home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* this file contains functions to support iterative ephem searches.
- * we support several kinds of searching and solving algorithms.
- * values used in the evaluations come from the field logging flog.c system.
- * the expressions being evaluated are compiled and executed from compiler.c.
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include "screen.h"
- extern char *strcpy();
- static int (*srch_f)();
- static int srch_tmscalled;
- static char expbuf[NC]; /* [0] == '\0' when expression is invalid */
- static double tmlimit = 1./60.; /* search accuracy, in hrs; def is one minute */
- srch_setup()
- {
- int srch_minmax(), srch_solve0(), srch_binary();
- static char *chcs[] = {
- "Find extreme", "Find 0", "Binary", "New function", "Accuracy",
- "Stop"
- };
- static int fn; /* start with 0, then remember for next time */
- /* let op select algorithm, edit, set accuracy
- * or stop if currently searching
- * algorithms require a function.
- */
- ask:
- switch (popup(chcs, fn, srch_f ? 6 : 5)) {
- case 0: fn = 0;
- if (expbuf[0] == '\0')
- set_function();
- srch_f = expbuf[0] ? srch_minmax : 0;
- if (srch_f)
- break;
- else
- goto ask;
- case 1: fn = 1;
- if (expbuf[0] == '\0')
- set_function();
- srch_f = expbuf[0] ? srch_solve0 : 0;
- if (srch_f)
- break;
- else
- goto ask;
- case 2: fn = 2;
- if (expbuf[0] == '\0')
- set_function();
- srch_f = expbuf[0] ? srch_binary : 0;
- if (srch_f)
- break;
- else
- goto ask;
- case 3: fn = 3; srch_f = 0; set_function(); goto ask;
- case 4: fn = 4; srch_f = 0; set_accuracy(); goto ask;
- case 5: srch_f = 0; srch_prstate(0); return;
- default: return;
- }
- /* new search */
- srch_tmscalled = 0;
- srch_prstate (0);
- }
- /* if searching is in effect call the search type function.
- * it might modify *tmincp according to where it next wants to eval.
- * (remember tminc is in hours, not days).
- * if searching ends for any reason it is also turned off.
- * also, flog the new value.
- * return 0 if caller can continue or -1 if it is time to stop.
- */
- srch_eval(mjd, tmincp)
- double mjd;
- double *tmincp;
- {
- char errbuf[128];
- int s;
- double v;
- if (!srch_f)
- return (0);
- if (execute_expr (&v, errbuf) < 0) {
- srch_f = 0;
- f_msg (errbuf);
- } else {
- s = (*srch_f)(mjd, v, tmincp);
- if (s < 0)
- srch_f = 0;
- (void) flog_log (R_SRCH, C_SRCH, v, "");
- srch_tmscalled++;
- }
- srch_prstate (0);
- return (s);
- }
- /* print state of searching. */
- srch_prstate (force)
- int force;
- {
- int srch_minmax(), srch_solve0(), srch_binary();
- static (*last)();
- if (force || srch_f != last) {
- f_string (R_SRCH, C_SRCHV,
- srch_f == srch_minmax ? "Extrema" :
- srch_f == srch_solve0 ? " Find 0" :
- srch_f == srch_binary ? " Binary" :
- " off");
- last = srch_f;
- }
- }
- srch_ison()
- {
- return (srch_f != 0);
- }
- /* display current expression. then if type in at least one char make it the
- * current expression IF it compiles ok.
- * TODO: editing?
- */
- static
- set_function()
- {
- static char prompt[] = "Function: ";
- char newexp[NC];
- int s;
- f_prompt (prompt);
- (void) fputs (expbuf, stdout);
- c_pos (R_PROMPT, sizeof(prompt));
- s = read_line (newexp, PW-sizeof(prompt));
- if (s >= 0) {
- char errbuf[NC];
- if (s > 0 && compile_expr (newexp, errbuf) < 0)
- f_msg (errbuf);
- else
- (void) strcpy (expbuf, newexp);
- }
- }
- static
- set_accuracy()
- {
- static char p[] = "Desired accuracy ( hrs): ";
- int hrs, mins, secs;
- char buf[NC];
- f_prompt (p);
- f_time (R_PROMPT, C_PROMPT+18, tmlimit); /* place in blank spot */
- c_pos (R_PROMPT, sizeof(p));
- if (read_line (buf, PW-sizeof(p)) > 0) {
- f_dec_sexsign (tmlimit, &hrs, &mins, &secs);
- f_sscansex (buf, &hrs, &mins, &secs);
- sex_dec (hrs, mins, secs, &tmlimit);
- }
- }
- /* use successive paraboloidal fits to find when expression is at a
- * local minimum or maximum.
- */
- static
- srch_minmax(mjd, v, tmincp)
- double mjd;
- double v;
- double *tmincp;
- {
- static double base; /* for better stability */
- static double x_1, x_2, x_3; /* keep in increasing order */
- static double y_1, y_2, y_3;
- double xm, a, b;
- if (srch_tmscalled == 0) {
- base = mjd;
- x_1 = 0.0;
- y_1 = v;
- return (0);
- }
- mjd -= base;
- if (srch_tmscalled == 1) {
- /* put in one of first two slots */
- if (mjd < x_1) {
- x_2 = x_1; y_2 = y_1;
- x_1 = mjd; y_1 = v;
- } else {
- x_2 = mjd; y_2 = v;
- }
- return (0);
- }
- if (srch_tmscalled == 2 || fabs(mjd - x_1) < fabs(mjd - x_3)) {
- /* closer to x_1 so discard x_3.
