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- /* N.B. please increment version and date and note each change. */
- #include "screen.h"
- static char vmsg[] = "Version 4.21 August 23, 1990";
- /*
- * 4.21 8/23/90 fix dawn/dusk near vernal equinox.
- * 4.20 8/15/90 add g/k and H/G magnitude model options for elliptical objects.
- * 8/17 put moon's geocentric long/lat under Hlong/Hlat columns.
- * allow entering negative decimal years.
- * 8/20 init all static mjd storage to unlike times.
- * 8/21 add USE_TERMIO option to io.c.
- * 4.19 8/7/90 add listing feature, with 'L' hot-key.
- * add title for plot file (as well as listing file).
- * add some (void) casts for lint sake.
- * 4.18 8/2/90 fix parabolic comet bug in objx.c (bad lam computation).
- * 4.17 7/2/90 add 'c' short cut to Menu field.
- * display full Dec precision for fixed objx setup.
- * increase pluto auscale in watch.c, and guard screen boundries.
- * add Pause feature.
- * 7/27 further improve rise/set and dawn/dusk times.
- * add MENU={DATA,RISET,SEP} config/arg option.
- * 4.16 5/30/90 watch popup now allows changing formats without returning.
- * add 'w' short cut to watch field.
- * improve labeling a bit in Dome display.
- * 4.15 5/2/90 move setjmp() in main so it catches fp errs from ephem.cfg too.
- * 5/15 maintain name of objx/y.
- * clean up objx.c.
- * 5/16 fix bug circum.c related to phase of fixed objects.
- * 5/22 add "Sky dome" watch display format (idea from Jeffery Cook).
- * 5/23 remember last selection in watch, search, and plot popup menus.
- * cleanup layout and add labels in the watch screens.
- * 4.14 4/9/90 add y to body_tags[] in watch.c.
- * 4/10 add ! support (#ifdef BANG in sel_fld()).
- * 4/17 add #ifdef VMS and allow for no time zones (Karsten Spang).
- * 4/23 switch to EPHEMCFG (no more HOME).
- * add #include <stdlib.h> #ifdef VMS wherever atof() is used.
- * 4/24 fix phase so it works for objects out of the ecliptic.
- * 4.13 3/9/90 add support for second user-def object: "object y"
- * fix bug updating obj ref epoch (always used PARABOLIC's)
- * fix Turbo C workaround that prevented plotting sun dist.
- * 3/13 fix bug preventing searching on separation column for objx
- * 3/22 revamp elliptical object definition parameters to match AA.
- * permit exiting/redrawing properly from within a popup too.
- * add a bit more precision to plot labels.
- * let plot files have comments too, ie, leading *'s
- * 3/23 add "Lookup" to search config file for objects.
- * 3/30 separate database from config file; add -d and EPHEMDB env var.
- * catch SIGFPE and longjmp() back into main interation loop.
- * 4/3 add magnitude to fixed-object database fields.
- * 4.12 1/12/90 lay framework for orbital element support for object x.
- * 1/15 fix slight bug related to nutation.
- * plot fields in the same order they were selected.
- * 1/18 add copywrite notice in main.c.
- * note <sys/time.h> in time.c for BSD 4.3.
- * 1/20 work on fixed and parabolic orbital elements.
- * 1/25 work on elliptical orbital elements.
- * 2/1 work on objx's magnitude models.
- * add confirmation question before quitting.
- * 2/6 add d,o,z special speed move chars.
- * 2/8 watch: add LST to night sky and maintain RTC time back in main.
- * 2/12 fix bug in timezone related to daytime flag.
- * add w (week) watch advance key code.
- * add cautionary note about no string[s].h to Readme
- * 2/15 allow for precession moving dec outside range -90..90.
- * 2/19 fix bug that wiggled cursor during plotting in rise/set menu.
- * 2/20 fix bug preventing DAWN/DUSK/LON from being used in search func.
- * 4.11 12/29 add PC_GRAPHICS option in mainmenu.c (no effect on unix version)
- * 1/3/90 fix twilight error when sun never gets as low as -18 degs.
- * 1/4/90 always find alt/az from eod ra/dec, not from precessed values.
- * 1/9/90 lastmjd in plans.c was an int: prevented needless recalcs.
- * 4.10 12/6/89 fix transit times of circumpolar objects that don't rise.
- * fix plotting search function when searching is not on.
- * 12/12 fix Objx rise/set bug.
- * 12/21 don't erase last watch positions until computed all new ones.
- * 12/23 added USE_BIOSCALLS to io.c: Doug McDonald's BIOS calls
- * 12/27 allow dates to be entered as decimal years (for help with plots)
- * 12/27 remove literal ESC chars in strings in io.c.
- * 4.9 11/28/89 provide two forms of non-blocking reads for unix in io.c
- * 11/30/89 take out superfluous ESC testing in chk_arrow().
- * guard better against bogus chars in sel_fld().
- * use %lf in scanf's.
- * command-line arg PROPTS+ adds to settings from config file.
- * change (int) casts in moduloes to (long) for 16bit int systems.
- * 4.8 10/28/89 use doubles everywhere
- * 10/31/89 add direct planet row selection codes.
- * 11/2/89 improve compiler's fieldname parser.
