |
- | The Canada1 coordinator is: Mark Wisdom <mwisdom@ccs.carleton.ca>
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Restaurant Chains
- -----------------
- Thanks to the Toronto Vegetarian Association for the following
- information.
- These are by no means vegetarian, they are just listed here to make
- you aware of what is, or what may soon be, available to you in fast
- food restaurants, and also what is to be avoided.
- You may also want to refer to the Fast Food Restaurants section at the
- start of the USA listings for an idea of what to expect at the places
- which are not listed below.
- Baskin Robbins
- - The Ices are vegan and they're excellent.
- Burger King
- - At this moment Burger King is selling a vegetarian Whopper, which is
- just a regular Whopper with the meat pattie removed. Beware, the bun
- may contain lard, so ask at the restaurant you are at before
- ordering. Vegans hold the mayo. This whopper is not on the menu, but
- they have a button for it on their cash registers.
- - French fries are vegan. However the onion rings may be fried
- alongside sausage patties.
- Dairy Queen (Brazier)
- - French fries are ok. Buns conatin animal fat.
- Harvey's
- - You can get a burger without the meat pattie, but with all the
- works, for $0.85. This is the newly set official price. This
- 'burger' is not on the menu, but they have a button for it on their
- cash registers. (This button is labelled 'bun'. Some employees may
- not know about it.) If these people need to be 'reminded' that such
- an offering exists, tell them to look at memorandum (or whatever)
- H13, dated February 19, 1992. It clearly states that such a burger
- is to be made available for $0.85.
- - All frying is done in 100% vegetable oil.
- - French fries are fried in the own vats in 100% vegetable oil.
- - The breads, dressings, and desserts are vegetarian (but not vegan).
- - Vegetarian soups are offered seasonally. Check ingredients.
- - They are getting ready to launch a vegetarian battered product.
- - Head office gets a 10 out of 10 for their interest in vegetarians.
- They are recognizing us a growing consumer force.
- McDonalds
- - Stay away from the french fries and hash browns. They are pre-fried
- in beef tallow before they reach the store where they are refried in
- vegetable oil.
- - Their vegetarian pizza contains a derivative of hair and the sauce
- contains cheese.
- - The head office will send you a complete guide to their products if
- you call. (416) 443-1000.
- Mr. Submarine
- - Buns are made with 100% vegetable oil. Salad dressings may contain
- hidden animal products. The ingredients list is available at all
- stores.
- Olive Garden
- - Soups contain animal stock. Italian dressing contains cheese. Pasta
- is made with eggs.
- Subway
- - Stay away. They don't seem to want to answer our questions.
- Swiss Chalet
- - French fries are fried in beef tallow. Soups contain animal stock.
- Pie crust contains lard. Salad dressings may contain bacon and/or
- anchovies.
- - Gravy is vegetarian.
- Taco Bell
- - The soft burrito tortillas are not vegan, they contain non-fat dry
- milk. The corn tortillas however are vegan, as are their refried
- beans.
- - They don't use lard, tropical oils, MSG, sulfites, yellow dye #3.
- - Vegan items: Bean Taco (order without cheese, lettuce and tomato
- can be added as an option), Nachos (order without cheese), Pintos
- 'n Cheese with Red Sauce (order without cheese), Cinamon Twists.
- - They have a "no meat" button on their cash registers which can be
- applied to any menu item.
- - Their phone number is 1-800-TACO-BELL.
- Wendy's
- - The french fries are reportedly fried in beef tallow.
- - Baked potatoes & salad are ok.
- National Organiazations:
- ------------------------
- Canada EarthSave Society
- Suite 103, 1093 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC, V6H 1E2, (604) 731-5885
- or P.O. Box 34277 Station `D', Vancouver, BC, V6J 4N8
- - An educational non-profit organization that promotes awareness of
- the environmental and of the health consequences of our food
- choices.
- | Canadian Vegans for Animal Rights
- | Suite 2504, 620 Jarvis Street, Toronto, Ontario, M4Y 2R8
- | (416) 924-1377
- Mail-Order Companies:
- ---------------------
- | Old Fashion Foods, Regina, Saskatchewan, 1-800-667-3334
- | - Mail-order natural foods.
- The Animal Rights Catalog
- #205 - 1857 W 4th Avenue, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, V6J 1M4
- | Tel: either (604) 328-4747 or (604) 737-7185. Let me know.
- - Free catalog. Books, cookbooks, cruelty-free items, clothing, shoes,
- fake leather jackets, vegetarian pet food, household and personal
- care products, gift items, buttons, stickers, posters.
