home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 'LEAVE' (1)
- 37 leaveok() marks window for cursor 'leave'
- 38 *longname() terminal description
- *NEWWIN (1)
- 69 *newwin() create a window
- *SUBWIN (1)
- 96 *subwin() create a sub-window
- *UNCTRL (1)
- 99 *unctrl() char-to-string converter
- ADD (2)
- 4 attron() add attribute(s) stdscr
- 103 wattron() add attribute(s) in window
- ADDCH (1)
- 1 addch() put char in stdscr
- ADDSTR (1)
- 2 addstr() put string in stdscr
- ALLOW (1)
- 90 scrollok() marks a window to allow scroll
- 77 overlay() overlay one window on another
- 78 overwrite() overwrite one window on another
- AROUND (1)
- 8 box() draw a box around a window
- 3 attroff() clear attribute(a) stdscr
- 4 attron() add attribute(s) stdscr
- 102 wattroff() clear attribute(a) in window
- 103 wattron() add attribute(s) in window
- 5 attrset() set stdscr char attributes
- 104 wattrset() set window char attributes
- 3 attroff() clear attribute(a) stdscr
- ATTRON (1)
- 4 attron() add attribute(s) stdscr
- 5 attrset() set stdscr char attributes
- BACK (1)
- 126 wungetch() character push-back
- 6 baudrate() compatibility dummy
- BEEP (1)
- 7 beep() sound bell
- BELL (1)
- 7 beep() sound bell
- BOX (3)
- 8 box() draw a box around a window
- 8 box() draw a box around a window
- 105 wbox() draw a box inside a window
- BREAK (1)
- 81 refrbrk() set screen refresh break mode
- BUFFER (2)
- 28 getstr() get string to stdscr and buffer
- 113 wgetstr() get string to window and buffer
- CBREAK (5)
- 9 cbreak() set terminal cbreak mode
- 9 cbreak() set terminal cbreak mode
- 14 crmode() set terminal cbreak mode
- 71 nocbreak() unset terminal cbreak mode
- 72 nocrmode() unset terminal cbreak mode
- CHAR (21)
- 1 addch() put char in stdscr
- 5 attrset() set stdscr char attributes
- 17 delch() delete a char in stdscr
- 24 erasechar() return char kill character
- 31 inch() get char at stdscr cursor
- 41 mvaddch() move & put char in stdscr
- 46 mvdelch() move & delete a char in stdscr
- 48 mvgetch() move & get char to stdscr
- 50 mvinch() move & get char at stdscr cursor
- 51 mvinsch() move & insert char in stdscr
- 55 mvwaddch() move & put char in a window
- 59 mvwdelch() move & delete a char in a window
- 61 mvwgetch() move & get char to a window
- 64 mvwinch() move & get char at window cursor
- 65 mvwinsch() move & insert char in a window
- 99 *unctrl() char-to-string converter
- 100 waddch() put char in a window
- 104 wattrset() set window char attributes
- 109 wdelch() delete a char in a window
- 112 wgetch() get char to a window
- 114 winch() get char at window cursor
- 24 erasechar() return char kill character
- 33 insch() insert character in stdscr
- 36 killchar() return line kill character
- 115 winsch() insert character in a window
- 126 wungetch() character push-back
- CHARS (4)
- 94 standend() start normal chars in stdscr
- 95 standout() start standout chars in stdscr
- 123 wstandend() start normal chars in window
- 124 wstandout() start standout chars in window
- 22 endwin() cleanup and finitialization
- CLEAR (14)
- 3 attroff() clear attribute(a) stdscr
- 10 clear() clear stdscr
- 10 clear() clear stdscr
- 11 clearok() marks a window for screen clear
- 12 clrtobot() clear end of stdscr
- 13 clrtoeol() clear end of line in stdscr
- 43 mvclrtobot() move & clear end of stdscr
- 44 mvclrtoeol() move & clear lineend in stdscr
- 57 mvwclrtobot() move & clear end of a window
- 58 mvwclrtoeol() move & clear lineend in a window
- 102 wattroff() clear attribute(a) in window
- 106 wclear() clear a window
- 107 wclrtobot() clear end of a window
