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- Documentation for fft.c
- This program is a direct translation from FORTRAN IV of E. O. Brigham's
- program on the fast Fourier transform, The Fast Fourier Transform. I suggest
- reading the book, to get the details of the method.
- In translating this program from FORTRAN, I retained the bit swapping
- function described by Brigham. Using bit operators, I assume that a more
- efficient manner of bit swapping can be performed.
- I used pointers to the data to be transformed to allow the routine to
- be more general. Thus fft() needs to know the number of data points when it is
- called which is only limited by memory size, which can get used up quickly
- since each point is represented by two 8-byte numbers. A solution might be to
- hold the data on disk and use disk access functions, if you run out of memory
- for the data. This method should be avoided for small data sets, since the
- calculation time increases dramatically with more data points to transform.
- With disk overhead, calculation time will slow down considerably. To save
- memory space you can redefine the variable types from double to single
- precision at the expense of precision.
- I have compared the performance of the fft to a regular Fourier trans-
- form, and the fft wins out especially when there are more than 512 data points.
- The restriction of having the data be a multiple of 2 is usually not prohibi-
- tive since the data usually are generated by a computer in base 2, eg. radio
- astronomy (my original purpose for writing this program), image analysis, etc.
- Enclosed is some sample data and its transform. Use this to debug the
- program if necessary ( I hate to receive a data analysis program with no data
- to test the program ). These data have been checked for correctness by using
- a standard FFT from a mainframe computer math library.
- Finally if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact me:
- Jim Pisano
- P.O. Box 3134
- Charlottesville, VA 22903
- Or contact aeusemrs@csun.uucp (Mike Stump).
- index real imaginary real imaginary
- _____________________________________________________________________________
- 1 -28.66 0.0 -00.11 0.0
- 2 -32.43 0.0 -29.98644 -38.211
- 3 -8.42 0.0 -62.32944 -23.91025
- 4 40.22 0.0 -58.32872 -10.02253
- 5 1.14 0.0 -58.46804 -7.78748
- 6 -25.05 0.0 -68.11068 -5.28995
- 7 12.14 0.0 -86.80929 -11.77746
- 8 27.82 0.0 -137.68 -0.06883
- 9 2.4 0.0 -33.03304 202.24
- 10 -19.68 0.0 82.43765 72.43995
- 11 7.55 0.0 25.90461 18.1517
- 12 17.22 0.0 8.26912 6.555
- 13 -0.58 0.0 -4.33195 3.91253
- 14 -12.5 0.0 -8.54575 -11.5672
- 15 0.89 0.0 -20.32586 -3.86289
- 16 10.45 0.0 -8.05521 10.74816
- 17 -1.16 0.0 1.77 0.0
- 18 -7.06 0.0 -8.0552 -10.74816
- 19 -0.23 0.0 -20.32586 3.86289
- 20 4.59 0.0 -8.54575 11.5672
- 21 1.45 0.0 -4.33195 -3.91253
- 22 -3.4 0.0 8.26913 -6.55501
- 23 3.03 0.0 25.9046 -18.15169
- 24 3.05 0.0 82.43763 -72.43996
- 25 3.67 0.0 -33.02996 -202.24
- 26 -0.51 0.0 -137.68 0.06884
- 27 -4.35 0.0 -86.80931 11.77746
- 28 -1.45 0.0 -68.11066 5.28995
- 29 5.64 0.0 -58.46805 7.78747
- 30 -0.96 0.0 -58.32872 10.02253
- 31 -4.46 0.0 -62.32945 23.91205
- 32 -1.25 0.0 -29.98643 38.21101