- | Rainbow Natural Foods
- | 1487 Richmond Road, Ottawa, Ontario, K2B 6R9, (613) 726-9200
- ______________________________________________________________________
- New Brunswick
- Vegetarian Organizations:
- Vegetarian Society of New Brunswick
- c/o Sue Giberson, 08 Edinburgh Street, Fredericton, New Brunswick,
- E3B 2C9, (506) 457-0980
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Nova Scotia
- Antigonish
- ----------
- | Sunflower Natural Foods Store, 194 Main Street, 863-1194
- | - Natural foods store. Sunshine Cafe located inside offers sandwiches,
- | chili, salads, tabouleh, baked things, desserts, etc. Open Mon-Sat.
- Baddeck
- -------
- The HerringChoker Deli, in Nyanza (about 10k before Baddeck)
- - Store that serves big veggie sandwiches on fresh home-made bread,
- interesting salads, soups, various bakery goodies, and other
- munchies.
- The HighWheeler Cafe, on the main street in Baddeck.
- - Also a store that serves big veggie sandwiches on fresh home-made
- bread, interesting salads, soups, various bakery goodies, and other
- munchies.
- Halifax
- -------
- Vegetarian Restaurants:
- | Satisfaction Feast, 1581 Grafton Street, 422-3548 (422-3540?)
- | - Large selection of appetizers, entrees, sandwiches, salads. Really
- | good soup! Vegan options. Full service. Open Mon-Sun.
- Vegetarian-Friendly Restaurants:
- King Spring Roll, on Barrington Street
- - Vietnamese restaurants with some very good vegetarian offerings.
- Saigon de la Nuit, on Argyle Street
- - Vietnamese restaurants with some very good vegetarian offerings.
- Curry Village, on Clyde Street
- - An Indian restaurant (mentioned in Where to Eat in Canada, 1991 or
- 1992) with a good selection of vegetarian things. Also, if you ask
- the waiter, you can get a vegetarian version of non-veg things.
- The Granite Brewery, on Barrington Street
- - Doesn't have very many veggie items, but if you are in the mood for
- vegetable chili, this place has the best I've ever had.
- Samosa Plus, on Quinpool Road
- - Has daily vegetarian specials and good, spicy samosas.
- Natural Foods Stores:
- Mary Jane's Alternative Tastes, on Hollis Street
- Wolfville
- ---------
- The Taj Mahal, Main Street, 542-1500
- - East Indian vegetarian restaurant. Family owned & operated. Daily
- lunch special (a curry).
- EOS Natural Foods (or something), Front Street
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Ontario
- Hamilton
- --------
- Vegetarian Organizations:
- Hamilton Vegetarian Association
- 74 Alpine Avenue, Hamilton, Ontario, N2J 2T5 (?), (416) 575-4818
- Kitchener-Waterloo
- ------------------
- Vegetarian Organizations:
- Kitchener-Waterloo Vegetarian Association
- 103 Marshall Street, Waterloo, Ontario, N2J 2T5 (?), (519) 746-5275
- London
- ------
- Vegetarian-Friendly Restaurants:
- Mexicali Rosa, 215 Piccadilly, 434-7672
- - "South Californian dining" with many vegetarian dishes on the menu.
- T.J. Baxters, 660 Richmond
- - Vegetarian burgers (Yves'), fries in vegatable oil, vegetarian
- pizza.
- Lal Qila, 748 Richmond (at Oxford)
- - Indian Tandoori
- Waldo's, 215 Picadilly
- - Not a vegetarian restaurant, but they are more than able to whip up
- something that is vegetarian or vegan. If you want vegetarian "fine
- dining" then this is the place.
- Mistros, north side of Dundas, between Wellington and Waterloo
- - Upscale restaurant that will modify dishes to make them vegetarian
- or vegan. Lovely meal with great quality.
- Hellas, east side of Richmond just north of Dundas
- - Greek restaurant with some vegetartian appetizers and a vegetarian
- meal. Filling.
- The East & West African Restaurant, 934 Dundas Street E, 433-5079
- (East London)
- - Ethiopian dishes, at least 3 vegetarian and one special each day.
- The eating utensil is injera a tasty soft flat bread.
- The Abyssinia, 640 Dundas Street E, 432-8897 (East London)
- - Ethiopian dishes. Usually 3 vegetarian items on the menu. Ethiopian
- wine.
- Say Cheese, 246 Dundas, 434-0341 (Downtown)
- - Probably not suitable for vegan, but usually a number of selections
- for the ovo-lacto vegetarian. Excellent cheese soup.
- Strange Angels, 129 Albert Street, 432-8484 (near downtown)
- - Usually a few (good) items that you have never heard of on the
- menu. Great (but strange) atmosphere! Strange food, good prices,
- strange hours (Closed Monday and Tuesday I think -- we tried to
- visit 3 times before finding it open!)
- Mykonos, 572 Adelaide Street N, 434-6736
- - Greek. For the lacto-vegetarian an excellent spanokopito and
- eggplant/zuccinni in phylo pastry. Good service, small dining area
- decorated with posters and prints, with patio seating in the summer.
