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- smiley server, version 4
- This version has about fifty more smileys than version 3.
- The file "other" is now shipped in uuencoded form since it
- contains control characters for a few animated smileys.
- smiley(1) is a "smiley server" I wrote for my own pleasure. It can
- explain any smiley it knows, or print one it knows at random. I use
- it to generate a random prompt when there is a status line available
- to hold the information I would otherwise put into my prompt. Hence
- smiley(1) does not contain the invisible smiley or any multi-line
- smileys.
- The list of smileys in faces.in is more comprehensive than I have seen
- anywhere else, largely because it is a superset of all the smiley lists
- I have ever seen posted on the net. I have lost some of the original
- attributions; the articles whose headers I have retained are these:
- Message-ID: <76@icus.UUCP>
- Message-ID: <1990Sep11.102411.8537@diku.dk>
- Message-ID: <39917@cci632.UUCP>
- Message-ID: <1990Sep14.122955.558@diku.dk>
- Message-ID: <9366@uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu>
- Message-ID: <2005@unsvax.NEVADA.EDU>
- Message-ID: <1991Mar18.212208.27911@odin.corp.sgi.com>
- From: csh068@uk.ac.cov.cck (Smiley)
- Message-ID: <$V5&&|$@cck.cov.ac.uk>
- Date: 17 Apr 91 08:45:26 GMT
- From: raymond@cosc.canterbury.ac.nz (cantva)
- Message-ID: <1991May18.150401.771@csc.canterbury.ac.nz>
- Date: 18 May 91 03:03:59 GMT
- In the interest of completeness and to the best of my knowledge (I
- started this collection several years ago) I have not "censored" the
- smileys, so there may be smileys you find offensive. I certainly find
- some of them offensive!
- The smileys are processed by mkfaces and deliberately embedded in the
- executable - it does not have to locate and parse an external data
- file. In order to minimize the size of the executable, smiley.c does
- not use standard I/O. I will ignore complaints about this; I do not
- anticipate ever using this program on a non-UNIX system.
- I happened to take the included getopt.c from the rkive sources; it was
- originally posted to comp.sources.unix in volume3. It is preferable to
- the getopt() provided on some systems as it does not use standard I/O.
- The bsearch.c is from emx.utexas.edu:pub/mnt/src/lib/libposix, obtained
- Tue Mar 19 14:18:28 CST 1991
- This package (excluding getopt.c and bsearch.c) is
- (C) Copyright 1991 by DaviD W. Sanderson.
- You may copy it and use it for your own enjoyment.
- You may not represent it as your own work or sell it.
- DaviD W. Sanderson (dws@cs.wisc.edu)
- This section is mainly intended for novices (more experienced people
- will already know all this).
- Besides this file, there are two sources of information about what
- options smiley(1) takes.
- 1) The file smiley.1 is the nroff/troff source for the man page for
- smiley(1). The exact command to format it on your system may vary,
- but will typically be something like this:
- # format for viewing at the terminal
- $ nroff -man smiley.1 | more
- or
- # typeset and send to the printer named "lps1"
- $ ditroff -Plps1 -man smiley.1
- 2) The program itself prints a help message when you give it an illegal
- option. Since it uses getopt(3) to process its options, the "-?" option
- is always illegal. (All programs using getopt(3) to process their
- options really *ought* to print some sort of help message when given -?,
- though not all of them do.) For example:
- $ smiley -? # sh-like shells
- % smiley -\? # csh-like shells force you to quote the ?
- As it happens, the -h flag is not a legal argument to smiley(1), and
- requires no quoting even in poor csh, so you can use that instead:
- % smiley -h
- Now, since smiley(1) uses getopt(3), you can end the options with
- the special option "--". This allows you to give smileys on the
- command line that would otherwise be interpreted as options. For
- example, to get smiley(1) to explain the smiley "-=":
- $ smiley -= # here "-=" is interpreted as an illegal option
- smiley: illegal option -- =
- [rest of help message deleted]
- $ smiley -- -= # this works fine.
- -= a doused candle (to end a flame)
- $