- 108 wclrtoeol() clear end of line in a window
- 11 clearok() marks a window for screen clear
- 12 clrtobot() clear end of stdscr
- 13 clrtoeol() clear end of line in stdscr
- 6 baudrate() compatibility dummy
- 25 fixterm() compatibility dummy
- 29 gettmode() compatibility dummy
- 83 resetterm() compatibility dummy
- 85 saveoldterm() compatibility dummy
- 86 saveterm() compatibility dummy
- 92 setterm() compatibility dummy
- 99 *unctrl() char-to-string converter
- CR (2)
- 70 nl() set terminal cr-crlf map mode
- 75 nonl() unset terminal cr-crlf map mode
- CREATE (3)
- 69 *newwin() create a window
- 96 *subwin() create a sub-window
- 118 wnoutrefresh() create screen image, w/o display
- CRLF (2)
- 70 nl() set terminal cr-crlf map mode
- 75 nonl() unset terminal cr-crlf map mode
- CRMODE (1)
- 14 crmode() set terminal cbreak mode
- CURSES (1)
- 32 initscr() curses initialization
- 15 cursoff() turns off hardware cursor
- CURSON (1)
- 16 curson() turns on hardware cursor
- CURSOR (10)
- 15 cursoff() turns off hardware cursor
- 16 curson() turns on hardware cursor
- 31 inch() get char at stdscr cursor
- 37 leaveok() marks window for cursor 'leave'
- 40 move() move cursor in stdscr
- 45 mvcur() move terminal cursor
- 50 mvinch() move & get char at stdscr cursor
- 64 mvwinch() move & get char at window cursor
- 114 winch() get char at window cursor
- 117 wmove() move cursor in a window
- DEFINE (2)
- 91 setsrcreg() define stdscr's scroll region
- 122 wsetsrcreg() define a window's scroll region
- DELCH (1)
- 17 delch() delete a char in stdscr
- DELETE (9)
- 17 delch() delete a char in stdscr
- 18 deleteln() delete a line in stdscr
- 19 delwin() delete a window or a subwindow
- 46 mvdelch() move & delete a char in stdscr
- 47 mvdeleteln() move & delete a line in stdscr
- 59 mvwdelch() move & delete a char in a window
- 60 mvwdeleteln() move & delete a line in a window
- 109 wdelch() delete a char in a window
- 110 wdeleteln() delete a line in a window
- 18 deleteln() delete a line in stdscr
- DELWIN (1)
- 19 delwin() delete a window or a subwindow
- 38 *longname() terminal description
- 118 wnoutrefresh() create screen image, w/o display
- 20 doupdate() update physical screen
- DRAW (2)
- 8 box() draw a box around a window
- 105 wbox() draw a box inside a window
- DUMMY (9)
- 6 baudrate() compatibility dummy
- 25 fixterm() compatibility dummy
- 29 gettmode() compatibility dummy
- 30 idlok() use ins/del line (dummy)
- 39 meta() marks window for meta (dummy)
- 83 resetterm() compatibility dummy
- 85 saveoldterm() compatibility dummy
- 86 saveterm() compatibility dummy
- 92 setterm() compatibility dummy
- ECHO (3)
- 21 echo() set terminal echo mode
- 21 echo() set terminal echo mode
- 74 noecho() unset terminal echo mode
- END (6)
- 12 clrtobot() clear end of stdscr
- 13 clrtoeol() clear end of line in stdscr
- 43 mvclrtobot() move & clear end of stdscr
- 57 mvwclrtobot() move & clear end of a window
- 107 wclrtobot() clear end of a window
- 108 wclrtoeol() clear end of line in a window
- ENDWIN (1)
- 22 endwin() cleanup and finitialization
- ERASE (3)
- 23 erase() erase stdscr
- 23 erase() erase stdscr
- 111 werase() erase a window
- 24 erasechar() return char kill character
- 22 endwin() cleanup and finitialization
- 25 fixterm() compatibility dummy
- FLASH (2)
- 26 flash() flash terminal screen
- 26 flash() flash terminal screen
- 27 flushinp() kill pending keyboard input
- GET (15)
- 28 getstr() get string to stdscr and buffer
- 31 inch() get char at stdscr cursor
- 48 mvgetch() move & get char to stdscr
- 49 mvgetstr() move & get string to stdscr