- Natural Food Stores:
- Grains Beans and Things, 268 Piccadilly
- Field Fare Co-operative, 577 Hamilton
- Foot for Thought, Wetown Plaza
- London Co-Op Store, 621 Princess Avenue
- Quarter Masters Natural Food Store, 176 Wortley
- There is a farmer's market near Richmond and Dundas. Ask someone for
- directions when you get to this corner. The market is somewhat
- hidden.
- Vegetarian Organizations:
- Forest City Vegetarian Association
- 30 Buttermere Road, London, Ontario, N4G 4L1, (519) 434-1552
- University of Western Ontario Vegetarian Society
- University Community Centre, University of Western Ontario, London
- Niagara Falls
- -------------
- Coming soon (1994):
- Maharishi Veda Land
- - A $1.5 billion vegetarian theme park, built within audio range of
- the Falls, by vegetarian magician Doug Henning. Featuring 33
- "wonderous" hi-tech attractions including the world's only
- levitating building, floating 15 feet over water. Will also contain
- a business conference centre, health centre, 1000 unit residential
- complex, Tower of Peace for reconciling international conflicts,
- even a proposed university able to accomodate 7000 students of
- yogic flying. The theme park will be "completely climatized" to
- provide a veritable heaven on earth year-round. Henning expects
- 20,000 visitors per day at Veda Land. Plans are also now in the
- works for similar facilities in Florida, Holland, and Japan.
- Vegetarian Organizations:
- Niagara Vegetarian Association
- 94 Autumn Place, St. Catherines, Ontario, L2P 3W8
- Ottawa
- ------
- Vegetarian Restaurants:
- Le Pois Chic, 125 rue Wellington, Hull, Quebec, 770-CHIC
- - Buffet style restaurant with a very good choice of entrees and
- desserts. The foods are well marked with symbols indicating
- which have dairy and which do not. Lots of vegan choices. Also,
- the setting or atmosphere is very congenial with separate, well
- lit rooms for intimate dinning. Open Mon-Sat 11:30am-9pm. Closed
- Sun.
- Green Door, 198 Main Street, 234-9597
- | - Pay by weight buffet, about $1.40 per 100 grams. Vegan and
- | macrobiotic options. Organic items used when possible. Sugar and
- | honey free baked goods. Very popular. Open Tue-Sat 11am-9pm, Sun
- | 11am-3pm.
- The Pantry Vegetarian Tea Room, Glebe Community Centre, 690 Lyon
- - Food is organic where possible. Open Mon-Fri noon-3pm.
- Govinda's, 212 Somerset E. (near U of Ottawa), 565-3328
- - Run by Hare Krishnas. Full course meal with salad buffet, $8.50.
- Open Wed-Sat, 5pm-8pm.
- Peace Garden Cafe, 47 Clarence Street, Times Square, Byward Market,
- 562-2434
- - Vegetarian gourmet coffee house and juice bar with international
- vegetarian cuisine. Open Mon-Fri 7:30am-8:00pm.
- Vegetarian-Friendly Restaurants:
- Madras Cafe, 66 Wylie Avenue, across from Brittania 6 movie theatre,
- 828-2696
- - Half menu vegetarian. South Indian food. Fairly cheap. Get the
- Masala Dosa lunch special. Open Mon-Sun 11:30am-2pm & 5pm-8pm.
- The Roses Cafe, 523 Gladstone, 233-5574
- - Small. Reasonably priced. Good food. Mostly Indian food. Open
- Mon-Sat 8am-2pm & 5pm-10pm.
- Mahal restaurant, 292 Albert Street, downtown, 563-1500
- - Excellent Indian restaurant with plenty of vegetarian choices
- Chahaya Malaysia, 749 Bank Street, 237-4304
- - Fabulous Malaysian/Thai food. Lots of vegetarian dishes. They are
- willing to make vegetarian substitutions in non-vegetarian dishes.
- Ask for their spring rolls without the crab meat... phenomenal,
- though not on the menu.
- - 'Vegetarian' in Thai means 'substitute tofu for flesh'. Be sure to
- insist on no fish sauce or other animal products.
- The Horn of Africa, 364 Rideau Street, 789-0025
- - Ethiopian. Vegetarian section on menu. Located in someone's house.
- Dar Tajine, 256 Preston, 232-4300
- - North African, Morrocan. Try the veggie couscous.
- | Silk Roads, 300 Sparks Street Mall, 236-4340
- | - Afghan. Full service. Expensive. Open Mon-Sun.
- The Falafel House, 169 Charlotte (corner Rideau), 789-2235
- - Small cafe style place with low priced Lebanese haute cuisine.
- Haveli's, 87 George Street, Market Mall, Byward Market, 230-3104
- - Indian. Excellent $9 lunch buffet Mon-Fri, $11 on Sun. Good service.
