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Text File | 1990-01-15 | 45.7 KB | 1,558 lines |
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
- subject: v10i006: Calctool V2.4 - a simple calculator (Part 1 of 6).
- from: richb@Aus.Sun.COM (Rich Burridge)
- Sender: allbery@uunet.UU.NET (Brandon S. Allbery - comp.sources.misc)
- Posting-number: Volume 10, Issue 6
- Submitted-by: richb@Aus.Sun.COM (Rich Burridge)
- Archive-name: calctool24/part01
- This is V2.4 of a desktop calculator for the Sun workstation.
- This version works under SunView, XView, X11, NeWS, MGR and for
- dumb tty terminals.
- It is almost visually identical to V2.1 which was released in August
- 1988, but internally most of the code has been reworked to include a
- level of graphics abstraction, to make porting this code to other
- window systems a trivial task.
- V2.4 includes display in scientific notation, color icons, a correct
- factorial function and fixes for a few minor bugs. It introduces the
- new versions for XView, X11, MGR and dumb terminals. New functions
- include hyperbolic and inverse hyperbolic trigonometrical functions,
- register exchange, constants and the input of numbers in exponential
- notation. You can also have a .calctoolrc file in your home directory,
- which can define upto ten new values for constants, and ten function
- definitions which are used in conjunction with the FUN key.
- Several of the keyboard equivalents for various calctool functions
- have been changed to allow for the new functionality and to be more
- intuitive.
- See the online help, the README file or the manual pages for more details.
- Suggestions for furthur improvement would be most welcome, plus bugs,
- comments and flames.
- Rich Burridge, DOMAIN: richb@sunaus.oz.au
- PHONE: +61 2 413 2666 UUCP: {uunet,mcvax,ukc}!munnari!sunaus.oz!richb
- ---- Cut Here and unpack ----
- #!/bin/sh
- # shar: Shell Archiver (v1.22)
- # Packed Tue Jan 9 12:17:18 EST 1990 by stard!richb
- # from directory /extra/richb/rich_stuff/calctool
- #
- # This is part 1 of a multipart archive
- # do not concatenate these parts, unpack them in order with /bin/sh
- #
- # Run the following text with /bin/sh to create:
- # Makefile
- # TODO
- # calctool.help
- # calctool.1
- # calctool.ps
- # patchlevel.h
- # .calctoolrc
- # graphics.c
- # display.c
- # functions.c
- # get.c
- # calctool.c
- # mgr.c
- # news.c
- # sunview.c
- # tty.c
- # x11.c
- # xview.c
- # calctool.h
- # color.h
- # extern.h
- # calctool.icon
- # calctool.color.icon
- # help.cursor
- #
- if test -r s2_seq_.tmp
- then echo "Must unpack archives in sequence!"
- next=`cat s2_seq_.tmp`; echo "Please unpack part $next next"
- exit 1; fi
- echo "x - extracting README (Text)"
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > README &&
- X
- Xcalctool - README - November 1989.
- X
- XThis is V2.4 of a desktop calculator for the Sun workstation.
- XThis version works under SunView, XView, X11, NeWS, MGR and for
- Xdumb tty terminals.
- X
- XIt is almost visually identical to V2.1 which was released in August
- X1988, but internally most of the code has been reworked to include a
- Xlevel of graphics abstraction, to make porting this code to other
- Xwindow systems a trivial task.
- X
- XV2.4 includes display in scientific notation, color icons, a correct
- Xfactorial function and fixes for a few minor bugs. It introduces the
- Xnew versions for XView, X11, MGR and dumb terminals. New functions
- Xinclude hyperbolic and inverse hyperbolic trigonometrical functions,
- Xregister exchange, constants and the input of numbers in exponential
- Xnotation. You can also have a .calctoolrc file in your home directory,
- Xwhich can define upto ten new values for constants, and ten function
- Xdefinitions which are used in conjunction with the FUN key.
- X
- X
- XSeveral of the keyboard equivalents for various calctool functions
- Xhave been changed to allow for the new functionality and to be more
- Xintuitive.
- X
- XSee the online help or the manual pages for more details.
- X
- XThis code has been tested on a range of different Sun machines under a
- Xvariety of O/Ss. See the beginning of the Makefile for details of what
- Xyou might have to tweak in order to get it working under different O/Ss
- Xor on other machines, and also how to compile and link for the different
- Xversions. Note that calctool creates a library before generating the
- Xappropriate calctool binary. By default, this is a normal 'ar' type
- Xlibrary, but with SunOS v4.x it is possible to create a shared library.
- XIn order to do this, you should type 'make shared' before making the
- Xcalctool of your choice. It will install this library in the directory
- Xdefined by the Makefile macro definition LIBDIR, so you might need root
- Xpermission to successfully do this.
- X
- XThere is a TODO file included, which lists the current known bugs, and
- Xa set of possible enhancements, some relatively trivial, others that
- Xare fairly major enhancements which would make interesting future
- Xprojects.
- X
- X
- XAcknowledgements.
- X
- XThanks to Ed Falk at Sun Microsystems (Mountain View) for most of the
- Xbasic arithmetical algorithms used, to Andrew Nicholson for revising the
- Xprevious version of the NeWS code, to Sriram Ramachandran for fixing up
- Xthe XView code, and Hala Abdalla for the original implementation of the
- Xpopup menu and function keyboard support.
- X
- XThanks go also to James Buster, David Weaver, Steve Damron, Mike Bender,
- XCharles Tierney, Trevor Watson and Marla Berg for bug reports and sugggested
- Xenhancements.
- X
- XSuggestions for furthur improvement would be most welcome, plus bugs,
- Xcomments and flames.
- X
- XRich Burridge, DOMAIN: richb@sunaus.oz.au
- XPHONE: +61 2 413 2666 UUCP: {uunet,mcvax,ukc}!munnari!sunaus.oz!richb
- chmod 0444 README || echo "restore of README fails"
- set `wc -c README`;Sum=$1
- if test "$Sum" != "2888"
- then echo original size 2888, current size $Sum;fi
- echo "x - extracting Makefile (Text)"
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > Makefile &&
- X#
- X# Makefile for calctool, a calculator program.
- X#
- X# @(#)Makefile 1.16 89/12/21
- X#
- X# Copyright (c) Rich Burridge.
- X# Sun Microsystems, Australia - All rights reserved.
- X#
- X# Permission is given to distribute these sources, as long as the
- X# copyright messages are not removed, and no monies are exchanged.
- X#
- X# No responsibility is taken for any errors inherent either in the comments
- X# or the code of this program, but if reported to me then an attempt will
- X# be made to fix them.