- 50 mvinch() move & get char at stdscr cursor
- 54 mvscanw() move & get values via stdscr
- 61 mvwgetch() move & get char to a window
- 62 mvwgetstr() move & get string to a window
- 64 mvwinch() move & get char at window cursor
- 68 mvwscanw() move & get values via a window
- 88 scanw() get values via stdscr
- 112 wgetch() get char to a window
- 113 wgetstr() get string to window and buffer
- 114 winch() get char at window cursor
- 121 wscanw() get values via a window
- GETSTR (1)
- 28 getstr() get string to stdscr and buffer
- 29 gettmode() compatibility dummy
- 15 cursoff() turns off hardware cursor
- 16 curson() turns on hardware cursor
- I/O (2)
- 84 resetty() restore terminal I/O modes
- 87 savetty() save terminal I/O modes
- IDLOK (1)
- 30 idlok() use ins/del line (dummy)
- IMAGE (1)
- 118 wnoutrefresh() create screen image, w/o display
- INCH (1)
- 31 inch() get char at stdscr cursor
- 32 initscr() curses initialization
- 32 initscr() curses initialization
- INPUT (2)
- 27 flushinp() kill pending keyboard input
- 73 nodelay() marks window for no input wait
- INS/DEL (1)
- 30 idlok() use ins/del line (dummy)
- INSCH (1)
- 33 insch() insert character in stdscr
- INSERT (8)
- 33 insch() insert character in stdscr
- 34 insertln() insert new line in stdscr
- 51 mvinsch() move & insert char in stdscr
- 52 mvinsertln() move & insert new line in stdscr
- 65 mvwinsch() move & insert char in a window
- 66 mvwinsertln() move & insert new line in window
- 115 winsch() insert character in a window
- 116 winsertln() insert new line in a window
- 34 insertln() insert new line in stdscr
- INSIDE (1)
- 105 wbox() draw a box inside a window
- 27 flushinp() kill pending keyboard input
- KEYPAD (2)
- 35 keypad() marks a window for keypad usage
- 35 keypad() marks a window for keypad usage
- KILL (3)
- 24 erasechar() return char kill character
- 27 flushinp() kill pending keyboard input
- 36 killchar() return line kill character
- 36 killchar() return line kill character
- 37 leaveok() marks window for cursor 'leave'
- LINE (12)
- 13 clrtoeol() clear end of line in stdscr
- 18 deleteln() delete a line in stdscr
- 30 idlok() use ins/del line (dummy)
- 34 insertln() insert new line in stdscr
- 36 killchar() return line kill character
- 47 mvdeleteln() move & delete a line in stdscr
- 52 mvinsertln() move & insert new line in stdscr
- 60 mvwdeleteln() move & delete a line in a window
- 66 mvwinsertln() move & insert new line in window
- 108 wclrtoeol() clear end of line in a window
- 110 wdeleteln() delete a line in a window
- 116 winsertln() insert new line in a window
- 44 mvclrtoeol() move & clear lineend in stdscr
- 58 mvwclrtoeol() move & clear lineend in a window
- MAP (2)
- 70 nl() set terminal cr-crlf map mode
- 75 nonl() unset terminal cr-crlf map mode
- MARK (1)
- 98 touchwin() mark a window as modified
- MARKS (6)
- 11 clearok() marks a window for screen clear
- 35 keypad() marks a window for keypad usage
- 37 leaveok() marks window for cursor 'leave'
- 39 meta() marks window for meta (dummy)
- 73 nodelay() marks window for no input wait
- 90 scrollok() marks a window to allow scroll
- META (2)
- 39 meta() marks window for meta (dummy)
- 39 meta() marks window for meta (dummy)
- MODE (11)
- 9 cbreak() set terminal cbreak mode
- 14 crmode() set terminal cbreak mode
- 21 echo() set terminal echo mode
- 70 nl() set terminal cr-crlf map mode
- 71 nocbreak() unset terminal cbreak mode
- 72 nocrmode() unset terminal cbreak mode
- 74 noecho() unset terminal echo mode
- 75 nonl() unset terminal cr-crlf map mode
- 76 noraw() unset raw terminal mode
