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- From: mwisdom@bnr.ca (Mark Wisdom)
- Newsgroups: rec.food.veg,rec.answers,news.answers
- Subject: rec.food.veg World Guide to Vegetarianism - Other
- Followup-To: rec.food.veg
- Date: 15 Nov 1993 00:14:40 GMT
- Organization: Bell-Northern Research
- Lines: 1224
- Sender: mwisdom@bcarh2d8 (Mark Wisdom)
- Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
- Expires: 14 Dec 1993 12:00:00 GMT
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- Reply-To: mwisdom@ccs.carleton.ca (Mark Wisdom)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: bcarh2d8.bnr.ca
- Summary: Guide to vegetarian restaurants, shops, organizations, etc.
- Xref: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu rec.food.veg:36592 rec.answers:2991 news.answers:14662
- Archive-name: vegetarian/guide/other
- Last-modified: 14 Nov 1993
- ______________________________________________________________________
- rec.food.veg World Guide to Vegetarianism
- Other
- ______________________________________________________________________
- The 9 parts of this guide contain a world list of vegetarian
- restaurants, vegetarian-friendly restaurants, natural food stores,
- vegetarian organizations, etc. Each part is posted on an independant
- schedule. Instructions on how to obtain all the latest posted parts
- of the guide are appended to the end of this posting.
- ** Please send us any new listings or corrections, but be sure to **
- ** format them in the same format as is used in this guide. Keep **
- ** comments and reviews short, simple, and straight to the point. **
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Other
- ______________________________________________________________________
- | This section has listings for the following:
- |
- | Australia Hong Kong Malaysia Phillippines
- | Bolivia India Mexico Puerto Rico
- | Brazil Indonesia New Zealand Singapore
- | El Salvador Isreal Nigeria Taiwan
- | Fiji Japan Peru Thailand
- | Guatemala Korea
- |
- | Airlines Rail Lines
- |
- |
- | The 'Other' coordinator is: Mark Wisdom <mwisdom@ccs.carleton.ca>
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Australia
- ______________________________________________________________________
- National Vegetarian Organizations
- ---------------------------------
- Vegan Society of Australia
- P.O. Box 85, Seaford, VIC 3198, (03) 786-6192
- Fruitarian Network
- P.O. Box 293, Trinity Beach, N.Qld 4879
- (can be contacted by e-mail via wadley@mullauna.cs.mu.oz.au)
- Australian Vegetarian Society
- P.O. Box 65, Paddington, NSW 2021, (02) 698-4339
- Organization For Farm Animal Liberation
- P.O. Box E65, East Parramatta, NSW 2150, (02) 683-5991 (AH)
- The Australian Natural Hygiene Society, "Hygia"
- 31 Cobar Road, Arcadia, NSW 2159, (02) 653-1115 or (02) 651-2457
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Australian Capital Territory
- Canberra
- --------
- Parrakeet
- - A vegetarian pizza place with great food, not just pizza.
- Also a Buddhist vegetarian restaurant somewhere.
- Check the yellow pages. Many restaurants advertise "vegetarian menu
- avalaible" or "vegetarians welcome."
- ______________________________________________________________________
- New South Wales
- Vegetarian Organizations:
- The Vegan Society (NSW)
- P.O. Box 467, Broadway, NSW 2007, (02) 436-1373
- The Australian Vegetarian Society (NSW)
- P.O. Box 65, Paddington, NSW 2021, (02) 698-4339
- The Jewish Vegetarian Society (NSW)
- c/o Tom Kramer 95/97 The Boulevarde, Strathfield, NSW 2135
- Tel. (02) 642-3110 (AH), (02) 683-5991 (BH)
- Sydney
- ------
- Govinda's Upstairs & Take-away, 112 Darlinghurst Road, (02) 357-5162
- - Hare Krishna vegetarian restaurant.
- Gopal's, 180 Falcon Street, North Sydney, (02) 955-6164
- - Hare Krishna vegetarian restaurant.
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Queensland
- Vegetarian Organizations:
- The Australian Vegetarian Society (QLD)
- P.O. Box 400, South Brisbane, QLD 4101, (07) 857-5589
- Tableland Vegetarian Society
- PO Box 25, Millaa Millaa, QLD 4886
- Brisbane
- --------
- Crossways, 99 Elizabeth Street, first floor
- - Hare Krishna vegetarian restaurant.