- X#
- X#======================================================================
- X#
- X# There are various small changes needed when compiling calctool on
- X# different systems. These have been isolated here, and should
- X# be uncommented if needed.
- X#
- X#======================================================================
- X#
- X# Calctool uses an helpfile to supply online help for each key.
- X# By default this file is called "calctool.help", and is looked
- X# for in every directory on the users search path. You can also
- X# override it's location and name at runtime with the -h option.
- X# It can also be specified here by uncommenting the following
- X# macro definition and setting appropriately.
- X#
- X#
- X# If you are compiling the MGR version, then the following three
- X# definitions should be uncommented.
- X#
- X#MGRHOME = /usr/mgr
- X#MGRINCDIR = -I$(MGRHOME)/include
- X#
- X# If you are compiling the NeWS version, then the following definition
- X# should be uncommented and set to the default location for the calctool
- X# PostScript file, which is downloaded to the NeWS server.
- X#
- X#
- X# Calctool loads a run control file when it starts. By default
- X# this file is called ".calctoolrc", and is taken from the users
- X# home directory. If there is a similar file in the current directory,
- X# then these values override the default ones. Its name and location
- X# can also be specified here by uncommenting the following macro
- X# definition and setting appropriately.
- X#
- X#RCNAME = -DRCGIVEN -DRCNAME=\".calctoolrc\"
- X#
- X# If you not running under a BSD4.3 derived system, the parameters
- X# to the select call are different, and this definition should be
- X# uncommented. You need to uncomment this for SunOS v3.x.
- X#
- X#
- X# Note that with SunOS v4.x it is possible to create a shared library
- X# for the calctool routines. If you wish to do this, then you should
- X# change LIBNAME below to libcalctool.so.1.1, and uncomment the SHLIB
- X# line.
- X#
- XLIBNAME = libcalctool.a
- X#
- X#LIBNAME = libcalctool.so.1.1
- X#SHLIB = -pic
- X#
- X# If you are not running under a BSD4.3 derived system, then the
- X# second parameter to a select call is a pointer to an integer function,
- X# and this definition needs to be uncommented. You need to uncomment this
- X# for SunOS v3.x.
- X#
- X#
- X# Calctool endevours to provide a numeric keypad using the right function
- X# keypad. The Sun3 keyboard has a different pad setup to the Sun4 keyboard.
- X# If you wish to use these function keys with a Sun4 keyboard, then you
- X# need to uncomment the following definition.
- X#
- X#
- X# If you are running SunOS v3.x, then pr_ttext doesn't exist, and
- X# you must uncomment this definition.
- X#
- X#
- X# If you are compiling the X11 version and the X11 include and
- X# library files are not in a standard place, then the following
- X# two lines should be uncommented, and set appropriately.
- X#
- X#X11INCDIR = -I$(XNEWSHOME)/include
- X#
- X# If you are compiling the XView version, then the following two lines
- X# should be uncommented.
- X#
- X#
- X#=========================================================================
- X#
- X# Default locations where calctool files will be installed.
- X# You might wish to alter these values.
- X#
- XBINDIR = /usr/local/bin
- XLIBDIR = /usr/local/lib
- XMANDIR = /usr/man/man$(MANSECT)
- X#
- X# Compilation flags and standard macro definitions.
- X#
- X#
- X#=========================================================================
- X
- XBINARIES = mgr_calctool ps_calctool sv_calctool \
- X tty_calctool xcalctool xv_calctool
- X
- XLIBSRCS = graphics.c display.c functions.c get.c
- XLIBOBJS = graphics.o display.o functions.o get.o
- XSTDSRCS = calctool.c
- XSTDOBJS = calctool.o
- X
- XGSRCS = mgr.c news.c sunview.c tty.c x11.c xview.c
- XHDRS = calctool.h color.h extern.h
- XIMAGES = calctool.icon calctool.color.icon help.cursor
- XOTHERS = Makefile README TODO calctool.help calctool.1 \
- X calctool.ps patchlevel.h .calctoolrc
- X
- X
- XCALCLIB = -L. -lcalctool
- XMGRLIBS = $(CALCLIB) $(MGRHOME)/lib/libmgr.a -lm
- XNEWSLIBS = $(CALCLIB) $$NEWSHOME/lib/libcps.a -lm
- XSVIEWLIBS = $(CALCLIB) -lsuntool -lsunwindow -lpixrect -lm
- XTTYLIBS = $(CALCLIB) -ltermcap -lm
- XX11LIBS = $(CALCLIB) -lX11 -lm
- XXVIEWLIBS = $(CALCLIB) -lxview -lX11 -lm
- X
- X
- Xhelp:
- X @echo
- X @echo "You need to specify one of the following options:"
- X @echo
- X @echo " make mgr - to make the MGR version."
- X @echo " make news - to make the NeWS version."
- X @echo " make sunview - to make the SunView version."
- X @echo " make tty - to make the dumb tty version."
- X @echo " make x11 - to make the X11 version."
- X @echo " make xview - to make the XView version."
- X @echo
- X @echo "This should be followed by:"
- X @echo
- X @echo " make install"
- X @echo " make clean"
- X @echo
- X
- Xall: $(BINARIES)
- X
- Xmgr: $(OBJS) mgr.o
- X cc -o mgr_calctool $(CFLAGS) $(STDOBJS) mgr.o $(MGRLIBS)
- X -cp mgr_calctool calctool
- X
- Xnews: $(OBJS) news.o
- X cc -o ps_calctool $(CFLAGS) $(STDOBJS) news.o $(NEWSLIBS)
- X -cp ps_calctool calctool
- X
- Xsunview: $(OBJS) sunview.o
- X cc -o sv_calctool $(CFLAGS) $(STDOBJS) sunview.o $(SVIEWLIBS)
- X -cp sv_calctool calctool
- X
- Xtty: $(OBJS) tty.o
- X cc -o tty_calctool $(CFLAGS) $(STDOBJS) tty.o $(TTYLIBS)
- X -cp tty_calctool calctool
- X
- Xx11: $(OBJS) x11.o
- X cc -o xcalctool $(X11LIBDIR) $(CFLAGS) $(STDOBJS) x11.o \
- X $(X11LIBS)
- X -cp xcalctool calctool
- X
- Xxview: $(OBJS) xview.o
- X cc -o xv_calctool $(XVIEWLIBDIR) $(CFLAGS) $(STDOBJS) xview.o \
- X -cp xv_calctool calctool
- X
- Xlibcalctool.a: $(LIBOBJS)
- X ar rv $@ $?
- X ranlib $@
- X
- X# These are the library creation rules for making the shared calctool
- X# library (available with SunOS v4.x).