- * 11/3/89 switch from ESC to q for "go on" (CBREAK ESC not very portable)
- * 11/6/89 allow plotting the search function too.
- * 11/8/89 suppress screen updates while plotting and nstep > 1.
- * 11/9/89 fix bug prohibiting plotting venus' sdist and objx's transit.
- * 11/9/89 add option to plot in polar coords.
- * 11/12/89 fix bug related to updating timezone name when it is changed.
- * 11/21/89 fix bug in when to print info about object-x
- * 11/21/89 increase MAXPLTLINES to 10 (to ease plotting all planet seps)
- * 11/22/89 allow setting fields from command line too.
- * 4.7 10/13/89 start adding general searching feature. start with flogging.
- * 10/17/89 add compiler, first menu ideas, get binary srch working.
- * 10/18/89 add parabolic-extrema and secant-0 solvers.
- * 10/23/89 finish up new idea of one-line control and set-up "popup" menus.
- * 4.6 10/29/89 improve transit circumstances by iterating as with rise/set.
- * allow changing lst.
- * show Updating message at better times.
- * avoid overstrikes while watching and add trails option.
- * allow for Turbo-C 2.0 printf bug using %?.0f".
- * 4.5 9/24/89 add third table of all mutual planet angular distances.
- * 4.4 9/21/89 add second planet table with rise/set times.
- * all rise/set times may now use standard or adaptive horizons.
- * 4.3 9/6/89 NM/FM calendar overstikes now use local time (was ut).
- * display elongation of object x.
- * better handling of typo when asking for refraction model.
- * 4.2 7/24/89 specify 7 digits to plot file (not just default to 6)
- * 4.1 7/18/89 use buffered output and fflush in read_char().
- * 4.0 7/8/89 add simple sky and solarsystem plotting (and rearrange fields)
- * change mars' .cfg mnemonic from a to m.
- * clean up nstep/NEW CIR handling
- * quit adding our own .cfg suffixes, but...
- * add looking for $HOME/.ephemrc (Ronald Florence)
- * drop -b
- * no longer support SITE
- * 3.17 6/15/89 misspelt temperature prompt; sun -/= bug. (Mike McCants)
- * change sun() to sunpos() for sake of Sun Microsystems.
- * 3.16 6/9/89 allow JD to be set and plotted.
- * c_clear (LATTIC_C) should use J not j (Alex Pruss)
- * support SIGINT (Ronald Florence)
- * 3.15 6/8/89 forget SIMPLETZ: now TZA and TZB.
- * 3.14 6/6/89 add back borders but allow turning off via -b
- * 3.13 5/26/89 fix Day/Nite picking loc bug.
- * 3.12 5/25/89 add SIMPLETZ option to time.c for systems w/o tzset()
- * files; couldn't plot dayln or niteln.
- * 3.11 5/16/89 local time prompt said utc; add NiteLn; check for bad plot
- * 3.10 4/27/89 allow caps for moving cursor around too
- * 3.9 4/5/89 discard leading termcap delay digits, for now
- * 3.8 3/2/89 shorten displayed precision, add heliocentric lat/long
- * 3.7 2/13/89 change to ^d to quit program.
- * 3.6 2/7/89 try adding .cfg suffix if can't find config file
- * 3.5 2/2/89 sunrise/set times based on actual sun size and pressure/temp
- * 3.4 1/22/89 calendar and all rise/set times based on local date, not utc
- * 3.3 1/6/89 add z to plot files (still don't plot it however)
- * 3.2 1/3/89 if set date/time then time does not inc first step
- * 3.1 1/1/89 user def. graph labels; nstep/stpsz control; genuine c_eol
- * 3.0 12/31/88 add graphing; add version to credits.
- * 2.7 12/30/88 add version to credits.
- * 2.6 12/28/88 twilight defined as 18 rather than 15 degrees below horizon
- * 2.5 12/26/88 remove trace capability; add screen shadowing: ^l.
- * 2.4 10/31/88 add credits banner, -s turns it off; savings time fix.
- * 2.3 9/23/88 exchange Altitude/Elevation titles (no code changes)
- * 2.2 9/20/88 more caution in aaha_aux() guarding acos() arg range
- * 2.1 9/14/88 moon phase always >= 0 to match planets convention
- * 2.0 9/13/88 add version ^v option
- */
- version()
- {
- f_msg (vmsg);
- }
- static char *cre[] = {
- "Ephem - an interactive astronomical ephemeris program",
- vmsg,
- "",
- "Copyright (c) 1990 by Elwood Charles Downey",
- "",
- "Permission is granted to make and distribute copies of this program",
- "free of charge, provided the copyright notice and this permission",
- "notice are preserved on all copies. All other rights reserved.",
- "",
- "Many formulas and tables are based, with permission, on material found in",
- "\"Astronomy with your Personal Computer\"",
- "by Dr. Peter Duffett-Smith, Cambridge University Press, (c) 1985",
- "",
- "type any key to continue..."
- };
- credits()
- {
- int r = 6; /* first row of credits message */
- int l;
- c_erase();
- for (l = 0; l < sizeof(cre)/sizeof(cre[0]); l++)
- f_string (r++, (NC - strlen(cre[l]))/2, cre[l]);
- (void) read_char(); /* wait for any char to continue */
- }