- 80 raw() set raw terminal mode
- 81 refrbrk() set screen refresh break mode
- MODES (2)
- 84 resetty() restore terminal I/O modes
- 87 savetty() save terminal I/O modes
- 98 touchwin() mark a window as modified
- MOVE (31)
- 40 move() move cursor in stdscr
- 40 move() move cursor in stdscr
- 41 mvaddch() move & put char in stdscr
- 42 mvaddstr() move & put string in stdscr
- 43 mvclrtobot() move & clear end of stdscr
- 44 mvclrtoeol() move & clear lineend in stdscr
- 45 mvcur() move terminal cursor
- 46 mvdelch() move & delete a char in stdscr
- 47 mvdeleteln() move & delete a line in stdscr
- 48 mvgetch() move & get char to stdscr
- 49 mvgetstr() move & get string to stdscr
- 50 mvinch() move & get char at stdscr cursor
- 51 mvinsch() move & insert char in stdscr
- 52 mvinsertln() move & insert new line in stdscr
- 53 mvprintw() move & print string in stdscr
- 54 mvscanw() move & get values via stdscr
- 55 mvwaddch() move & put char in a window
- 56 mvwaddstr() move & put string in a window
- 57 mvwclrtobot() move & clear end of a window
- 58 mvwclrtoeol() move & clear lineend in a window
- 59 mvwdelch() move & delete a char in a window
- 60 mvwdeleteln() move & delete a line in a window
- 61 mvwgetch() move & get char to a window
- 62 mvwgetstr() move & get string to a window
- 63 mvwin() move window
- 64 mvwinch() move & get char at window cursor
- 65 mvwinsch() move & insert char in a window
- 66 mvwinsertln() move & insert new line in window
- 67 mvwprintw() move & print string in a window
- 68 mvwscanw() move & get values via a window
- 117 wmove() move cursor in a window
- 41 mvaddch() move & put char in stdscr
- 42 mvaddstr() move & put string in stdscr
- 43 mvclrtobot() move & clear end of stdscr
- 44 mvclrtoeol() move & clear lineend in stdscr
- MVCUR (1)
- 45 mvcur() move terminal cursor
- 46 mvdelch() move & delete a char in stdscr
- 47 mvdeleteln() move & delete a line in stdscr
- 48 mvgetch() move & get char to stdscr
- 49 mvgetstr() move & get string to stdscr
- MVINCH (1)
- 50 mvinch() move & get char at stdscr cursor
- 51 mvinsch() move & insert char in stdscr
- 52 mvinsertln() move & insert new line in stdscr
- 53 mvprintw() move & print string in stdscr
- 54 mvscanw() move & get values via stdscr
- 55 mvwaddch() move & put char in a window
- 56 mvwaddstr() move & put string in a window
- 57 mvwclrtobot() move & clear end of a window
- 58 mvwclrtoeol() move & clear lineend in a window
- 59 mvwdelch() move & delete a char in a window
- 60 mvwdeleteln() move & delete a line in a window
- 61 mvwgetch() move & get char to a window
- 62 mvwgetstr() move & get string to a window
- MVWIN (1)
- 63 mvwin() move window
- 64 mvwinch() move & get char at window cursor
- 65 mvwinsch() move & insert char in a window
- 66 mvwinsertln() move & insert new line in window
- 67 mvwprintw() move & print string in a window
- 68 mvwscanw() move & get values via a window
- NEW (4)
- 34 insertln() insert new line in stdscr
- 52 mvinsertln() move & insert new line in stdscr
- 66 mvwinsertln() move & insert new line in window
- 116 winsertln() insert new line in a window
- NL (1)
- 70 nl() set terminal cr-crlf map mode
- 71 nocbreak() unset terminal cbreak mode
- 72 nocrmode() unset terminal cbreak mode
- 73 nodelay() marks window for no input wait
- NOECHO (1)
- 74 noecho() unset terminal echo mode
- NONL (1)
- 75 nonl() unset terminal cr-crlf map mode
- NORAW (1)
- 76 noraw() unset raw terminal mode
- NORMAL (2)
- 94 standend() start normal chars in stdscr
- 123 wstandend() start normal chars in window
- OFF (1)