- X
- Xlibcalctool.so.1.1: $(LIBOBJS)
- X ld -o libcalctool.so.1.1 -assert pure-text $?
- X
- Xinstall:
- X install -c -m 644 $(LIBNAME) $(LIBDIR)
- X install -s -m 751 calctool $(BINDIR)
- X install -c -m 644 calctool.help $(LIBDIR)
- X install -c -m 644 calctool.ps $(LIBDIR)
- X install -c -m 644 calctool.1 $(MANDIR)/calctool.$(MANSECT)
- X
- Xclean:; rm -f *.o archive.* *~ *.a $(BINARIES) core
- X
- Xlint:; lint $(CFLAGS) $(STDSRCS) $(LIBSRCS) tty.c $(TTYLIBS)
- X lint $(CFLAGS) $(STDSRCS) $(LIBSRCS) sunview.c $(SVIEWLIBS)
- X lint $(CFLAGS) $(STDSRCS) $(LIBSRCS) xview.c $(XVIEWLIBS)
- X lint $(CFLAGS) $(STDSRCS) $(LIBSRCS) x11.c $(X11LIBS)
- X lint $(CFLAGS) $(STDSRCS) $(LIBSRCS) news.c $(NEWSLIBS)
- X lint $(CFLAGS) $(STDSRCS) $(LIBSRCS) mgr.c $(MGRLIBS)
- X
- Xshar:; shar.script $(SFILES1) > archive.1
- X shar.script $(SFILES2) > archive.2
- X shar.script $(SFILES3) > archive.3
- X shar.script $(SFILES4) > archive.4
- X
- Xcreate: SCCS
- X -sccs create $(STDSRCS) $(GSRCS) $(HDRS) $(IMAGES) $(OTHERS)
- X -mkdir SCCS
- X chmod 755 SCCS
- chmod 0444 Makefile || echo "restore of Makefile fails"
- set `wc -c Makefile`;Sum=$1
- if test "$Sum" != "8158"
- then echo original size 8158, current size $Sum;fi
- echo "x - extracting TODO (Text)"
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > TODO &&
- XBugs:
- X
- X1/ The following problems exist for the NeWS v1.1 version:
- X
- X a) The calctool icon (color and mono) is not being displayed correctly.
- X
- X b) The initial position of the icon should be settable via the
- X -WP flag.
- X
- X c) It should be possible for calctool to start iconically.
- X
- X d) Popup menu support needs to be fully implemented.
- X
- X e) The NeWS code should be commented.
- X
- X
- X2/ The following problems exist with the mgr version:
- X
- X a) The fonts aren't being loaded correctly.
- X
- X b) After a reshape, the "panel items" are not being redisplayed.
- X
- X c) The right button popup menu support is not correctly working.
- X
- X
- X3/ The following problem exists with the SunView version:
- X
- X a) The ENTER key (Right function keypad) is not recognised.
- X
- X
- X4/ The following problems exist with the XView version:
- X
- X a) The memory register window is coming up in the wrong place.
- X This is because of bug 1022495 (xview/library).
- X
- X b) The following right keypad function keys are currently not recognised:
- X 0 . - + ENTER
- X
- X
- X5/ The following problems exist with the X11 version.
- X
- X a) The size of the calctool icon on the monochrome version is incorrect.
- X
- X
- XEnhancements:
- X
- X1/ Incorporate a multi-precision arithmetic package as the basis of all
- X calculations. The display could then include two little arrow icons,
- X one at each side of the numeric display, which would shift the contents
- X to the left or the right.
- X
- X2/ Add some more functions. Some suggested functions are:
- X
- X a) Common antilogarithm and natural antilogarithm.
- X
- X b) Cube root key.
- X
- X c) Root key. The y root of x.
- X
- X d) Rectangular to polar and polar to rectangular keys.
- X
- X e) Random number key. Return a random number between 0.0 and < 1.0.
- X
- X3/ Add Reverse Polish notation.
- X
- X4/ Support multiple graphics version in the same binary or write a front-end
- X shell script that with select the appropriate binary depending on the
- X environment [MGR/NeWS/SunView/tty/X11] [Sun3/Sun4/Sun386i] etc..
- X
- X5/ See if it's possible to get the GET and PUT function keys working with
- X the NeWS and the X11 versions.
- chmod 0444 TODO || echo "restore of TODO fails"
- set `wc -c TODO`;Sum=$1
- if test "$Sum" != "2100"
- then echo original size 2100, current size $Sum;fi
- echo "x - extracting calctool.help (Text)"
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > calctool.help &&
- X_calctool.help_
- XRegister exchange n ( ^e ).
- X
- XThis must be followed by a digit
- Xin the range 0 - 9 to indicate
- Xwhich register should be inter-
- Xchanged with the current display.
- X_CON _
- XConstant n ( # ).
- X
- XThis must be followed by a digit
- Xin the range 0 - 9 to indicate
- Xwhich constant should be shown.
- X
- XThe ten default constants are:
- X
- X0 - kms per hour / miles per hour.
- X1 - square root of 2.
- X2 - e.
- X3 - pi.
- X4 - cms / inches.
- X5 - degrees in a radian.
- X4 - 2 ^ 20.
- X6 - gms / oz.
- X8 - kilojoules / British thermals.
- X9 - cubic cms / cubic inches.
- X_BIN _
- XChange base to binary ( B ).
- X
- XThe display value is shown in
- Xbinary. A maximum of 32 digits
- Xare allowed.
- X_MEM _
- XToggle register window ( M ).
- X
- XDisplay popup window with the
- Xvalues of the ten memory
- Xregisters given in the current
- Xbase, to the current accuracy.
- X_OCT _
- XChange base to octal ( O ).
- X
- XThe display value is shown in
- Xoctal. A maximum of 15 digits
- Xare allowed.
- X_D _
- XHex D (decimal 13) ( d ).
- X
- XThis selection is valid only if
- Xthe current base is hexidecimal.
- X_DEC _
- XChange base to decimal ( D ).
- X
- XThe display value is shown in
- Xdecimal. This is the default
- Xbase. A maximum of 12 digits
- Xare allowed.
- X_E _
- XHex E (decimal 14) ( e ).
- X
- XThis selection is valid only if
- Xthe current base is hexidecimal.
- X_HEX _
- XChange base to hexidecimal ( H ).
- X
- XThe display value is shown in
- Xhexidecimal. A maximum of 12
- Xdigits are allowed.
- X_F _
- XHex F (decimal 15) ( f ).
- X
- XThis selection is valid only if
- Xthe current base is hexidecimal.
