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File List | 1993-09-02 | 5.1 KB | 130 lines |
- PCcurses function declarations
- ==============================
- addch() put char in stdscr
- addstr() put string in stdscr
- attroff() clear attribute(a) stdscr
- attron() add attribute(s) stdscr
- attrset() set stdscr char attributes
- baudrate() compatibility dummy
- beep() sound bell
- box() draw a box around a window
- cbreak() set terminal cbreak mode
- clear() clear stdscr
- clearok() marks a window for screen clear
- clrtobot() clear end of stdscr
- clrtoeol() clear end of line in stdscr
- crmode() set terminal cbreak mode
- cursoff() turns off hardware cursor
- curson() turns on hardware cursor
- delch() delete a char in stdscr
- deleteln() delete a line in stdscr
- delwin() delete a window or a subwindow
- doupdate() update physical screen
- echo() set terminal echo mode
- endwin() cleanup and finitialization
- erase() erase stdscr
- erasechar() return char kill character
- fixterm() compatibility dummy
- flash() flash terminal screen
- flushinp() kill pending keyboard input
- getstr() get string to stdscr and buffer
- gettmode() compatibility dummy
- idlok() use ins/del line (dummy)
- inch() get char at stdscr cursor
- initscr() curses initialization
- insch() insert character in stdscr
- insertln() insert new line in stdscr
- keypad() marks a window for keypad usage
- killchar() return line kill character
- leaveok() marks window for cursor 'leave'
- *longname() terminal description
- meta() marks window for meta (dummy)
- move() move cursor in stdscr
- mvaddch() move & put char in stdscr
- mvaddstr() move & put string in stdscr
- mvclrtobot() move & clear end of stdscr
- mvclrtoeol() move & clear lineend in stdscr
- mvcur() move terminal cursor
- mvdelch() move & delete a char in stdscr
- mvdeleteln() move & delete a line in stdscr
- mvgetch() move & get char to stdscr
- mvgetstr() move & get string to stdscr
- mvinch() move & get char at stdscr cursor
- mvinsch() move & insert char in stdscr
- mvinsertln() move & insert new line in stdscr
- mvprintw() move & print string in stdscr
- mvscanw() move & get values via stdscr
- mvwaddch() move & put char in a window
- mvwaddstr() move & put string in a window
- mvwclrtobot() move & clear end of a window
- mvwclrtoeol() move & clear lineend in a window
- mvwdelch() move & delete a char in a window
- mvwdeleteln() move & delete a line in a window
- mvwgetch() move & get char to a window
- mvwgetstr() move & get string to a window
- mvwin() move window
- mvwinch() move & get char at window cursor
- mvwinsch() move & insert char in a window
- mvwinsertln() move & insert new line in window
- mvwprintw() move & print string in a window
- mvwscanw() move & get values via a window
- *newwin() create a window
- nl() set terminal cr-crlf map mode
- nocbreak() unset terminal cbreak mode
- nocrmode() unset terminal cbreak mode
- nodelay() marks window for no input wait
- noecho() unset terminal echo mode
- nonl() unset terminal cr-crlf map mode
- noraw() unset raw terminal mode
- overlay() overlay one window on another
- overwrite() overwrite one window on another
- printw() print string in stdscr
- raw() set raw terminal mode
- refrbrk() set screen refresh break mode
- refresh() refresh stdscr
- resetterm() compatibility dummy
- resetty() restore terminal I/O modes
- saveoldterm() compatibility dummy
- saveterm() compatibility dummy
- savetty() save terminal I/O modes
- scanw() get values via stdscr
- scroll() scroll region in a window
- scrollok() marks a window to allow scroll
- setsrcreg() define stdscr's scroll region
- setterm() compatibility dummy
- setupterm() set up terminal (no-op)
- standend() start normal chars in stdscr
- standout() start standout chars in stdscr
- *subwin() create a sub-window
- tabsize() set/get tabsize of stdscr
- touchwin() mark a window as modified
- *unctrl() char-to-string converter
- waddch() put char in a window
- waddstr() put string in a window
- wattroff() clear attribute(a) in window
- wattron() add attribute(s) in window
- wattrset() set window char attributes
- wbox() draw a box inside a window
- wclear() clear a window
- wclrtobot() clear end of a window
- wclrtoeol() clear end of line in a window
- wdelch() delete a char in a window
- wdeleteln() delete a line in a window
- werase() erase a window
- wgetch() get char to a window
- wgetstr() get string to window and buffer
- winch() get char at window cursor
- winsch() insert character in a window
- winsertln() insert new line in a window
- wmove() move cursor in a window
- wnoutrefresh() create screen image, w/o display
- wprintw() print string in a window
- wrefresh() refresh screen
- wscanw() get values via a window
- wsetsrcreg() define a window's scroll region
- wstandend() start normal chars in window
- wstandout() start standout chars in window
- wtabsize() set/get tabsize of a window
- wungetch() character push-back