- The Vegan Society of Brisbane
- P.O. Box 400, South Brisbane, QLD 4101, (07) 857-5589
- ______________________________________________________________________
- South Australia
- Vegetarian Organizations:
- The Vegetarian Society of South Australia
- PO Box 46, Rundle Mall, Adelaide 5000, (08) 261-3194
- Adelaide
- --------
- Crossways, 79 Hindley Street, (08) 272-0488
- - Hare Krishna vegetarian restaurant.
- Clearlight Cafe, 203 Rundle Street, (08) 223 5994
- Mrs Giffords, 82 Kintore Avenue, (08) 223 1935
- Peaceful Vegetarian restaurant, 167 Hindley Street, (08) 212 7805
- | - Vegetarian Budhist Chinese restaurant. Almost all the dishes are
- | vegan. Very nice food. Very reasonably priced.
- Vego & Love'n it, 1st floor 240 Rundle St, (08) 223 7411
- | - Vegan. Quite cheap.
- Violetta Cafe, 199 Hutt street, Adelaide (08) 232 3655
- | - Hard to find vegan items on the menu. Rather expensive. Vegans are
- | better off going somewhere else.
- Sizzlers
- - Their soup, salad and pasta bar is very impressive (it's great!).
- The variety was most considerable and the freshness of the
- vegetables top notch.
- Natural Food Stores:
- Boundless-Life, 1 Matilda Street, Gilberton, (08) 344-6010
- | Clearlight Wholefoods, next to Clearlight Cafe (203 Rundle Street)
- | From the Earth, 195 Magill Road, Maylands
- | Zuchinna Brothers, across from From the Earth (195 Magill Road)
- | - Lots of organic fruit and vegetables.
- | Stirling
- | --------
- |
- | Organic Market
- | - Specializes in organic food.
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Victoria
- Melbourne
- ---------
- Vegetarian Restaurants:
- Shakahari Vegetarian Restaurant, 329 Lygon St, Carlton, 347 3848
- - Innovative, gourmet food.
- Vegetarian Adventure, 665 Nicholson St, Carlton North, 387 3404
- - Very good food.
- Crossways, 123 Swanston Street, first floor, 650 2939
- - Hare Krishna vegetarian restaurant.
- Gopal's, 139 Swanston Walk (Street), first floor, 650 1578
- - Hare Krishna vegetarian restaurant. Good, hearty, & cheap.
- Mao's Chinese Vegetarian, 34 Ross Street, Toorak, 826 4557
- Paul's Vegetarian Cafe Restaurant BYO, 565 Chapel Street,
- South Yarra, 826 4929
- Rasa's Vegie Bar, 24 Blessington Street, St Kilda, 534 9150
- - International Vegetarian Cuisine
- Tofu Shop, 78 Bridge Road, Richmond, 429 6204
- Vegetarian-Friendly Restaurants:
- Tamarind Vegetarian and Seafood Restarant, 475 Nepean Hwy, Frankston,
- Tel. (03) 783-7983
- - Frankston is about 1 hour out of Melbourne.
- Soulfood Cafe, 273 Smith Street, Fitzroy, 419 2949
- Health-Strength-Flights, 160 Bridge Road, 427 1479
- - Baked potato cafe.
- Bastings on High, 240 High Street, Northcote, 481 0262
- - Formerly Caffe Larrikin
- Lord Lentil, 320 Rathdowne Street, Carlton North, 349 1667
- Natural Food Stores:
- Purity's Strength Indomitable, 631 Burwood Road, 882 5476
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Western Australia
- Vegetarian Organizations:
- The Vegetarian Society of Western Australia
- PO Box 220, North Perth, WA 6006, (09) 275-5682
- Perth
- -----
- Magic Apple
- - A vegetarian fast food chain. It's been around for as long as I can
- remember.
- Gopal's, 129 Barrack Street, (09) 325-2168
- - Hare Krishna vegetarian restaurant.
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Bolivia
- ______________________________________________________________________
- La Paz
- ------
- Restaurant Manjari, Calle Potosi 1315, esq. Colon
- - Hare Krishna vegetarian restaurant.