- 15 cursoff() turns off hardware cursor
- ONE (2)
- 77 overlay() overlay one window on another
- 78 overwrite() overwrite one window on another
- OP (1)
- 93 setupterm() set up terminal (no-op)
- 77 overlay() overlay one window on another
- 77 overlay() overlay one window on another
- 78 overwrite() overwrite one window on another
- 78 overwrite() overwrite one window on another
- 27 flushinp() kill pending keyboard input
- 20 doupdate() update physical screen
- PRINT (4)
- 53 mvprintw() move & print string in stdscr
- 67 mvwprintw() move & print string in a window
- 79 printw() print string in stdscr
- 119 wprintw() print string in a window
- PRINTW (1)
- 79 printw() print string in stdscr
- PUSH (1)
- 126 wungetch() character push-back
- PUT (8)
- 1 addch() put char in stdscr
- 2 addstr() put string in stdscr
- 41 mvaddch() move & put char in stdscr
- 42 mvaddstr() move & put string in stdscr
- 55 mvwaddch() move & put char in a window
- 56 mvwaddstr() move & put string in a window
- 100 waddch() put char in a window
- 101 waddstr() put string in a window
- RAW (3)
- 76 noraw() unset raw terminal mode
- 80 raw() set raw terminal mode
- 80 raw() set raw terminal mode
- 81 refrbrk() set screen refresh break mode
- 81 refrbrk() set screen refresh break mode
- 82 refresh() refresh stdscr
- 82 refresh() refresh stdscr
- 120 wrefresh() refresh screen
- REGION (3)
- 89 scroll() scroll region in a window
- 91 setsrcreg() define stdscr's scroll region
- 122 wsetsrcreg() define a window's scroll region
- 83 resetterm() compatibility dummy
- 84 resetty() restore terminal I/O modes
- 84 resetty() restore terminal I/O modes
- RETURN (2)
- 24 erasechar() return char kill character
- 36 killchar() return line kill character
- SAVE (1)
- 87 savetty() save terminal I/O modes
- 85 saveoldterm() compatibility dummy
- 86 saveterm() compatibility dummy
- 87 savetty() save terminal I/O modes
- SCANW (1)
- 88 scanw() get values via stdscr
- SCREEN (6)
- 11 clearok() marks a window for screen clear
- 20 doupdate() update physical screen
- 26 flash() flash terminal screen
- 81 refrbrk() set screen refresh break mode
- 118 wnoutrefresh() create screen image, w/o display
- 120 wrefresh() refresh screen
- SCROLL (5)
- 89 scroll() scroll region in a window
- 89 scroll() scroll region in a window
- 90 scrollok() marks a window to allow scroll
- 91 setsrcreg() define stdscr's scroll region
- 122 wsetsrcreg() define a window's scroll region
- 90 scrollok() marks a window to allow scroll
- SET (9)
- 5 attrset() set stdscr char attributes
- 9 cbreak() set terminal cbreak mode
- 14 crmode() set terminal cbreak mode
- 21 echo() set terminal echo mode
- 70 nl() set terminal cr-crlf map mode
- 80 raw() set raw terminal mode
- 81 refrbrk() set screen refresh break mode
- 93 setupterm() set up terminal (no-op)
- 104 wattrset() set window char attributes
- SET/GET (2)
- 97 tabsize() set/get tabsize of stdscr
- 125 wtabsize() set/get tabsize of a window
- 91 setsrcreg() define stdscr's scroll region
- 92 setterm() compatibility dummy
- 93 setupterm() set up terminal (no-op)
- SOUND (1)
- 7 beep() sound bell
- 94 standend() start normal chars in stdscr
- 95 standout() start standout chars in stdscr
- 95 standout() start standout chars in stdscr
- 124 wstandout() start standout chars in window
- START (4)
- 94 standend() start normal chars in stdscr
- 95 standout() start standout chars in stdscr
- 123 wstandend() start normal chars in window
- 124 wstandout() start standout chars in window
- STDSCR (35)
- 1 addch() put char in stdscr
- 2 addstr() put string in stdscr
