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Text File | 1990-01-15 | 44.0 KB | 1,505 lines |
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
- subject: v10i007: Calctool V2.4 - a simple calculator (Part 2 of 6).
- from: richb@Aus.Sun.COM (Rich Burridge)
- Sender: allbery@uunet.UU.NET (Brandon S. Allbery - comp.sources.misc)
- Posting-number: Volume 10, Issue 7
- Submitted-by: richb@Aus.Sun.COM (Rich Burridge)
- Archive-name: calctool24/part02
- ---- Cut Here and unpack ----
- #!/bin/sh
- # this is part 2 of a multipart archive
- # do not concatenate these parts, unpack them in order with /bin/sh
- # file calctool.ps continued
- #
- CurArch=2
- if test ! -r s2_seq_.tmp
- then echo "Please unpack part 1 first!"
- exit 1; fi
- ( read Scheck
- if test "$Scheck" != $CurArch
- then echo "Please unpack part $Scheck next!"
- exit 1;
- else exit 0; fi
- ) < s2_seq_.tmp || exit 1
- echo "x - Continuing file calctool.ps"
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' >> calctool.ps
- X% correct place.
- X
- X/PSMakeFrames % wx wy width height ix iy iconic => -
- X{
- X [ /IsIcon /IconY /IconX /KCHeight /KCWidth /KCY /KCX ]
- X { exch def } forall
- X
- X% /ScreenHeight /size framebuffer send exch def pop
- X /ScreenHeight 900 def
- X
- X /KFrame [KeyClass] [/Footer false /Label false]
- X framebuffer /new OpenLookBaseFrame send def
- X /KC /client KFrame send def
- X KCWidth KCHeight /lockminsize KC send
- X calctoolIcon /seticon KFrame send
- X% IconX
- X% ScreenHeight FrameHeight sub IconY sub
- X% 42 64 /reshape /Icon /sendsubframe KFrame send
- X
- X /preferredsize KFrame send /FrameHeight exch def
- X /FrameWidth exch def
- X
- X ScreenHeight FrameHeight sub KCY sub
- X FrameWidth FrameHeight /reshape KFrame send
- X
- X /RFrame [RegClass] framebuffer /new OpenLookPropertyFrame send def
- X /RC /client RFrame send def
- X /RCHeight 200 def
- X KCWidth RCHeight /lockminsize RC send
- X
- X /activate KFrame send
- X
- X% /map IsIcon 1 eq {/Icon /subframes KFrame send get} {KFrame} ifelse send
- X% IsIcon 1 eq {/close KFrame send} if
- X
- X /map KFrame send
- X
- X /activate RFrame send
- X /place RFrame send
- X} def
- X
- X
- X% Place a colored text string in the appropriate font at the given
- X% x,y position in either the main calctool window or the memory
- X% register window.
- X
- X/PSMakeText % string x canvasheight y font color canvas => -
- X{
- X setcanvas
- X ColorTable exch get setcolor
- X setfont
- X sub moveto show
- X} def
- X
- X
- X/PSSetCursor % type => -
- X{
- X} def
- X
- X
- X% Depending upon the current setting, either show (map) or remove
- X% (unmap) the memory register window.
- X
- X/PSToggleRegCanvas % state => -
- X{
- X 1 eq { /map RFrame send} { /unmap RFrame send} ifelse
- X} def
- echo "File calctool.ps is complete"
- chmod 0444 calctool.ps || echo "restore of calctool.ps fails"
- set `wc -c calctool.ps`;Sum=$1
- if test "$Sum" != "6058"
- then echo original size 6058, current size $Sum;fi
- echo "x - extracting patchlevel.h (Text)"
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > patchlevel.h &&
- X
- X/* @(#)patchlevel.h 1.12 89/12/21
- X *
- X * This is the current patch level for this version of calctool.
- X *
- X * Copyright (c) Rich Burridge.
- X * Sun Microsystems, Australia - All rights reserved.
- X *
- X * Permission is given to distribute these sources, as long as the
- X * copyright messages are not removed, and no monies are exchanged.
- X *
- X * No responsibility is taken for any errors or inaccuracies inherent
- X * either to the comments or the code of this program, but if
- X * reported to me then an attempt will be made to fix them.
- X */
- X
- X#define PATCHLEVEL 4
- chmod 0444 patchlevel.h || echo "restore of patchlevel.h fails"
- set `wc -c patchlevel.h`;Sum=$1
- if test "$Sum" != "563"
- then echo original size 563, current size $Sum;fi
- echo "x - extracting .calctoolrc (Text)"
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > .calctoolrc &&
- X#
- X# @(#).calctoolrc 1.4 89/12/13
- X#
- X# This is a sample .calctoolrc file. You should use this as a basis for
- X# creating your own .calctoolrc files.
- X#
- X# Process the .calctoolrc file. There are currently four types of
- X# records to look for:
- X#
- X# 1) Those starting with a hash in the first column are comments.
- X#
- X# 2) Lines starting with 'c' or 'C' in the first column are
- X# definitions for constants. The cC is followed by a digit in
- X# the range 0-9, then a space. This is followed by a number
- X# in fixed or scientific notation. Following this is an optional
- X# comment, which if found, will be used in the popup menu for
- X# the constants. If the comment is present, there must be at
- X# least one space between this and the preceding number.
- X#
- X# 3) Those starting with a 'f' or a 'F' in the first column are
- X# definitions for functions. The fF is followed by a digit in
- X# the range 0-9, then a space. This is followed by a function
- X# definition. Following this is an optional comment, which if
- X# found, will be used in the popup menu for the functions.
- X# If the comment is present, there must be at least one space
- X# between this and the preceding function definition.
- X#
- X# 4) Lines starting with a 'r' or a 'R' in the first column are
- X# definitions for the initial contents of the calculators
- X# memory registers. The rR is followed by a digit in the
- X# range 0-9, then a space. This is followed by a number in
- X# fixed or scientific notation. The rest of the line is ignored.
- X#
- X# All other lines are ignored.
- X#
- X# Two other things to note. There should be no embedded spaces in
- X# the function definitions, and whenever a backslash is found, that
- X# and the following character signify a control character, for
- X# example \g would be ascii 7.
- X#
- X#
- X# This is a set of nine physical constants which could be used instead
- X# of those provided by default. If you don't wish to use these, then
- X# you should define your own, or comment these out.