- Nice decor.
- Sitar restaurant, 417 Rideau Street, downtown, 230-2222
- - Indian.
- | New Delhi, 417 Bank Street, 237-4041
- | - Indian. Full service.
- | Domus Cafe, 269 Dalhousie Street, 235-4586
- | - Natural foods cafe in the back of a kitchen-wares/cookbook store.
- | Eclectic gourmet foods prepared with fresh local produce. Menu
- | changes daily. Full service/take-out. Open Mon-Sun for breakfast &
- | lunch.
- Hacienda Dos Gringos, 594 Rideau Street, 230-1185
- - Separate vegetarian menu. Small and pleasant.
- Yangtze, 700 Somerset W. (in Chinatown), 236-0555
- - Vegetarian selection better than most oriental restaurants.
- Yan's, 222 Besserer, 236-4166
- - Malaysian & Chinese. Buffet with good vegetarian selection on
- Wednesday nights, $9.50.
- Glebe Cafe, 840 Bank Street (corner 4th Avenue), 235-1289
- Singapore Restaurant, 2280 Carling Avenue, in the west end, 820-4119
- Mamma Teresa, 300 Somerset W. (at O'Connor), downtown Ottawa, 236-3023
- - Italian.
- Natural Food Stores:
- Central:
- Green Village Fine Foods, 860 Bank, 232-5147
- Herb and Spice, 375 Bank, 232-4087
- Herb and Spice, 1310 Wellington, 722-5747
- Kardish, 47 Clarence, Times Square, Byward Market, 236-6937
- Karla's Natural Food Store, 37 William, Byward Market, 236-2706
- Natural Food Pantry, 87 George, Market Mall, Byward Market, 232-6629
- Sante Natural Foods, 121 O'Connor, 233-9972
- Vogel, Rideau Centre, 230-0034
- Wheat Berry, 206 Main, 235-7580 (Organic produce year-round)
- Ottawa South:
- Kardish, Herongate Mall, 1670 Heron, 523-5797
- Kardish, 2515 Bank, corner Hunt Club, 737-0305
- Natural Food Pantry, Billings Bridge Plaza, 737-9330
- Ottawa West:
- Rainbow Nat.Foods, Britania Shopping Plaza, 1487 Richmond, 726-9200
- - Very well stocked. Make their own soya milk with a natural process,
- dubbed "Soya Cow", which makes is taste non-beany. Also have a
- vegetarian deli-bar.
- Kardish Specialty Foods, Carlingwood Mall, 2121 Carling, 722-8251
- Natural Food Pantry, Westgate Mall, 728-1255
- Peter's Health Foods, 2525 Carling, 829-1122
- Nepean & Kanata:
- Kardish, Merivale Fair, 1568 Merivale, 226-7317
- Kardish, Ikea Centre, 10 Stafford, corner Robertson, Bells Corners,
- 820-4339
- Kardish, Barrhaven Town Centre, 825-5890
- Mother Hubbard's, Greenbank Square Shopping Centre, 820-3178
- Natural Food Basket, 150 Robertson Road, Bells Corners, 820-3178
- Natural High Health & Bulk Foods, 1778 Tartan Drive, 825-7394
- Granny's Natural Foods, Hazeldean Mall, Kanata, 592-4558
- Outaouais (Quebec):
- Fringale Nature, 50-1 rue Fortier, Hull, 770-7726
- - Take-out counter. Catering.
- Gagne Au Kilo, Les Promenades De L'Outaouais, 1100 Boul Maloney O,
- Gatineau, 561-6729
- La Boite A Grains, 129 Boul St Joseph, Hull, 771-3000
- La Mere Nature, 920 Boul Maloney O, Gatineau, 561-5036
- O Naturel, 202 River, Wakefield, 459-3518
- Sol Natural Foods, 195 rue Principale, Aylmer, 684-0512
- Vogel, Le Village Place Cartier, Hull, 595-9349
- Vogel, Les Promenades De L'Outaouais, Gatineau, 568-1830
- Orleans:
- Kardish, Place D'Orleans, 837-8266
- Pantry Plus, 2451 St Joseph, corner Orleans, 830-5790
- - Largest bulk food store in Eastern Ontario.
- Vanier:
- Eatmor Natural Foods, 64 Beechwood, Vanier, 741-1572
- Gloucester:
- Sheila's Natural Foods, Gloucester Centre, 1980 Ogilvie, 748-9147
- Spice Of Life, Beacon Hill Shopping Centre, 2339 Ogilvie, 745-1217
- Stittsville:
- Kardish, Stittsville Mall, 831-4084
- Nature's Basics Bulk Foods, 1488 Main, 831-2695
- Other Areas:
- Alexandra's Food Shop, 5542 Ann, Manotick, 692-3580
- Almonte Natural Food Centre, 108 Queen, Almonte, 256-1833
- Apple & Spice, 110 Bearbrook, Blackburn Hamlet, 830-2488
- Le Tournesol, 847 Notre-Dame, Embrun, 443-2206
- What the Supermarket Chains have to offer:
- Loblaws - An ever growing small selection of their own President's
- Choice vegetarian products.
