home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* code to support the plotting capabilities.
- * idea is to let the operator name a plot file and mark some fields for
- * logging. then after each screen update, the logged fields are written to
- * the plot file. later, the file may be plotted (very simplistically by
- * ephem, for now anyway, or by some other program entirely.).
- *
- * format of the plot file is one line per coordinate: label,x,y
- * if z was specified, it is a fourth field.
- * x,y,z are plotted using %g format.
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include "screen.h"
- extern char *strcpy();
- extern errno;
- extern char *sys_errlist[];
- #define errsys (sys_errlist[errno])
- #define TRACE(x) {FILE *fp = fopen("trace","a"); fprintf x; fclose(fp);}
- #define MAXPLTLINES 10 /* max number of labeled lines we can track.
- * note we can't store more than NFLOGS fields
- * anyway (see flog.c).
- */
- #define FNLEN (14+1) /* longest filename; plus 1 for \0 */
- static char plt_filename[FNLEN] = "ephem.plt"; /* default plot file name */
- static FILE *plt_fp; /* the plot file; == 0 means don't plot */
- /* store the label and rcfpack()s for each line to track. */
- typedef struct {
- char pl_label;
- int pl_rcpx, pl_rcpy, pl_rcpz;
- } PltLine;
- static PltLine pltlines[MAXPLTLINES];
- static int npltlines; /* number of pltlines[] in actual use */
- static int plt_in_polar; /*if true plot in polar coords, else cartesian*/
- static int pltsrchfld; /* set when the Search field is to be plotted */
- /* picked the Plot label:
- * if on, just turn it off.
- * if off, turn on, define fields or select name of file to plot and do it.
- * TODO: more flexibility, more relevance.
- */
- plot_setup()
- {
- if (plt_fp)
- plt_turn_off();
- else {
- static char *chcs[4] = {
- "Select fields", "Display a plot file", (char *)0,
- "Begin plotting"
- };
- static int fn; /* start with 0, then remember for next time */
- ask:
- chcs[2] = plt_in_polar ? "Polar coords" : "Cartesian coords";
- switch (popup(chcs, fn, npltlines > 0 ? 4 : 3)) {
- case 0: fn = 0; plt_select_fields(); goto ask;
- case 1: fn = 1; plt_file(); goto ask;
- case 2: fn = 2; plt_in_polar ^= 1; goto ask;
- case 3: fn = 3; plt_turn_on(); break;
- default: break;
- }
- }
- }
- /* write the active plotfields to the current plot file, if one is open. */
- plot()
- {
- if (plt_fp) {
- PltLine *plp;
- double x, y, z;
- if (!srch_ison() && pltsrchfld) {
- /* if searching is not on but we are plotting the search
- * funtion we must evaluate and log it ourselves here and now.
- * plt_turn_on() insured there is a good function to eval.
- * N.B. if searching IS on, we rely on main() having called
- * srch_eval() BEFORE plot() so it is already evaluated.
- */
- double e;
- char errmsg[128];
- if (execute_expr (&e, errmsg) < 0) {
- f_msg (errmsg);
- plt_turn_off();
- return;
- } else
- (void) flog_log (R_SRCH, C_SRCH, e, "");
- }
- /* plot in order of original selection */
- for (plp = pltlines; plp < &pltlines[npltlines]; plp++) {
- if (flog_get (plp->pl_rcpx, &x, (char *)0) == 0
- && flog_get (plp->pl_rcpy, &y, (char *)0) == 0) {
- (void) fprintf (plt_fp, "%c,%.12g,%.12g", plp->pl_label,
- x, y);
- if (flog_get (plp->pl_rcpz, &z, (char *)0) == 0)
- (void) fprintf (plt_fp, ",%.12g", z);
- (void) fprintf (plt_fp, "\n");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- plot_prstate (force)
- int force;
- {
- static last;
- int this = plt_fp != 0;
- if (force || this != last) {
- f_string (R_PLOT, C_PLOTV, this ? " on" : "off");
- last = this;
- }
- }
- plot_ison()
- {
- return (plt_fp != 0);
- }
- static
- plt_reset()
- {
- PltLine *plp;
- for (plp = &pltlines[npltlines]; --plp >= pltlines; ) {
- (void) flog_delete (plp->pl_rcpx);
- (void) flog_delete (plp->pl_rcpy);
- (void) flog_delete (plp->pl_rcpz);
- plp->pl_rcpx = plp->pl_rcpy = plp->pl_rcpz = 0;
- }
- npltlines = 0;
- pltsrchfld = 0;
- }
- /* let operator select the fields he wants to plot.
- * register them with flog and keep rcfpack() in pltlines[] array.