- X_FIX _
- XFixed Notation ( ^n ).
- X
- XNumerical values will be
- Xdisplayed in fixed point
- Xnotation. This button toggles
- Xbetween fixed and scientific
- Xnotation.
- X_SCI _
- XScientific notation ( ^n ).
- X
- XNumerical values will be
- Xdisplayed in scientific notation.
- XThis button toggles between
- Xscientific and fixed point
- Xnotation.
- X_FUN _
- XFunction key n ( ^f ).
- X
- XThis must be followed by a digit
- Xin the range 0 - 9, to indicate
- Xwhich user defined function is
- Xto be performed.
- X
- XThese functions are defined in a
- X.calctoolrc file, in your home
- Xdirectory. See the calctool
- Xmanual page for the format of
- Xthis file.
- X_&32 _
- XGet 32 bit unsigned int ( [ ).
- X
- XThis is a logical function, that
- Xwill truncate the given number to
- Xreturn a 32 bit unsigned integer.
- X_STO _
- XStore memory register n ( s ).
- X
- XThis must be followed by an
- Xarithmetic operation (addition,
- Xsubtraction, multiplication or
- Xdivision), then a digit in the
- Xrange 0 to 9 to indicate the
- Xmemory register in which to
- Xstore the current display value.
- XThe arithmetic operator is
- Xoptional in which case the
- Xcurrent display is stored in the
- Xmemory register.
- X_&16 _
- XGet 16 bit unsigned int ( ] ).
- X
- XThis is a logical function, that
- Xwill truncate the given number to
- Xreturn a 16 bit unsigned integer.
- X_RCL _
- XRetrieve memory register n ( r ).
- X
- XThis must be followed by a digit
- Xin the range 0 to 9 to indicate
- Xthe memory register from which
- Xdata is to be to retrieved.
- X_< _
- XLeft shift n ( < ).
- X
- XThis must be followed by a digit
- Xin the range 0 to 9 to indicate
- Xhow many places to shift.
- X_A _
- XHex A (decimal 10) ( a ).
- X
- XThis selection is valid only if
- Xthe current base is hexidecimal.
- X_> _
- XRight shift n ( > ).
- X
- XThis must be followed by a digit
- Xin the range 0 to 9 to indicate
- Xhow many places to shift.
- X_B _
- XHex B (decimal 11) ( b ).
- X
- XThis selection is valid only if
- Xthe current base is hexidecimal.
- X_% _
- XPercentage ( % ).
- X
- XThis calculation takes the last
- Xnumber enter and the next number
- Xgiven, and performs a percentage
- Xcalculation on them.
- X_C _
- XHex C (decimal 12) ( c ).
- X
- XThis selection is valid only if
- Xthe current base is hexidecimal.
- X_clr _
- XClear display ( Delete ).
- X
- XThis will clear the value of the
- Xcalculators display.
- X_bsp _
- XErase character ( BackSpace ).
- X
- XThe right most character of the
- Xcurrent calculator display value
- Xis removed, and the value of the
- Xdisplay is recalculated. (Note:
- Xinternal accuracy is lost with
- Xthis operation.)
- X_OR _
- XLogical OR ( | ).
- X
- XThis operation takes the last
- Xnumber and the next number
- Xentered, and performs a logical
- XOR operation on them, treating
- Xboth numbers as unsigned long
- Xintegers.
- X_AND _
- XLogical AND ( & ).
- X
- XThis operation takes the last
- Xnumber and the next number
- Xentered, and performs a logical
- XAND operation on them, treating
- Xboth numbers as unsigned long
- Xintegers.
- X_HYP _
- XHyperbolic flag. ( h ).
- X
- XThis button is a toggle for
- Xsetting or unsetting the
- Xhyperbolic function flag. This
- Xflag affects SIN, COS and TAN
- Xtrigonometrical functions.
- X_SIN _
- XSine function ( ^s ).
- X
- XReturns the trigonometric sine,
- Xarc sine, hyperbolic sine or
- Xinverse hyperbolic sine of
- Xthe current value, depending
- Xupon the settings of the
- XHYP and INV flags. The result
- Xis displayed in the current
- Xunits (degrees, radians or
- Xgradients).
- X_e^x _
- Xe to the x power ( { ).
- X
- XReturn e raised to the power of
- Xthe current display value.
- X_7 _
- XNumeric 7 ( 7 ).
- X
- XThis selection is ignored if
- Xthe current base is binary.
- X_10^x_
- X10 to the x power ( } ).
- X
- XReturn 10 raised to the power of
- Xthe current display value.
- X_8 _
- XNumeric 8 ( 8 ).
- X
- XThis selection is ignored if
- Xthe current base is octal or
- Xbinary.
- X_y^x _
- Xy to the power of x ( Y ).
- X
- XThe operation takes the last
- Xnumber and raises it to the power
- Xof the next number given.
- X_9 _
- XNumeric 9 ( 9 ).
- X
- XThis selection is ignored if
- Xthe current base is octal or
- Xbinary.
- X_INT _
- XInteger portion ( I ).
- X
- XReturn the integer portion of the
- Xcurrent displayed value.
- X_X _
- XMultiplication ( * or x or X ).
- X
- XThis operation takes the last
- Xnumber and the next number
- Xentered, and performs an
- Xarithmetic multiplication on
- Xthem.
- XLogical XNOR ( n or N ).
- X
- XThis operation takes the last
- Xnumber and the next number
- Xentered, and performs a logical
- XXNOR operation on them, treating
- Xboth numbers as unsigned long
- Xintegers.
- X_XOR _
- XLogical XOR ( ^ ).
- X
- XThis operation takes the last
- Xnumber and the next number
- Xentered, and performs a logical
- XXOR operation on them, treating
- Xboth numbers as unsigned long
- Xintegers.
- X_INV _
- XInverse function flag ( i ).
- X
- XThis button is a toggle for
- Xsetting or unsetting the
- Xinverse function flag. This
- Xflag affects SIN, COS and TAN
- Xtrigonometrical functions.
- X_COS _
- XCosine function ( ^c ).
- X
- XReturns the trigonometric cosine,
- Xarc cosine, hyperbolic cosine or
- Xinverse hyperbolic cosine of
- Xthe current value, depending
- Xupon the settings of the
- XHYP and INV flags. The result
- Xis displayed in the current
- Xunits (degrees, radians or
- Xgradients).
- X_ln _
- XNatural log ( N ).
- X
- XThis operation returns the
- Xnatural logarithm of the current
- Xdisplayed value.
- X_4 _
- XNumeric 4 ( 4 ).
- X
- XThis selection is ignored if
- Xthe current base is binary.