- Santa Cruz
- ----------
- Snack Govinda, Av., Argomosa (1` anillo), esq. Bolivar
- - Hare Krishna vegetarian restaurant.
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Brazil
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Belem, Para
- -----------
- Sri Krsna Prasada, Av. Gentil Bittencourt, Passagem Mac Dowell, 96
- (entre Dr. Morais e Benjamin Constant), Tel. (091) 222-1886
- - Hare Krishna vegetarian restaurant.
- ______________________________________________________________________
- El Salvador
- ______________________________________________________________________
- San Salvador
- ------------
- Govinda's(?), 25 Avenida Norte 1132
- - Hare Krishna vegetarian restaurant.
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Fiji
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Lautoka
- -------
- Gopal's, corner of Yasawa Street & Naviti Street, Tel. 62990
- - Hare Krishna vegetarian restaurant.
- Suva
- ----
- Gopal's, 2 locations:
- 18 Pratt Street, Tel. 312259
- 37 Cumming Street
- - Hare Krishna vegetarian restaurants.
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Guatemala
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Guatemala
- ---------
- Govinda's(?), Callejor Santandes a una cuadra abajo de Guatel,
- Panajachel Solola
- - Hare Krishna vegetarian restaurant.
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Hong Kong
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Supposedly there are over 100 Chinese vegetarian restaurants in
- | Hong Kong. If you know of any, please send me a listing.
- | Most Chinese and Thai restaurants can make dishes meatless if you ask
- | them (Cantonese for vegetarian is Sihk Chai). Make sure you tell them
- | you don't eat seafood (or eggs).
- Bodhi Vegetarian Cuisine, 9 locations:
- | Cameron Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, 739-2222
- | Lock Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, 366-8283
- | Wan Chai, 573-2155
- Mong Kok, 394-6223
- Yaumatei, 735-4686
- Tsuen Wan, 415-0113
- Leighton Road, 890-5565
- Tai Koo Shing, 568-7231
- Grand Tower, 395-0416
- | Lotus Garden, Causeway Bay, Kung Tak Lam at Tsim Sha Tsui
- | Healthy Mess, Wan Chai
- | Woodlands, on Mody Road, Tsim Sha Tsui
- | - South Indian vegetarian restaurant.
- | Sandalwood, on Mody Road, Tsim Sha Tsui
- | - South Indian vegetarian restaurant.
- The Higher Taste Vegetarian Dining Club, 27 Chatam Road South,
- 6/F, Kowloon, 739-6818
- - Hare Krishna vegetarian restaurant.
- There is a fantastic juice bar just around the corner from the Park
- Lane Hotel. They do all sorts of tropical fruits whizzed up into a
- smoothie in front of your eyes. So many fruits! It really was
- amazing.
- ______________________________________________________________________
- India
- ______________________________________________________________________
- India was the hardest place to remain a vegan. True, vegetarianism is
- common, but veganism is not. I found myself repeating time after time
- "we don't eat cheese, yogurt, milk, or ghee (clarified butter)," but
- the yogurt and cheese just kept on coming. They explained, "but it's
- only in the sauce." Living in such a poor nation, most Indian
- restauranteurs usually just take the meal back to the kitchen, remove
- the chunks of cheese, stir the yogurt into the sauce, and return the
- same dish. As they can't afford to take a loss on the meal, they felt
- like they did the best they could.
- - Vegan world traveller Jed Civic in an article in the Sept/Oct 1993
- Vegetarian Journal.
- Bombay
- ------
- Govinda's, Hare Krishna Land, Juhu 400 049, Tel. 6206860
- - Hare Krishna vegetarian restaurant.
- Calcutta
- --------
- Govinda's(?), Russel Street
- - Hare Krishna vegetarian restaurant.
- Hardwar
- -------
- A town in India which is completely vegetarian. Perhaps it is
- difficult to enforce it by law, but signboards say that the town is
- vegetarian.
- Vrindaban
- ---------
- Krishna-Balaram Mandir, Bhaktivedanta Swami Marg, Raman Reti,
- Mathura Dist. 281 124, Tel. 82478
- - Hare Krishna vegetarian restaurant(s)(?).
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Indonesia
- ______________________________________________________________________
- The following is more or less taken from an article in Vegetarian
- Times written by Wayne Caravella.