- X#
- X
- Xc0 299792458 Speed of light in a vacuum (c).
- X
- Xc1 6.626176E-34 Planck's constant (h).
- X
- Xc2 6.672E-11 Gravitational constant (G).
- X
- Xc3 1.6021892E-19 Elementary charge (e).
- X
- Xc4 9.109534E-31 Electron rest mass (me).
- X
- Xc5 1.6605655E-27 Atomic mass unit (u).
- X
- Xc6 6.022045E23 Avogadro constant (Na).
- X
- Xc7 1.380662E-23 Boltzmann constant (k).
- X
- Xc8 0.02241383 Molar volume of ideal gas at s. t. p. (Vm).
- X
- X#
- X# This is a sample set of functions which are assigned to the FUN key.
- X#
- X# On a suggestion from Charles Tierney, these functions are taken from
- X# the power calculation section of the March 1989 edition of the Sun
- X# Configuration Guide.
- X#
- X# f0 - Calculate AC Watts (Formula A).
- X#
- X# 1
- X# P(true) = P(DC) x -------
- X# PS(Eff)
- X#
- X# where P(DC) = total DC power in watts [user-calculated] - register 0.
- X#
- X# result placed in register 1.
- X
- Xf0 r0x1.43=s1 Calculate AC Watts (Formula A).
- X
- X# f1 - Calculate Thermal Dissipation (Formula B).
- X#
- X# BTU
- X# BTU(nom) = P(true) x 3.412 -----
- X# watt
- X#
- X# where P(true) = true AC power in watts from above - register 1.
- X#
- X# result placed in register 2.
- X
- Xf1 r1x3.412=s2 Calculate Thermal Dissipation (Formula B).
- X
- X# f2 - Calculate Volt - Amps (Formula C).
- X#
- X# 1
- X# VA = P(true) x ----
- X# PF
- X#
- X# where P(true) is from the formula above - register 1.
- X#
- X# and PF is the Power Factor - register 3.
- X#
- X# Sun-3/60/140/160/180 and Sun-4/110 = 0.65
- X# Sun-3/260/280 and Sun-4/260/280 = 0.715
- X# Sun-3/150 and Sun-4/150 = 0.9 (at full load).
- X#
- X# result placed in register 4.
- X
- Xf2 1/r3xr1=s4 Calculate Volt - Amps (Formula C).
- X
- X#
- X#
- X# This is a sample set of initial register values. You probably
- X# don't want to use these, so you should define your own or comment
- X# these out.
- X
- Xr0 0.4971 Log10 of pi.
- X
- Xr1 0.4343 Log10 of e.
- X
- Xr3 57.29578 Degrees in radian.
- chmod 0444 .calctoolrc || echo "restore of .calctoolrc fails"
- set `wc -c .calctoolrc`;Sum=$1
- if test "$Sum" != "4184"
- then echo original size 4184, current size $Sum;fi
- echo "x - extracting graphics.c (Text)"
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > graphics.c &&
- X
- X/* @(#)graphics.c 1.12 89/12/21
- X *
- X * These are the independent graphics routines used by calctool.
- X *
- X * Copyright (c) Rich Burridge.
- X * Sun Microsystems, Australia - All rights reserved.
- X *
- X * Permission is given to distribute these sources, as long as the
- X * copyright messages are not removed, and no monies are exchanged.
- X *
- X * No responsibility is taken for any errors or inaccuracies inherent
- X * either to the comments or the code of this program, but if
- X * reported to me then an attempt will be made to fix them.
- X */
- X
- X#include "calctool.h"
- X#include "color.h"
- X#include "extern.h"
- X
- X
- Xbut_text(row, column, portion, state)
- Xint row, column, portion ;
- Xenum but_state state ;
- X{
- X enum font_type butfont ;
- X int i, n ;
- X
- X n = row*BCOLS*2 + column*2 + portion ;
- X if (buttons[n].color == GREY) return ;
- X get_label(n) ;
- X for (spaces = 0, i = 0; i < strlen(pstr); i++)
- X if (pstr[i] == ' ') spaces++ ;
- X x = chxoff[spaces] ;
- X y = (n & 1) ? 40 : 18 ;
- X if (spaces == 3) y += 4 ;
- X butfont = (spaces == 3) ? BFONT : NFONT ;
- X if (state == NORMAL)
- X color = (!iscolor & portion) ? WHITE : BLACK ;
- X if (state == INVERTED)
- X color = (portion) ? BLACK : WHITE ;
- X drawtext(column*(BWIDTH+BGAP)+BBORDER+x,
- X DISPLAY+row*(BHEIGHT+BGAP)+BBORDER+y, KEYCANVAS, butfont, color, pstr) ;
- X}
- X
- X
- Xdo_repaint() /* Redraw the calctool canvas[es]. */
- X{
- X make_canvas(0) ;
- X}
- X
- X
- Xdrawbox(x, y, width, height)
- Xint x, y, width, height ;
- X{
- X drawline(x, y, x+width, y) ;
- X drawline(x, y, x, y+height) ;
- X drawline(x, y+height, x+width, y+height) ;
- X drawline(x+width, y, x+width, y+height) ;
- X}
- X
- X
- Xdraw_button(row, column, portion, state)
- Xint row, column, portion ;
- Xenum but_state state ;
- X{
- X int n ;
- X
- X n = row*BCOLS*2 + column*2 + portion ;
- X if (!portion)
- X {
- X color = (iscolor) ? buttons[n].color : WHITE ;
- X drawbox(column*(BWIDTH+BGAP)+BBORDER,
- X fillbox(column*(BWIDTH+BGAP)+BBORDER+1,
- X 42, 50, 1, color) ;
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X drawbox(column*(BWIDTH+BGAP)+BBORDER+5,
- X DISPLAY+row*(BHEIGHT+BGAP)+BBORDER+26, 34, 21) ;
- X color = (iscolor) ? buttons[n].color : BLACK ;
- X fillbox(column*(BWIDTH+BGAP)+BBORDER+6,
- X 32, 19, 1, color) ;
- X }
- X but_text(row, column, portion, state) ;
- X}
- X
- X
- Xfillbox(x, y, window, width, height, boundry, color)
- Xenum can_type window ;
- Xint x, y, width, height, boundry, color ;
- X{
- X if (boundry)
- X {
- X color_area(x, y, width, height, WHITE) ;
- X color_area(x+1, y+1, width-2, height-2, color) ;
- X }
- X else color_area(x, y, width, height, color) ;
- X}
- X
- X
- Xget_menu_value() /* Get menu value if valid right mouse press. */
- X{
- X int i, n, val ;
- X
- X n = row*BCOLS*2 + column*2 + portion ;
- X for (i = 0; i < MAXMENUS; i++)
- X if (buttons[n].value == validmenu[i])
- X {
- X val = do_menu((enum menu_type) i) ;
- X if (val) handle_menu_selection(i, val) ;
- X break ;
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- Xgrey_buttons(base) /* Grey out numeric buttons depending upon base. */
- Xenum base_type base ;
- X{
- X char val ;
- X int column, i, n, portion, row ;
- X
- X if (gtype == TTY) return ;
- X for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
- X {
- X val = digits[i] ;
- X for (n = 0; n < TITEMS; n++)
- X if (val == buttons[n].value) break ;
- X if (i < basevals[(int) base])
- X {
- X if (i < 10) buttons[n].color = LBLUE ;
- X else buttons[n].color = PINK ;
- X }
- X else buttons[n].color = GREY ;
- X row = n / (BCOLS*2) ;
- X column = (n - (row*BCOLS*2)) / 2 ;
- X portion = n & 1 ;
- X draw_button(row, column, portion, NORMAL) ;
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- Xhandle_down_event(type)
- Xint type ;
- X{
- X x = curx ;
- X y = cury ;
- X if (!down)
- X {
- X if (pending_op == '?')