- X_log _
- XBase 10 log ( G ).
- X
- XThis operation returns the base
- X10 logarithm of the current
- Xdisplayed value.
- X_5 _
- XNumeric 5 ( 5 ).
- X
- XThis selection is ignored if
- Xthe current base is binary.
- XSquare root ( S ).
- X
- XThis operation will perform a
- Xsquare root operation on the
- Xcurrent value of the calculator
- Xdisplay.
- X_6 _
- XNumeric 6 ( 6 ).
- X
- XThis selection is ignored if
- Xthe current base is binary.
- XFractional portion ( F ).
- X
- XReturn the fractional portion of
- Xthe current displayed value.
- X_/ _
- XDivision ( / ).
- X
- XThis operation takes the last
- Xnumber and performs an
- Xarithemetic division by the
- Xnext number entered.
- X_NOT _
- XLogical NOT ( ~ ).
- X
- XThis operation will perform the
- Xlogical NOT operation of the
- Xcurrent value of the calculators
- Xdisplay.
- X_ACC _
- XAccuracy n ( A ).
- X
- XThis must be followed by a digit
- Xin the range 0 to 9 to indicate
- Xhow many digits of precision are
- Xto be displayed.
- X_EXP _
- XEnter exponental number ( E ).
- X
- XThis operation starts exponential
- Xinput. Any numbers typed from now
- Xon are the exponent. If no
- Xnumerical input had occured upto
- Xthis point, then a mantissa of
- X1.0 is assumed.
- X_TAN _
- XTangent function ( ^t ).
- X
- XReturns the trigonometric tangent,
- Xarc tangent, hyperbolic tangent or
- Xinverse hyperbolic tangent of
- Xthe current value, depending
- Xupon the settings of the
- XHYP and INV flags. The result
- Xis displayed in the current
- Xunits (degrees, radians or
- Xgradients).
- X_1/x _
- XReciprocal ( R ).
- X
- XThe will return the current the
- Xvalue of 1 divided by the current
- Xdisplay value.
- X_1 _
- XNumeric 1 ( 1 ).
- X_x! _
- XFactorial ( ! ).
- X
- XThis will return the factorial of
- Xthe current displayed value.
- X_2 _
- XNumeric 2 ( 2 ).
- X
- XThis selection is ignored if
- Xthe current base is binary.
- X_x^2 _
- XSquare ( @ ).
- X
- XThis will reurn the square of the
- Xcurrent displayed value.
- X_3 _
- XNumeric 3 ( 3 ).
- X
- XThis selection is ignored if
- Xthe current base is binary.
- X_CHS _
- XChange sign ( C ).
- X
- XChange the arithmetic sign of the
- Xcurrent displayed value or the
- Xexponent being entered.
- X_- _
- XSubtraction ( - ).
- X
- XThis operation takes the last
- Xnumber and performs an
- Xarithemetic subtraction of the
- Xnext number entered.
- XQuit calctool ( q or Q ).
- X
- XThe calctool program is exited,
- Xwithout user verification.
- X_OFF _
- XTurn calctool iconic ( o ).
- XToggle button labels ( K ).
- X
- XToggle the labels on the calctool
- Xbuttons between the mouse and
- Xkeyboard equivalents.
- X_? _
- XCalctool Help v2.4. ( ? ).
- X
- XAll calculations are in double
- Xprecision. The display can be
- Xused with the [Get] and [Put]
- Xfunction keys with other Sunview
- Xwindows. For every mouse
- Xselection, there is an equivalent
- Xkeystroke. These can be found by
- Xselecting the KEYS button.
- X
- XIf an error condition occurs, you
- Xmust clear the calculator.
- X
- XAfter this, when you select [?]
- Xyou will get help on the next
- Xselection you make.
- X_DEG _
- XTrig base to degrees ( ^d ).
- X
- XChange the current trigonometrical
- Xbase to degrees.
- X_0 _
- XNumeric 0 ( 0 ).
- X_RAD _
- XTrig base to radians ( ^r ).
- X
- XChange the current trigonometrical
- Xbase to radians.
- X_. _
- XNumeric point ( . ).
- X
- XSelecting this starts the
- Xfractional part of numeric entry.
- XTrig base to gradients ( ^g ).
- X
- XChange the current trigonometrical
- Xbase to gradients.
- X_= _
- XCalculate result ( = or Return ).
- X
- XThe result of the current
- Xcalculation is displayed in
- Xthe current base.
- X_ABS _
- XAbsolute value. ( U ).
- X
- XReturn the absolute value of the
- Xcurrent displayed value.
- X_+ _
- XAddition ( + ).
- X
- XThis operation takes the last
- Xnumber and the next number
- Xentered, and performs an
- Xarithmetic addition on them.
- X______
- chmod 0444 calctool.help || echo "restore of calctool.help fails"
- set `wc -c calctool.help`;Sum=$1
- if test "$Sum" != "10856"
- then echo original size 10856, current size $Sum;fi
- echo "x - extracting calctool.1 (Text)"
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > calctool.1 &&
- X.\" @(#)calctool.1 1.8 89/12/13
- X.TH CALCTOOL 1L "13 December 1989"
- Xcalctool \- a simple calculator
- X.B "calctool
- X[
- X.B -a
- X.I accuracy
- X]
- X[
- X.B -d
- X.I display
- X]
- X[
- X.B -g
- X.I geometry
- X]
- X[
- X.B -h
- X.I helpfile
- X]
- X[
- X.B -i
- X]
- X[
- X.B -v
- X]
- X[
- X.B \-Wi
- X]
- X[
- X.B \-Wp
- X.I x y
- X]
- X[
- X.B \-WP
- X.I x y
- X]
- X.I Calctool
- Xis a simple calculator. It contains graphical interfaces for MGR, NeWS,
- XSunView, X11 and XView, as well as being able to function on normal display
- Xterminals using a termcap interface. It can receive input via the keyboard,
- Xor the mouse where applicable. Each calculator button has two functions
- Xassociated with it.
- X.LP
- XInternal arithmetic is done with double precision floating point numbers.
- XAccuracy can be adjusted from zero to nine numeric places in fixed notation,
- Xbut numbers can be displayed in scientific notation as well. The calculator
- Xreverts to scientific notation when the number is larger than the display
- Xwould allow in fixed notation. The base of operation can be changed between
- Xbinary, octal, decimal and hexidecimal. Numbers are initially displayed in
- Xfixed notation to two numeric places, in the decimal base.