- * or if it's our third value we know to "discard" x_3.
- */
- if (mjd > x_2) {
- x_3 = mjd; y_3 = v;
- } else {
- x_3 = x_2; y_3 = y_2;
- if (mjd > x_1) {
- x_2 = mjd; y_2 = v;
- } else {
- x_2 = x_1; y_2 = y_1;
- x_1 = mjd; y_1 = v;
- }
- }
- if (srch_tmscalled == 2)
- return (0);
- } else {
- /* closer to x_3 so discard x_1 */
- if (mjd < x_2) {
- x_1 = mjd; y_1 = v;
- } else {
- x_1 = x_2; y_1 = y_2;
- if (mjd < x_3) {
- x_2 = mjd; y_2 = v;
- } else {
- x_2 = x_3; y_2 = y_3;
- x_3 = mjd; y_3 = v;
- }
- }
- }
- #ifdef TRACEMM
- { char buf[NC];
- sprintf (buf, "x_1=%g y_1=%g x_2=%g y_2=%g x_3=%g y_3=%g",
- x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2, x_3, y_3);
- f_msg (buf);
- }
- #endif
- a = y_1*(x_2-x_3) - y_2*(x_1-x_3) + y_3*(x_1-x_2);
- if (fabs(a) < 1e-10) {
- /* near-0 zero denominator, ie, curve is pretty flat here,
- * so assume we are done enough.
- * signal this by forcing a 0 tminc.
- */
- *tmincp = 0.0;
- return (-1);
- }
- b = (x_1*x_1)*(y_2-y_3) - (x_2*x_2)*(y_1-y_3) + (x_3*x_3)*(y_1-y_2);
- xm = -b/(2.0*a);
- *tmincp = (xm - mjd)*24.0;
- return (fabs (*tmincp) < tmlimit ? -1 : 0);
- }
- /* use secant method to solve for time when expression passes through 0.
- */
- static
- srch_solve0(mjd, v, tmincp)
- double mjd;
- double v;
- double *tmincp;
- {
- static double x0, x_1; /* x(n-1) and x(n) */
- static double y_0, y_1; /* y(n-1) and y(n) */
- double x_2; /* x(n+1) */
- double df; /* y(n) - y(n-1) */
- switch (srch_tmscalled) {
- case 0: x0 = mjd; y_0 = v; return(0);
- case 1: x_1 = mjd; y_1 = v; break;
- default: x0 = x_1; y_0 = y_1; x_1 = mjd; y_1 = v; break;
- }
- df = y_1 - y_0;
- if (fabs(df) < 1e-10) {
- /* near-0 zero denominator, ie, curve is pretty flat here,
- * so assume we are done enough.
- * signal this by forcing a 0 tminc.
- */
- *tmincp = 0.0;
- return (-1);
- }
- x_2 = x_1 - y_1*(x_1-x0)/df;
- *tmincp = (x_2 - mjd)*24.0;
- return (fabs (*tmincp) < tmlimit ? -1 : 0);
- }
- /* binary search for time when expression changes from its initial state.
- * if the change is outside the initial tminc range, then keep searching in that
- * direction by tminc first before starting to divide down.
- */
- static
- srch_binary(mjd, v, tmincp)
- double mjd;
- double v;
- double *tmincp;
- {
- static double lb, ub; /* lower and upper bound */
- static int initial_state;
- int this_state = v >= 0.5;
- #define FLUNDEF -9e10
- if (srch_tmscalled == 0) {
- if (*tmincp >= 0.0) {
- /* going forwards in time so first mjd is lb and no ub yet */
- lb = mjd;
- ub = FLUNDEF;
- } else {
- /* going backwards in time so first mjd is ub and no lb yet */
- ub = mjd;
- lb = FLUNDEF;
- }
- initial_state = this_state;
- return (0);
- }
- if (ub != FLUNDEF && lb != FLUNDEF) {
- if (this_state == initial_state)
- lb = mjd;
- else
- ub = mjd;
- *tmincp = ((lb + ub)/2.0 - mjd)*24.0;
- #ifdef TRACEBIN
- { char buf[NC];
- sprintf (buf, "lb=%g ub=%g tminc=%g mjd=%g is=%d ts=%d",
- lb, ub, *tmincp, mjd, initial_state, this_state);
- f_msg (buf);
- }
- #endif
- /* signal to stop if asking for time change less than TMLIMIT */
- return (fabs (*tmincp) < tmlimit ? -1 : 0);
- } else if (this_state != initial_state) {
- /* gone past; turn around half way */
- if (*tmincp >= 0.0)
- ub = mjd;
- else
- lb = mjd;
- *tmincp /= -2.0;
- return (0);
- } else {
- /* just keep going, looking for first state change but we keep
- * learning the lower (or upper, if going backwards) bound.
- */
- if (*tmincp >= 0.0)
- lb = mjd;
- else
- ub = mjd;
- return (0);
- }
- }