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- Malloc Leak Trace Package
- by Michael Schwartz
- University of Washington Computer Science Department
- Seattle, Washington, USA
- schwartz@cs.washington.edu (ARPANET)
- schwartz%cs.washington.edu@relay.cs.net (CSNET)
- ...{allegra,caip,ihnp4,nike}!uw-beaver!schwartz (UUCP)
- April 1987
- 1. Description
- This package is designed to help trace dynamic memory allocation leaks.
- It works by providing the standard malloc/free/realloc interface, but at
- the same time keeping track of all malloc'd buffers, including their size,
- order of call, and address. That way, at any point during the execution of
- your program, you can see what malloc'd buffers haven't yet been freed.
- It is particularly useful when your program performs many allocations
- before reaching some steady state, and hence you want to ignore
- the initial allocations and concentrate on where steady-state
- leaks occur.
- The idea is that you have some code (usually a server) that looks as follows:
- initialization code;
- do {
- ...
- } while (1); /* main loop */
- There might be some dynamic allocation during the initialization,
- but this isn't where the memory leak is, since it's a one-shot allocation
- (i.e., at worst the initialization wastes some memory, but doesn't
- continually leak it). There might also be some dynamic allocation in
- the first few iterations of the main loop, until a "steady state" is
- reached (e.g., until some cache gets filled). In both cases (initialization
- and pre-steady state iterations), there may be many allocation calls, but
- you don't really want to look at them; rather, you want to look at what
- memory isn't being free'd once steady state has been reached. This
- package helps you to see the state of memory allocation after steady
- state has been reached.
- Bug reports and suggestions for improvements are welcome.
- 2. Instructions
- To use this package, take your favorite malloc/free/realloc code,
- and change the routine names as follows:
- malloc -> mmalloc
- free -> ffree
- realloc -> rrealloc
- You'll probably also need to add the following line to the beginning of
- your malloc.c:
- char *malloc();
- (because realloc still calls malloc, but malloc is no longer defined in
- that file). Then link the program to be leak-traced with maltrace.o,
- btree.o, and (your modified) malloc.o. I would have included my malloc.c,
- but it's the copyrighted BSD 4.3 code, and besides, there are plenty
- of public domain malloc's available (e.g., in volume 6 of mod.sources).
- To trace a leak, take the example program skeleton, and augment it as
- follows:
- extern int MalTraceEnbld;
- extern int MalBrkNum;
- initialization code;
- do {
- ...
- if ( steady state reached)
- MalTraceEnbld = 1;
- ...
- at end of first steady-state cycle:
- PMal(-10); /* print last 10 (say) malloc's
- that haven't yet been free'd */
- } while (1); /* main loop */
- Then compile the program with -g, and run it. At the end of the first
- cycle, PMal will print a list of the last 10 malloc's that haven't yet been
- freed. (PMal(n) will print the first n entries if n > 0, the last -n
- entries if n < 0, and all entries if n == 0). Note the sequence number of
- one of these mallocs, and then go into dbx on the program, and put a
- breakpoint somewhere in the initialization code, and run the program. When
- you hit the breakpoint, use dbx to set MalBrkNum to the number of the
- malloc you just noticed, and set a break in MalBreak. Then, continue the
- program. When the malloc call in question is reached, MalBreak will get
- called, breaking, and giving you a chance to examine the state of the
- program at the time of this (potentially leaking) malloc call. In case
- this call is still within the steady-state setup (it is sometimes difficult
- to find where the setup ends), you can use dbx to call NextMal, to set
- MakBrkNum to be the next traced malloc call.
- 2.1 Usage Details
- This technique is not applicable to situations where the steady state
- allocation behavior (i.e., order and size of malloc requests) exhibits
- variation, e.g., due to pseudo-randomization or interaction with other
- processes via non-deterministically ordered message exchanges. In such
- situations you can sometimes inhibit the variation during debugging (e.g.,
- by forcing interactions to occur in the same order each time).
- Alternatively, you can use dbx to set MalBreakSize to be the size of the
- malloc request at which to have MalBreak called, to reach a breakpoint
- (similar to the MalBrkNum scheme described above). This can be useful when
- the order of mallocs isn't fixed, but a particular size keeps showing up in
- the list of malloc's that haven't yet been free'd.
- There is also a routine called UntracedFree that gets called when a free
- call is made on an address that was not malloc'd with tracing enabled
- (again, this routine is present to allow one to set dbx breakpoints for
- this event). This could either indicate a free call on an address that
- isn't malloc'd (a bug) or a free call on an address that was malloc'd with
- tracing disabled. You can determine if it was of the former nature by
- going through the standard malloc code. For example, in the BSD code, you
- can set the switches -DDEBUG and -DRCHECK to check for this and other
- types of bugs. Alternatively, you can enable tracing from the very
- beginning of your program, and then any time UntracedFree gets called, it
- indicates a free call on an addresss that isn't malloc'd.
- 3. Interactive Demo
- You can try out this package interactively by making the program 'test'.
- Note that if you tell it to free some memory that was not malloc'd (with
- MalTraceEnbld = 1), it will give you a warning and then try to free the
- address anyway (for the reasons explained earlier). This may or may not
- cause malloc/free to get into a bad state; in BSD malloc this can cause a
- core dump, for instance.
- 4. Acknoledgements, History
- Thanks to Richard Hellier from the University of Kent at Canterbury
- (rlh@ukc.UUCP) for the btree package (which I modified slightly for the
- current package). I probably could have implemented my trace package more
- efficiently than it works currently (e.g., by incorporating the linked-list
- and btree nodes into the malloc header nodes), but I was more into hacking
- something together quickly that would solve my problems than making
- efficient code. Besides, this code doesn't need to be efficient, since
- it's only plugged in during debugging.