- There is always an abundant supply of fresh tropical fruits, but if
- you really want to eat at a restaurant, expect the following
- conversation:
- You: "I am orang-vegetarian (vegetarian). I do not eat any daging
- (meat), ikan (fish), ayam (chicken), or telur (eggs)."
- Waiter: "How about nasi goreng (a traditional Indonesian dish of fried
- rice with chicken)?"
- You: Knowing where this is heading, you switch to plan B. "I would
- like to order a plate of sayur direbus (plain boiled
- vegetables) and nasi putih (plain boiled rice). No terasi
- (shrimp paste), no ajinomoto (MSG), and no oil (they always
- use too much coconut oil). Just plain vegetables cooked in
- water, not fried."
- After a short while you are served plain white rice and a bowl of
- vegetables in a clear, oily, salty broth, probably chicken broth with
- MSG. Eat only the rice and switch to plan C, which will be successful.
- Plan C consists of feigning slight illness. Ethical? Maybe. Logical?
- Well, it works. If you choose plan C, you can (to suit your individual
- preferences) later order specific local condiments that will liven up
- your otherwise bland meal, such as gado-gado (spicy peanut sauce), and
- tempeh, which is often often served deep-fried and crispy for dipping
- in the gado-gado. Also you can order chop chai tidak telur, tidak ayam
- - fried rice and vegetable stir-fry; no egg, no chicken. Be careful
- however because the local tempeh, although very tasty, may be full of
- small stones.
- Kuta, Bali
- ----------
- Aromas Cafe, Legian Road, (0361) 51003
- - International health foods cuisine & bakery.
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Isreal
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Amirim, Isreal
- --------------
- A vegetarian village that was set up as such.
- The greatest vegeterian food is here in Amirim (my village).
- - s2874066@techst02.technion.ac.il (Eyal Peleg)
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Japan
- ______________________________________________________________________
- It is *very* difficult being a vegan in Japan. Most vegetarian
- restaurants include fish in their definition of vegetarianism, and
- they include it in *everything*. I was told "but they are only little
- fish." They have no understanding of the concept over there since they
- do not really classify seafood as meat. They have so many categories
- for seafood that it is very difficult to explain all the exclusions
- without missing something. Even the restaurants that serve Buddhist
- food include fish in the meals. And when I say all these restaurants
- include fish, it is not only in the form of flesh but as fish stock,
- fish flakes and any other variation you may not think of.
- You *may* be able to get true Buddhist (ie. vegetarian) food at some
- of the Buddhist temples. I can not vouch for this though. There are
- many forms of vegan sushi (Norimaki & Kuppamaki) you can get as well
- as Onigiri (rice balls) and so on. Basically all sorts of rice and
- seaweed combos some with veggies, umeboshi plums or whatever. Watch
- out though since some of the rice balls (they are call balls although
- they are shaped like triangles--apparently easier to handle--are made
- with a fish stock for flavouring. If the rice looks white it is okay).
- The good thing about these is that you can get them almost anywhere.
- The bad thing is that you can tire of them very quickly.
- You will find that you can buy fruit and veggies at their food
- centres. These are like our big grocery stores except that they are
- actually a lot of smaller independents under one roof (and I mean one
- roof--without walls dividing them so they look like one big store
- except you pay as you go from section to section). These food centres
- usually contain a multitude of very small sections (like mini-delis)
- where you can buy fresh vegan sushi as well.
- For a country that does everything with rice it was surprising that
- they had never heard of rice milk. Hence I had my Corn Flakes (when I
- could find them--which was very hard and only in small boxes) with
- orange juice. At least I could have something other than rice for
- breakfast. I was unable to find any breads that did not contain eggs
- and/or milk.
- After four weeks it was a while after returning before I wanted to see
- rice again. The whole thing would have been a little easier if I had
- access to a kitchen so that I could prepare my own meals. Alas that
- was not the case.
- - Kevin Pickard
- | You can always get raamen wihout any meat, its called yasai dake.
- Kyoto
- -----
- Sujata's Indian Restaurant, 87-28 Nishimachi Kitashirakawa, 781-9720
- - Vegetarian restaurant.
- Osaka
- -----
- Country Life, 2-13 Kitahama-Higashiku, 06-943-5943
- - Vegan. 7th Day Adventist restaurant.