- X {
- X down = type ;
- X return ;
- X }
- X for (row = 0; row < BROWS; row++)
- X for (column = 0; column < BCOLS; column++)
- X if ((x > (column*(BWIDTH+BGAP)+BBORDER)) &&
- X (x < (column*(BWIDTH+BGAP)+BBORDER+BWIDTH)) &&
- X ((y - DISPLAY) > (row*(BHEIGHT+BGAP)+BBORDER)) &&
- X {
- X portion = (y - DISPLAY - BBORDER -
- X (row*(BHEIGHT+BGAP))) / (BHEIGHT/2) ;
- X inv_but(row, column, portion, INVERTED) ;
- X down = type ;
- X return ;
- X }
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- Xhandle_menu_selection(menu, item) /* Process right button menu selection. */
- Xint menu, item ;
- X{
- X pending = validmenu[menu] ;
- X current = num_names[item-1][0] ;
- X do_pending() ;
- X down = 0 ;
- X inv_but(row, column, portion, NORMAL) ;
- X}
- X
- X
- Xinv_but(row, column, portion, state)
- Xint row, column, portion ;
- Xenum but_state state ;
- X{
- X int n ;
- X
- X n = row*BCOLS*2 + column*2 + portion ;
- X if (pending_op != '?')
- X {
- X if (state == NORMAL)
- X if (iscolor) color = buttons[n].color ;
- X else color = (portion) ? BLACK : WHITE ;
- X if (state == INVERTED)
- X color = (portion) ? WHITE : BLACK ;
- X fillbox(column*(BWIDTH+BGAP)+BBORDER+6,
- X DISPLAY+row*(BHEIGHT+BGAP)+BBORDER+5+(portion*22),
- X KEYCANVAS, 32, 19, portion, color) ;
- X but_text(row, column, portion, state) ;
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- Xmake_canvas(toggle)
- Xint toggle ;
- X{
- X if (toggle) tstate = !tstate ;
- X color = (iscolor) ? GREY : WHITE ;
- X clear_canvas(KEYCANVAS, color) ;
- X if (iscolor) color_area(0, 0, TWIDTH, DISPLAY, WHITE) ;
- X drawline(0, DISPLAY, TWIDTH, DISPLAY) ;
- X for (row = 0; row < BROWS; row++)
- X for (column = 0; column < BCOLS; column++)
- X for (portion = 0; portion < 2; portion++)
- X draw_button(row, column, portion, NORMAL) ;
- X
- X set_item(BASEITEM,base_str[(int) base]) ;
- X set_item(DISPLAYITEM, display) ;
- X set_item(NUMITEM, dtype_str[(int) dtype]) ;
- X set_item(OPITEM, items[(int) OPITEM].text) ;
- X set_item(TTYPEITEM,ttype_str[(int) ttype]) ;
- X set_item(HYPITEM, (hyperbolic) ? "HYP " : " ") ;
- X set_item(INVITEM, (inverse) ? "INV " : " ") ;
- X make_registers() ;
- X}
- X
- X
- Xmake_menus() /* Create the popup menus used by the graphics versions. */
- X{
- X
- X/* There are nine popup menus. These are associated with the following keys:
- X *
- X * ACC - range of possible accuracies (0 - 9).
- X *
- X * CON - constant values plus associated comments, if present.
- X *
- X * EXCH - list of register numbers (0 - 9).
- X *
- X * FUN - function definitions plus associated comments, if present.
- X *
- X * HELP - contains all the keys in the calculator.
- X *
- X * < - range of possible left shift values (0 - 9).
- X *
- X * > - range of possible right shift values (0 - 9).
- X *
- X * RCL - list of register numbers (0 - 9).
- X *
- X * STO - list of register numbers (0 - 9).
- X */
- X
- X create_menu(M_ACC) ; /* Accuracies. */
- X create_menu(M_CON) ; /* Constant definitions. */
- X create_menu(M_EXCH) ; /* Register exchange. */
- X create_menu(M_FUN) ; /* Function definitions. */
- X create_menu(M_LSHIFT) ; /* Left shift. */
- X create_menu(M_RSHIFT) ; /* Right shift. */
- X create_menu(M_RCL) ; /* Register recall. */
- X create_menu(M_STO) ; /* Register store. */
- X}
- X
- X
- Xmake_registers() /* Calculate memory register frame values. */
- X{
- X char line[MAXLINE] ; /* Current memory register line. */
- X int n ;
- X
- X if (!rstate) return ;
- X clear_canvas(REGCANVAS, WHITE) ;
- X drawtext(15, 20, REGCANVAS, NFONT, BLACK, "Memory Registers") ;
- X for (n = 0; n < MAXREGS; n++)
- X {
- X SPRINTF(line, "%1d %s", n, make_number(mem_vals[n])) ;
- X drawtext(15, 40+15*n, REGCANVAS, NFONT, BLACK, line) ;
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- Xprocess_event(type) /* Process this event. */
- Xint type ;
- X{
- X int i, n ;
- X
- X n = row*BCOLS*2 + column*2 + portion ;
- X switch (type)
- X {
- X case CFRAME_REPAINT : make_canvas(0) ;
- X set_item(BASEITEM, base_str[(int) base]) ;
- X set_item(TTYPEITEM, ttype_str[(int) ttype]) ;
- X break ;
- X case EXIT_WINDOW : if (pending_op != '?')