- * as a special case, set pltsrchfld if Search field is selected.
- */
- static
- plt_select_fields()
- {
- static char hlp[] = "move and RETURN to select a field, or q to quit";
- static char sry[] = "Sorry; can not log any more fields.";
- int r = R_UT, c = C_UTV; /* TODO: start where main was? */
- int sf = rcfpack (R_SRCH, C_SRCH, 0);
- char buf[64];
- int rcp;
- int i;
- plt_reset();
- for (i = 0; i < MAXPLTLINES; i++) {
- (void) sprintf (buf, "select x field for line %d", i+1);
- rcp = sel_fld (r, c, alt_menumask()|F_PLT, buf, hlp);
- if (!rcp)
- break;
- if (flog_add (rcp) < 0) {
- f_msg (sry);
- break;
- }
- pltlines[i].pl_rcpx = rcp;
- if (rcp == sf)
- pltsrchfld = 1;
- (void) sprintf (buf, "select y field for line %d", i+1);
- r = unpackr (rcp); c = unpackc (rcp);
- rcp = sel_fld (r, c, alt_menumask()|F_PLT, buf, hlp);
- if (!rcp) {
- (void) flog_delete (pltlines[i].pl_rcpx);
- break;
- }
- if (flog_add (rcp) < 0) {
- (void) flog_delete (pltlines[i].pl_rcpx);
- f_msg (sry);
- break;
- }
- pltlines[i].pl_rcpy = rcp;
- if (rcp == sf)
- pltsrchfld = 1;
- (void) sprintf (buf, "select z field for line %d", i+1);
- r = unpackr (rcp); c = unpackc (rcp);
- rcp = sel_fld (r, c, alt_menumask()|F_PLT, buf, hlp);
- if (rcp) {
- if (flog_add (rcp) < 0) {
- (void) flog_delete (pltlines[i].pl_rcpx);
- (void) flog_delete (pltlines[i].pl_rcpy);
- f_msg (sry);
- break;
- }
- pltlines[i].pl_rcpz = rcp;
- if (rcp == sf)
- pltsrchfld = 1;
- r = unpackr (rcp); c = unpackc (rcp);
- }
- do {
- (void) sprintf(buf,"enter a one-character label for line %d: ",
- i+1);
- f_prompt (buf);
- } while (read_line (buf, 1) != 1);
- pltlines[i].pl_label = *buf;
- }
- npltlines = i;
- }
- static
- plt_turn_off ()
- {
- (void) fclose (plt_fp);
- plt_fp = 0;
- plot_prstate(0);
- }
- /* turn on plotting.
- * establish a file to use (and thereby set plt_fp, the plotting_is_on flag).
- * also check that there is a srch function if it is being plotted.
- */
- static
- plt_turn_on ()
- {
- int sf = rcfpack(R_SRCH, C_SRCH, 0);
- char fn[FNLEN], fnq[NC];
- char *optype;
- int n;
- PltLine *plp;
- /* insure there is a valid srch function if we are to plot it */
- for (plp = &pltlines[npltlines]; --plp >= pltlines; )
- if ((plp->pl_rcpx == sf || plp->pl_rcpy == sf || plp->pl_rcpz == sf)
- && !prog_isgood()) {
- f_msg ("Plotting search function but it is not defined.");
- return;
- }
- /* prompt for file name, giving current as default */
- (void) sprintf (fnq, "file to write <%s>: ", plt_filename);
- f_prompt (fnq);
- n = read_line (fn, sizeof(fn)-1);
- /* leave plotting off if type END.
- * reuse same fn if just type \n
- */
- if (n < 0)
- return;
- if (n > 0)
- (void) strcpy (plt_filename, fn);
- /* give option to append if file already exists */
- optype = "w";
- if (access (plt_filename, 2) == 0) {
- while (1) {
- f_prompt ("files exists; append or overwrite (a/o)?: ");
- n = read_char();
- if (n == 'a') {
- optype = "a";
- break;
- }
- if (n == 'o')
- break;
- }
- }
- /* plotting is on if file opens ok */
- plt_fp = fopen (plt_filename, optype);
- if (!plt_fp) {
- char buf[NC];
- (void) sprintf (buf, "can not open %s: %s", plt_filename, errsys);
- f_prompt (buf);
- (void)read_char();
- } else {
- /* add a title if desired */
- static char tp[] = "Title (q to skip): ";
- f_prompt (tp);
- if (read_line (fnq, PW - sizeof(tp)) > 0)
- (void) fprintf (plt_fp, "* %s\n", fnq);
- }
- plot_prstate (0);
- }
- /* ask operator for a file to plot. if it's ok, do it.