- Tokyo
- -----
- | Vegetarian Restaurants:
- | Bodejeu, in Roppongi area
- | - Most well known vegetarian restaurant in Tokyo.
- Transcendence Perfection Beyond, #401 2-2-10 Shimouna, Setagaya
- 03-3760-1200
- | Vegetarian-Friendly Restaurants:
- | Moti, 4 locations:
- | 2 in Akasaka
- | Roppongi
- | Futako-Tamagawa
- | - Indian.
- | Samrat, in Roppongi
- | - Indian.
- | Taj, in Akasaka
- | - Indian.
- | Ark Hills, in Roppongi
- | - Good kinokunia raamen.
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Korea
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Seoul
- -----
- Country Life, Tel: 785-6429
- - Vegan. 7th Day Adventist restaurant.
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Malaysia
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Kuala Lumpur
- ------------
- 16-1 Jalan Bunusenam, Masjid India, Tel. (3) 2986785
- - Hare Krishna vegetarian restaurant.
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Mexico
- ______________________________________________________________________
- It's **really hard** to be a vegetarian in Mexico. They cook with lard
- a lot, everything's really really greasy. The best thing I can say
- about Mexico is that the fresh tortillas are killer. It's too bad
- because the country is really beautiful.
- Hopefully vegetarians in San Diego who know of passable places to eat
- in Tijuana, Rosarita Beach, and Ensenada can make contributions to the
- list.
- Cancun
- ------
- I did not have a very hard time (not as much as I had feared) finding
- stuff to eat in Cancun. Most places were very obliging. I ate a lot of
- fruit, rice and torillas.
- 100% Natural, two locations:
- Plaza Caracol
- Plaza Kulkulcan
- - They have a breakfast granola, fruit yogurt bowl that is very good
- for lacto-vegs. For lunch/dinner there is a spaghetti plate with a
- very light spicy tomato sauce. Tasty. Ask them to give you more
- spaghetti.
- Savio's, Plaza Caracol
- - Upscale Italian. Very nice atmosphere with live music. There are no
- vegan dishes on the menu, but there are a few lacto-veg that you can
- ask them to leave off the cheese. Use your coupon from the books
- they give you at the airport.
- Sierra Radisson, Cancun Hotel Zone 10
- - I had a very nice lacto-veg sandwich with tomato, lettuce, sprouts,
- avocados and cheese (ask to 86 the cheese) with spicy mustard on
- whole wheat bread. To go with it I had a generous fruit plate and
- some bread.
- Planet Hollywood, Cancun North of Plaza Kulkulcan
- - Very tasty slightly greasy veg burger with fries. There were other
- lacto-veg items on the menu including a vegetarian pizza.
- XCARET, 45 miles south of Cancun
- - We drove in a rented Beetle to this beautiful spot that offers
- snorkeling, dolphin shows, boat rentals, an underground cave, and
- the most beautiful scenery on the peninsula (IMHO). This place is
- touted as earth/health conscious and I believe it. I had a very nice
- buffet with rice, refried beans (no lard), sauteed vegetables,
- fruit, corn tortillas and rice milk all to the accompaniment of a
- three person miramba. Excellent - not too be missed!
- Mexico City
- -----------
- There are at least two vegetarian places in Mexico City.
- Hotel Fiesta Americana, Mexico City Airport.
- - If you are stuck in the Mexico City airport looking for something to
- eat, take the bridge across (it's near Gate C inside the airport) to
- the Hotel Fiesta Americana and check out their restaurant. Lacto-
- vegetarians can survive in there and they speak passable English.
- Beware of the buffet, it's loaded with meat items and other things
- which are cooked in lard.
- Playa Carmen (near Cancun in the state of Quintana Roo)
- ------------
- Sabor (Spanish for flavor). Ask locals where it is, they'll know.
- - Vegetarian-friendly. As of summer 93, they will have moved to a new
- larger location. Vegetarian tortas, killer pastries, etc. A
- vegetarian oasis in a country full of meat.
- San Cristobal de Las Casas, Chiapas
- --------------------------
- Madre Tierra (Mother Earth), on Avenida Ninos Heroes near Avenida
- Insurgentes.
- - Great (mostly) vegetarian restaurant with a natural food store.