- X if (n >= 0 && n <= (NOBUTTONS*2))
- X {
- X draw_button(row, column, portion, NORMAL) ;
- X if (!portion)
- X draw_button(row, column, 1, NORMAL) ;
- X }
- X down = 0 ;
- X break ;
- X case KEYBOARD : nextc = cur_ch ;
- X for (n = 0; n < TITEMS; n++)
- X if (nextc == buttons[n].value) break ;
- X if (n == TITEMS) return ;
- X if (n >= 0 && n <= TITEMS)
- X process_item(n) ;
- X break ;
- X case LEFT_DOWN :
- X case MIDDLE_DOWN :
- X case RIGHT_DOWN : handle_down_event(type) ;
- X if (type == RIGHT_DOWN) get_menu_value() ;
- X break ;
- X case LEFT_UP :
- X case MIDDLE_UP :
- X case RIGHT_UP : x = curx ;
- X y = cury ;
- X if ((type == LEFT_UP && down == LEFT_DOWN) ||
- X (type == MIDDLE_UP && down == MIDDLE_DOWN) ||
- X (type == RIGHT_UP && down == RIGHT_DOWN))
- X {
- X if (pending_op != '?' && n <= (NOBUTTONS*2))
- X inv_but(row, column, portion, NORMAL) ;
- X down = 0 ;
- X if (n >= 0 && n <= (NOBUTTONS*2))
- X process_item(n) ;
- X }
- X break ;
- X case RFRAME_REPAINT : make_registers() ;
- X break ;
- X case TAKE_FROM_SHELF : handle_selection() ;
- X if (issel)
- X for (i = 0 ; i < strlen(selection); i++)
- X for (n = 0; n < TITEMS; n++)
- X if (selection[i] == buttons[n].value)
- X {
- X process_item(n) ;
- X break ;
- X }
- X break ;
- X case PUT_ON_SHELF : get_display() ;
- X break ;
- X case DIED : exit(0) ;
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- Xset_item(itemno, str)
- Xenum item_type itemno ;
- Xchar *str ;
- X{
- X enum font_type font ;
- X char *old_text ;
- X int x, y ;
- X
- X old_text = items[(int) itemno].text ;
- X if (itemno == DISPLAYITEM)
- X x = 5+(MAX_DIGITS - strlen(old_text))*nfont_width ;
- X else x = items[(int) itemno].x ;
- X y = items[(int) itemno].y ;
- X font = items[(int) itemno].font ;
- X old_text = items[(int) itemno].text ;
- X drawtext(x, y, KEYCANVAS, font, WHITE, old_text) ;
- X
- X if (itemno == DISPLAYITEM) x = 5+(MAX_DIGITS - strlen(str))*nfont_width ;
- X
- X drawtext(x, y, KEYCANVAS, font, BLACK, str) ;
- X STRCPY(items[(int) itemno].text, str) ;
- X}
- chmod 0444 graphics.c || echo "restore of graphics.c fails"
- set `wc -c graphics.c`;Sum=$1
- if test "$Sum" != "11290"
- then echo original size 11290, current size $Sum;fi
- echo "x - extracting display.c (Text)"
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > display.c &&
- X
- X/* @(#)display.c 1.8 89/11/01
- X *
- X * Display manipulation routines used by calctool.
- X *
- X * Copyright (c) Rich Burridge.
- X * Sun Microsystems, Australia - All rights reserved.
- X *
- X * Basic algorithms, copyright (c) Ed Falk.
- X * Sun Microsystems, Mountain View.
- X *
- X * Permission is given to distribute these sources, as long as the
- X * copyright messages are not removed, and no monies are exchanged.
- X *
- X * No responsibility is taken for any errors or inaccuracies inherent
- X * either to the comments or the code of this program, but if
- X * reported to me then an attempt will be made to fix them.
- X */
- X
- X#include "calctool.h"
- X#include "color.h"
- X#include "extern.h"
- X
- X
- Xchar_val(chr)
- Xchar chr ;
- X{
- X if (chr >= '0' && chr <= '9') return(chr - '0') ;
- X else if (chr >= 'a' && chr <= 'f') return(chr - 'a' + 10) ;
- X else return(-1) ;
- X}
- X
- X
- Xclear_display()
- X{
- X int i ;
- X
- X pointed = 0 ;
- X toclear = 1 ;
- X STRCPY(display, "0.") ;
- X for (i = 0; i < accuracy; i++) STRNCAT(display, "0", 1) ;
- X set_item(DISPLAYITEM, display) ;
- X hyperbolic = inverse = 0 ;
- X set_item(HYPITEM, " ") ;
- X set_item(INVITEM, " ") ;
- X disp_val = 0.0 ;
- X}
- X
- X
- Xdouble
- Xconvert_display() /* Convert input string into a double. */
- X{
- X int exp, exp_sign, i, inum ;
- X double val ;
- X char *optr ;
- X
- X val = 0.0 ;
- X exp = 0 ;
- X optr = display ;
- X while ((inum = char_val(*optr)) >= 0)
- X {
- X val = val * basevals[(int) base] + inum ;
- X *optr++ ;
- X }
- X
- X if (*optr == '.')