- X.LP
- XYou can use the SunView / XView
- X.I Put
- Xand
- X.I Get
- Xfunction keys in conjunction with the numeric display to store or retrieve
- Xcharacters from the text shelf. The previous digit entered can be removed
- Xand the whole display cleared.
- X.LP
- XThere are ten memory registers; numbers can be retrieved or stored in
- Xthese locations, and arithmetic can be performed upon register contents.
- X.LP
- XThe display windows contains the current numerical value plus the current
- Xbase and trigonometric type. There are also indicators which show if the
- Xhyperbolic and inverse function switches are set, and which numerical mode
- Xis currently in operation. If an operation needing more than one numerical
- Xinput is partially complete, the operation is also displayed in this window
- Xas a reminder.
- X.LP
- XThe calculator has arithmetical, logical and trigonometrical functions.
- XThese are grouped together and color coded on color workstations.
- X.LP
- XWith the SunView and XView versions, there is support for popup menus with
- Xthe right mouse button. Only certain buttons which have multiple options
- Xhave this ability. These are the ACC, CON, EXCH, FUN, <, >, RCL and STO keys.
- X.LP
- XOnline help is provided via a help button. Select this button, and then
- Xthe function you wish to be described. The calctool windows can be redrawn
- Xby typing ^L (control-l). This is very useful with the tty version after
- Xsomebody has written system messages all over your screen.
- X.LP
- XOn startup,
- X.I calctool
- Xwill look for a
- X.I .calctoolrc
- Xfile in the users' home directory. This file allows the user to define
- Xtheir own constants and function definitions. It then looks for a
- X.I .calctoolrc
- Xfile in the current directory. With the
- X.I .calctoolrc
- Xfile, there are currently four valid record types; comments, constants,
- Xfunction definitions and initial memory register values.
- X.LP
- XLines starting with a '#' are treated as comments and ignored.
- X.LP
- XLines starting with 'c' or 'C' in the first column are definitions for
- Xconstants. The cC is followed by a digit in the range 0-9, then a space.
- XThis is followed by a number in fixed or scientific notation. Following
- Xthis is an optional comment, which if found, will be used in the popup
- Xmenu for the constants. If the comment is present, then there must be at
- Xleast one space between this and the preceding number.
- X.LP
- XLines starting with 'f' or 'F' in the first column are definitions
- Xfor functions. The fF is followed by a digit in the range 0-9, then a
- Xspace. This is followed by a function definition. Following this is an
- Xoptional comment, which if found, will be used in the popup menu for the
- Xfunctions. If the comment is present, then there must be at least one
- Xspace between this and the preceding function definition.
- X.LP
- XLines starting with 'r' or 'R' in the first column are definitions
- Xfor the initial contents of the memory registers. The rR is followed
- Xby a digit in the range 0-9, then a space. This is followed by a number
- Xin fixed or scientific notation. The rest of the line is ignored.
- X.LP
- XAll other lines are ignored. There should be no embedded spaces in the
- Xfunction definitions. Whenever a backslash is found, this and the following
- Xcharacter signify a control character, for example \\g would be ASCII 7.
- X.TP
- X.BI \-a " accuracy"
- XInitial number of significant digits displayed. This value must be in
- Xthe range 0 to 9. If not specified, this value defaults to 2.
- X.TP
- X.BI \-d " display"
- XUsed with the X11 variant of calctool to give a display type.
- X.TP
- X.BI \-g " geometry"
- XUsed with the X11 variant of calctool to give geometry information.
- X.TP
- X.BI \-h " helpfile"
- XUse an alternate helpfile.
- X.TP
- X.B \-i
- XInvert the calctool window before displaying it. For use by people who
- Xstarted their graphics environment in inverse mode.
- X.TP
- X.B \-v
- XPrint the version number of this release of the
- X.B calctool
- Xprogram.
- X.TP
- X.B \-Wi
- XStart the
- X.B calctool
- Xprogram up in iconic form. SunView automatically uses this flag, but the
- XNeWS version will also.
- X.TP
- X.BI \-Wp " x y"
- XStart the open window position at
- X.I x y
- X.TP
- X.BI \-WP " x y"
- XStart the icon position at
- X.I x y
- X[Keyboard equivalents appear in brackets]
- X.SS "Numerical Keys [ 0-9 a-f . = <RETURN> ]."
- X.LP
- XEnter a digit (decimal digits 0-9 or hexidecimal digits A-F) in the display.
- XThe . acts as the decimal point and = is used for completion of numerical
- Xentry (<RETURN> can be also be used from the keyboard to terminate numerical
- Xentry).
- X.SS "Arithmetical Operations [ + - x X * / ]."
- X.LP
- XPerform an arithmetical operation using the previous entry and the next entry
- Xas operands. Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are denoted
- Xby the buttons +, \-, x and / respectively (the keyboard keys * and X are
- Xsynonymous with x for multiplication).
- X.SS Base Changes.
- X.LP
- X.IP "\fBBIN [ B ]\fP" 18
- XChange display base to binary (maximum: 32 digits).
- X.IP "\fBOCT [ O ]\fP" 18
- XChange display base to octal (maximum: 15 digits). are allowed.
- X.IP "\fBDEC [ D ]\fP" 18
- XChange display base to decimal (default; maximum: 12 digits).
- X.IP "\fBHEX [ H ]\fP" 18
- XChange display base to hexidecimal (maximum: 12 digits).
- X.SS Trigonometric Unit Changes.
- X.LP
- X.IP "\fBDEG [ ^d ]\fP" 18
- XChange current trigonometrical base to degrees.
- X.IP "\fBRAD [ ^r ]\fP" 18
- XChange the current trigonometrical base to radians.
- X.IP "\fBGRAD [ ^g ]\fP" 18
- XChange the current trigonometrical base to gradients.
- X.SS Logical Operations.
- X.LP
- X.IP "\fBAND [ & ]\fP" 18
- XPerform a logical AND operation on the current entry and the next entry,
- Xtreating both numbers as unsigned long integers.
- X.IP "\fBNOT [ ~ ]\fP" 18
- XPerform the logical NOT operation of the current entry.
- X.IP "\fBOR [ | ]\fP" 18
- XPerform a logical OR operation on the current entry and the next entry,
- Xtreating both numbers as unsigned long integers.
- X.IP "\fBXNOR [ n or N ]\fP" 18
- XPerform a logical XNOR operation on the current entry and the next entry,
- Xtreating both numbers as unsigned long integers.
- X.IP "\fBXOR [ ^ ]\fP" 18
- XPerform a logical XOR operation on the current entry and the next entry,
- Xtreating both numbers as unsigned long integers.
- X.SS Trigonometrical Operators.
