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- /* screen layout details
- *
- * it looks better if the fields are drawn in some nice order so it you
- * rearrange the fields, check the menu printing functions.
- */
- /* size of screen */
- #define NR 24
- #define NC 80
- #define ASPECT (4./3.) /* screen width to height dimensions ratio */
- #define GAP 6 /* gap between field name and value */
- #define COL1 1
- #define COL2 27
- #define COL3 44
- #define COL4 61 /* calendar */
- #define R_PROMPT 1 /* prompt row */
- #define C_PROMPT COL1
- #define R_NEWCIR 2
- #define C_NEWCIR ((NC-17)/2) /* 17 is length of the message */
- #define R_TOP 3 /* first row of top menu items */
- #define R_TZN (R_TOP+0)
- #define C_TZN COL1
- #define R_LT R_TZN
- #define C_LT (C_TZN+GAP-2)
- #define R_LD R_TZN
- #define C_LD (C_TZN+13)
- #define R_UT (R_TOP+1)
- #define C_UT COL1
- #define C_UTV (C_UT+GAP-2)
- #define R_UD R_UT
- #define C_UD (C_UT+13)
- #define R_JD (R_TOP+2)
- #define C_JD COL1
- #define C_JDV (C_JD+GAP+3)
- #define R_LST (R_TOP)
- #define C_LST COL2
- #define C_LSTV (C_LST+GAP)
- #define R_LAT (R_TOP+0)
- #define C_LAT COL3
- #define C_LATV (C_LAT+4)
- #define R_DAWN (R_TOP+2)
- #define C_DAWN COL2
- #define C_DAWNV (C_DAWN+GAP+3)
- #define R_STPSZ (R_TOP+7)
- #define C_STPSZ COL2
- #define C_STPSZV (C_STPSZ+GAP-1)
- #define R_HEIGHT (R_TOP+2)
- #define C_HEIGHT COL3
- #define R_PRES (R_TOP+4)
- #define C_PRES COL3
- #define C_PRESV (C_PRES+GAP)
- #define R_WATCH (R_TOP+3)
- #define C_WATCH COL1
- #define R_LISTING (R_TOP+4)
- #define C_LISTING COL1
- #define C_LISTINGV (C_LISTING+20)
- #define R_SRCH (R_TOP+5)
- #define C_SRCH COL1
- #define C_SRCHV (C_SRCH+16)
- #define R_PLOT (R_TOP+6)
- #define C_PLOT COL1
- #define C_PLOTV (C_PLOT+20)
- #define R_ALTM (R_TOP+7)
- #define C_ALTM COL1
- #define C_ALTMV (C_ALTM+10)
- #define R_TZONE (R_TOP+5)
- #define C_TZONE COL3
- #define C_TZONEV (C_TZONE+GAP-1)
- #define R_LONG (R_TOP+1)
- #define C_LONG COL3
- #define C_LONGV (C_LONG+4)
- #define R_DUSK (R_TOP+3)
- #define C_DUSK COL2
- #define C_DUSKV (C_DUSK+GAP+3)
- #define R_NSTEP (R_TOP+6)
- #define C_NSTEP COL2
- #define C_NSTEPV (C_NSTEP+GAP)
- #define R_TEMP (R_TOP+3)
- #define C_TEMP COL3
- #define C_TEMPV (C_TEMP+GAP)
- #define R_EPOCH (R_TOP+6)
- #define C_EPOCH COL3
- #define C_EPOCHV (C_EPOCH+GAP)
- #define R_PAUSE (R_TOP+7)
- #define C_PAUSE COL3
- #define C_PAUSEV (C_PAUSE+GAP)
- #define R_MNUDEP (R_TOP+6)
- #define C_MNUDEP COL3
- #define R_LON (R_TOP+4)
- #define C_LON COL2
- #define C_LONV (C_LON+GAP+3)
- #define R_CAL R_TOP
- #define C_CAL COL4
- /* planet rows, for all menus */
- #define R_PLANTAB (R_TOP+9)
- #define R_SUN (R_PLANTAB+1)
- #define R_MOON (R_PLANTAB+2)