- Your Independant Grocer - Same company as Loblaws, so same selection.
- LOEB IGA - Some have impressive stock of health foods, including
- Tofutti fake ice cream.
- Vegetarian Organizations:
- The Ottawa Vegetarian Society
- | P.O. Box 4477, Station E, Ottawa, Ontario, K1S 5B4, (613) 521-0443
- - Holds potlucks the third Sunday of each month at the Sandy Hill
- Community Centre, 250 Somerset Street East, 6pm-9pm. Bring a dish
- of vegetarian (preferably vegan) food, your own plate and utensils,
- and $2 towards the rental of the facilities.
- Carleton University Vegetarian Club
- c/o CUSA, 401 Unicenter Building, Carleton University, Ottawa,
- Ontario, K1S 5B6
- Owen Sound
- ----------
- Vegetarian Organizations:
- Grey-Bruce Vegetarian Association
- 545 1st Street West, Owen Sound, Ontario, N4K 5Y2, (519) 371-4684
- or c/o Whole Foods, 941 2nd Avenue, Owen Sound, Ontario, N4K 2H5,
- (519) 371-1172
- St. Catharines
- --------------
- Vegetarian friendly restaurants:
- Bansaree Indian Restaurant, 342 St. Paul, 684-3411
- - Excellent food, moderately priced and pleasant atmosphere. Vegans
- need to request that they omit the butter from some dishes.
- Talk of the Town, 165 King Street, 685-1442
- - Lebanese. Moderately priced, nice setting. Vegetarian section on
- menu. I lunch here at least once a week.
- Samara, 165 King Street, 687-3427
- - Middle Eastern. Inexpensive. Rather plain surroundings.
- Cellar Bench, 101 King Street
- - Delightfully eccentric chef offers a unique menu. Vegan friendly.
- Wine bar.
- North-Central, just south of the QEW (the main highway between
- Buffalo, N.Y. and Toronto, Ontario)
- The Gourmet Health Diner, 396 Ontario Street
- - Just opened (Dec. 92). Vegan soups and sandwiches. Ovo-lacto pizza,
- quiche, and more. Hearty portions, very reasonably priced and good
- quality. Atmosphere/decor is awful |-(.
- Vegetarian Organizations:
- Niagara Vegetarian Association
- 94 Autumn Place, St. Catherines, Ontario, L2P 3W8
- Toronto
- -------
- Vegetarian Restaurants:
- The Vegetarian Restaurant, 4 Dundonald, 961-9522 &
- The Vegetarian West End, 2849 Dundas Street W, 762-1204
- - Interesting food that tastes good!! Very friendly & courteous staff,
- relaxing and pleasant atmosphere. Soft entertainment Thursdays after
- 7:30 p.m.
- Annapurna Vegetarian Restaurant, 1085 Bathurst Street, 537-8513
- - Primarily South Indian dishes.
- Govinda's Dining Room, 243 Avenue Road, 922-5415
- Lotus Pond Vegetarian Restaurant, 3838 Midland, Scarborough, 412-3140
- - Excellent Chinese vegetarian restaurant. Large new restaurant.
- The Buddhist Vegetarian Kitchen, 3290 Midland, Scarborough, 292-7095
- - Buddhist Chinese vegetarian restaurant. Also sell assorted gluten
- (mmm... delicious) for take-out.
- Hare Krishna Dining Room, 243 Avenue Road, Toronto, 922-5415
- - All you can eat for $6. Good Indian food, if you don't mind the
- rather unpleasant smell of their incense. (At least I think it's
- incense!)
- Kensington Kitchen Cafe, 124 Harbord Street, Toronto, 961-3404
- - Primarily vegan, no eggs, some dairy. Daily specials with mostly a
- middle eastern influence. Nice outdoor patio in summer.
- Earth Tones, 357 Queen Street West, Toronto, 977-8044
- - Located in trendy Queen Street area, natural foods, interesting
- salads. Closed Sunday.
- Vegi Garden, 328 Highway 7 East, Richmond Hill, 881-2388
- - Chinese vegetarian restaurant.
- Chinese Vegetarian House, 39 Baldwin Street, 599-6855
- - Has dim sum. Closed Mondays.
- Juice for Life, 238 Queen Street West (in the Market), 408-3581
- - Natural fruit juices, including wheat grass juice. Typical, average
- food which is sometimes good sometimes not. Staff is very laid back,
- be prepared to wait. Very small, basically take-out!!