- ______________________________________________________________________
- New Zealand
- ______________________________________________________________________
- New Zealand Vegetarian Society
- P.O. Box 77034, Auckland 3, New Zealand
- Auckland
- --------
- Badger's Cafe, 47 High Street
- Belly Button, Century Arcade, Queen Street
- Dominos, Fort Street
- Elephant House Cafe, 237 Parnell Road
- Gopal's, 291 Queen Street, first floor, Tel. (9) 303-4885
- - Hare Krishna vegetarian restaurant.
- Govinda's Natural Foods Restaurant, 424 Khyber Pass Road, Newmarket
- On The Run, Plaza Arcade, Queen Street
- - Take-out only
- Simple cottage, High Street
- Dunedin
- -------
- Pot Pourri, Lower Stuart Street
- Christchurch
- ------------
- Dux de Lux, Arts Centre
- Gopal's, 143 Worcester Street, Tel. (3) 67-035
- - Hare Krishna vegetarian restaurant.
- Main Street Cafe, corner of Colombo and Salisbury Streets
- Invercargill
- ------------
- Tillermans Health Foods Restaurant, Don Street
- Kaiteriteri
- -----------
- Kimi-Ora, Kaiteriteri, Via Motueka
- - Reservations required
- Palmerston North
- ----------------
- Truelife Bakery and Takeaways, 47 The Square
- Tauranga
- --------
- Sunrise Natural Foods Restaurant, 10 Wharf Street
- Baywatch
- - Not vegetarian, but the chef is willing to prepare a superb vegan
- meal if you come during off-peak hours.
- Wanganui
- --------
- Honey Nut Whole Foods, 172 Victoria Avenue
- Wellington
- ----------
- In Foods Bakery, Constable Street, Newtown
- - Take-out only.
- Quo Vadis, 145 Victoria Street, 801-9990
- - Gourmet vegetarian restaurant.
- The Chariot, 15 Kent Tce, 801-8205
- - Indian. About %80 of their menu is vegetarian.
- Spice of Life, 149 Willis Street, 385-1686
- The Globe, Trekkers Hotel, Cuba Street, 385-2566
- - Caters for vegan, wheat-free, and gluten-free diets. Has dairy-free
- capuccino's.
- Mt. Victoria Cafe, 59 Brougham Street, 384 2420
- Wellbeing Resource Centre, 236 Cuba Street
- Whangarei
- ---------
- Groundswell,Robert Street
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Nigeria
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Abeokuta
- --------
- Govinda's(?), Ibadan Road, Obantoko, behind NET.
- - Hare Krishna vegetarian restaurant.
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Peru
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Arequipa
- --------
- Govinda's(?), Jerusalen 402, Tel. 229523
- - Hare Krishna vegetarian restaurant.
- Cuzco
- -----
- Govinda's(?), Espaderos 128
- - Hare Krishna vegetarian restaurant.
- Lima
- ----
- Govinda's(?), Schell 634 Miraflores
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Phillippines
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Cebu
- ----
- Govinda's, 26 Sanchiangko Street
- - Hare Krishna vegetarian restaurant.
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Puerto Rico
- ______________________________________________________________________
- | Humacao
- | -------
- |
- | Nutrilife, Calle Miguels Casillas #9, Tel. (809) 852-5068
- | - Natural foods store and vegetarian restaurant. Fruit shakes. Open
- | Mon-Sat.
- San Juan
- --------
- Govinda's, Tetuan 153, Viejo San Juan, Tel. (809) 725-4885
- - Hare Krishna vegetarian restaurant.
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Singapore
- ______________________________________________________________________
- IMHO, the best veg restaurant in Singapore is just around the corner
- from the famous Funan Computer centre, near a hotel. It's called
- Analakshmi or similar, and is Indian vegetarian -- the food is prasad
- (offered), which makes it taste much better! It's run to help fund a
- school for Indian dance and music, with volunteer effort, so you're
- supporting a good cause!
- Bodhi Vegetarian Cuisine, 2 locations:
- #03-140 Marina Square, 337-0703
- 246-B Upper Thomson Road, Singapore 2057, 451-3208
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Taiwan
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Taipei
- ------
- Bodhi Garden Vegetarian Restaurant
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Thailand
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Many thanks to Bill Maddex, the vegan gourmet, for supplying the
- Thailand listings.