- X for (i = 1; (inum = char_val(*++optr)) >= 0; i++)
- X val += inum / powers[i][(int) base] ;
- X
- X while (*optr == ' ') optr++ ;
- X
- X if (*optr != '\0')
- X {
- X if (*optr == '-') exp_sign = -1 ;
- X else exp_sign = 1 ;
- X
- X while ((inum = char_val(*++optr)) >= 0)
- X exp = exp * basevals[(int) base] + inum ;
- X }
- X exp *= exp_sign ;
- X
- X if (key_exp)
- X val *= pow((double) basevals[(int) base], (double) exp) ;
- X return(val) ;
- X}
- X
- X
- Xget_label(n)
- Xint n ;
- X{
- X if (tstate)
- X switch (buttons[n].value)
- X {
- X case CCTRL('c') :
- X case CCTRL('d') :
- X case CCTRL('e') :
- X case CCTRL('f') :
- X case CCTRL('g') :
- X case CCTRL('n') :
- X case CCTRL('r') :
- X case CCTRL('s') :
- X case CCTRL('t') : SPRINTF(pstr, "^%c ", buttons[n].value + 96) ;
- X break ;
- X case CCTRL('h') : STRCPY(pstr, "bsp ") ;
- X break ;
- X case '\177' : STRCPY(pstr, "del ") ;
- X break ;
- X default : SPRINTF(pstr, "%c ", buttons[n].value) ;
- X }
- X else STRCPY(pstr, buttons[n].str) ;
- X}
- X
- X
- Xinitialise()
- X{
- X error = 0 ; /* Currently no display error. */
- X cur_op = '?' ; /* No arithmetic operator defined yet. */
- X old_cal_value = '?' ;
- X result = 0.0 ; /* No previous result yet. */
- X last_input = 0.0 ;
- X}
- X
- X
- Xchar *
- Xmake_fixed(number, cmax) /* Convert fixed number. */
- Xdouble number ; /* Value to convert. */
- Xint cmax ; /* Maximum characters to generate. */
- X{
- X char *optr ;
- X double val ;
- X int ndig ; /* Total number of digits to generate. */
- X int ddig ; /* Number of digits to left of . */
- X int dval ;
- X
- X optr = fnum ;
- X val = fabs(number) ;
- X if (number < 0.0) *optr++ = '-' ;
- X val += .5 / powers[accuracy][(int) base] ;
- X
- X if (val < 1.0)
- X {
- X ddig = 0 ;
- X *optr++ = '0' ;
- X cmax-- ;
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X for (ddig = 0; val >= 1.0; ddig++)
- X val /= powers[1][(int) base] ;
- X }
- X
- X ndig = MIN(ddig + accuracy, --cmax) ;
- X
- X while (ndig-- > 0)
- X {
- X if (ddig-- == 0) *optr++ = '.' ;
- X val *= powers[1][(int) base] ;
- X dval = val ;
- X *optr++ = digits[dval] ;
- X val -= (int) val ;
- X }
- X *optr++ = '\0' ;
- X toclear = 1 ;
- X pointed = 0 ;
- X return(fnum) ;
- X}
- X
- X
- Xchar *
- Xmake_number(number) /* Convert display value to current base. */
- Xdouble number ; /* Value to convert. */
- X{
- X double val ;
- X
- X if (isinf(number) || isnan(number))
- X {
- X STRCPY(display, "Error") ;
- X error = 1 ;
- X set_item(OPITEM, "CLR") ;
- X return(display) ;
- X }
- X
- X val = fabs(number) ;
- X if (dtype == SCI ||
- X dtype == FIX && val != 0.0 && (val > max_fix[(int) base] ||
- X val < exp_p1[accuracy][(int) base]))
- X return(make_scientific(number)) ;
- X else return(make_fixed(number, MAX_DIGITS)) ;
- X}
- X
- X
- Xchar *
- Xmake_scientific(number) /* Convert scientific number. */
- Xdouble number ; /* Value to convert. */
- X{
- X char fixed[MAX_DIGITS+1] ;
- X char *optr ;
- X double mant ; /* Mantissa */
- X double val ;
- X int exp = 0 ; /* Exponent */
- X int i ;
- X int eng = 0 ; /* Scientific not engineering value. */
- X double atmp ;
- X
- X optr = snum ;
- X val = fabs(number) ;
- X if (number < 0.0) *optr++ = '-' ;
- X mant = val ;
- X atmp = 1.0 / powers[10][(int) base] ;
- X
- X if (mant != 0.0)
- X {
- X while (mant >= powers[10][(int) base])
- X {
- X exp += 10 ;
- X mant *= atmp ;
- X }
- X
- X while ((!eng && mant >= powers[1][(int) base]) ||
- X (eng && (mant >= powers[3][(int) base] || exp % 3 != 0)))
- X {
- X exp += 1 ;
- X mant /= powers[1][(int) base] ;
- X }
- X
- X while (mant < atmp)
- X {
- X exp -= 10 ;
- X mant *= powers[10][(int) base] ;
- X }
- X
- X while (mant < 1.0 || (eng && exp % 3 != 0))
- X {
- X exp -= 1 ;
- X mant *= powers[1][(int) base] ;
- X }
- X }
- X
- X STRCPY(fixed, make_fixed(mant, MAX_DIGITS-6)) ;
- X for (i = 0; i < strlen(fixed); i++) *optr++ = fixed[i] ;
- X
- X *optr++ = 'e' ;
- X
- X if (exp < 0)
- X {
- X exp = -exp ;
- X *optr++ = '-' ;
- X }
- X else *optr++ = '+' ;
- X
- X if ((*optr = digits[exp / ((int) powers[2][(int) base])]) != '0')
- X optr++ ;
- X exp %= (int) powers[2][(int) base] ;
- X *optr++ = digits[exp / ((int) powers[1][(int) base])] ;
- X exp %= (int) powers[1][(int) base] ;
- X *optr++ = digits[exp] ;
- X *optr++ = '\0' ;
- X toclear = 1 ;
- X pointed = 0 ;
- X return(snum) ;
- X}
- X
- X
- Xprocess_item(n)
- Xint n ;
- X{
- X int i,isvalid ;
- X
- X if (n < 0 || n > TITEMS) return ;
- X
- X current = buttons[n].value ;
- X if (current == 'X') current = 'x' ; /* Reassign "extra" values. */
- X if (current == '*') current = 'x' ;
- X if (current == '\015') current = '=' ;
- X if (current == 'Q') current = 'q' ;
- X
- X if (error)
- X {
- X isvalid = 0 ; /* Must press a valid key first. */
- X for (i = 0; i < MAXVKEYS; i++)
- X if (current == validkeys[i]) isvalid = 1 ;
- X if (pending == '?') isvalid = 1 ;
- X if (!isvalid) return ;
- X error = 0 ;
- X }
- X
- X if (pending)
- X {
- X for (n = 0; n < TITEMS; n++)
- X if (pending == buttons[n].value) break ;
- X }
- X switch (buttons[n].opdisp)
- X {
- X case OP_SET : set_item(OPITEM, buttons[n].str) ;
- X break ;
- X case OP_CLEAR : if (error) set_item(OPITEM, "CLR") ;
- X else set_item(OPITEM, "") ;
- X }
- X (*buttons[n].func)() ;
- X}
- X
- X
- Xshow_display(val)
- Xdouble val ;
- X{
- X if (!error)
- X {
- X STRCPY(display, make_number(val)) ;
- X set_item(DISPLAYITEM, display) ;
- X }
- X}
- chmod 0444 display.c || echo "restore of display.c fails"
- set `wc -c display.c`;Sum=$1
- if test "$Sum" != "7188"
- then echo original size 7188, current size $Sum;fi
- echo "x - extracting functions.c (Text)"
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > functions.c &&
- X
- X/* @(#)functions.c 1.7 89/11/01
- X *
- X * This file contains the seperate functions used by calctool,
- X * whenever a calculator button is pressed.