- East West Cafe, inside Noah's Natural Foods, Bloor @ Spadina, 530-1571
- - Small version of East West Cafe.
- Hey Good Cooking, 238 Dupont Street, 929-9149
- Lime & Spice, 45 Baldwin Street, 586-9849
- Vegetarian Friendly Restaurants:
- The Moghal, 3 locations:
- 33 Elm Street between Yonge & Bay Streets, 597-0522
- 563 Bloor Street W, 535-3315
- 1190 Eglinton Avenue W, 782-0494
- - Good Indian Food, plenty of vegetarian dishes.
- The Rivoli, 332 Queen Street West, 597-0794
- - Trendy Queen Street crowd occupies one of Toronto's busiest sidewalk
- patios. Closed Sunday.
- The Queen Mother Cafe, 208 Queen Street West, 598-4719
- - Excellent food. Nice backyard patio in summer. Closed Sunday.
- Yofi's Restaurant & Cafe, 19 Baldwin Street, 977-1145
- - Salads, pita sandwiches, falafels, veggie lasagna. Fresh frozen-
- fruit yoghurt and fresh carrot juice. Across from Baldwin Natural
- Foods.
- Arax, corner of Lawrence and Warden
- - Armenian food.
- Natural Food Stores:
- Noah's Natural Foods, 322 Bloor Street West (at Spadina), 968-7930
- - Good selection of bulk products and frozen food, small selection of
- organic fruits & veggies. Great sesame seed bagels. TVA memebers
- receive 10% discount.
- Baldwin Natural Foods, 20.5 Baldwin Street, 979-1777.
- - Complete selection of organic fruits & vegetables, vitamins &
- mineral supplements, bulk foods, etc.
- The Big Carrot, 348 Danforth Avenue, 466-2129.
- - Best organic produce in Toronto, also the priciest. Fresh,
- unprocessed oils available, along with all other 'health' foods.
- Salad bar in back makes an excellent quinoa salad with fresh
- cilantro.
- Green Vegetarian Mart, 23 Milliken Blvd, B-21, Scarborough, 609-0443
- - Oriental vegetarian store. Mostly oriental vegetarian goods of the
- variety not found in oriental groceries. Also sell TVP chunks and
- Worthington food products.
- Taste of Nature, 380 Bloor Street West, 925-8102
- 7th Day Adventist vegetarian store, in the complex next to Branson
- Hospital on Finch W just west of Bathurst
- Vegetarian Organizations:
- Toronto Vegetarian Association
- 736 Bathurst Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 2R4, (416) 533-3897
- - Canada's oldest & largest vegetarian organization. They publish the
- Toronto Vegetarian Handbook which lists over 100 restaurants with
- vegetarian listings. To get it send them $4.
- Jewish Vegetarian Society of Toronto
- 113 Balliol Street, Toronto, Ontario, M4S 1C2, (416) 485-9164
- | Canadian Vegans for Animal Rights
- | 620 Jarvis Street, Suite 2504, Toronto, Ontario, M4Y 2R8
- | (416) 924-1377
- The Toronto Vegetarian Association presents an Annual Vegetarian Food
- Fair. In 1992 this was Sept 12-13 at the York Quay Centre and over
- 5000 people attended. It featured over 40 exhibits, informative
- lectures, 14 cooking demonstrations, free food samples, a vegetarian
- marketplace, educational videos, an international vegetarian cafe, a
- meatless barbeque, and an organic food market, and free admission. The
- 1992 contact was Nancy Kelly, (416) 533-3897.
- Waterloo
- --------
- See Kitchener-Waterloo.
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Quebec
- Hull
- ----
- See Ottawa, Ontario.
- | Ladysmith
- | ---------
- |
- | Au Grand Bois, c/o Lenny & Arleen Prost, Ladysmith, Quebec, J0X 2A0
- | (819) 647-3522
- | - A non-profit vegetarian camp located on 565 acres of rolling hills,
- | woods, fields, streams, and ponds. Meals are mostly vegan with some
- | dairy used. Fully vegan and macrobiotic meals are available. An
- | organic garden supplies fresh greens and vegetables. The camp
- | accomodates children between the ages of 8 and 16. It is a small
- | camp with about 50 children per session. Camp activites try to
- | encourage friendships, respect for others, and an understanding of
- | our natural environment.
- | Lafebvre
- | --------
- |
- | Vegies Story Land, 169 St. Jean D'Arc, (514) 738-9062
- | - Vegetarian. Reservation appreciated (may be closed otherwise).
- | Cafeteria style. Inexpensive. Is also a bed & breakfast place. Open
- | on weekends during the summer.
- Montreal
- --------
- Thanks to McGill for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (META), the
- vegetarian student organization at McGill University, and especially
- Steve Leckie for the bulk of the information on Montreal.