- 3 attroff() clear attribute(a) stdscr
- 4 attron() add attribute(s) stdscr
- 5 attrset() set stdscr char attributes
- 10 clear() clear stdscr
- 12 clrtobot() clear end of stdscr
- 13 clrtoeol() clear end of line in stdscr
- 17 delch() delete a char in stdscr
- 18 deleteln() delete a line in stdscr
- 23 erase() erase stdscr
- 28 getstr() get string to stdscr and buffer
- 31 inch() get char at stdscr cursor
- 33 insch() insert character in stdscr
- 34 insertln() insert new line in stdscr
- 40 move() move cursor in stdscr
- 41 mvaddch() move & put char in stdscr
- 42 mvaddstr() move & put string in stdscr
- 43 mvclrtobot() move & clear end of stdscr
- 44 mvclrtoeol() move & clear lineend in stdscr
- 46 mvdelch() move & delete a char in stdscr
- 47 mvdeleteln() move & delete a line in stdscr
- 48 mvgetch() move & get char to stdscr
- 49 mvgetstr() move & get string to stdscr
- 50 mvinch() move & get char at stdscr cursor
- 51 mvinsch() move & insert char in stdscr
- 52 mvinsertln() move & insert new line in stdscr
- 53 mvprintw() move & print string in stdscr
- 54 mvscanw() move & get values via stdscr
- 79 printw() print string in stdscr
- 82 refresh() refresh stdscr
- 88 scanw() get values via stdscr
- 94 standend() start normal chars in stdscr
- 95 standout() start standout chars in stdscr
- 97 tabsize() set/get tabsize of stdscr
- STDSCR'S (1)
- 91 setsrcreg() define stdscr's scroll region
- STRING (13)
- 2 addstr() put string in stdscr
- 28 getstr() get string to stdscr and buffer
- 42 mvaddstr() move & put string in stdscr
- 49 mvgetstr() move & get string to stdscr
- 53 mvprintw() move & print string in stdscr
- 56 mvwaddstr() move & put string in a window
- 62 mvwgetstr() move & get string to a window
- 67 mvwprintw() move & print string in a window
- 79 printw() print string in stdscr
- 99 *unctrl() char-to-string converter
- 101 waddstr() put string in a window
- 113 wgetstr() get string to window and buffer
- 119 wprintw() print string in a window
- SUB (1)
- 96 *subwin() create a sub-window
- 19 delwin() delete a window or a subwindow
- 97 tabsize() set/get tabsize of stdscr
- 97 tabsize() set/get tabsize of stdscr
- 125 wtabsize() set/get tabsize of a window
- 9 cbreak() set terminal cbreak mode
- 14 crmode() set terminal cbreak mode
- 21 echo() set terminal echo mode
- 26 flash() flash terminal screen
- 38 *longname() terminal description
- 45 mvcur() move terminal cursor
- 70 nl() set terminal cr-crlf map mode
- 71 nocbreak() unset terminal cbreak mode
- 72 nocrmode() unset terminal cbreak mode
- 74 noecho() unset terminal echo mode
- 75 nonl() unset terminal cr-crlf map mode
- 76 noraw() unset raw terminal mode
- 80 raw() set raw terminal mode
- 84 resetty() restore terminal I/O modes
- 87 savetty() save terminal I/O modes
- 93 setupterm() set up terminal (no-op)
- 98 touchwin() mark a window as modified
- UNSET (5)
- 71 nocbreak() unset terminal cbreak mode
- 72 nocrmode() unset terminal cbreak mode
- 74 noecho() unset terminal echo mode
- 75 nonl() unset terminal cr-crlf map mode
- 76 noraw() unset raw terminal mode
- UPDATE (1)
- 20 doupdate() update physical screen
- USAGE (1)
- 35 keypad() marks a window for keypad usage
- VALUES (4)
- 54 mvscanw() move & get values via stdscr
- 68 mvwscanw() move & get values via a window
- 88 scanw() get values via stdscr
- 121 wscanw() get values via a window
- VIA (4)
- 54 mvscanw() move & get values via stdscr
- 68 mvwscanw() move & get values via a window
- 88 scanw() get values via stdscr
- 121 wscanw() get values via a window
- W/O (1)
- 118 wnoutrefresh() create screen image, w/o display
