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- #include "jbwrap.h"
- #include <stdarg.h>
- #include "rc.h"
- #include "utils.h"
- #include "except.h"
- #include "status.h"
- #include "hash.h"
- #include "input.h"
- #include "nalloc.h"
- /*
- a return goes back stack frames to the last return. A break does not. A signal
- goes to the last interactive level.
- */
- static Estack *estack;
- /* add an exception to the input stack. */
- void except(enum except e, void *jb, Estack *ex) {
- ex->prev = estack;
- estack = ex;
- switch (estack->e = e) {
- case ARENA:
- estack->b = newblock();
- break;
- case ERROR:
- case BREAK:
- case RETURN:
- estack->interactive = interactive;
- estack->jb = (jbwrap *) jb;
- break;
- case VARSTACK:
- estack->name = (char *) jb;
- break;
- }
- }
- /* remove an exception, restore last interactive value */
- void unexcept() {
- if (estack->e == ERROR)
- interactive = estack->interactive;
- else if (estack->e == ARENA)
- restoreblock(estack->b);
- estack = estack->prev;
- }
- /*
- Raise an exception. The rules are pretty complicated: you can return from a loop inside a
- function, but you can't break from a function inside of a loop. On errors, rc_raise() goes back
- to the LAST INTERACTIVE stack frame. If no such frame exists, then rc_raise() exits the shell.
- This is what happens, say, when there is a syntax error in a noninteractive shell script. While
- traversing the exception stack backwards, rc_raise() also removes input sources (closing
- file-descriptors, etc.) and pops instances of $* that have been pushed onto the variable stack
- (e.g., for a function call).
- */
- void rc_raise(enum except e) {
- if (e == ERROR && rc_pid != getpid())
- exit(1); /* child processes exit on an error/signal */
- for (; estack != NULL; estack = estack->prev)
- if (estack->e != e) {
- if (e == BREAK && estack->e != ARENA)
- rc_error("break outside of loop");
- else if (e == RETURN && estack->e == ERROR) /* can return from loops inside functions */
- rc_error("return outside of function");
- if (estack->e == VARSTACK)
- varrm(estack->name, TRUE);
- else if (estack->e == ARENA)
- restoreblock(estack->b);
- } else {
- if (e == ERROR && !estack->interactive) {
- popinput();
- } else {
- jbwrap *j = estack->jb;
- interactive = estack->interactive;
- estack = estack->prev;
- longjmp(j->j, 1);
- }
- }
- rc_exit(1); /* top of exception stack */
- }