- Vegetarian Restaurants:
- Manbo, 81 La Gauchetiere W, Chinatown, 392-7778
- - Buddhist Chinese vegetarian restaurant. Supposedly vegan but the
- fortune cookies contain eggs.
- Bouffe Nature Resto-Vegetarien, 4571 St. Denis, 982-0049
- - Small. Uses only high quality ingredients. Daily specials. Homemade
- tofu ice cream and desserts. Catering available.
- Au Paradis du Vege, 3620 St-Dominique, 499-9941
- - Lacto-vegetarian. "Exotic vegetarian gourmet cuisine. Low calorie.
- Low fat. No eggs. Restaurant a la carte. All you can eat buffet,
- Lunch $6.95 - Dinner $9.95. NO SMOKING, NO ALCOHOL." Exactly as
- advertised, they had a well stocked and varied salad bar and about
- 18 different hot-bar gourmet items. I would guess about half were
- not vegan, making use of butter, etc. Many were 'international'
- recipes and so varied with something to satisfy any tastes. Located
- | just off Prince Arthur which is a pedestrian-only street with
- | outdoor cafes and street performers.
- Bimbo, 58 Fairmount W, 495-4543
- - Large menu. Pizza. Macrobiotic dishes. Courtyard in back.
- Cafe Gigi, 6922 Sherbrooke W, east of Loyola campus, 485-3924
- - Delicious food and a homey atmosphere. Outdoor terrace in front.
- Closed Sunday. Catering. Personal cooking instructions available on
- request.
- Bouffe Nature - Le Comptoir, 1212 St. Denis, 844-8049
- - Counter-style. Open Mon-Fri, 8am-7pm.
- Cafe Kaballah, Galerie Fokus, 68 Duluth E, 284-7731
- - Combination art gallery and inexpensive cafe that offers soup,
- sandwiches, tofu hot-dogs, and daily specials. No eggs used.
- Kumar, 705 Beaumont, 272-7730
- - Traditional Indian cuisine at reasonable prices. Masala Dosas
- offered on weekends. No eggs used. Catering available.
- Pushap's, 2 locations:
- 5195 Pare near Namur metro station, 737-4527 (small)
- 11999 Gouin W, Pierrefonds, 683-0556 (larger)
- | - Excellent Indian vegetarian food. Family-run. Catering available.
- | Full service. Open Mon-Sun.
- Pheonix Cafe, St. Laurent close to Pine, upstairs
- - Vegetarian co-op. Cheap and good.
- Take-Out Only (all vegetarian):
- La Boulange du Commensal, 5043 St. Denis, 843-7741
- - Bakery. Take-out meals. Catering available.
- La Chaudron Magique, 5702 St. Laurent, 279-2028
- - Vegan. Lunch-time take-out. Macrobiotic dinner & lecture Friday at
- 6:30pm. Closed Saturday.
- Homa, 3685 St. Laurent, 842-4571
- - Sandwiches, salads, buffet, and fruit smooties.
- Mission Sante Thuy, 1138 Bernard W, 272-9386
- - Hot and cold buffet for take-out during the day.
- Vegecuisine, 1048 Van Horne, 495-3439
- - Bakery, take-out, and small natural food store. No eggs used.
- Catering available.
- Chloe Fox, Snowdon, 484-0338
- - Vegan. Weekly meal service: main courses, salads, desserts. Catering
- available.
- Vegetarian Caterers:
- Sri Ganesh, 499-0752
- - Vegan. Fine, authentic Indian cuisine for catering.
- Vege-Traiteur (Ferme A.B.C.), 1243 Rte Ste-Genevieve, Roxton-Falls,
- (514) 548-2752
- Vegetarian-Friendly Restaurants:
- Basha, 3 locations:
- 930 St. Catherine W., 866-4272
- 2140 Guy, 932-6682
- Carrefour Angrignon, 364-5243
- - Middle Eastern restaurant. Great falafel.
- A Novo, 4135 St. Denis, 844-4575
- - Chic St. Denis restaurant with a sunny outdoor terrace.
- Cafe Les Entretiens, 1577 Laurier E, 521-2934
- - Lively cafe with high ceilings.
- Cafe Santropol, 3990 St. Urbain, 842-3110
- - Cosy atmosphere & beautiful outdoor garden.
- Paragraph Bookstore Cafe, 2065 Mansfield, 845-5811
- - Popular spot for nearby McGill University students.
- Pizza Pita, 5710 Victoria Avenue, 731-PITA
- - Kosher. Totally amazing falafel. $3.10 gets you a huge ball shaped
- falafel with great stuff inside, not your usual lettuce, etc. Also
- spaghetti and lasagna. Take-out or eat-in. Closed Friday nights &
- Saturdays.
