home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- There is no repository for useful rc code snippets as yet, so I'm including
- a (short) file in the distribution with some helpful/intriguing pieces of
- rc code.
- A sample .rcrc
- --------------
- Here is the .rcrc I use on archone:
- umask 022
- path=(/bin /usr/bin /usr/ucb)
- ht=`/usr/arch/bin/hosttype
- h=$home
- history=$h/.history
- bin=$h/bin/$ht
- lib=$h/lib/$ht
- sh=$h/bin/sh
- include=$h/lib/include
- switch ($ht) {
- case sun*
- OBERON='. '$h/other/oberon
- p=/usr/ucb
- compiler='gcc -Wall -O -g'
- MANPATH=$h/man:/usr/arch/man:/usr/man
- if (! ~ $TERM ()) {
- stty dec
- /usr/arch/bin/msgs -q
- }
- case next
- p=(/usr/ucb /usr/bin /NextApps)
- compiler='cc -Wall -O -g -DNODIRENT'
- MANPATH=$h/man:/usr/arch/man:/usr/man
- if (! ~ $TERM ())
- stty dec
- case sgi
- p=(/usr/ucb /usr/sbin /usr/bin)
- compiler='gcc -Wall -O -g -DNOSIGCLD'
- MANPATH=$h/man:/usr/arch/man:/usr/catman
- if (!{~ $TERM () || ~ $TERM *iris*})
- stty line 1 intr '' erase '' kill ''
- case *
- echo .rcrc not configured for this machine
- }
- path=(. $sh $bin /usr/arch/bin $p /bin /usr/bin/X11 /etc /usr/etc)
- cdpath=(. .. $h $h/src $h/misc $h/other $h/adm)
- RNINIT=-d$h' -t -M -2400-h -2400+hfrom'; DOTDIR=$h/misc/news
- fn s {
- echo $status
- }
- fn cd {
- builtin cd $1 && \
- switch ($1) {
- case ()
- dir=$home
- case *
- dir=()
- }
- }
- fn pwd {
- if (~ $dir ())
- dir=`/bin/pwd
- echo $dir
- }
- fn x {
- if (~ `tty /dev/console)
- clear_colormap
- clear
- exit
- }
- fn p {
- if (~ $history ()) {
- echo '$history not set' >[1=2]
- return 1
- }
- if (! ~ $#* 0 1 2) {
- echo usage: $0 '[egrep pattern] [sed command]' >[1=2]
- return 1
- }
- command=`{
- egrep -v '^[ ]*p([ ]+|$)' $history | switch ($#*) {
- case 0
- cat
- case 1
- egrep $1
- case 2
- egrep $1 | sed $2
- } | tail -1
- }
- echo $command
- eval $command
- }
- if (~ $TERM dialup network) {
- TERM=vt100
- biff y
- }
- A front-end to NeXT's "openfile"
- --------------------------------
- Named after the sam "B" command for opening a file, this script was written
- by Paul Haahr. (Assumes the "pick" command from Kernighan and Pike is also
- in your path.)
- #!/bin/rc
- if (~ $#* 0)
- exec openfile
- create = ()
- files = ()
- for (i in $*)
- if (test -f $i) {
- files = ($files $i)
- } else {
- create = ($create $i)
- }
- create = `{ pick $create }
- files = ($files $create)
- for (i in $create)
- > $i
- if (! ~ $#files 0)
- openfile $files
- A read function
- ---------------
- Unlike sh, rc doesn't have a read. This clever alternative returns an
- exit status as well as fetch a variable. Use as
- read foo
- to set $foo to a single line from the terminal.
- (due to John Mackin <john@syd.dit.csiro.au>)
- fn read {
- x=() {
- x = `` ($nl) { awk '{print; print 0; exit}' ^ $nl ^ \
- 'END {print 1; print 1}' }
- $1 = $x(1)
- return $x(2)
- }
- }
- From cs.wisc.edu!dws Fri Aug 2 18:16:14 1991
- #-------
- # ls front end
- #-------
- fn ls \
- {
- test -t 1 && * = (-FCb $*)
- builtin ls $*
- }
- #-------
- # nl - holds a newline, useful in certain command substitutions
- #-------
- nl='
- '
- #-------
- # show - tell me about a name
- #
- # Runs possibly dangerous things through cat -v in order to protect
- # me from the effects of control characters I might have in the
- # environment.
- #-------
- fn show \
- {
- * = `` $nl {whatis -- $*}
- for(itis)
- {
- switch($^itis)
- {
- case 'fn '* ; echo $itis | cat -v -t
- case builtin* ; echo $itis
- case /* ; file $itis; ls -ld $itis
- case *'='* ; echo $itis | cat -v -t
- case * ; echo $itis: UNKNOWN: update show
- }
- }
- itis = ()
- }
- #-------
- # Tell me automatically when a command has a nonzero status.
- #-------
- fn prompt \
- {
- Status = $status
- ~ $Status 0 || echo '[status '$Status']'
- }
- #-------
- # chop - echo the given list, less its final member
- #
- # e.g. chop (a b c) -> (a b)
- #-------
- fn chop {
- ~ $#* 0 1 && return 0
- ans = '' { # local variable
- ans = ()
- while(! ~ $#* 1)
- {
- ans = ($ans $1)
- shift
- }
- echo $ans
- }
- }
- From arnold@audiofax.com Thu May 30 08:49:51 1991
- # cd.rc --- souped up version of cd
- # this is designed to emulate the fancy version of cd in ksh,
- # so if you're a purist, feel free to gag
- _cwd=$home
- _oldcwd=$home
- fn cd {
- if (~ $#* 0) {
- if (~ $_cwd $home) { # do nothing
- } else {
- builtin cd && { _oldcwd=$_cwd ; _cwd=$home }
- }
- } else if (~ $#* 1) {
- if (~ $1 -) {
- _t=$_cwd
- builtin cd $_oldcwd && {
- _cwd=$_oldcwd
- _oldcwd=$_t
- echo $_cwd
- }
- _t=()
- } else {
- # if a cd happens through the cdpath, rc echos
- # the directory on its own. all we have to do
- # is track where we end up
- _dopwd = 1
- { ~ $1 /* } && _dopwd = 0 # absolute path
- builtin cd $1 && {
- _oldcwd=$_cwd
- _cwd=$1
- { ~ $_dopwd 1 } && _cwd=`/bin/pwd
- }
- _dopwd=()
- }
- } else if (~ $#* 2) {
- _t=`{ echo $_cwd | sed 's<'$1'<'$2'<' }
- builtin cd $_t && {
- _oldcwd=$_cwd
- _cwd=$_t
- echo $_cwd
- }
- _t=()
- } else {
- echo cd: takes 0, 1, or 2 arguments >[1=2]
- builtin cd $1 && { _oldcwd=$_cwd ; _cwd=`/bin/pwd ; echo $_cwd }
- }
- }
- fn pwd { echo $_cwd }