- X.LP
- X.IP "\fBSIN [ ^s ]\fP" 18
- XReturn the trigonometric sine, arc sine hyperbolic sine or inverse
- Xhyperbolic sine of the current display, depending upon the current
- Xsettings of the hyperbolic and inverse function switches. The result
- Xis displayed in the current trigonometric units (degrees, radians or
- Xgradients).
- X.IP "\fBCOS [ ^c ]\fP" 18
- XReturn the trigonometric cosine, arc cosine hyperbolic cosine or inverse
- Xhyperbolic cosine of the current display, depending upon the current
- Xsettings of the hyperbolic and inverse function switches. The result
- Xis displayed in the current trigonometric units (degrees, radians or
- Xgradients).
- X.IP "\fBTAN [ ^t ]\fP" 18
- XReturn the trigonometric tangent, arc tangent hyperbolic tangent or inverse
- Xhyperbolic tangent of the current display, depending upon the current
- Xsettings of the hyperbolic and inverse function switches. The result
- Xis displayed in the current trigonometric units (degrees, radians or
- Xgradients).
- X.SS Memory Register Operators.
- X.LP
- X.IP "\fBRCL [ r ]\fP" 18
- XRetrieve memory register n. This selection must be followed by a digit
- Xin the range 0 to 9 to indicate a memory register.
- X.IP "\fBSTO [ s ]\fP" 18
- XStore memory register n. This must be followed by a digit in the range
- X0 to 9 to indicate a memory register. The register number may be preceded
- Xby an arithmetic operation (addition, subtraction, multiplication or division),
- Xin which case the specifed operation is carred out between the
- Xdisplayed entry and the value currently in register n, and the result is placed
- Xin register n.
- X.IP "\fBEXCH [ ^e ]\fP" 18
- XExchange the current display with the contents of memory register n.
- XThis selection must be followed by a digit in the range 0 to 9, to
- Xindicate a memory register.
- X.SS Mathematical Operators.
- X.LP
- X.IP "\fB% [ % ]\fP" 18
- XPerform a percentage calculation using the last entry and the next entry.
- X.IP "\fBe^x [ { ]\fP" 18
- XReturn e raised to the power of the current entry.
- X.IP "\fB10^x [ } ]\fP" 18
- XReturn 10 raised to the power of the current entry.
- X.IP "\fBy^x [ Y ]\fP" 18
- XTake the last entry and raise it to the power of the next entry.
- X.IP "\fBln [ N ]\fP" 18
- XReturn the natural logarithm of the current entry.
- X.IP "\fBlog [ G ]\fP" 18
- XReturns the base 10 logarithm of the current entry.
- X.IP "\fBSQRT [ S ]\fP" 18
- XPerform a square root operation on the current entry.
- X.IP "\fB1/x [ R ]\fP" 18
- XReturn the value of 1 divided by the current entry.
- X.IP "\fBx! [ ! ]\fP" 18
- XReturn the factorial of the current entry.
- X.IP "\fBx^2 [ @ ]\fP" 18
- XReturn the square of the current entry.
- X.SS Number Manipulation Operators.
- X.LP
- X.IP "\fB< [ < ]\fP" 18
- XLeft shift n places. This must be followed by a digit
- Xin the range 0 to 9 to indicate the number of places to shift.
- X.IP "\fB> [ > ]\fP" 18
- XRight shift n places. This must be followed by a digit
- Xin the range 0 to 9 to indicate the number of places to shift.
- X.IP "\fB&32 [ [ ]\fP" 18
- XTruncate the current entry to a 32 bit unsigned integer
- X(logical function).
- X.IP "\fB&16 [ ] ]\fP" 18
- XTruncate the given number to a 16 bit unsigned integer
- X(logical function).
- X.IP "\fBclr [ Delete ]\fP" 18
- XClear the calculator display.
- X.IP "\fBbsp [ BackSpace ]\fP" 18
- XRemove the rightmost character of the current entry
- Xand recalculate the the displayed value (note: internal accuracy is
- Xlost with this operation).
- X.IP "\fBINT [ I ]\fP" 18
- XReturn the integer portion of the current entry.
- X.IP "\fBFRAC [ F ]\fP" 18
- XReturn the fractional portion of the current entry.
- X.IP "\fBACC [ A ]\fP" 18
- XSet accuracy. This must be followed by a digit in the range 0 to 9 to
- Xindicate how many digits are to be displayed.
- X.IP "\fBCHS [ C ]\fP" 18
- XChange the arithmetic sign of the current entry.
- X.IP "\fBABS [ U ]\fP" 18
- XReturn the absolute value of the current entry.
- X.SS Other keys.
- X.LP
- X.IP "\fBMEM [ M ]\fP" 18
- XToggle the display of the popup register window.
- XValues of the ten memory registers are displayed in the current
- Xbase, to the current accuracy.
- X.IP "\fBFIX / SCI [ ^n ]\fP" 18
- XToggles the numerical display mode between fixed point and scientific
- Xnotation. This affects the current display and the contents of the
- Xmemory registers.
- X.IP "\fBCON [ # ]\fP" 18
- XRetrieve and display constant value n. This selection must be followed
- Xby a digit in the range 0 to 9.
- X.br
- XThe ten default constants are:
- X.sp
- X0 - kms per hour / miles per hour.
- X.br
- X1 - square root of 2.
- X.br
- X2 - e.
- X.br
- X3 - pi.
- X.br
- X4 - cms / inches.
- X.br
- X5 - degrees in a radian.
- X.br
- X4 - 2 ^ 20.
- X.br
- X6 - gms / oz.
- X.br
- X8 - kilojoules / British thermals.
- X.br
- X9 - cubic cms / cubic inches.
- X.IP "\fBHYP [ h ]\fP" 18
- XSet or unset the hyperbolic function indicator. This switch affects the
- Xtype of sine, cosine and tangent trigonometric functions performed.
- X.IP "\fBINV [ i ]\fP" 18
- XSet or unset the inverse function indicator. This switch affects the
- Xtype of sine, cosine and tangent trigonometric functions performed.
- X.IP "\fBKEYS [ K ]\fP" 18
- XToggle the labels on the calctool buttons between mouse and
- Xkeyboard equivalents.
- X.IP "\fB? [ ? ]\fP" 18
- XDisplay a help message for a particular button. First select this key, then
- Xthe key to be described.
- X.IP "\fBQUIT [q or Q]\fP" 18
- XExit (without user verification).
- X.IP "\fBOFF [ o ]\fP" 18
- XChange \fIcalctool\fP to an icon.