- 'Vegetarian' in Thai means 'substitute tofu for flesh'. Be sure to
- insist on no fish sauce or other animal products when eating out. In
- Thailand, fish sauce is called 'nam pla'.
- Bangkok
- -------
- Vegetarian Restaurants:
- The Whole Earth, 93/3 Soi Lang Suan, Ploenchit Rd., 2525574
- - Other than the weekend market pavillion this is the only all
- vegetarian place in Bangkok.
- There is a vegetarian pavillion at the weekend market that's supposed
- to be excellent.
- Vegetarian-Friendly Restaurants:
- The Whole Earth
- - Vegetarian-friendly. Truely amazing. Owned and operated by Buddhist
- monks (however they do serve non-vegetarian items).
- Lemongrass, 5/1 Sukhumvit 24, 2588637
- - Supposed to be fantastic. Vegetarian meals on request.
- Ban Krua, 29/1 Saladeng Soi 1, 2336912
- - Vegetarian items on menu.
- Seven Seas, 14/7 Sukhumvit 33, 2597662
- - Vegetarian meals on request.
- Once Upon a Time, 167 Soi Anumarachamon, 2338493
- - Vegetarian items on menu.
- Tumahak Thai Ruchadapisek Rd, 2761810
- - Vegetarian items on menu.
- Hotels:
- Tara Hotel, 183/1 Sukhumvit Soi 26, 2592900
- - Actually Siamese twin (sorry) hotels. The cheaper, the Impala,
- features a vegetarian section at its buffet.
- Dusit Thani Hotel, Rama IV Rd, 2361450/9
- - Pavillion Cafe has vegetarian menu.
- Regent Hotel, 155 Rajachmri Rd, 2516532
- - Vegetarian items on menu.
- Ambassador Hotel, 171 Sukhumvit Soi 11, 2515141
- - Has a food court featuring a great Chinese vegetarian restaurant and
- a Thai vegetarian cafe.
- Chiang Mai
- ----------
- The Whole Earth, 88 Sridonchai Rd, 232463
- - Vegetarian-friendly. Truely amazing. Owned and operated by Buddhist
- monks (however they do serve non-vegetarian items).
- Miscellaneous
- -------------
- Kuk Kak Rest Area, 20/1 MU4 Bangpakong, Banga-Trad Rd, Chachiengsao,
- 038 531856
- - All vegetarian inn. On the road from Bankok to the coast.
- | ______________________________________________________________________
- |
- | Airlines
- | ______________________________________________________________________
- General Notes:
- - Vegetarian meals in Business Class are far better than the ones in
- Coach.
- - Most of the larger airlines also offer fruit plates. If you are
- doing several hops on one airline and order vegetarian on all of
- them, it is possible to get the same meal several times in one day.
- | Air India
- | - As in India, it is easy to get vegetarian food, but almost
- | impossible to get vegan food. They normally carry extra vegetarian
- | food.
- Air Vanuatu
- - Seemed puzzled by the vegetarian meal request.
- ALM (Dutch Antilles)
- - Did well on the US-to-Netherland Antilles direction, but lost the
- meal on the Netherland-to-US leg.
- American Airlines
- - Provide Vegan, Hindu Vegetarian, & Ovo-Lacto Vegetarian meals.
- - While the veg dinners were comparable in quality to the non-veg, I
- thought the breakfast was vastly superior: veg meal was fresh
- strawberries & pineapple, and a raisin bagel.
- - I thought that the vegetarian food tasted as good as airline food
- gets. It was a tomato-veg.-raisin-rice dish that was served with a
- salad and some bread.
- - Every veggie meal comes with a packet of honey, and a cup of nuts
- and raisins.
- British Air
- - Good.
- Cayman Air
- - Generally such a short flight that they only serve a rum punch. Good
- rum punch.
- Continental
- - Continental airlines announced in the May 15, 1993 issue of
- FoodService Director that they have revamped their vegetarian menu.
- They now offer herbal tea and Edensoy beverages.
- Breakfast trays include: cranberry and nut filled tortillas, a
- vegetarian sausage pattie, and a pear and peach compote; Kashi (a
- hot grain cereal), nuts and raisins, scalloped potatoes, and a
- vegetarian raisin muffin; a raisin and nut filled tortilla; or a
- potato and scallion filled tortilla with a southwestern sauce,
- brown rice, and peanuts.