- X *
- X * Copyright (c) Rich Burridge.
- X * Sun Microsystems, Australia - All rights reserved.
- X *
- X * Basic algorithms, copyright (c) Ed Falk.
- X * Sun Microsystems, Mountain View.
- X *
- X * Permission is given to distribute these sources, as long as the
- X * copyright messages are not removed, and no monies are exchanged.
- X *
- X * No responsibility is taken for any errors or inaccuracies inherent
- X * either to the comments or the code of this program, but if
- X * reported to me then an attempt will be made to fix them.
- X */
- X
- X#include "calctool.h"
- X#include "color.h"
- X#include "extern.h"
- X
- XBOOLEAN ibool() ;
- Xdouble setbool() ;
- X
- X
- Xdo_accuracy() /* Set display accuracy. */
- X{
- X if (current >= '0' && current <= '9')
- X {
- X accuracy = char_val(current) ;
- X make_registers() ;
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- Xdo_base() /* Change the current base setting. */
- X{
- X switch (current)
- X {
- X case 'B' : base = BIN ;
- X break ;
- X case 'O' : base = OCT ;
- X break ;
- X case 'D' : base = DEC ;
- X break ;
- X case 'H' : base = HEX ;
- X }
- X grey_buttons(base) ;
- X set_item(BASEITEM, base_str[(int) base]) ;
- X show_display(disp_val) ;
- X if (rstate) make_registers() ;
- X}
- X
- X
- Xdo_calculation() /* Perform arithmetic calculation and display result. */
- X{
- X if (current == '=' && old_cal_value == '=')
- X if (new_input) result = last_input ;
- X else disp_val = last_input ;
- X
- X if (current != '=' && old_cal_value == '=') cur_op = '?' ;
- X switch (cur_op)
- X {
- X case CCTRL('c') : /* cos. */
- X case CCTRL('s') : /* sin. */
- X case CCTRL('t') : /* tan. */
- X case '?' : result = disp_val ; /* Undefined. */
- X break ;
- X case '+' : result += disp_val ; /* Addition. */
- X break ;
- X case '-' : result -= disp_val ; /* Subtraction. */
- X break ;
- X case 'x' : result *= disp_val ; /* Multiplication. */
- X break ;
- X case '/' : result /= disp_val ; /* Division. */
- X break ;
- X case '%' : result *= disp_val * 0.01 ; /* % */
- X break ;
- X case 'Y' : result = pow(result, disp_val) ; /* y^x */
- X break ;
- X case '&' : result = setbool(ibool(result) & /* AND */
- X ibool(disp_val)) ;
- X break ;
- X case '|' : result = setbool(ibool(result) | /* OR */
- X ibool(disp_val)) ;
- X break ;
- X case '^' : result = setbool(ibool(result) ^ /* XOR */
- X ibool(disp_val)) ;
- X break ;
- X case 'n' : result = setbool(~(ibool(result) ^ /* XNOR */
- X ibool(disp_val))) ;
- X break ;
- X case '=' : break ; /* Equals. */
- X }
- X show_display(result) ;
- X if (!(current == '=' && old_cal_value == '=')) last_input = disp_val ;
- X
- X disp_val = result ;
- X if (current != '=') cur_op = current ;
- X old_cal_value = current ;
- X new_input = key_exp = 0 ;
- X}
- X
- X
- Xdo_clear() /* Clear the calculator display and re-initialise. */
- X{
- X clear_display() ;
- X if (error) set_item(DISPLAYITEM, "") ;
- X initialise() ;
- X}
- X
- X
- Xdo_constant()
- X{
- X if (current >= '0' && current <= '9')
- X {
- X disp_val = con_vals[char_val(current)] ;
- X show_display(disp_val) ;
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- Xdo_delete() /* Remove the last numeric character typed. */
- X{
- X if (strlen(display)) display[strlen(display)-1] = '\0' ;
- X
- X/* If we were entering a scientific number, and we have backspaced over
- X * the exponent sign, then this reverts to entering a fixed point number.
