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- /* Code for dynamic memory allocation leak trace tool. By Mike
- Schwartz, 3-20-87. */
- #include "btree.h"
- BTREE MalBtree = NULL;
- int MalTraceEnbld = 0; /* Flag to enable/disable tracing of malloc/free
- calls. Need to turn it off sometime (e.g.,
- during printf calls, since printf (indirectly)
- calls malloc/free, and during
- uninteresting/debugged initialization code) */
- int MallocCallCounter = 0;
- int NumPendingMallocs = 0;
- int MalBrkNum = -1; /* Malloc call number at which to call MalBreak routine */
- int MalBrkSize = -1; /* Malloc size at which to call MalBreak routine */
- struct list {
- KEY MalAddr;
- struct list *prev;
- struct list *next;
- };
- struct list *ListHead = NULL, *ListTail = NULL;
- char *
- malloc(nbytes)
- unsigned nbytes;
- {
- char *mmalloc(), *MalAddr;
- struct list *lp;
- DATUM datum, *dp;
- MalAddr = mmalloc(nbytes);
- if (MalTraceEnbld == 1) { /* printf calls malloc/free */
- datum.key = MalAddr;
- datum.inf.MalCallNum = ++MallocCallCounter;
- datum.inf.MalSize = nbytes;
- datum.inf.MalAddr = MalAddr;
- MalBtree = Insert(datum, MalBtree);
- NumPendingMallocs++;
- dp = Search(MalAddr, MalBtree);
- /* Insert in ordered doubly linked list of mallocs */
- lp = (struct list *) mmalloc(sizeof(struct list));
- lp->MalAddr = MalAddr;
- (dp->inf).lp = lp;
- if (ListHead == NULL) {
- ListHead = lp;
- lp->prev = NULL;
- } else {
- ListTail->next = lp;
- lp->prev = ListTail;
- }
- lp->next = NULL;
- ListTail = lp;
- MalTraceEnbld = 0; /* printf calls malloc/free */
- printf("\tmalloc(%d)=x%x\n", nbytes, MalAddr);
- fflush(stdout);
- MalTraceEnbld = 1;
- if (MallocCallCounter == MalBrkNum || MalBrkSize == nbytes)
- MalBreak(); /* So we can hit dbx(1) breakpoint */
- }
- return(MalAddr);
- }
- free(cp)
- char *cp;
- {
- struct list *lp;
- DATUM datum, *dp;
- if (MalTraceEnbld == 1) {
- dp = Search(cp, MalBtree);
- if (dp == NULL) {
- MalTraceEnbld = 0; /* printf calls malloc/free */
- printf("\tfree(x%x): not malloc'd with MalTraceEnbld\n", cp);
- MalTraceEnbld = 1;
- UntracedFree();
- ffree(lp);
- return;
- }
- NumPendingMallocs--;
- lp = (dp->inf).lp;
- /* Delete from ordered doubly linked list of mallocs */
- if (ListHead == lp) {
- ListHead = ListHead->next;
- } else {
- (lp->prev)->next = lp->next;
- }
- if (ListTail == lp) {
- ListTail = lp->prev;
- } else {
- (lp->next)->prev = lp->prev;
- }
- ffree(lp);
- MalBtree = Delete(cp, MalBtree);
- MalTraceEnbld = 0; /* printf calls malloc/free */
- printf("\tfree(x%x)\n", cp);
- fflush(stdout);
- MalTraceEnbld = 1;
- }
- ffree(cp);
- }
- /* Don't need to modify btree/linked list structures here, since realloc
- will call malloc/free if it needs to, which will do the right thing. */
- char *
- realloc(cp, nbytes)
- char *cp;
- unsigned nbytes;
- {
- char *rrealloc(), *tmp;
- tmp=rrealloc(cp, nbytes);
- if (MalTraceEnbld) {
- MalTraceEnbld = 0; /* printf calls malloc/free */
- printf("\trealloc(x%x, %d)=x%x\n", cp, nbytes, tmp);
- MalTraceEnbld = 1;
- }
- return(tmp);
- }
- /* If n > 0, print (at most) the first n entries of list of pending info
- (i.e., mallocs which haven't yet been free'd). If n == 0, print all
- pending entries. If n < 0, print (at most) the last -n pending entries */
- PMal(n)
- int n;
- {
- struct list *lp, *Start;
- DATUM datum, *dp;
- int i;
- int MalTraceInitialVal = MalTraceEnbld;
- char *OrdSuffix();
- MalTraceEnbld = 0; /* puts and printf call malloc/free */
- if (ListHead == NULL)
- puts("\tNo pending mallocs");
- else {
- Start = ListHead;
- if (n == 0)
- printf("\tPending mallocs (%d total):\n",
- NumPendingMallocs);
- else if (n == 1)
- printf("\tFirst pending malloc (of %d):\n",
- NumPendingMallocs);
- else if (n > 1)
- printf("\tFirst %d pending mallocs (of %d):\n",
- n, NumPendingMallocs);
- else {
- if (n == -1)
- printf("\tLast pending malloc (of %d):\n",
- NumPendingMallocs);
- else
- printf("\tLast %d pending mallocs (of %d):\n",
- -n, NumPendingMallocs);
- for (Start = ListTail, i = n + 1;
- Start != NULL && i < 0; Start = Start->prev, i++) {
- }
- if (Start == NULL)
- Start = ListHead;
- n = -n;
- }
- for (lp = Start, i = 0; lp != NULL; lp = lp->next, i++) {
- if (n != 0 && i >= n)
- break;
- dp = Search(lp->MalAddr, MalBtree);
- printf("\t%d%s malloc(%d): x%x\n",
- (dp->inf).MalCallNum,
- OrdSuffix((dp->inf).MalCallNum),
- (dp->inf).MalSize,
- (dp->inf).MalAddr);
- }
- }
- MalTraceEnbld = MalTraceInitialVal;
- return;
- }
- /* Return a character string suffix for the ordinal number n */
- char *
- OrdSuffix(n)
- int n;
- {
- if ( (n % 100) > 10 && (n % 100) < 20)
- return("th");
- switch (n % 10) {
- case 0: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: case 9:
- return("th");
- case 1:
- return("st");
- case 2:
- return("nd");
- case 3:
- return("rd");
- }
- }
- /* Routines called to allow user to set dbx(1) breakpoints */
- /* Breakpoint in suspected leaking malloc call */
- MalBreak()
- {
- }
- /* Breakpoint in free call made on data not malloc'd with tracing enabled */
- UntracedFree()
- {
- }
- /* Set MalBrkNum to the next malloc call, for the next iteration of tracing */
- NextMal()
- {
- MalBrkNum = MallocCallCounter + 1;
- }