- #define R_MERCURY (R_PLANTAB+3)
- #define R_VENUS (R_PLANTAB+4)
- #define R_MARS (R_PLANTAB+5)
- #define R_JUPITER (R_PLANTAB+6)
- #define R_SATURN (R_PLANTAB+7)
- #define R_URANUS (R_PLANTAB+8)
- #define R_NEPTUNE (R_PLANTAB+9)
- #define R_PLUTO (R_PLANTAB+10)
- #define R_OBJX (R_PLANTAB+11)
- #define R_OBJY (R_PLANTAB+12)
- /* menu 1 info table */
- #define C_OBJ 1
- #define C_RA 4
- #define C_DEC 12
- #define C_AZ 19
- #define C_ALT 26
- #define C_HLONG 33
- #define C_HLAT 40
- #define C_EDIST 47
- #define C_SDIST 54
- #define C_ELONG 61
- #define C_SIZE 68
- #define C_MAG 73
- #define C_PHASE 78
- /* menu 2 screen items */
- #define C_RISETM 7
- #define C_RISEAZ 18
- #define C_TRANSTM 29
- #define C_TRANSALT 40
- #define C_SETTM 51
- #define C_SETAZ 62
- #define C_TUP 73
- /* menu 3 items */
- #define C_SUN 4
- #define C_MOON 10
- #define C_MERCURY 17
- #define C_VENUS 23
- #define C_MARS 30
- #define C_JUPITER 36
- #define C_SATURN 43
- #define C_URANUS 49
- #define C_NEPTUNE 56
- #define C_PLUTO 62
- #define C_OBJX 69
- #define C_OBJY 75
- #define PW (NC-C_PROMPT+1) /* total prompt line width */
- /* macros to pack a row/col and menu selection flags all into an int.
- * (use this rather than a structure because we can compare them so easily.
- * could use bit fields and a union, but then can't init them or use switch.)
- * bit field defs: [15..14]=menu [13..12]=flags [11..7]=row [6..0]=column.
- * see sel_fld.c.
- * F_MNUX also used in main to manage which bottom menu is up.
- */
- #define F_CHG (1<<12) /* field may be picked for changing */
- #define F_PLT (1<<13) /* field may be picked for plotting or listng */
- #define F_MMNU (0<<14) /* field is on main menu */
- #define F_MNU1 (1<<14) /* field is on menu 1 */
- #define F_MNU2 (2<<14) /* field is on menu 2 */
- #define F_MNU3 (3<<14) /* field is on menu 3 */
- #define rcfpack(r,c,f) ((f) | ((r) << 7) | (c))
- #define unpackr(p) (((p) >> 7) & 0x1f)
- #define unpackc(p) ((p) & 0x7f)
- #define unpackrc(p) ((p) & 0xfff)
- #define tstpackf(p,f) (((p) & ((f)&0x3000)) && \
- (((p)&0xc000) == ((f)&0xc000) || ((p)&0xc000) == 0))
- /* additions to the planet defines from astro.h.
- * must not conflict, and must fit in range 0..15.
- */
- #define SUN (PLUTO+1)
- #define MOON (PLUTO+2)
- #define OBJX (PLUTO+3) /* the user-defined object */
- #define OBJY (PLUTO+4) /* the user-defined object */
- #define NOBJ (OBJY+1) /* total number of objects */
- #define cntrl(x) ((x) & 037)
- #define QUIT cntrl('d') /* char to exit program */
- #define HELP '?' /* char to give help message */
- #define REDRAW cntrl('l') /* char to redraw (like vi) */
- #define VERSION cntrl('v') /* char to display version number */
- #define END 'q' /* char to quit current mode */