- WADDCH (1)
- 100 waddch() put char in a window
- 101 waddstr() put string in a window
- WAIT (1)
- 73 nodelay() marks window for no input wait
- 102 wattroff() clear attribute(a) in window
- 103 wattron() add attribute(s) in window
- 104 wattrset() set window char attributes
- WBOX (1)
- 105 wbox() draw a box inside a window
- WCLEAR (1)
- 106 wclear() clear a window
- 107 wclrtobot() clear end of a window
- 108 wclrtoeol() clear end of line in a window
- WDELCH (1)
- 109 wdelch() delete a char in a window
- 110 wdeleteln() delete a line in a window
- WERASE (1)
- 111 werase() erase a window
- WGETCH (1)
- 112 wgetch() get char to a window
- 113 wgetstr() get string to window and buffer
- WINCH (1)
- 114 winch() get char at window cursor
- WINDOW (51)
- 8 box() draw a box around a window
- 11 clearok() marks a window for screen clear
- 19 delwin() delete a window or a subwindow
- 35 keypad() marks a window for keypad usage
- 37 leaveok() marks window for cursor 'leave'
- 39 meta() marks window for meta (dummy)
- 55 mvwaddch() move & put char in a window
- 56 mvwaddstr() move & put string in a window
- 57 mvwclrtobot() move & clear end of a window
- 58 mvwclrtoeol() move & clear lineend in a window
- 59 mvwdelch() move & delete a char in a window
- 60 mvwdeleteln() move & delete a line in a window
- 61 mvwgetch() move & get char to a window
- 62 mvwgetstr() move & get string to a window
- 63 mvwin() move window
- 64 mvwinch() move & get char at window cursor
- 65 mvwinsch() move & insert char in a window
- 66 mvwinsertln() move & insert new line in window
- 67 mvwprintw() move & print string in a window
- 68 mvwscanw() move & get values via a window
- 69 *newwin() create a window
- 73 nodelay() marks window for no input wait
- 77 overlay() overlay one window on another
- 78 overwrite() overwrite one window on another
- 89 scroll() scroll region in a window
- 90 scrollok() marks a window to allow scroll
- 96 *subwin() create a sub-window
- 98 touchwin() mark a window as modified
- 100 waddch() put char in a window
- 101 waddstr() put string in a window
- 102 wattroff() clear attribute(a) in window
- 103 wattron() add attribute(s) in window
- 104 wattrset() set window char attributes
- 105 wbox() draw a box inside a window
- 106 wclear() clear a window
- 107 wclrtobot() clear end of a window
- 108 wclrtoeol() clear end of line in a window
- 109 wdelch() delete a char in a window
- 110 wdeleteln() delete a line in a window
- 111 werase() erase a window
- 112 wgetch() get char to a window
- 113 wgetstr() get string to window and buffer
- 114 winch() get char at window cursor
- 115 winsch() insert character in a window
- 116 winsertln() insert new line in a window
- 117 wmove() move cursor in a window
- 119 wprintw() print string in a window
- 121 wscanw() get values via a window
- 123 wstandend() start normal chars in window
- 124 wstandout() start standout chars in window
- 125 wtabsize() set/get tabsize of a window
- WINDOW'S (1)
- 122 wsetsrcreg() define a window's scroll region
- WINSCH (1)
- 115 winsch() insert character in a window
- 116 winsertln() insert new line in a window
- WMOVE (1)
- 117 wmove() move cursor in a window
- 118 wnoutrefresh() create screen image, w/o display
- 119 wprintw() print string in a window
- 120 wrefresh() refresh screen
- WSCANW (1)
- 121 wscanw() get values via a window
- 122 wsetsrcreg() define a window's scroll region
- 123 wstandend() start normal chars in window
- 124 wstandout() start standout chars in window
- 125 wtabsize() set/get tabsize of a window
- 126 wungetch() character push-back