- X */
- X
- X if (key_exp && !(index(display, '+')))
- X {
- X key_exp = 0 ;
- X display[strlen(display)-1] = '\0' ;
- X set_item(OPITEM, "") ;
- X }
- X
- X set_item(DISPLAYITEM, display) ;
- X disp_val = convert_display() ; /* Convert input to a number. */
- X}
- X
- X
- Xdo_exchange() /* Exchange display with memory register. */
- X{
- X double temp ;
- X
- X if (current >= '0' && current <= '9')
- X {
- X temp = disp_val ;
- X disp_val = mem_vals[char_val(current)] ;
- X mem_vals[char_val(current)] = temp ;
- X make_registers() ;
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- Xdo_expno() /* Get exponential number. */
- X{
- X if (!new_input)
- X {
- X STRCPY(display, "1.0 +") ;
- X new_input = pointed = 1 ;
- X }
- X else if (!pointed)
- X {
- X STRNCAT(display, ". +", 3) ;
- X pointed = 1 ;
- X }
- X else STRNCAT(display, " +", 2) ;
- X key_exp = 1 ;
- X exp_posn = index(display, '+') ;
- X set_item(DISPLAYITEM, display) ;
- X disp_val = convert_display() ; /* Convert input to a number. */
- X}
- X
- X
- Xdouble
- Xdo_factorial(val) /* Calculate the factorial of val. */
- Xdouble val ;
- X{
- X double a ;
- X int i ;
- X
- X if (val == (int) val)
- X {
- X i = val ;
- X a = 1.0 ;
- X while ((i > 0) && (a != HUGE)) a *= (float) i-- ;
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X a = gamma(val+1) ;
- X a = exp(a) ;
- X if (signgam) a = -a ;
- X }
- X return (a) ;
- X}
- X
- X
- Xdo_function() /* Perform a user defined function. */
- X{
- X int fno, i, n ;
- X
- X pending = 0 ;
- X if (current >= '0' && current <= '9')
- X {
- X fno = char_val(current) ;
- X for (i = 0 ; i < strlen(fun_vals[fno]); i++)
- X for (n = 0; n < TITEMS; n++)
- X if (fun_vals[fno][i] == buttons[n].value)
- X {
- X process_item(n) ;
- X break ;
- X }
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- Xdo_help() /* Show online help facility. */
- X{
- X char help_str[MAXLINE], nextline[MAXLINE], *p ;
- X int n, y ;
- X
- X if (pending_op == '?') /* HELP. */
- X {
- X if (ishelp) ishelp++ ;
- X pending_op = '=' ;
- X make_canvas(0) ;
- X set_cursor(MAINCURSOR) ;
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X clear_canvas(KEYCANVAS, WHITE) ;
- X y = 20 ;
- X if (!ishelp)
- X drawtext(5, y, KEYCANVAS, NFONT, BLACK, "No help file found.") ;
- X else
- X {
- X for (n = 0; n < TITEMS; n++)
- X if (current == buttons[n].value) break ;
- X color = (iscolor) ? buttons[n].color : WHITE ;
- X clear_canvas(KEYCANVAS, color) ;
- X SPRINTF(help_str, "_%s_\n", buttons[n].str) ;
- X rewind(hfd) ;
- X y = 15 ;
- X p = fgets(nextline, BUFSIZ, hfd) ;
- X if (EQUAL(p, "_calctool.help_\n"))
- X {
- X while (p = fgets(nextline, BUFSIZ, hfd))
- X if (*p == '_' && EQUAL(p, help_str)) break ;
- X if (!p) drawtext(5, y, KEYCANVAS, NFONT, BLACK,
- X "No help for this item.") ;
- X for (;;)
- X {
- X FGETS(nextline, BUFSIZ, hfd) ;
- X if (nextline[0] == '_') break ;
- X nextline[strlen(nextline)-1] = '\0' ;
- X drawtext(5, y, KEYCANVAS, NFONT, BLACK, nextline) ;
- X y += 15 ;
- X }
- X }
- X else drawtext(5, y, KEYCANVAS, NFONT, BLACK,
- X "Invalid help file given.") ;
- X }
- X drawtext(5, y+25, KEYCANVAS, NFONT, BLACK,
- X "Click LEFT or press any valid key.") ;
- X pending_op = '?' ;
- X return ;
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- Xdo_immediate()
- X{
- X switch (current)
- X {
- X case '[' : disp_val = setbool(ibool(disp_val)) ; /* &32 */
- X break ;
- X case ']' : disp_val = setbool(ibool(disp_val) & 0xffff) ; /* &16 */
- X break ;
- X case '{' : disp_val = exp(disp_val) ; /* e^x */
- X break ;
- X case '}' : disp_val = exp(M_LN10*disp_val) ; /* 10^x */
- X break ;
- X case 'N' : disp_val = log(disp_val) ; /* ln */
- X break ;
- X case 'G' : disp_val = log10(disp_val) ; /* log */
- X break ;
- X case 'S' : disp_val = sqrt(disp_val) ; /* SQRT */
- X break ;
- X case '~' : disp_val = setbool(~ibool(disp_val)) ; /* NOT */
- X break ;
- X case 'R' : disp_val = 1.0 / disp_val ; /* 1/x */
- X break ;
- X case '!' : disp_val = do_factorial(disp_val) ; /* x! */
- X break ;
- X case '@' : disp_val *= disp_val ; /* x^2 */
- X break ;
- X case 'C' : if (key_exp) /* CHS */
- X {
- X if (*exp_posn == '+') *exp_posn = '-' ;
- X else *exp_posn = '+' ;
- X set_item(DISPLAYITEM, display) ;
- X disp_val = convert_display() ;
- X key_exp = 0 ;
- X }
- X else disp_val = -disp_val ;
- X }
- X show_display(disp_val) ;
- X}
- X
- X
- Xdo_keys() /* Display/undisplay the calctool key values. */
- X{
- X make_canvas(1) ;
- X}
- X
- X
- Xdo_number()
- X{
- X int n ;
- X static int maxvals[4] = {1, 7, 9, 15} ;
- X
- X n = current - '0' ;
- X if (base == HEX && current >= 'a' && current <= 'f')
- X n = current - 'a' + 10 ;
- X if (n > maxvals[(int) base]) return ;
- X
- X if (toclear)
- X {
- X SPRINTF(display, "%c", current) ;
- X toclear = 0 ;
- X }
- X else if (strlen(display) < disp_length[(int) base])
- X STRNCAT(display, ¤t, 1) ;
- X set_item(DISPLAYITEM, display) ;
- X disp_val = convert_display() ; /* Convert input to a number. */
- X new_input = 1 ;
- X}
- X
- X
- Xdo_numtype() /* Set number type (fixed or scientific). */
- X{
- X int n ;
- X
- X if (dtype == FIX) dtype = SCI ;