- X.TP
- X/usr/local/lib/calctool.help
- X.TP
- X/usr/local/lib/calctool.ps
- X.TP
- X~/.calctoolrc
- XHandling of errors generated by the mathematical routines is poorly
- Xdone.
- XRich Burridge, Domain: richb@sunaus.oz.au
- X.nf
- XPHONE: +61 2 413 2666 Path: {uunet,mcvax,ukc}!munnari!sunaus.oz!richb
- X.fi
- X.br
- XOriginal manual page modified by R. P. C. Rodgers, UCSF School of Pharmacy, San
- XFrancisco, CA 94143.
- chmod 0444 calctool.1 || echo "restore of calctool.1 fails"
- set `wc -c calctool.1`;Sum=$1
- if test "$Sum" != "12952"
- then echo original size 12952, current size $Sum;fi
- echo "x - extracting calctool.ps (Text)"
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > calctool.ps &&
- X
- X% These are the NeWS dependent graphics routines used by calctool.
- X% They make use of the tnt toolkit distributed with OpenWindows.
- X%
- X% Copyright (c) Rich Burridge - Sun Microsystems, Australia.
- X% All rights reserved.
- X%
- X% @(#)calctool.ps 1.5 89/12/21
- X%
- X% Permission is given to distribute these sources, as long as the
- X% copyright messages are not removed, and no monies are exchanged.
- X%
- X% No responsibility is taken for any errors or inaccuracies inherent
- X% either to the comments or the code of this program, but if
- X% reported to me then an attempt will be made to fix them.
- X%
- X
- X% Define a class for the main calctool window. The following events
- X% are handled:
- X%
- X% Left mouse button (down and up).
- X% Middle mouse button (down and up).
- X% Right mouse button (down and up).
- X% Keyboard press.
- X% Window damage.
- X%
- X% For each of these events, an appropriate tag is sent back to the C code.
- X
- X/KeyClass ClassCanvas []
- Xclassbegin
- X /PaintCanvas
- X {
- X CFRAME_REPAINT typedprint
- X } def
- X
- X /MakeInterests
- X {
- X /MakeInterests super send
- X LeftMouseButton {LEFT_DOWN SendEvent} /DownTransition self MakeInterest
- X MiddleMouseButton {MIDDLE_DOWN SendEvent} /DownTransition self MakeInterest
- X LeftMouseButton {LEFT_UP SendEvent} /UpTransition self MakeInterest
- X MiddleMouseButton {MIDDLE_UP SendEvent} /UpTransition self MakeInterest
- X {KbdEvent} Canvas /defaultkeys ClassKeysInterest send
- X } def
- Xclassend def
- X
- X
- X% Define a class for the memory register window.
- X% Handle window damage in the same way as the main calctool window.
- X
- X/RegClass ClassCanvas []
- Xclassbegin
- X /PaintCanvas
- X {
- X RFRAME_REPAINT typedprint
- X } def
- Xclassend def
- X
- X
- X% Clear the whole of either the main calctool canvas or the memory
- X% register canvas to a specific color.
- X
- X/PSClearCanvas % color canvas => -
- X{
- X dup setcanvas
- X ColorTable 3 -1 roll get
- X /fillcanvas 3 -1 roll send
- X} def
- X
- X
- X% Close the main calctool window and unmap the memory register window.
- X
- X/PSCloseFrame % - => -
- X{
- X /flipiconic KFrame send
- X /unmap RFrame send
- X} def
- X
- X
- X% Color a rectangular area in the main calctool window.
- X
- X/PSColorArea % color x width height y => -
- X{
- X KC setcanvas
- X KCHeight exch sub exch dup 3 1 roll sub 3 1 roll rectpath
- X ColorTable exch get setcolor
- X fill
- X} def
- X
- X
- X% Draw a line in the main calctool window.
- X
- X/PSDrawLine % x1 x2 y1 y2 => -
- X{
- X KCHeight exch sub
- X exch KCHeight exch sub 3 1 roll
- X KC setcanvas
- X newpath
- X moveto lineto
- X 0 setgray
- X stroke
- X} def
- X
- X
- X% Draw (map) the memory register window.
- X
- X/PSDrawRegs
- X{
- X /map RFrame send
- X} def
- X
- X
- X% Load the small, normal and bold fonts used by calctool.
- X
- X/PSInitFonts % - => -
- X{
- X /SFont /Courier findfont 10 scalefont def
- X /NFont /Courier-Bold findfont 14 scalefont def
- X /BFont /Courier-Bold findfont 18 scalefont def
- X} def
- X
- X
- X% Set up the various tags that are passed back to the C code.
- X% Note that at present, some of these tags are not used.
- X
- X/PSInitialise % - => -
- X{
- X /ENTER_WINDOW 102 def
- X /EXIT_WINDOW 103 def
- X /KEYBOARD 104 def
- X /LEFT_DOWN 105 def
- X /LEFT_UP 106 def
- X /MIDDLE_DOWN 107 def
- X /MIDDLE_UP 108 def
- X /RIGHT_DOWN 109 def
- X /RIGHT_UP 110 def
- X /TAKE_FROM_SHELF 111 def
- X /PUT_ON_SHELF 112 def
- X} def
- X
- X
- X% Test if calctool is running on a color framebuffer.
- X
- X/PSIsColor % - => iscolorscreen
- X{
- X /Color? framebuffer /Color get def
- X Color? {1} {0} ifelse typedprint
- X} def
- X
- X
- X% Load a red green blue triplet into the appropriate entry in the colortable.
- X
- X/PSLoadColor % index blue green red => -
- X{
- X 255 div
- X exch 255 div
- X 3 -1 roll 255 div
- X rgbcolor
- X ColorTable 3 1 roll put
- X} def
- X
- X
- X% Create an array big enough for all the colors used by calctool.
- X
- X/PSMakeColorTable % size => -
- X{
- X /ColorTable exch array def
- X} def
- X
- X
- X/KbdEvent
- X{
- X begin
- X Action /DownTransition eq
- X {
- X KEYBOARD typedprint Name SendEvent
- X } if
- X end
- X} def
- X
- X
- X/SendEvent
- X{
- X KC setcanvas
- X typedprint
- X currentcursorlocation KCHeight exch sub exch
- X typedprint typedprint
- X} def
- X
- X
- X/PaintIcon
- X{
- X clippath pathbbox
- X scale pop pop
- X 0 setgray
- X false calctoolIcon imagemaskcanvas
- X} def
- X
- X
- X% Create the main calctool frame and the memory registers property sheet.
- X% Set the size of these items, and place the open frame and icon at the
- echo "End of part 1"
- echo "File calctool.ps is continued in part 2"
- echo "2" > s2_seq_.tmp
- exit 0