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- /*
- Introduced into UseNet By: aeusemrs@csun.uucp (Mike Stump) Sun Jul 26 11:26:31 PDT 1987
- TITLE: Fast Fourier Transform;
- DATE: 05/18/1985;
- DESCRIPTION: "Performs fast fourier transform using method described
- by E. O. Brigham. For details of the method, refer
- to Brigham's book. THE FAST FOURIER TRANSFORM";
- KEYWORDS: Fourier, transform;
- "This program is self-contained, all that is needed is a manner of getting
- the data into the array real_data (& imag_data, if applicable). The
- transformed data will reside in these two arrays upon return with the
- original data being destroyed."
- AUTHORS: Jim Pisano;
- */
- /* file name fft.c
- * program name fft() ... Fast Fourier Transform
- *
- * Perform fast fourier transform using method described by E. O. Brigham.
- * For details of the method, refer to Brigham's book
- *
- * Translated to C from FORTRAN by
- *
- * Jim Pisano
- * P.O. Box 3134
- * University Station
- * Charlottesville, VA 22903
- *
- * This program is in the public domain & may be used by anyone for commercial
- * or non-commercial purposes.
- *
- * real_data ... ptr. to real part of data to be transformed
- * imag_data ... ptr. to imag " " " " " "
- * inv ..... Switch to flag normal or inverse transform
- * n_pts ... Number of real data points
- * nu ...... logarithm in base 2 of n_pts e.g. nu = 5 if n_pts = 32.
- *
- * This program is self-contained, all that is needed is a manner of getting
- * the data into the array real_data (& imag_data, if applicable). The
- * transformed data will reside in these two arrays upon return with the
- * original data being destroyed.
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <math.h> /* declare math functions to use */
- #define PI 3.1419527
- fft( real_data, imag_data, n_pts, nu, inv )
- double *real_data, *imag_data;
- int n_pts, nu, inv;
- {
- int n2, j, j1, l, i, ib, k, k1, k2;
- int sgn;
- double tr, ti, arg, nu1; /* intermediate values in calcs. */
- double c, s; /* cosine & sine components of Fourier trans. */
- n2 = n_pts / 2;
- nu1 = nu - 1.0;
- k = 0;
- /*
- * sign change for inverse transform
- */
- sgn = inv ? -1 : 1;
- /*
- * Calculate the componets of the Fourier series of the function
- */
- for( l = 0; l != nu; l++ )
- {
- do
- {
- for( i = 0; i != n2; i++ )
- {
- j = k / ( pow( 2.0, nu1 ) );
- ib = bit_swap( j, nu );
- arg = 2.0 * PI * ib / n_pts;
- c = cos( arg );
- s = sgn * sin( arg );
- k1 = k;
- k2 = k1 + n2;
- tr = *(real_data+k2) * c + *(imag_data+k2) * s;
- ti = *(imag_data+k2) * c - *(real_data+k2) * s;
- *(real_data+k2) = *(real_data+k1) - tr;
- *(imag_data+k2) = *(imag_data+k1) - ti;
- *(real_data+k1) = *(real_data+k1) + tr;
- *(imag_data+k1) = *(imag_data+k1) + ti;
- k++;
- }
- k += n2;
- } while( k < n_pts - 1);
- k = 0;
- nu1 -= 1.0;
- n2 /= 2;
- }
- for( k = 0; k != n_pts; k++ )
- {
- ib = bit_swap( k, nu );
- if( ib > k)
- {
- swap( (real_data+k), (real_data+ib) );
- swap( (imag_data+k), (imag_data+ib) );
- }
- }
- /*
- * If calculating the inverse transform, must divide the data by the number of
- * data points.
- */
- if( inv )
- for( k = 0; k != n_pts; k++)
- {
- *(real_data+k) /= n_pts;
- *(imag_data+k) /= n_pts;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Bit swaping routine in which the bit pattern of the integer i is reordered.
- * See Brigham's book for details
- */
- bit_swap( i, nu )
- int i, nu;
- {
- int ib, i1, i2;
- ib = 0;
- for( i1 = 0; i1 != nu; i1++ )
- {
- i2 = i / 2;
- ib = ib * 2 + i - 2 * i2;
- i = i2;
- }
- return( ib );
- }
- /*
- * Simple exchange routine where *x1 & *x2 are swapped
- */
- swap( x1, x2 )
- double *x1, *x2;
- {
- int *temp_iy;
- double *temp_x;
- *temp_x = *x1;
- *x1 = *x2;
- *x2 = *temp_x;
- }