- Foxy's Kosher Pizza and Falafel, 5987 Victoria Avenue, 739-8777
- - Kosher. Also lasagna, hummus, soup. Take-out or eat-in. Covered
- outdoor area in front. Closed Friday nights & Saturdays.
- | Cuillere D'or, 5217 Decarie, 481-3431
- | - Kosher. Burgers, falafel, blintzes, lasagna, pizza, stuffed grape
- | leaves. Vegan options. Full service.
- Pita Royal, 5897 Victoria Avenue, 341-9486
- - Kosher pita bakery with totally amazing pita and an assortment of
- baked take-out foods. Closed Friday night & Saturday.
- Woodlands, Guy below St. Catherine
- - Good Indian food. Large quantities.
- Le Commensal Gastronomie Vegetarian, 4 locations:
- 2115 St. Denis, 845-2627
- 680 Ste. Catherine W, across from Eatons, 871-1480
- 5122 Cote des Neiges, The Old Wax Museum, 733-9755
- 141 St. Charles, Ste. Therese, Autoroute 15, exit 23, 433-0505
- - Mostly vegetarian but many deserts are made with gelatin. Pay by
- weight buffet. Moderately expensive. Note: Twice I got severe food
- poisoning (stomache ache for nearly a week) after eating there (2
- different locations), and I rarely get sick otherwise. Bit into a
- pebble in the salad once. I never eat here anymore. Open Mon-Sun.
- Natural Food Stores:
- Downtown:
- Optima, on Sherbrooke Street across from McGill University
- - Large, 2 floors. Good selection, deli counter with take-out items.
- Also have books, bath stuff, magazines, music, etc.
- East-End:
- Aliment Natura, 1451 Gilford, 529-6328
- Bio et Cetera, 4660 St. Laurent, 849-4118
- Frenco, 3985 St. Laurent, 285-1319
- Homa, 3685 St. Laurent, 842-4571
- Kilo-Vrac, 1366 Ontario E, 525-2215
- Le Plateau, 4487 de la Roche, 523-4272
- Mission Sante, 1138 Bernard W, 272-9386
- Rachelle-Bery, 505 Rachel E, 524-0725 - Semi-large.
- Rachelle-Bery, 2510 Beaubien E, 727-2327
- Tau, 4238 St. Denis, 843-4420 - Very good.
- Vrac en Vrac, 3974 Ontario E, 524-5135
- West-End:
- A La Source, 3537 Lacombe, 342-0726
- A Votre Sante, 5122 Sherbrooke W, 482-8233
- Harvest, 1695 de Maisonneuve E, 932-1844
- Nature et Sante, 6929 Sherbrooke W, 482-0262
- Sesame, 5550 Sherbrooke W, 488-9886
- La Fleur Sauvage, 5561 Monkland, 482-5193
- Teva, 5209 Decarie Blvd, 486-5542
- North-End:
- L'Aube, 7901 St. Denis, 382-2917
- La Grosse Carotte, 311 Henri Bourassa E, 385-3028
- IHA, 1332 Fleury E, 388-5793
- Pural, 7494 St. Hubert, 274-7079
- Suburbs:
- La Butinerie, Marche de l'Ouest, D.D.O., 683-0346
- Pura, 908 Decarie, St-Laurent, 744-6148
- Source de la Sante, 103a Concorde W, Laval, 667-9729
- Tau, 6845 Taschereau, Brossard, 433-9922
- Kosher Quality Bakery, 5855 Victoria Ave., 731-7883
- - Not a health food store, but, they are the only place in the
- Montreal/Ottawa area at the moment that sells Tofutti Better Than
- Creamcheese. They buy it bulk and package it themselves to get
- around the Canadian packaging laws that made Better Than Creamcheese
- illegal. They also sell Tofutti dairy-free sour cream and an
- assortment of fruit ices and other hard to find items.
- Vegetarian Organizations:
- McGill for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (META),
- c/o SSMU, 3480 McTavish, Montreal, Quebec, H3G 1M8
- Tel: (514) 345-5679, Fax: (514) 398-7490
- - A McGill University student organization.
- Animal Lib Collective
- 5295 Westmore, Montreal, Quebec, H4V 1Z6
- For More Information:
- META (see above) publishes a pamphlet titled "Montreal's Guide to
- Vegetarian Eating". Send them a dollar and a SASE to get it. It
- contains non-food related info too.
- Quebec City
- -----------
- Le Mille Feuville
- - very good food, and the prices very reasonable.
- ______________________________________________________________________
- The latest officially posted copy of the World Guide to Vegetarianism
- is available via e-mail. Send an e-mail to mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu
- with any combination of the following lines in your message body:
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- The guide is also available via anonymous ftp from rtfm.mit.edu in the
- directory /pub/usenet/news.answers/vegetarian/guide. The FAQ for
- rec.food.veg is in the file /pub/usenet/news.answers/vegetarian/faq.