- X else dtype = FIX ;
- X n = row*BCOLS*2 + column*2 + portion ;
- X STRCPY(buttons[n].str, (dtype == FIX) ? "SCI " : "FIX ") ;
- X set_item(NUMITEM, dtype_str[(int) dtype]) ;
- X draw_button(row, column, 0, NORMAL) ;
- X draw_button(row, column, 1, NORMAL) ;
- X show_display(disp_val) ;
- X}
- X
- X
- Xdo_pending()
- X{
- X grey_buttons(HEX) ; /* Reshow all the keys. */
- X switch (pending)
- X {
- X case '#' : do_constant() ; /* CON */
- X break ;
- X case CCTRL('e') : do_exchange() ; /* EXCH */
- X break ;
- X case CCTRL('f') : do_function() ; /* FUN */
- X break ;
- X case 's' : /* STO */
- X case 'r' : do_sto_rcl() ; /* RCL */
- X if (pending_op == '+' || pending_op == '-' ||
- X pending_op == 'x' || pending_op == '/') return ;
- X break ;
- X case '<' : /* < */
- X case '>' : do_shift() ; /* > */
- X break ;
- X case 'A' : do_accuracy() ; /* ACC */
- X break ;
- X case '?' : do_help() ; /* ? */
- X if (pending_op == '?') return ;
- X break ;
- X default : if (!pending)
- X {
- X pending = current ;
- X pending_op = '=' ;
- X if (pending == '?') set_cursor(HELPCURSOR) ;
- X if (pending == '?' && (ishelp <= 1)) do_pending() ;
- X return ;
- X }
- X }
- X show_display(disp_val) ;
- X if (error) set_item(OPITEM, "CLR") ;
- X else set_item(OPITEM, "") ;
- X pending = 0 ;
- X grey_buttons(base) ; /* Just show numeric keys for current base. */
- X}
- X
- X
- Xdo_point() /* Handle numeric point. */
- X{
- X if (!pointed)
- X {
- X if (toclear)
- X {
- X STRCPY(display, ".") ;
- X toclear = 0 ;
- X }
- X else if (strlen(display) < disp_length[(int) base])
- X STRNCAT(display, ".", 1) ;
- X pointed = 1 ;
- X }
- X set_item(DISPLAYITEM, display) ;
- X disp_val = convert_display() ; /* Convert input to a number. */
- X}
- X
- X
- Xdo_portion()
- X{
- X switch (current)
- X {
- X case 'U' : disp_val = fabs(disp_val) ; /* ABS. */
- X break ;
- X case 'F' : disp_val -= (int) disp_val ; /* FRAC. */
- X break ;
- X case 'I' : disp_val = (int) disp_val ; /* INT. */
- X }
- X show_display(disp_val) ;
- X}
- X
- X
- Xdo_set_mode() /* Set or unset various calculator modes. */
- X{
- X switch (current)
- X {
- X case CCTRL('d') : /* DEG */
- X case CCTRL('g') : /* GRAD */
- X case CCTRL('r') : do_trigtype() ; /* RAD */
- X break ;
- X case 'h' : hyperbolic = !hyperbolic ; /* HYP */
- X set_item(HYPITEM, (hyperbolic) ? "HYP " : " ") ;
- X break ;
- X case 'i' : inverse = !inverse ; /* INV */
- X set_item(INVITEM, (inverse) ? "INV " : " ") ;
- X break ;
- X case CCTRL('n') : do_numtype() ; /* FIX/SCI */
- X }
- X if (rstate) make_registers() ;
- X}
- X
- X
- Xdo_shift() /* Perform bitwise shift on display value. */
- X{
- X int n, shift ;
- X BOOLEAN temp ;
- X
- X if (current >= '0' && current <= '9')
- X {
- X for (n = 0; n < TITEMS; n++)
- X if (current == buttons[n].value) break ;
- X shift = char_val(buttons[n].value) ;
- X temp = ibool(convert_display()) ;
- X switch (pending)
- X {
- X case '<' : temp = temp << shift ;
- X break ;
- X case '>' : temp = temp >> shift ;
- X }
- X STRCPY(display, make_number(setbool(temp))) ;
- X disp_val = last_input = convert_display() ;
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- Xdo_sto_rcl() /* Save/restore value to/from memory register. */
- X{
- X if (current >= '0' && current <= '9')
- X switch (pending)
- X {
- X case 'r' : disp_val = mem_vals[char_val(current)] ;
- X break ;
- X case 's' : switch (pending_op)
- X {
- X case '+' : mem_vals[char_val(current)] += disp_val ;
- X break ;
- X case '-' : mem_vals[char_val(current)] -= disp_val ;
- X break ;
- X case 'x' : mem_vals[char_val(current)] *= disp_val ;
- X break ;
- X case '/' : mem_vals[char_val(current)] /= disp_val ;
- X break ;
- X case '=' : mem_vals[char_val(current)] = disp_val ;
- X }
- X make_registers() ;
- X }
- X else if (current == '+' || current == '-' ||
- X current == 'x' || current == '/') pending_op = current ;
- X}
- X
- X
- Xdo_trig() /* Perform all trigonometric functions. */
- X{
- X double temp ;
- X
- X if (!inverse)
- X {
- X if (ttype == DEG) temp = disp_val * M_PI / 180.0 ;
- X else if (ttype == GRAD) temp = disp_val * M_PI / 200.0 ;
- X else temp = disp_val ;
- X
- X if (!hyperbolic)
- X switch (current)
- X {
- X case CCTRL('c') : tresults[(int) RAD] = cos(temp) ; /* cos */
- X break ;
- X case CCTRL('s') : tresults[(int) RAD] = sin(temp) ; /* sin */
- X break ;
- X case CCTRL('t') : tresults[(int) RAD] = tan(temp) ; /* tan */
- X }
- X else
- X switch (current)
- X {
- X case CCTRL('c') : tresults[(int) RAD] = cosh(temp) ; /* cosh */
- X break ;
- X case CCTRL('s') : tresults[(int) RAD] = sinh(temp) ; /* sinh */
- X break ;
- X case CCTRL('t') : tresults[(int) RAD] = tanh(temp) ; /* tanh */
- X }
- X
- X tresults[(int) DEG] = tresults[(int) RAD] ;
- X tresults[(int) GRAD] = tresults[(int) RAD] ;
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X if (!hyperbolic)
- X switch (current)
- X {
- X case CCTRL('c') : disp_val = acos(disp_val) ; /* acos */
- X break ;
- X case CCTRL('s') : disp_val = asin(disp_val) ; /* asin */
- echo "End of part 2"
- echo "File functions.c is continued in part 3"
- echo "3" > s2_seq_.tmp
- exit 0