- Lunches/dinners include: a vegetarian meatless pattie (soy based)
- with Oriental glaze soy sauce and curried couscous medley; a
- grilled vegetarian pattie with tofu-stuffed shell, marinara sauce,
- and Italian green-bean medley; a stuffed baked potato shell with
- chili nut filling, tofu stuffed shells and provencale sauce; or a
- stuffed green pepper with chili beans, nuts, and chili sauce.
- | - "The vegetarian meal (I think it was vegan, except for the salad
- | dressing and margarine, maybe..) was excellent. Just top notch. It
- | was a zippy vegetable dish, in a nice sause, just a little spicy.
- | By far the best vegetarian meal I've ever had on a plane, and I fly
- | quite a bit domestically in the cheap seats. Their new meals are
- | quite good.
- | - A result of their old vegetarian menu:
- "Vegan food is _wretched_. On most flights they serve just
- unseasoned cooked vegetables. They give you a miniscule pack of
- ground pepper and a miniscule pack of salt. They once served me a
- half-raw potato."
- Delta
- - Vegetarian food is vegan by default. If you want ovo or lacto, you
- must specify it. The vegetarian food is consistently much better
- (more varied/interesting/quantity) than their regular offerings.
- | Finnair
- | - Provides reasonable vegetarian meals these days. Vegan meals can be
- | requested as "vegetarian food which does not include eggs or milk
- | products". This will be noted as SPML instead of the lacto-ovo
- | VGML. They did very well on my last few flights.
- - Good.
- Lufthansa
- - Suprised me by preparing a better vegetarian meal than I had
- anywhere in Germany (of course in Germany I mostly ate Italian
- food).
- - "with some airlines, their vegetarian meal seems to be their regular
- meal without the meat. But at Lufthanso, our chefs put as much care
- into our vegetarian offerings as they do our regular menu. Which
- means everything they use is of the highest quality, and is fresh,
- not frozen." Advertisement in May 17, 1993 issue of Fortune
- magazine.
- Quantas
- - Great. Good service too.
- | SAS
- | - They don't care. They have a policy of not providing vegetarian
- | meals on local (Scandinavian) and short (whatever that means, I
- | guess it means European) flights. Elsewhere they offer in principle
- | 4 possibilities - VLML, VGML, AVML, RVML (lacto, lacto-ovo, Asian,
- | and raw).
- Solomon Air
- - Seemed puzzled by the vegetarian meal request.
- Tan Sahsa (Honduras)
- - Didn't know what a veggie meal was (1991).
- United
- - So far very dissappointing.
- - Does a good job with veggie meals; they serve curried grain patties,
- rice-stuffed peppers, etc. Be careful when ordering Hindu meals; if
- you don't specify Hindu vegetarian, you get chicken.
- | ______________________________________________________________________
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- | Rail Lines
- | ______________________________________________________________________
- |
- |
- | Amtrak
- | - Amtrak always has Nile Spice vegetarian soup mixes (many are vegan),
- | carrot sticks, cheese pizza, and granola bars. On long distance
- | trips they also offer dry cereal & bagels for breakfast; a fettucine
- | dish with tomato and basil, light alfredo, or primavera sauce for
- | lunch; and a vegetarian (never vegan) entree at dinner.
- ______________________________________________________________________
- The latest officially posted copy of the World Guide to Vegetarianism
- is available via e-mail. Send an e-mail to mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu
- with any combination of the following lines in your message body:
- send usenet/news.answers/vegetarian/guide/canada1
- send usenet/news.answers/vegetarian/guide/canada2
- send usenet/news.answers/vegetarian/guide/california1
- send usenet/news.answers/vegetarian/guide/california2
- send usenet/news.answers/vegetarian/guide/usa1
- send usenet/news.answers/vegetarian/guide/usa2
- send usenet/news.answers/vegetarian/guide/usa3
- send usenet/news.answers/vegetarian/guide/europe
- send usenet/news.answers/vegetarian/guide/other
- send usenet/news.answers/vegetarian/faq
- The guide is also available via anonymous ftp from rtfm.mit.edu in the
- directory /pub/usenet/news.answers/vegetarian/guide. The FAQ for
- rec.food.veg is in the file /pub/usenet/news.answers/vegetarian/faq.