- */
- static
- plt_file ()
- {
- char fn[FNLEN], fnq[64];
- FILE *pfp;
- int n;
- /* prompt for file name, giving current as default */
- (void) sprintf (fnq, "file to read <%s>: ", plt_filename);
- f_prompt (fnq);
- n = read_line (fn, sizeof(fn)-1);
- /* forget it if type END.
- * reuse same fn if just type \n
- */
- if (n < 0)
- return;
- if (n > 0)
- (void) strcpy (plt_filename, fn);
- /* do the plot if file opens ok */
- pfp = fopen (plt_filename, "r");
- if (pfp) {
- if (plt_in_polar)
- plot_polar (pfp);
- else
- plot_cartesian (pfp);
- (void) fclose (pfp);
- } else {
- char buf[NC];
- (void) sprintf (buf, "can not open %s: %s", plt_filename, errsys);
- f_prompt (buf);
- (void)read_char();
- }
- }
- /* plot the given file on the screen in cartesian coords.
- * TODO: add z tags somehow
- * N.B. do whatever you like but redraw the screen when done.
- */
- static
- plot_cartesian (pfp)
- FILE *pfp;
- {
- static char fmt[] = "%c,%lf,%lf";
- double x, y; /* N.B. be sure these match what scanf's %lf wants*/
- double minx, maxx, miny, maxy;
- char buf[128];
- int npts = 0;
- char c;
- /* find ranges and number of points */
- while (fgets (buf, sizeof(buf), pfp)) {
- if (sscanf (buf, fmt, &c, &x, &y) != 3)
- continue;
- if (npts++ == 0) {
- maxx = minx = x;
- maxy = miny = y;
- } else {
- if (x > maxx) maxx = x;
- else if (x < minx) minx = x;
- if (y > maxy) maxy = y;
- else if (y < miny) miny = y;
- }
- }
- #define SMALL (1e-10)
- if (npts < 2 || fabs(minx-maxx) < SMALL || fabs(miny-maxy) < SMALL)
- f_prompt ("At least two different points required to plot.");
- else {
- /* read file again, this time plotting */
- rewind (pfp);
- c_erase();
- while (fgets (buf, sizeof(buf), pfp)) {
- int row, col;
- if (sscanf (buf, fmt, &c, &x, &y) != 3)
- continue;
- row = NR-(int)((NR-1)*(y-miny)/(maxy-miny)+0.5);
- col = 1+(int)((NC-1)*(x-minx)/(maxx-minx)+0.5);
- if (row == NR && col == NC)
- col--; /* avoid lower right scrolling corner */
- f_char (row, col, c);
- }
- /* label axes */
- f_double (1, 1, "%g", maxy);
- f_double (NR-1, 1, "%g", miny);
- f_double (NR, 1, "%g", minx);
- f_double (NR, NC-10, "%g", maxx);
- }
- /* hit any key to resume... */
- (void) read_char();
- redraw_screen (2); /* full redraw */
- }
- /* plot the given file on the screen in polar coords.
- * first numberic field in plot file is r, second is theta in degrees.
- * TODO: add z tags somehow
- * N.B. do whatever you like but redraw the screen when done.
- */
- static
- plot_polar (pfp)
- FILE *pfp;
- {
- static char fmt[] = "%c,%lf,%lf";
- double r, th; /* N.B. be sure these match what scanf's %lf wants*/
- double maxr;
- char buf[128];
- int npts = 0;
- char c;
- /* find ranges and number of points */
- while (fgets (buf, sizeof(buf), pfp)) {
- if (sscanf (buf, fmt, &c, &r, &th) != 3)
- continue;
- if (npts++ == 0)
- maxr = r;
- else
- if (r > maxr)
- maxr = r;
- }
- if (npts < 2)
- f_prompt ("At least two points required to plot.");
- else {
- /* read file again, this time plotting */
- rewind (pfp);
- c_erase();
- while (fgets (buf, sizeof(buf), pfp)) {
- int row, col;
- double x, y;
- if (sscanf (buf, fmt, &c, &r, &th) != 3)
- continue;
- x = r * cos(th/57.2958); /* degs to rads */
- y = r * sin(th/57.2958);
- row = NR-(int)((NR-1)*(y+maxr)/(2.0*maxr)+0.5);
- col = 1+(int)((NC-1)*(x+maxr)/(2.0*maxr)/ASPECT+0.5);
- if (row == NR && col == NC)
- col--; /* avoid lower right scrolling corner */
- f_char (row, col, c);
- }
- /* label radius */
- f_double (NR/2, NC-10, "%g", maxr);
- }
- /* hit any key to resume... */
- (void) read_char();
- redraw_screen (2); /* full redraw */
- }